trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

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LMAO that's a good sign. Jodi gets it's. They/we are winning. She doesn't like it :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

that and I also suspect this reappearance of her malady is in direct corrolation to Dr. D pointing out yesterday that sufferers of battered women syndrome have more medical complaints.

Time to whip out her medical complaints right in front of said witness.

A couple of years and a more than a dollar short JA. Feel Better soon.
:eat:If JA indeed had another migraine, why wouldn't the judge just state that as reason for early dismissal? She did that another time.

I will say Jodi did look a little GREEN around the gills.


LOL, yes, that she did. Of course it was just the shirt against her sallow complexion. She has always looked washed out when she wears that color.

I find it very odd as well. The other thing that is odd is that the Judge and JM were laughing afterwards.

It was a very big laugh shared by JSS and JM--hes not usually that candid in court. Its interesting....but its prolly a good sign for those of us on the prosecution side :great:
I think Willmott said something like which and JA looked up because it sounded like bitc$$ or witch. Willmott wouldn't do that in front of the Judge and jury. I dislike her but I don't think she said it. And even if she did there is no way to tell because it sounds like a few different things. No way to prove it really.

I bet the courtroom audio copy has a clearer sound,if the judge wanted to hear it clearly.Very unprofessional IMO.
Lifetime taking anything Jodi Arias says for fact is a sin in my book. Shame on them for exploiting the re-killing of Travis and hurting his family and friends by this pycho. Perhaps a boycott of sponsors of Lifetime is in order.

I just heard it on the news....
I want to know if the family knows of this...
I'm wondering if that is why JA is writing so feverishly before she is convicted.
Will all writings before, will Lifetime have access for them and she or her family be able to profit from it.
In the past.....Judge SS usually *does* tell us why we are delayed or why there is a testimony cancellation ....which is why my hinky meter is pegged. Something big is up.

The last time JA was sick JSS did not tell the jury. When ALV got sick she did tell the jury. The reason I remember this is I asked in the legal thread why JSS told the jury about ALV but not JA. I wondered if it was too prejudicial and the fact that JSS waited to bring the jury in after JA came back in makes me think this is true. Even though the jury knows people get sick JA holding up their time could hurt her IMO.

CR2008-031021-001 DT


Docket Code 023 Form R000A Page 2

Whether the State will be allowed to argue in closing argument during the penalty phase that the defendant has not shown any remorse will be determined following the close of evidence in that phase.

IT IS ORDERED deferring ruling on this motion until the penalty phase, if any, occurs.

jeez, anything else they want? anything? come on. the state shouldn't be precluded from saying she's shown no remorse. she HASN'T. EVER!!
Not once, ONCE, have I EVER been made fun of on this forum, for having PTSD. And I have been here a long long time. One has to remember that a keyboard can NOT show the emotion that some one is trying to type. I love you all and wish you all a very restful night. Special thanks to the Mods for all of their hard work! See you guys in the am! :seeya:
Jean C. says that Jodi, indeed, had a migraine headache. Poor wittle lamb.
I agree and I think there is something much more deviant going on. I truly think they want to drag this case on as long as possible to keep having jurors removed until there is too few.

Think about it. So far, the defense has managed to remove 1themselves. Then another juror had to bail already. So, the more time they can drag this out, the more chance the defense has to try to get more jurors removed.

I am totally convinced their goal is to get under 12, and thus mistrial.
Jodi's fake illness is just ACT IV in this play.

Watch her be sick the rest of the week now is my guess.

Only tomorrow left for this week. Then off Friday and Monday. May not even finish rebuttal next week..
And remember THIS was her goal/strategy all along, to cause those who TA loved maximum pain and embarrassment. snip...

And you know I just picture Travis sitting back and he is basically saying to Jodi "you can run but you can't hide and you can have your fake headaches...I've got all the time in the world, you are about to get what you deserve"

The family has held up under such extreme circumstances, just a little bit more, Jodi will not have the last laugh, and neither will her two attorney's. They will be escorting her to the death chamber one day unless they're tied up with other cold blooded killers.
It was a very big laugh shared by JSS and JM--hes not usually that candid in court. Its interesting....but its prolly a good sign for those of us on the prosecution side :great:

What were they laughing about?
any idea when the morning session will be up on the timeline thread? i missed all but 30 minutes or so.

They are there now. I just put them there. ETA - May as well put them here too!

Pt. 1 - [ame=""]Jodi Arias Trial - Day 49 - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

Pt. 2 - [ame=""]Jodi Arias Trial - Day 49 - Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

Pt. 3 - [ame=""]Jodi Arias Trial - Day 49 - Court Finished For Today - YouTube[/ame]
Agreed. Everything.

I was taking issue with the malicious gloating over failure which is, at least in part, due to a very serious disorder. Never said there wasn't choice involved, never said responsibility and justice isn't due, because that's beside my point. What I'm hearing a lot of is that it's OK to make fun of mental illness and a failed life, so long as we agree that the target deserves it.
To state malice implies a decided lack of compassion and for the overwhelming majority of people here, nothing could be further from the truth.

My ex is diagnosed disordered. I know all too well just how serious his mental illness is. Any compassion, any empathy, I feel for him - for the small, broken boy he once was - ends at the very moment he made a conscious decision that hurting anyone else was acceptable, for any reason. What I feel now, towards him, is more apathy than anything else. I refuse to pity an adult man who terrified me and our children, deliberately, for years; who raped his teenage niece; who stole from my parents shortly before they died; who consistently uses, manipulates, and abuses those who only love him. (There was a time though, because I am only human, that I visited vast pain and great violence to him mentally. I wanted him to feel just a smidgen of what he'd dished out.)

That really is the difference between personality disorders and other mental health diagnoses - a conscious choice to harm, manipulate, or abuse others to your gain. Jodi knew something was wrong with her. Jodi knew she had moments of intense, seemingly uncontrollable anger. Jodi knew she had the capability to, and even did, hurt others. Jodi chose never to pursue treatment that may have afforded her a someday 'normal' life with healthy, loving relationships.

MOO...and perhaps because of my own personal experience having lived with and once loving someone disordered, the only way I can see it.
Lifetime taking anything Jodi Arias says for fact is a sin in my book. Shame on them for exploiting the re-killing of Travis and hurting his family and friends by this pycho. Perhaps a boycott of sponsors of Lifetime is in order.

It does sound as tho they will be showing Jodi for what she is. I take it it will be much like the Peterson movies. Which were on the side of the Victims.
It was a very big laugh shared by JSS and JM--hes not usually that candid in court. Its interesting....but its prolly a good sign for those of us on the prosecution side :great:

is there a clip? I missed it.


LOL, yes, that she did. Of course it was just the shirt against her sallow complexion. She has always looked washed out when she wears that color.


Agreed! I'm very pale complected and if I dared to wear anything similar to that green shirt, it would reflect off of my pale face and make me look sick. Dirty tactics. Also the pulled back hairstyle again today makes Jodi look awful.
Sorry if this was already brought up but did anyone see the clip on YouTube of today's questioning ..apparently JW said "What a b***" to Dr D!

I listened to the clip several times and I heard it. Jodi's smirk right after makes me think she really did say it.

Here is the link, I held my iPad up to my ear and am positive she did indeed call Dr D this. Disgusting but none too shocking considering the source.

It happens when Jennifer is looking through the papers in this short clip:

I listened a few more times and she definitely "says what a b"
I'm just floored. Real classy Wilmott!

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