trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

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I think Willmott said something like which and JA looked up because it sounded like bitc$$ or witch. Willmott wouldn't do that in front of the Judge and jury. I dislike her but I don't think she said it. And even if she did there is no way to tell because it sounds like a few different things. No way to prove it really.

I hear her say "you betch you?
IMO this is just another delay many here have already stated. Gives me time and energy to say more prayers for Family and Loved Ones of Travis. They are the ones that need our energy and love now. If I waste too much on the defendant and dt..then I won't be as focused on what is real to me. ..and it is the Families pain.

Praying daily and sometimes more often that they be given the strength to deal with this.
You are making this assumption relying on the basis that Jodi is suffering from a very serious disorder. And if she is, exactly what disorder is she suffering from?? 3 different experts, 3 different opinions, none of which can be verified. Nothing about her can be proven regarding her psycological status and mental health when all she does is lie, manipulate, dupe, deceive, scam, seduce and betray!!

The mere fact that you may be fooled by her possible 'mental illness' scares the hell out of me, because that is what her and her DT are counting on for ONE of the jurors! If she can feign PTSD, Battered Women's Syndrome or even Bipolar Personality Disorder and one of the Jurors falls for it - then game over! She wins and this was all done for nothing and that is NOT OK, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE 'TARGET' DESERVES IT OR NOT!

What?? If I buy that she has BPD, the game is not over. It's not a defense for premeditated murder. Nor is PTSD.

And I do think she's probably borderline, and not PTSD, and 100% guilty of 1st degree premeditated murder.

Hold on for the jury instructions. It will be ok.
Im sorry to be annoying but I'm behind. Do we know the reason for calling off court this afternoon? I see posts about JA being sick but is that just a guess?

Yes, Wilmott realized she was even further out of her depth with DeMarte than she was yesterday, so she got Jodi to pull the old "not tonight, I have a headache" ruse, giving her time to Google the names of more of Alyce LaViolette's post-modernist DV Kool Aid sippin' circle for tomorrow.
My guess is Jodi has been holding back an anger pale from holding her breath and biting her lip.... I quickly googled and found the following article:


<snipped for bandwidth>

Notice your emotional reactions and your actions. There are more giveaway signs of anger and a potential outburst shown in feelings and reactions. If you can learn to spot these, you can learn to quell your anger faster. Some of these may include:

Feeling upset, anxious, wanting to get away, sad, resentful, guilty, terrified, wanting to hurt someone or something and wanting a habitual relaxant such as a cigarette or alcoholic drink, even a prescribed tranquilizer you keep at hand and take at will; and
Actions such as pacing, rubbing your head, sarcasm, losing your sense of humor, becoming abusive or abrasive, yelling or crying, making a fist.

Physically restrain yourself. If you're speaking to someone and ready to burst, don't say anything. Hold your breath or bite your tongue if you have to.

If your anger is directed toward an object (like the above picture of a woman screaming at her cell phone) and you feel yourself about to throw it, hold your hand down with your other one.

Make a fist (don't let go of the object) and slam it against your chest or stomach if you have to (try not to be too hard, as you may hurt yourself).

If you're ready to kick someone or something, stomp on your foot and hold it there.


Holy Shimoleez! :eek: I'm glad I don't get mad like that. Bite my tounge? Hit myself in the belly? Stomp on my own foot?!!?! Good golly where's my cane? :floorlaugh:
Willmott would never, ever call an expert witness a ***** in open court like that. It didn't happen and it wont happen. She's a professional, and no matter what you may think of her court room tactics, she'd never lose control of herself in that way.

Lets focus on the realities. :)
I'm wondering what everyone thought of Wilmott's cross style, aping, it seems, the prosecutor's.
If all Jodi had was a migraine she should consider herself lucky, at least she didn't have her head nearly decapitated...

I know what its like to have painful migraines but no sympathy for her..give her a Tylenol, alleve, pamperin. or whatever she prefers. Make her sit there. being tried for murder isn't supposed to be comfortable
Willmott would never, ever call an expert witness a ***** in open court like that. It didn't happen and it wont happen. She's a professional, and no matter what you may think of her court room tactics, she'd never lose control of herself in that way.

Lets focus on the realities. :)

Yes, as much as I don't like her - she didn't say it.
You are making this assumption relying on the basis that Jodi is suffering from a very serious disorder. And if she is, exactly what disorder is she suffering from?? 3 different experts, 3 different opinions, none of which can be verified. Nothing about her can be proven regarding her psycological status and mental health when all she does is lie, manipulate, dupe, deceive, scam, seduce and betray!!

The mere fact that you may be fooled by her possible 'mental illness' scares the hell out of me, because that is what her and her DT are counting on for ONE of the jurors! If she can feign PTSD, Battered Women's Syndrome or even Bipolar Personality Disorder and one of the Jurors falls for it - then game over! She wins and this was all done for nothing and that is NOT OK, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE 'TARGET' DESERVES IT OR NOT!
To be fair, two psychologists who used different assessments both came up with personality disorder (bipolar is totally different to borderline). Samuels didn't address it, DeMarte diagnosed it as borderline.

I'm overwhelmingly biased, but for me it doesn't get a whole lot more serious than Cluster B personality disorders. And because of that bias, and personal knowledge, it makes her even more potentially dangerous and destructive before she had any diagnosis at all. ;)

It does nothing, nor should it, to excuse or absolve even the tiniest iota of responsibility from Jodi. Because of her disorder, this may very well be the first time Jodi is actually forced to take responsibility for her actions, in fact. Disordered persons sometimes use emotional manipulators, abuse, deceit, etc. in order to avoid culpability with loved ones, friends, co-workers, etc.

I have been to court many times. On break my attorney and I left the room, I told him how I hated the other attorney. I said that she was a horrid person blah blah blah. He very wisely educated me that this was her job. End of story. He told me that he also had clients that he did not like but it was his job to defend them. He told me that that attorney was a very nice person and he's worked with her before. Sounds very educating and lovely doesn't it. It really gave me pause to think. Yes, that is their job, like any other job, we all do things we don't like.

Well, by the time all was said and done, my attorney hated her unequivocally. HAHA! Lesson learned, stick with your gut, it never lies.
This trial started on January 2, 2013. NONE OF THESE JURORS HAS CALLED IN, EVER! Even Juror 11 came to court sick. I am willing to bet that the Judge put the hammer down and explained to Team Jodi that this is it! NO MORE SICK DAYS! I want to scream. KCL NEEDS TO SCREAM! To go all the way to court and Jodi pulls out another lie I'm sure she's used all her pathetic life, I'm sorry KCL, what a waste. I want to slap her so very hard...serenity now.
I know many of us only listen to HLN for the so called entertainment value, but once again, the TH's can't even get the names right.
So now the male TH called ALV...Ah-leece....
I guess no time to read the Cliff Notes. Please folks disregard the commentary from these 'professionals'. They get paid to talk. And mispronounce. And misspeak. And misinterpret....
SMH. Hard.

Some of them get paid to glare into the camera all crazy-eyed and screetch, while appearing to chew their own faces too... Not mentioning any names.
I agree. This time,..I don't think she was faking. She looked as green as her shirt.

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JA can not control all her evil the way she used to before she was jailed, it's all starting to show on the outside.
:laugh: :lol: :laugh: :lol: :laugh: :lol: :laugh: :lol:

I thought it was hilarious even before I saw the "punchline"!!!

Can ya point me in the direction of the funny? TIA. I could use a laugh. Cant believe what I cancelled for today to watch Court today. Cancelled a lunch and gave no reason so didn't lie. Slacked off on all errands. Tomorrow I must git er done.

Guess who's playing Jodi Arias on Lifetime...

I don't know who these people are but she is quite beautiful so we know they're going to have to work hard to make her look like the monster. He doesn't have Travis' boyish impishness, if that makes sense. He looks too worldly.

She looks beautiful, no squint eyes.
He looks devious, with eyes too close together.

Our 2nd Webster Word of the Day:

borderline personality disorder


: a disordered behavior pattern with onset by early adulthood that is characterized by multiple types of psychological instability and impulsiveness, often involves fear of abandonment and a risk of suicide, and may ameliorate with age


BBM - pro trial watchers, remember that word? It was used by both JA and ALV during their testibaloneys.


Definition of AMELIORATE \&#601;-&#712;m&#275;l-y&#601;-&#716;r&#257;t

transitive verb

: to make better or more tolerable

trying to ameliorate the suffering of people who have lost their jobs
This medicine should help ameliorate the pain.

As someone with BPD I can tell you Jodi has come up with 1,000 different reasons why she killed TA, and believes 999 are not her fault. She's desperately trying to think of anyway possible to change the circumstance.

This is not something she will just someday realize was wrong.
The rest of us carry on during our periods - we take care of the kids, go to school, go to work. She can't sit in a chair and do absolutely nothing? Give me a ginormous break.

okay, I am by no means compassionate or a fan of JA. And I agree, many get up and get on with the day to day. But some women, due to other female issues, experience heavy flow, to the point where staying in close proximity to the rest room is a necessity. I am wondering if she either has menstrual migraines as suggested by other members or if perhaps, just perhaps, migraine might be a euphemism for heavy period.

Regardless, I agree with your point that whatever the issue, if its a genuine one, then the court should be made aware and should find a way to work around that issue via CCTV or medicating her prior to the next "episode" or supplying her with whatever female products might be needed and frequent bathroom breaks to deal with the problem.

Sorry to take things to the bathroom mods, but I am not joking, I think if that is the problem it should be addressed in such a way as to impede trial progressing as little as possible.
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