trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

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OMG, I cannot stand JeanC. She sickens me totally. What is her issue????

I describe myself as indifferent to "Jinkasaurus" (WS term of endearment) ... I don't love her, I don't hate her... I just don't pay much attention to her. I get the impression she rubs people the wrong way because she seems to take herself way too seriously, and has an overinflated sense of self-importance, and when she talks, she expects us all to listen attentively.

Just my opinion, of course... :cow:
Realize no one cares, but liked to explain. Few posts inasmuch as, you guys nail it! Loved all of your posts, no Easter candy, downfall is Birthday cake. On my 2nd store bought Birthday cake, and gave up a bottle of wine. Bought a case of Chardonnay wine. So stressed, trail is about a human being (Travis) slaughtered in his most private room, in his home. Coupled by a woman (JA) that finally admitted to it.
o/t but I have migraines and use maxalt and swear by it. I get the floaters and everything. sucks :(

Jodi does not look like she is sick though - she looks like worried.
It's called Imitrex. However you cannot take it if you have hypertension as it makes BP go high.

I got SEVERE tachycardia and palpitations from it.
My heart rate was over 225! ER visit... crash cart and all!

Scary... needless to say I won't touch it again!
Bring on the migraine, at least they won't kill me (I hope):twocents:
I am just getting to today's testimony. that she spent so much time on the copyright is so silly! that is not at all what copy right it's about!

It is to reproduce and have gain on using it. Not in anyway it means that she cannot share with prosecutor the result in the test questions in a court case!

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After wasting 2-1/2 hours (including yesterday's 45 minutes) on minutia, it seemed like maybe JW had hit on something at the end of the morning if she had caught something relevant that JD should have known but didn't. But I'm going to take a SWAG that JW had it wrong, because if she had something to really nail JD on right after lunch, JA would not have taken "ill".

Given what Lenore Walker said on NG I guess I pegged this one right. :rocker:
It's called Imitrex. However you cannot take it if you have hypertension as it makes BP go high.

That's it. And thank you, that is probably why her BP spikes at times. I'm not sure if she knows this, but I'll let her know.
I'm lucky I've only had a couple of horrible headaches in my life, I ended up vomiting. My sister also acts totally different than Jodi.. needs quiet, darkness, bed and bucket.
Just seeing some of the trial rehashed on NG and the thought came to me that JD sounds just like a woman Juan ( articles vs journals). JD is very pricise and no-nonsense, doesn't take any crap from JW.


I concur. Just love everything about her! Super smart!
If JW had a problem with Sweet Dr.D making 300.00/hr now
Wait until after this trial,she will be making waayyy more money.And JW helped her in that regard-LOLOL,But this will be lost on JW!!JMO
MO-Dr.D is the star of this case.Her testimony is whats going to get her client found guilty of 1st murder-ALL JMO
Imagine? Juan pulls Ms. Walker as a wild card? That would be simply amazing! :rocker:

Wouldn't it be great for Juan to put Lenore Walker on the stand and ask her this as well. I wonder how red catty, unprofessional Willmott would get.
I don't know anything about migraines. Is there really a preventative medication available?

Yes. My doctor put me on an anti-seizure med called Topamax that I took daily. I loved it and it worked great. However, I developed a stone in my common bile duct which had to be surgically removed. Doctor felt fairly certain that the topamax caused it, so that ended that.
37:20 - JW with regard to Lenore Walker's 6 criteria - JW - "Even Lenore does not use those 6 criteria anymore" Dr. D Disagrees! :great:

I take Imitrex. I have the nasal spray and pills, which I keep in my office and car.

I get an aura just before a migraine. My dr. made it clear that Imitrex blocks the migraine. If you wait to take it, it's too late. Once the migraine starts, Imitrex is useless.

The aura is the first sign usually and sometimes you have enough time to medicate. When the aura hits, any light is going to cause vampire in the sun agony. By the time nausea hits you, you're down for the count and sitting upright is difficult.

I used to take this but what it did to me was prolong the aura. And the aura was unpleasant in itself.

I stopped getting migraines when I got divorced. Never had another one!

Im confused. I heard that court was cancelled for today but didnt hear why. Isnt it just speculation that Jodi is sick? And, if so, isnt it also speclation that she has a migraine?
When you tell someone even blinking hurts, people think you're kidding. It's like a vice around your head. Just horrible.

Some have to go in for Demerol shots and even then, it just takes the edge off so you don't try to jump out of the window.

Yep. I love my doc. He knows I need double doses. I have a high tolerance for any med and when we moved here 10 years ago I had to suffer because he did not know me from Adam and did not know if I was just med seeking ( there are major doc shoppers here). But he knows now after years of treating me. That is another reason I cannot stand people who claim pain and dont have it.

ANd cinnamon is a trigger for me. The Holidays are just AWESOME. Not.
I got SEVERE tachycardia and palpitations from it.
My heart rate was over 225! ER visit... crash cart and all!

Scary... needless to say I won't touch it again!
Bring on the migraine, at least they won't kill me (I hope):twocents:

Wow...that would scare me to death! 225 I didn't think your heart could beat that fast.
I am just getting to today's testimony. that she spent so much time on the copyright is so silly! that is not at all what copy right it's about!

It is to reproduce and have gain on using it. Not in anyway it means that she cannot share with prosecutor the result in the test questions in a court case!

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

Desperation at its most pathetic! I don't think Willmott made any headway today. And I didn't think JD was padding her C.V and Cheryl A on DD just stated as much.

Lenore Walker on NG:

NG: "If Jodi Arias was lying about Travis Alexander abusing her, could she still be a battered woman?"

LW: "Sure. Battered women lie all the time. That's how they stay alive, that's how they deal with the shame. Lying is not new for battered women. But it isn't just whether or not someone is a battered woman that's important in these cases, as you well know, Nancy. It doesn't give them a free pass just because they are a battered woman. It is really used only to help us understand whether of not they were in fear of what was happening - that they would be seriously harmed or killed at the time they commit a homicide. So that's what we have to look at AND THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M HEARING IN THIS TRIAL!!!"
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