trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

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So DD showing video of Travis spoofing that Eddie Snell character, "kicking and roughing up" guy on a couch. Hmmm, jodi posts this right after Travis' body was found. Where to get ideas about broken finger and Travis kicking her....just like she gets ideas from movies.
I don't think Travis laid a finger on this liar.
ANd cinnamon is a trigger for me. The Holidays are just AWESOME. Not.

Urgh. You can't even go into malls at holidays because that's all you smell around Williams Sonoma: cinnamon and nutmeg.

Blue cheese and red wine are triggers for me. Whee! lol
after lurking here for several months, i've finally made myself a profile and am so excited to start posting here!

i have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder for 8 years now and have yet to kill anybody ;] joking aside, i was glad that dr. demarte touched on her being borderline, as i have had a suspicion that she was borderline since i started researching this case. i'm anxious to see how it pans out!

JW has been shooting herself in the foot all morning. She is done.

Can Nurmi take over? :please: :please:

From last thread: "Originally Posted by ElleElle
JW: "You've never met Lenora Walker?"

JD: "No".

She's not old enough JW. Seriously, stop comparing to ALV because no one believes ALV!
You win the prize - this is exactly what Ms. Wilmott is attempting to do. She is trying to rehabilitate ALV throught this young whippersnapper with "less than a decade of experience. See jury, the DT has the experienced know it all on DV in ALV with 35 years - this is just a young punk". This is the message Ms. Wimott is trying to convey, it just isn't going all that well at the moment."
Call me paranoid, but JA's BFF, Donovan, was not in the courtroom today. Did JA tip her off that she was going to be sick today?
Testing would have been a waste of time bc ALV would have taken that objective data and manipulated it into a subjective opinion that's saturated with a personal bias, IMO.

ALV did use Dr. Samuels results of evidence of PTSD when considering her evaluation of Jodi. Apparently this could be why she apologized to her because she already had pre-determined she was a battered woman. Jodi manipulated her from there knowing exactly what to say and how to say it. Had the test be done properly it is possible ALV might not have taken the case.

I'm not sure what JW was getting at because I believe therapist can practice under a licensed psychologist. Dr. D. had a PhD in psychology before she received her license. She just could not practice psychology on her own.
She was NOT padding her CV. She was being truthful. She was practicing for 8 years but she did not say she was licensed all those years. The lawyers have been saying all day Willmott scored with that. They misunderstand. And it actually makes Willmott look uneducated.

I just have to keep reminding myself redirect is coming.

And Willmott needs to stick to her own style and not cop Juan's. It doesn't work for her it just makes her seem b***y.

re: preventative pills for migraine HA... don't you guys remember way back when (what day??? I don't know) where some peeps noticed wilmott asking arias if she "took her pill"? I am sure Wilmott is not too pleased with this HA delay at all. Arias took the air out of her sails in her cross.. took away her momentum if you will. (what air and momentum she had.. but she clearly seemed to feel she was on fire before the lunch break and paused at a point where she seemed to have a break here and pick it up shortly point:twocents:)

Lenore Walker on NG:

NG: "If Jodi Arias was lying about Travis Alexander abusing her, could she still be a battered woman?"

LW: "Sure. Battered women lie all the time. That's how they stay alive, that's how they deal with the shame. Lying is not new for battered women. But it isn't just whether or not someone is a battered woman that's important in these cases, as you well know, Nancy. It doesn't give them a free pass just because they are a battered woman. It is really used only to help us understand whether of not they were in fear of what was happening - that they would be seriously harmed or killed at the time they commit a homicide. So that's what we have to look at AND THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M HEARING IN THIS TRIAL!!!"

Oh.... I so wish Lenore Walker could be put on the states witness list !
I have had honest to God ,please kill me now and take away the pain, even air hurts my skin , migraines since I was 13. Preventatives do not work for me. They do not work for everyone. THAT being said...

JA seems like a person who calls a headache a migraine so she can use it to her advantage. You don't just POOF get a migraine. There are warning signs and as others have said she could not have sat there with her coloring book.

I get the SAME way at times.. I have to strip naked only a sheet, no light, no sound and cool room basically nothing or I'll become violently ill..

There's one med I took for years which is hard to find but maybe able if you've got insurance to have custom made called Midrin or Isometh something something..

I've been given Imitrex but I still think Midrin is the gold standard for helping me control the pain, vision & sickness!
Again I didn't see all of today's testimony but JW is trying soooooooo hard to find a 'Gotcha' or mimick JM's 'Riiight' and she appears to be very frustrated in not being able to shake this witness.

I think this comes across very immature for a DP case.. asking multiple times about her credentials when the witness is actually answering the questions unlike the DT's experts & JM had to ask several times to get a straight answer w/out snarky comments about 'Time Outs'!

But I do think Dr DM had a 'Gotcha' moment with JW.. She's asking about a test and Dr DM says she knows the author <couldn't catch name> & JW kinda goes blank has no clue so when Dr DM tries to start word 'she' JW cuts her off completely!!

Aw darn, I completely missed that
Me too, I get migraines with the same symptoms as you and haven't believed Jodi's claims of migraines either...

This time, again, I was just about to call BS on her migraine, but right before I decided to google to see if anger could be a trigger...and I found out it is!

I so wish that JM could point out that when Jodi is on the verge of rage outbursts she gets migraines trying told hold them back... He could use it to work against her and prove how volatile and dangerous she really is.

i Know that a lot of women get migraines...I used to get them with the intensity that many of the posters here get them...but they have minimized since I went through menopause. While I will still get bad to severe headaches, it's usually now more related to barometric changes in the weather or flying at different altitudes in planes that are not pressurized well. (I know that sounds odd) There are many triggers to migraines but the largest trigger for someone Jodi's age are usually menstrual cycle related, although agree that it could be anger related. It does seem to me, given the time between the "calling off court for the day...I'm sick" days that would kind of follow a menstrual cycle pattern. However, I am more inclined to believe that her complaints are more of the.."I can't go to school today...I have cramps" variety...than the actual migraine variety. I think it goes along well with Dr. Demarte's whole explanation of Jodi's immaturity. Btw...I the DD rocks! She was a very good witness and I think the jury would appreciate her for her honesty and candor.
I have had severe migraines - the throbbing is so bad that I throw up. The pain/throwing up lasts about 9 hours and then it 'breaks'. The only thing I have found that prevents migraines is Botox, which I have every 6 months. I do not believe Jodi has migraines, I think she may have severe headaches. There is a difference. When I have a migraine I feel as though my brain is literally bleeding. I cannot bear light, the nausea is as bad as the pain itself, and you vomit throughout the migraine.

:grouphug: How awful! I feel so sorry you have to go through that.
You Know Elle... I haven't been officially diagnosised but I've always thought I may have PPMD or PMDD..

A friend asked me what the difference was between PMS & PMDD..

I told her imagine a couple sitting at dinner the husband says.. 'You didn't pick up my dry cleaning' <insert mundane comment> and with PMS the wife answers 'No guess I didn't I was busy doing blah blah & had a horrible headache etc' maybe shaking her steak knife at him..

Same convo at dinner table but PMDD husband says 'You didn't pick up my dry cleaning today??' and wife says 'No you selfish Bastahd' jumping across table plunging knife in his leg!!


But I tell ya there are times I think I'd physically have to stop myself mid table lunge :floorlaugh:

I was like a doberman with lipstick on ...back in those days. Much older now so severity is gone.
When you tell someone even blinking hurts, people think you're kidding. It's like a vice around your head. Just horrible.

Some have to go in for Demerol shots and even then, it just takes the edge off so you don't try to jump out of the window.

I get them too since preteens. I use sumatripan succinate. Helps somewhat. I get a blind spot first, then mental confusion, then aura, then everything goes away and the headache starts, lasts 4-8 hours, then I throw up. I don't think Jodi KNOWS what a migraine is!!

Glad Lenore Walker came out to comment....!
When you tell someone even blinking hurts, people think you're kidding. It's like a vice around your head. Just horrible.

Some have to go in for Demerol shots and even then, it just takes the edge off so you don't try to jump out of the window.


My heart pumps pisssssssssssssss. Travis was SHOT IN HIS HEAD by the stolen gun from her grandparents house a week prior (pre-meditation) Where she resided when Travis kicked her out, opps when she broke up with him. The casing found at the CRIME scene matched the grandparents box of bullet's. ADD+++++ there were 27 stab wounds, not including the slice against the thought that almost decapitated him, included the above gun shot. Awe JA has a migraine.

Hunpty Dumpty (dumpty as in Travis did to JA):fence: and all the walls cam tumbling UP:jail: To much Alyce-in Wonderland perhaps
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