trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #150

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Not sure what it means, but the court minutes for Monday are now posted on the Maricopa County Superior court site.

I can't seem to post the document here, but it says:

A record of the proceeding is also made by audio and/or videotape.
1:48 p.m. Court convenes in chambers with Defendant and Counsel for the Defendant present.
Discussion is held.
IT IS ORDERED sealing the in chamber hearing not to be transcribed until further order of the Court.

1:52 p.m. hearing concludes.
1:53 p.m. LET THE RECORD REFLECT all parties are present in chambers, also present are the victim next of kin.
Discussion is held.
2:00 p.m. In chambers hearing concludes. (not sealed)
2:26 p.m. Court reconvenes with Defendant and respective Counsel present.
Court Reporter, Mike Babicky, is present.
The Jury is present.
Discussion is held regarding trial issues.
3:15 p.m. The Jury is reminded of the admonition and Court stands in recess until 04/16/2013 at 9:30 a.m.

So, I'm wondering what this means. Was the ALV hearing not sealed after all, or was this a different hearing? The document isn't very clear. :waitasec:

Here is the link, type in her name:
Morning Peeps! :seeya:

As usual, I am still catching up before I go to work. I think Dr. D did will yesterday. JW seemed to try very hard to have a gotcha moment but it seemed that Dr. D was able to see neutral as possible.

I thought it showed the most when JW was trying to say that Dr. D said JA didn't fit as a battered woman, and Dr. D stated JA didn't fit Battered Women's Syndrome. I hope the jury is logical enough to see the truth in that statement.

Am I wrong in thinking JM will be able to recross or is that NOT part of rebuttal? Only 2 jury questions. And all when JW was speaking. What does that say to us? They want clarification?


The questions worry me.
Please visit my website for information on my upcoming speaking schedule. True greatness of the soul is in loving God and in humility.

That's from ALV yesterday. Apparently the social media backlash hasn't affected her all that much. :floorlaugh:
Thank you for finding this. It is fantastic proof that all of Nurmi's jumping up and down and in camera hearings about her being threatened and how she felt bullied and her "friend" leaking to the media that she was hospitalized over the about as legitimate as Jodi having PTSD! She didn't miss a beat. Within a day of her testimony, she is right back up on the horse?

Great find. This is going to last me well into the weekend. You just can't make this stuff up. Didn't Nurmi advise her to lay low to add credence to his motions for mistrail, for at least 30 days? She may as well be giving the judge the finger.:floorlaugh::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::floorlaugh:
The DT as a composite have confused quantity and quality. JM will clear all this up on redirect, and in a small percent of the time DT cross takes. This is the way the whole trial has been, so this is 'a pattern' we are all familiar with. That said, IMO we are still on credentials basically, so I expect today, all day, with be the same as yesterday, plus JW will want to be the last on deck when the long weekend begins.
My heart goes out to all here who genuinely suffer from migraines. I've dealt with TRUE (not JA style) migraines since mid childhood. I have never experienced a mild migraine. They sometimes required injections of Demerol and Tigan (for the vomiting). I would lie in a dark room, with ice on my head, which hurt even worse but for some reason my body knew that I needed to restrict my blood vessels. The nausea and vomiting unreal. My vision would get a bit funny, but my tell was that my lips would start to get numb. If I find myself touching or pulling on my lip, it's already too late.JA needs to stop calling whatever she's having, if anything, a migraine. Just like she has slapped abuse victims over the face with her lies, she is mocking what true migraine sufferers go through.
Give her 800 mg of ibuprofen every single day of the trial as soon as she gets to the courthouse. Pre-empt even a sinus headache, a sore finger, ingrown toenail, whatever. If she had really been too sick to continue yesterday, she would have been avoiding light, noise and she wouldn't have cared a bit about leaving that stack of 'paperwork' she totes around, behind.
The JA Show has not been renewed and is in it's final episodes. It will NOT be picked up for syndication. Let's get justice for Travis and his family. Move it along and keep her where she belongs. Until the day she takes the long slow walk.


Yea, the severe migraines are the worst. My whole left side of my body would go numb, flashing lights, could not read or see correctly, vomiting, total confusion. I kept working during one of these migraines and finally left work. Ran a red light and totaled my car. When I went back to work (the next day) my boss told me everything I entered into the computer was wrong and strange. That's where the confusion took over.

Before I knew these were migraines, I told a co worker my symptoms and she asked me if I ever took LSD in the past. :what: Never spoke about my symptoms again. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
This trial started on January 2, 2013. NONE OF THESE JURORS HAS CALLED IN, EVER! Even Juror 11 came to court sick. I am willing to bet that the Judge put the hammer down and explained to Team Jodi that this is it! NO MORE SICK DAYS! I want to scream. KCL NEEDS TO SCREAM! To go all the way to court and Jodi pulls out another lie I'm sure she's used all her pathetic life, I'm sorry KCL, what a waste. I want to slap her so very hard...serenity now.

I feel you on the screaming part--everybody but Jodi and ALV have not "called in sick"
I don't think you want KCL to scream because we would have to see that sweet lady booted from the courtroom ;)
We all see secondary gain and manipulation in action with JA and her DT on a daily basis :banghead:
The questions worry me.

Why do you feel worried? It seems that in the past most of the jury questions have come during the DT cross/recross portions and they were mostly to clarify witness statements that involved JA.

JW has moved past that now. She'll be concentrating on the memory issues when she continues today. So it's now up to JM to clean up that mess and expose JW on redirect. But I won't get your hopes up.

I do believe Mr.Martinez wil bring up the issue of Lenore Walker and show JW's incompetence in preparing for trial. JW either lied or repeated what ALV said to her without checking the facts. And we know ALV is not credible. Either way, JM will bring this up with Dr D on redirect and JW will look like a fool. IMO
I haven't read back yet but this morning I was hoping to see JW found in contempt and fined by the court for her "b____" muttering yesterday.

That's how much it's bothering me that JW gets away with so much unprofessionalism. It's time she is called out for it.
Good morning, 'sleuthers. I haven't read posts since court ended abruptly yesterday. I moved on to other things and waited for some news in the Boston explosions that is yet to come. Shortly before I :eek:fftobed:, I heard the breaking news about the fertilizer plant explosion near Waco, TX. My thoughts and prayers are with those who lost loved ones, their homes, the livelihoods of those who worked at the plant.

I think that Jodi's latest headache was brought on when Dr. DeMarte divulged what most of us have known for a long time - that Jodi has a severe personality disorder. Jodi has been looking quite vulnerable, and it was just a matter of time before she could not take sitting there and listening to the educated, intelligent, articulate, attractive, young doctor spill the beans about Jodi's mental health issues. Jodi has not been a happy camper this week, and things are bound to get worse as the trial progresses with additional rebuttal witnesses.

I have an appointment with my allergist later this morning and will run some errands, too. I'm not going to rush to get home by the time trial is to start because they always seem to run late, and I'm not sure that Jodi will feel well enough to be there. This is getting old, and I wish that the Judge would be more firm with Ms. Arias about the need for the trial to move forward. JSS was smitten by Jodi and has unwittingly allowed the defendant to orchestrate the trial. I'd be livid if I were on the jury. :moo:
I am not that worried about the questions because there are only a few. If there are over a hundred again, then I am going to worry.
I do believe Mr.Martinez wil bring up the issue of Lenore Walker and show JW's incompetence in preparing for trial. JW either lied or repeated what ALV said to her without checking the facts. And we know ALV is not credible. Either way, JM will bring this up with Dr D on redirect and JW will look like a fool. IMO

I am still a little behind in reading the comments here even though I have finished the testimony from yesterday.

Are you guys speaking about the issue with LW and her 6 criterias?


Yea, the severe migraines are the worst. My whole left side of my body would go numb, flashing lights, could not read or see correctly, vomiting, total confusion. I kept working during one of these migraines and finally left work. Ran a red light and totaled my car. When I went back to work (the next day) my boss told me everything I entered into the computer was wrong and strange. That's where the confusion took over.

Before I knew these were migraines, I told a co worker my symptoms and she asked me if I ever took LSD in the past. :what: Never spoke about my symptoms again. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

ITA. When people say they have had migraines and kept going, they never had a severe migraine. It's like having surgery without anesthesia. It hurts that bad. I resent the ignorance of some who claim otherwise. As for JA, she may have a headache or sinus, or an actual attack of guilt but I doubt it is a true migraine.
Good morning, 'sleuthers. I haven't read posts since court ended abruptly yesterday. I moved on to other things and waited for some news in the Boston explosions that is yet to come. Shortly before I :eek:fftobed:, I heard the breaking news about the fertilizer plant explosion near Waco, TX. My thoughts and prayers are with those who lost loved ones, their homes, the livelihoods of those who worked at the plant.

I think that Jodi's latest headache was brought on when Dr. DeMarte divulged what most of us have known for a long time - that Jodi has a severe personality disorder. Jodi has been looking quite vulnerable, and it was just a matter of time before she could not take sitting there and listening to the educated, intelligent, articulate, attractive, young doctor spill the beans about Jodi's mental health issues. Jodi has not been a happy camper this week, and things are bound to get worse as the trial progresses with additional rebuttal witnesses.

I have an appointment with my allergist later this morning and will run some errands, too. I'm not going to rush to get home by the time trial is to start because they always seem to run late, and I'm not sure that Jodi will feel well enough to be there. This is getting old, and I wish that the Judge would be more firm with Ms. Arias about the need for the trial to move forward. JSS was smitten by Jodi and has unwittingly allowed the defendant to orchestrate the trial. I'd be livid if I were on the jury. :moo:

And if anything, the last two days with Dr. D on the stand, JA has rapidly declined in affect and appearance. She has barely looked at the jury and the witness. When ALV was on the stand she seriously stared and stared at the jury for days. Everytme they came in and out of the courtroom. Then she and JW spent countless days talking back and forth, making head movements to testimony and saying things.

All of the sudden she is almost mute and in another world. Its almost as if she is trying to pretend if she doesn't see the witness she can't exist. Some avoidance there

. Also, about the copyright. IIRC didn't RS talk about photocopying the test since he gave it to JA more than once or something? I don't have time to look for the link, but am pretty sure that the copyright talk went both ways.

I probably am wrong, but the constant trying by JW to prove the witness is inexperienced and not worthy of being an expert witness just seem inadequat at best?

Not sure what it means, but the court minutes for Monday are now posted on the Maricopa County Superior court site.

I can't seem to post the document here, but it says:

A record of the proceeding is also made by audio and/or videotape.
1:48 p.m. Court convenes in chambers with Defendant and Counsel for the Defendant present.
Discussion is held.
IT IS ORDERED sealing the in chamber hearing not to be transcribed until further order of the Court.

1:52 p.m. hearing concludes.
1:53 p.m. LET THE RECORD REFLECT all parties are present in chambers, also present are the victim next of kin.
Discussion is held.
2:00 p.m. In chambers hearing concludes. (not sealed)
2:26 p.m. Court reconvenes with Defendant and respective Counsel present.
Court Reporter, Mike Babicky, is present.
The Jury is present.
Discussion is held regarding trial issues.
3:15 p.m. The Jury is reminded of the admonition and Court stands in recess until 04/16/2013 at 9:30 a.m.

So, I'm wondering what this means. Was the ALV hearing not sealed after all, or was this a different hearing? The document isn't very clear. :waitasec:

Here is the link, type in her name:
TY.. that site was my next stop. I've been looking for the 4/15 Minute Entries every day and had posted way back if there was any speculation as to why they were late.

Yea, the severe migraines are the worst. My whole left side of my body would go numb, flashing lights, could not read or see correctly, vomiting, total confusion. I kept working during one of these migraines and finally left work. Ran a red light and totaled my car. When I went back to work (the next day) my boss told me everything I entered into the computer was wrong and strange. That's where the confusion took over.

Before I knew these were migraines, I told a co worker my symptoms and she asked me if I ever took LSD in the past. :what: Never spoke about my symptoms again. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I am so sorry you went through that, and thank heavens you weren't killed when you crashed your car!
I was tested for a brain tumor, finally. Yes they found a brain, but not a tumor :) I remember working evening shift, and a migraine started. All I had was ES Tylenol (no codeine, just plain) and ibuprofen. I took doses, alternating every hour and half just to get through work. Being an RN, leaving work was NOT an option. I called my husband mid shift and then again when I was done, doing my best to throw up discreetly and could barely stand up. I told him what and how much I had taken of each of the OTC meds and reminded him of the route I drive home. I did that in case I didn't arrive on time. He would know where to find me pulled over and he would know what to tell EMS I had taken if I couldn't respond myself.
Most migraine sufferers have gone through he&& to take care of their responsibilities. JA is a shill. Sorry for the OT....
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