trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #151

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Does anyone else get instantly miffed when their phone rings durig trial??? Every single time my cell or home phone ring I just about burst into flames!!!


i used to watch on my phone and when i text would pop up i would be so mad,because it would pause the stream.

i watch on my nexus tablet now so no more interuptions.
only the kids to get rid of now :floorlaugh: i kid i kid
OMG your avatar both cracks me up and scares me at the same time!! Is that the pinhead version of JA?

Someone posted it last night.
I don't know who did it...
I cropped it but left the signature of the artist FWIW.

It says "Travis hurt my finger"...

I thought it looked so funny!
I laughed until I hurt.
HAD to use it today...

RIP Travis justice IS COMING!!!!
I'm hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Taking the afternoon off again so I can be here. Well I'll be in chat. Someone has to tend bar.
If JA claims illness again, I certainly hope JJS lets those poor jurors know ASAP - they have been through the ringer with this lousy schedule. I really feel for them.

Me too, and the Jurors have been there every single day!

She has some nerve.

Faker- I said this in a post when I got stuck in the door ( as usual space shot that I am) She probably faked sick...stomach aches, head aches and cramps...a #1 student trick to get out of class, and tests. #sheeesh :banghead:
Morning kids!!!

Sitting waaaayyyy over here because my cat brought me a LIVE mouse this morning and it promptly ran under the the cat has lost interest and has left ME in charge of catching it.

Oh well...hope the little guy is a trialwatcher :)

Justice for Travis!
Pulling up the chair to the circle of websleuths friends. Hi there.
Have pity please for us older broken down abused folks who's body parts won't allow us to keep up with speed posting! My nerve damage has tripled since this trial started...left hand barely works and now my legs and feet are suffering. Just made an appointment with the DR. for May 3rd. Hopefully.....trial will be over by then.
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

Travis' family just arrived. Tanishas husband has salmon in his tie. No one else has salmon. Hmm #JodiArias
Hi every1,,just getting in where I fit in..

eta, could anyone give me a live feed link for the trial? my dh finally replaced my hard drive and video card, so now I should be able to watch live and by pass HLN lol

thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glorious Good Morrow, Sleuthers!

Say chaps, as I shall be absent for most of the morning festivities, I've taken to bumping this post up for your consideration as you view the proceedings this morning.

I've been thinking about our dear Dr. D, and I've finally discovered what it is about her that seems so familiar to me. She truly does resemble a big cat, like a puma or leopard, and she was looking at JW like, "Hello, lunch!" I mean, JW kept trying to rattle her with absolutely inane minutiae (the copyright questions will go down in the history of jurisprudence as a singularly horrible example of an attempt to impeach a witness), but Dr. D kept giving her this rather fixed predatory gaze as if to say, "you'd be good with barbecue sauce."

I rather expect her to show up this morning wearing a smartly coordinated lobster bib.
Someone posted it last night.
I don't know who did it...
I cropped it but left the signature of the artist FWIW.

It says "Travis hurt my finger"...

I thought it looked so funny!
I laughed until I hurt.
HAD to use it today...

RIP Travis justice IS COMING!!!!

omg i have just noticed your avatar :floorlaugh:

that is hilarious :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Does anyone else get instantly miffed when their phone rings durig trial??? Every single time my cell or home phone ring I just about burst into flames!!!


Wait...looking at your avatar...are you a Zombie?!

Finally heard and my son's condo is soaked with more water coming. They are bringing the grandkids to me probably until Sat or Sun. They are moving all furniture possible into the kitchen but the couches are wet also. Probably can only pay half attention at best once trial starts and the kids arrive, so enjoy it all and I look forward to your reviews.
Does anyone else get instantly miffed when their phone rings durig trial??? Every single time my cell or home phone ring I just about burst into flames!!!


Take several deep calming breaths, Don't call me in the morning!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
We're all anxious with withdrawals!

Pass the Twizzlers, please!

Who else thinks JA is purposely making herself sick (e.g., migraines, weight loss etc) to a) delay the inevitable and b) try to garner sympathy from the jury?

Sadly I think there is an element of "must be the center of attention at all times" in this.

I guess I say "sadly" not because I feel sorry for Jodi but because one would think that being the defendant in a death penalty gruesome murder trial televised on national TV would be enough "center of attention" for most of us.
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