trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #151

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She's even got her hair parted and combed nearly identically.

Looking for empathy? Pleading before the court?

THAT alone would be worth assessing.

Mimicking Dr. DeMarte! OMG, you're so right.. At what point will she take off the glasses so as to look a little more like her? wow..
I'll be happy to give you a many more examples about Jodi's inappropriate boundary issues.

Oh, nonononono...let's move on. Oops!
not speaking about anything JA told you . .
so it is hypothetical?

for someone to look down @ hands and see blood . . .knowing they were in situation they had to shoot someone, they were running for their life.

in that broad category - unrelated to this case . . . they might think something bad happened..

JW asks again . .

It is a huge leap . . .that is my opinion as a psychologist . . based upon my knowledge of memory and how memory works . . . . .
still subjective opinion isn't it

when you use word subjective what do you mean?
you opinion

I know about the way memory works - that is objective data given to me. . . there is enough objective data to suggest

if those are the words you are using . . it sounds like that is what you believe the definiation to be . .
so you agree with me?

another report from Dr. Carp . . .several tests with JA . . including Trauma Symptom inventory . . .measures emotional distress/trauma. . . the Beck - self report measure depression . .. . another measure of background exposure to violence . .. partner abuse scale - self report exposure to DV . . .2 of these given

questions posed in a way . . whether or not person belives it is abuse . . .

partner abuse assessment scales - when asking JA questions . . .specific situations, assessments - the psychologist makes decision whether there is abuse - it isn't JA making decision - it is based on her response.

very detailed questions . . just asking for factual sitautions . .
you asked JA about physical incidents - and gave her examples to help her understand . . .

specifically asking her . . .tell me what you think is abusive

battered women often minimize details . ..

ultimately you believe JA has borderline personality disorder . . .evidence of that some time before age 18 . . .

usually see a pattern . . develops relatively young -in toddler years personality then becomes more solidified . . .usually start to see more in their teen years - maladapitive . . . pattern of this not just one incident . . . if suffer from trauma . . .. you need to see evidence of borderline traits before trauma .. . in adulthood . . . .assume she had traumatic event 6/4 . . . assume long term abuse is traumatic as well .

if borderline has a traumatic event - you would want to see evidence of borderline before the event . . clear pattern seen before trauma - yes

different criteria for borderline . . . first criteria . . .frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. more than just worry about break up with boyfriend .. . strong need to be attached . .. you find she moved to Mesa -data point evidence, in 7/07 . . after JA and TA broke up. . . did not stop talking to each other - continued talking and sexual relationship . . sometimes did say nice things to her . . saw a couple incidents when he invited her to his house - they travel together . . .JA overstepped boundaries - she checked text messages - she believed he wsa cheating . . .confirmed by looking @ text . . looked @ his facebook numerous times .. . they traded passwords?
she said it in her diary but that is contrary to a text . . . in May
after she moved away - both changed passwords - he indicated she continued to look @ his fb account without his authorization.

all things talk about all have to do with TA
I would be happy to provide other examples if you would like me to
not asking you to . . only examples you gave us had to do with TA
I don't remember only examples having to do with TA . . .

efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment - moved out from parents, lived with boyfriend . . . many different jobs . . . had a minimum of 10 different resteraunt jobs . .. I believe that is case . . . whole notes that have been disclosed already.

sure you can have whole thing and then I can have it back?
2nd one - pattern of intense unstable relationships
Good one JW. Get into evidence her job instability!

Doesn't make her look like a hard worker. Makes her look like a flake.
I completely disagree. JW's questions are very hard to follow because she's all over the place. I think she's really thinking through her answers because she knows she will be held accountable. She just wants to make sure she understands what is being asked completely before answering.

Dr. D seems to be taking the badgering pretty well today. I don't see her as angry today, but I'm not watching every moment - just listening.
Hmmm Does JW think that Dr DM is saying DX of BPD is from breakup? Does she not realize that JA had this long before she ever crossed paths with TA??

BOOYAHHH JW NO ONE was there when EITHER OF THEM wrote/type any of the evidence YOU are presenting as FACTS! HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!
Yikes - somebody is making a mistake here. Hope it's JW
Think maybe JA is paying attention because of all WS posts on being disinterested? and how it must look to the jury?

I agree, Donovan or her counsel might have caught wind and told Jodi how bad it looked for her to do that. Looks like JW took her crayons away lol.

Too funny!

I am rolling! No no don't tell the jury everything else my crazy lying murdering client did in her teen years!!!

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And Dr. DeMarte is organized. Hmmm remember the paper fumbling days? I do, but it seems foggy. :floorlaugh:
While at side bar WAT has camera on JA. It just hit me, she has now tried to fix her hair like Dr. D. She has the bangs brushed off to the side.

I KNEW yesterday that she was going to do this! I totally expected her to try to emulate Dr. D as much as she could. Dr. D is the kind of strong, accomplished, beautiful woman that JA thinks she (herself) is.
Ms Wilmott may smile when she is under stress. That is the only reason I can think of.

I can relate to that. Whenever I have to discipline or fire an employee, I get a horrible case of laughter that I CANNOT control. I've learned I have to actually leave the building, visualize the upcoming confrontation, and get the laughter out before meeting with the employee. I know it's totally inappropriate, but it's how my body responds to the extreme stress. Can't imagine what I would do if I had to be on stage like JW.
Oh man guys, I took cold meds today and I am struggling to stay awake!

Dr. D you're my girl - very well prepared and intelligently puts in some verbal 'additional info' - JW does not know how to stop her....
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