trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #151

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Transcript of letter from JA to TA shown in court today.


From:"Jodi Arias"<>
Date:Wed, 14 Feb 2007 16:58:31 -800

I'm sorry that the last few days have been so frustrating for you. I wish I could have offered you more consolation over the phone. I guess I was just at a little bit of a loss for words. And perhaps a little bit intimidated, not necessarily because of how angry you were, but because I wasn't sure how you would react to me trying to comfort you. I compare it to my own experiences, and I know that sometimes, I don;t want to hear it, I just want to yell and scream and vent (yes, I do so on rare occasions), and go through the motions until the situation plays itself out. Other times, I need comforting and to be told that everything is ok. I wasn't sure exactly what you were needing, so I just listened, and as the conversation evolved, my heart filled with compassion you.

However you already know the secret. I don't need to remind you. But you are so powerful, and you can turn this situation around at anytime. I found out, much to
house, which is quickly spreading like cancer throughout other areas of my finances, and probably his, too. And I don't want to focus on that, therefore, I haven't wanted to talk to Darryl lately. Maybe you don't need to know any of this, but I guess I'm just telling you so you know it hasn't been a great day for me either. But there is one cool part to that little story: After we hung up, I continued to cry to a few minutes. I was still in bed, still in my pajamas, feeling miserable and hopeless. And the suddenly a thought of you popped into my mind. It took me a second (really, only 1 second), and I ceased to cry, and I began to feel wonderful! I think I probably smiled! I remembered talking to you last night. I remembered your stirring voice. I remembered how freakin' lucky I am that you are in my life! I think that those thoughts are literally what motivated me to get out of bed this morning and face the day. And although it hasn't been the best day that I've had this week, it can only mean that it gets better from here! I've still got 4 more days left this week, and so do you!

If I had a magic wand and could change anything about today right now, I would use it to make your day brighter and 300% better. But just know that your problems and
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trials are making you better and stronger by the minute. It may be hard to imagine that (only because you are already so incredible!), but I can see it and I can envision it. Just keep breathing and keep stepping. We are human, we all falter. But everything is still perfect. Heavenly Father doesn't make mistakes. This world is our classroom, and we are the students. The people and situations we bring into our experience are like our teachers. Today's lesson has been difficult and was not fun! But the general idea is that once we learn the lessons inherent in the situation, we don't have to repeat them anymore! When you can find it in yourself to give thanks for the lessons, do it.

Ok, I'm go to go now before you start calling me Esther Hicks. I might otherwise take it as a compliment, but coming from you, I know it wouldn't be! :) And I hope this makes you feel better: Just remember that no matter how ugly it gets, I'm only a phone call away. I am ALWAYS here for you. YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME!!! AND YOU ALWAYS WILL!
Happy Valentine's Day, Baby.

:seeya: And NOT a word - or a "thank you" -- for the "Valentine's Chocolates" and/or "undies" ...

Nothing ... Nada ... Zip !

Never happened ... only in JA's "imagination" ...

I've seen Clancy interviewed and she said she was a little tipsy, not falling down drunk as Jodi made it sound. The bathroom incident could have occurred at the same event.

I remember Clancy saying the bathroom confrontation with Jodi occurred the day after Travis helped Clancy.

:floorlaugh: this is so
what's the smilie VOMIT symbols? If I knew I would insert it here a few times...the words do not reflect an honest person, but a person who zeroes in on another in a time of weakness...

:puke: I use that one frequently in the context of this case! :puke:
So..what's up with Willmott's constant guttural "humph" sounds today..I noticed it once when the judge sustained a state objection, and another after an answer from the witness....that is soooo RUDE! It sure doesn't give Wilmott any respect points...

"90% of all communication is non-verbal..." ;)
Are you guys watching on HLN? The testimony that I'm watching doesn't seem the same as what everyone is watching and talking about. They are talking about JA driving towards Hoover Dam and realizing that she had blood on her hands.

Everyone else is viewing a live feed, such as this one:

Just like you can pause live tv when you get your signals directly from a satelitte provider (like DirectTV), HLN hits the "pause" button when viewing their live feed in order to air commercials, then they go back to the feed by hitting the "play" button which picks up wherever the feed was when they hit the pause button.

When we watch a live feed from another source who does not pause for commercials, then we are current with the live court proceedings. HLN stays at least one hour behind the live court proceedings because they press "pause" to air their commercials.

What the heck? Dd is wearing a gray blazer and coral tank. Isn't this today?

It is from today, aim. HLN doesn't keep up with the live streams people are watching online. HLN will "pause" the action, go to commercial, talk to guests, then hit "play" to resume it.

Rather than pick up live when they return, they pick up where they left off for the break. That helps people who can't watch online not to miss anything, but it puts the TV channel way, way behind the actual live stream.

If you wanna try a live stream, I find the one on CNN most reliable:
See, this is the kind of misstep I keep seeing the DT make. Juan wants to use the email, they object and approach, 20 minutes later the bailiff goes for new copies, Juan is not worried. Today Jenny crows about the rest of the email, and helps point out the OTHER SIDE OF SPLITTING. In a few Juan will come back and pull the trigger on this gun Jenny just aimed at her feet. :deal:

Winning the battle is so important to her she can't see that all her troops are in Russia, it's winter, and Paris is on fire.

Oh my gosh ... This is such a great post.
LOVE your last paragraph ... So true.
JW really can't see the forest for the trees. lol
Thanks Donnareit !
AND THE GLASSES ARE ~~~~ OFF!!!!! Project Dr. Demarte mini-me is....ON!
Edit - actually it's okay. though she seems to be wearing a salmon ish color

I like JW's suit. I'm now sure Dr D is making JW rephrase questions to test her. It gets JW flummoxed. Some of these questions aren't hers for sure so she struggles to rephrase them.

Salmon top on Dr. DeMarte should make WilAboutTrial very happy today, LOL!

I'm a people watcher, just can't help it. I love beautiful clothes and jewelry. Have to say that I WANT the necklace Wilmott is wearing today, I want it badly! :)

Wilmott does wear such beautiful suits, and today's purplish suit is so beautiful in it's cut and the way the jacket fabric lays... but her skirts are always so darn tight! I fear she will burst the seams. :eek: I must wonder if she wears them so tight as to catch the eye of the male jurors and make them oblivious to some of the testimony. If I, as a female, notice the overly tight skirts, then surely the men must be distracted by the fact that those overly tight skirts are a distraction at times?

Dr. Demarte ~~
Beautiful and so smart. She is a very good witness. I love the way she is so thoughtful about the wording in her answers and also pays precise attention to Wilmott's question formation so she (DeMarte) doesn't allow herself to get caught up in one of Wilmott's flagrant misrepresentations of facts in evidence. Example: Wilmott asked a question that included the words "When Jodi had to kill Travis".

We are back LIVE:
Oh I am sorry! Lemme get change some hot soup and some herbal tea :)

(you know JA would say they are friends)... They had an understanding after they calmy discussed Travis... Barf.

Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2

Love your avatar, gngr~snap!
Wilmott is moving around more instead of standing at the podium (Juan Style) she is asking 'right' after every question (Juan Style) she is questioning with a sense of attitude (Juan Style) she is trying to make a point and then move to another point smoothly, effortlessly (Juan Style).

She must have taken lessons from JA.

JW You. Are. Not. In. The. Same. League. As. Mr. Martinez.


AMEN! Great post! :woohoo:
Luckily it was only for a couple of months t most.

Yeah, there seems to be a serious misunderstanding of what ineffective assistance of counsel is. Not scoring the points you want to score with a witness is not ineffective assistance. It means either you are working with a bad set of facts or the witness is uncooperative or too difficult to shake.

Ineffective assistance would mean things like falling asleep during trial, allowing in evidence you should not have, and could have omitted, not moving for a change of venue when necessary, not presenting exculpatory evidence, things like that.

Nurmi and Wilmott are good attorneys. They are doing a very good job with what they have. Which is nothing.

I don't happen to like either of them. Okay? I don't like Nurmi for his personal decision to defend sex offenders and for participating in accusing a murdered man of awful things that are not true. I don't like Wilmott for her participation in the same, and her condescending attitude irritates me.

But I'm able to separate my personal feelings to a large degree when I look at how they are doing their job, because of my background as an attorney. Based on that, they are doing a good job. They are going to lose, but they are doing fine and there will be no successful appeal for ineffective assistance of counsel based on their performance in court.

I think people have a hard time separating their personal emotions about this case from what is actually occurring in the courtroom sometimes. We hate jodi for what she did so we hate her attorneys for defending her and her witnesses for their opinions and we thus see every last thing about each of these players we dislike, as negative and horrible, down to the way they sit, the way they wear their hair and the clothes on their backs.

Everything they say is stupid and wrong and everything they do is stupid and wrong.

But that's coming from emotion, not - here's a word we all know now, thanks Dr. Demarte! - "objective" fact.

And that's perfectly normal. It's why people hire professionals to represent them, provide medical treatment for them, advise them as to their finances, etc. Because when we are too close to something and our emotions are in play, it's very difficult to see things objectively.

:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: this post was greaaaat.
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