trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #151

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Will JW finish cross today? any takers?

Depends, if Ms. Wilmott realizes she can't get what she wants from the Dr. she will prattle on for 20 hours trying to. If Dr. DeMarte puts a slam dunk on Ms. Wilmott, she might just shut up and sit down.

Its a depends kind of day. :D
How come it only took Juan 1/2 a day for direct, yet we are onto day 3 for cross?

Hippocamping'R'us. DRINK!

she detects a snow job coming...and she will have her snow shovel ready..

Snow White philosophy?Perhaps???
JW is trying to 'get along' with Dr. D but when Dr. D has to restate the question JW goes I know and then proceeds.

Indicates that JW really doesn't fully understand - almost like someone helped her with the questions but if Dr. D stops her she has to regroup.
Wilmott is making me giggle :) Oh yeah, today is going to be GOOD :)
Wilmott's like that girl at high school who was always the top of the class, winning all the awards, winning all the essay competitions - and then this new girl shows up who has superior smarts, and is also prettier ...
JW is treading dangerous waters. She is not qualified to question DD. She is going to sound stupider by the minute.

I like it.

She flounders a lot with the terminology when she doesn't get her expected pat answers.
Fight or Flight?

Very unlikely will we fight even you can flight.

I agree with Dr. DeMarte, it is not "probable" of the hippocampus not working.
notice how nurmi isn't all scrunched up with his finger in his nose, mouth, other body parts... he doesn't have a reason to get in the 'signal my witness' posture since it's rebuttal...
I can hear it coming....JA is not guilty because she has brain damage.
Just have to say it for today...

I love this woman. :great:

Jennifer is simply not going to manipulate her. This Doctor is just too smart. She is one step ahead and knows what silliness Jennifer is going to try to get her to say and Jennifer ends up stuttering and trying to get herself back on track. I enjoy it greatly watching this.


Everytime she says "So what you are saying" That is code for either twisting the Doctor's testimony or she needs time to get her brain to stop spinning.
How is the killer looking this morning?

Yesterday, many of you were sooooooo right on making an early call about Jodi calling in sick.

Will she stick it out today?

Wasn't yesterday the 3rd time the DT cut short on a Wednesday? If so, isn't this some kind of short term strategy so as to drag out the next day, Thursday, & end with a big finish, knowing there's no court on Friday?

Didn't all 3 of these "sick-in's" happen on Wednesdays? How is it they think no one's on to them?
You and me both. I've taken several days off of work during the trial just so I could sit home and watch in peace. Sure beats being here, being annoyed by coworkers, having to minimize my screen every three minutes. :banghead:

I hear you! Retiring April 30th and REALLY looking forward to being able to follow in real time. First week of retirement, hubby is going on a week long fishing trip, so my time will be all mine!:great:
When I was in college, a nursing professor explained fight or flight so well I've never forgot it.

A bear is after you, what happens in your body? Your pupils dilate so you can see better to get away. Your body floods with adrenaline for strength. Your body sends all your blood to your brain and heart. It will bypass your stomach say, if you have food in your tummy. You don't need to digest food when you are running for your life. You need blood and oxygen, you need adrenaline and to see to get the heck out. Your mind clears of anything except the current situation so you can think. All to get away from the darn bear. It's a short process that last until you get away or fight to live.
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