trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #153

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The whole thing with "roommates" being in the house for the 4 or 5 days and noticing nothing, especially in June in AZ, will never make sense to me. Plus does seem to me, anyway, the roommates were people TA was trying to get involved in his work, not real friends and to help with the cost...Why at almost 30 yrs old not just buy your own home that is affordable, especially if your wanting to find a woman soon to marry.

Seems like the house was more like a frat house or something. He was a little to old to be doing that.

And just to clarify, yes, I think she is guilty, except the roommate thing bothers me.

The home was a 5 bedroom 3 bath dwelling and it's been stated that Travis had his own 'wing' in the house. These men didn't really hang there. I'm pretty sure I heard/read at least one of them never even ate there. So this enormous home was portrayed as a place for these roomies to crash. I'd wager a bet that the central air-conditioning was on the entire time too which would help off-set any wretched stench.

We don't know Travis' financial affairs but regardless, it's very difficult to live on your own these days especially while the housing market was collapsing. Besides, Travis liked to treat himself with toys, trips and by the looks of his closet, nice clothing too. So taking in roommates to help defray the cost of living is perfectly acceptable while waiting to settle down.
But don't you think she'd have to do a lot more to make a complete, thorough diagnosis? I do. I saw borderline as a starting point. And I thought she was really there to shoot down the DV and PTSD diagnoses. I don't know how much further she could go.

I honestly believe that JA meets the DSM criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder (sociopathy / psychopathy), and that's just from the little we've been able to know about her. There are a lot of crossover traits. I may be "flogged" for this opinion, but I am one who believes those tests can be influenced by the person taking them, no matter how many measures there are to prevent it. That, combined with a little coaching from hours with people helping, yeah - I think JA was dishonest with test-taking.

At a minimum, I think JA meets the criteria for a BPD diagnosis, but DD can only go with what answers she was provided with. As an evaluator, she can definitely make a diagnosis based on the many tests given if the person was honest. If they're not truthful, and happen to bypass the measures that are supposed to tell an evaluator if the results are valid, then I say that person deserves to be slapped with any diagnosis or label the results show. The DT should be happy that the "damage" was kept to a minimum given what she did. It takes a certain "breed" of person to enjoy hacking a person to death.

Tests...Smests....It has nothing to do with the price of gas in Utah! :floorlaugh:
I was wondering if you or anyone can blow this up so we can see what scale she is on at PD.Willimott asked about d which was depression then she asks what PD means and Dr says Psychopathic Deviance I had it large on my screen and Jodis face gets a oh boy WTH look on it.Then Willimott pulls it off and skips it. I can not see it what number its at, I want to know the number it spikes to.

Hmmm. I'll try to see. I am still on that part (4).
I can't do stills or screenshots, though.

ETA: I found the Psychopathic Deviance part. I couldn't read the numbers and JW snatched it off the screen very fast. I was playing it back. Suddenly, I lost the whole video with an "error" message. Strange.
So I've spent time reading Jodi's blog. She didn't start this till she and TA broke up. In other words, she created it knowing he was reading and could get his attention. Passive aggressive. If you add how much she wrote in texts, emails and IM's coupled with her blog, journal and whatever else - she was HYPER - if not always "on". She also talks a lot and constantly fidgets. When you look at it like that you can see her having all this "energy" and being able to take someone. I wonder what her sleeping habits are like..

I'm still believing she created those journals on purpose. She has a LOT of things to say and lord knows she doesn't ever shut up.
WOW! Glad you got him in there quick! It's that time of the year, took a 4 ft. gopher snake out of my pond area just 4 days ago which means the Mojave Greens, Diamondbacks, Corals, and the rest of those critters are out. We have emus and peacocks that help keep most off the property, but they do slither here and there.

Does Steely Dan know this?
I don't know, guys nowadays that are single would be smart to buy a house and rent rooms, with strong guidelines for boarders. It is too hard for young professionals to get on their feet to buy a house while paying loans and such. Plus I don't think many like being alone.
Guys are guys, they don't enter others' domains without permission. Just read today, male children do not hear as well as females. ...Cause they are too busy making obnoxious noises, imho. lol....maybe their noses are like that, too. If they were working, in and out, hanging with their girls--they thought he went to Cancun? Probably never smelled human remains before.
Still catching up on today's testimony, I'm at about 15 min. into after the lunch break.

Is it just me or does JW seem very condescending when she questions DJD? I can't stand the way she talks to her (DJD), the tone, the verbiage, etc... I couldn't put my finger on what it was until now.

Poor JW tried to come off as being more intelligent than the Witness and it didn't work out too well. This was a great witness for the State. We are happy.
If JW (who IMO is smarter than she gets credit for here) can confuse this witness, probably good for her she wasn't under the rath of JM, doesnt seem she would have liked it. All jmo.....

Respectfully, does that mean JW gets credit for confusing everyone that listened to her cross?

Who wouldn't be confused by some of those rambling, incoherent questions?

I rewound my DVR many times back to the beginning of her questions because there was so much in between flip-flopping, I couldn't remember where she started. Sad thing is, I don't think she could either some or most of the time.

I can tell you first hand as a borderline person - we don't go as far as murder, we usually self harm (be it cutting, drugs or bad relationships). Murder is unusual for anyone and not specific to one disorder.

I feel compassion for those of you with BPD, it can't be easy dealing with it from what I've read and heard. Kudos to you and other with it who get help.

JA is more than BPD though. She's also a psychopath IMO and it was her psychopathy that led to her slaughtering Travis Alexander, not her BPD.

What's tragic about this trial is leaving the jury with a BPD diagnosis for JA. That's such a horrible stigma that will endure for those of you law abiding citizens with BPD.
The roommate thing has always bothered me too. I think one of my first posts here was asking about the layout of the house.

I never thought anything nefarious about those roommates. I just wondered how they could not have noticed anything wrong, especially when TA left all his cleaning stuff out and and left his dog. I wondered what their routine was before he was murdered. Did they see each other every day? Did they eat together? Share groceries? Maybe this was answered a long time ago...

True, very weird, the whole thing is. As much as I've read he loved his dog, I wonder what their arrangement was with regards to taking care of the dog when he was away?? Wouldnt they find it odd if nothing was said combined with a bad smell in the house...
The altercation with another inmate got my attention, however, due to the "self defense" claim.

Oh, the day she boards the bus to Perryville and it finally hits her that it's all over and no one there will give two flips about her headaches or her scribbling or her whining about having to defend herself.

Even she knows it is going to be a sh&t show.

*rubs hands together with glee*

*tick tock* Jodi *tick freakin' tock*
During his interrogation interview, Jodi's father talked about the time that Jodi called him and was crying. He told about Jodi going by Travis's house and seeing him with another woman. Then he said something like, "And she was planning to marry him!" I thought he mentioned something about it being when she first moved to Mesa, but I'm not sure about that. I assume it's the time when Jodi looked in and saw the woman fastening her bra.

It sounds like the same incident. The dad said she found out be sneaking up and peeping into his windows.
I feel compassion for those of you with BPD, it can't be easy dealing with it from what I've read and heard. Kudos to you and other with it who get help.

JA is more than BPD though. She's also a psychopath IMO and it was her psychopathy that led to her slaughtering Travis Alexander, not her BPD.

What's tragic about this trial is leaving the jury with a BPD diagnosis for JA. That's such a horrible stigma that will endure for those of you law abiding citizens with BPD.

Thank you and I agree. This trial is upsetting to me, it conjures up bad feelings about myself (I feel like a monster) and I've thought heavily about many things.

I agree with you that she is a psychopath. I whole-heardly believe she is. I think she can be diagnosed as just about anything because that's what she's portraying at that moment.
Help me out here. I do not understand how a loss in overall value of a house would have anything to do with needing to take in roomates. The house payment is the house payment, right? It does not change no matter what the current value of the house. Unless you have a variable rate mortgage, that is.

But basically it would be a drop in income, not in home value, that would lead to needing roomates to help cover the costs, right?
True, very weird, the whole thing is. As much as I've read he loved his dog, I wonder what their arrangement was with regards to taking care of the dog when he was away?? Wouldnt they find it odd if nothing was said combined with a bad smell in the house...

The roommate's girlfriend was to take care of the dog. They all thought he left already and she started caring for him.
So HLN After Dark's question tonight: Is JA a danger to society.

I vote yes.

What say you all?

Anybody who is willing to cut a living person's throat is a danger to society.
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