trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #158

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O.M.G Why do I still have HLN on? :banghead: These 2 knucklehead women tried to sell their seats in court today for $200 Got caught and got in trouble.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people? Now on JVM to talk about it??? :banghead:
That juror got it! She didn't just hit "delete all" she took the time to decide what to delete. Each picture is a 5 step process to delete, or you can delete groups. She was in a fog, and didn't know what she had done till she reached the Hoover Dam. Fog lifted long enough to know that she had to delete the photos, but it wasn't because she knew she had done something wrong, cause that didn't hit her till the Hoover Dam. Clear as mud to me!

And that was what Dr. D. said on the stand--that she could NOT be in a fog and just delete some and not all the photos, no matter how "experienced a photographer" Jodi claims to be.
O.M.G Why do I still have HLN on? :banghead: These 2 knucklehead women tried to sell their seats in court today for $200 Got caught and got in trouble.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people? Now on JVM to talk about it??? :banghead:

Is that a stunt? Sounds like HLN to do something like that...hmmm.....
I'm sorry, but SELLING your gallery seat??

I'm catching up, and just saw JVM.

circus=all 3 rings complete

Evening recess, court wont resume until 1:30 tomorrow. Remember the admonition and such. #JodiArias
The login attempt was unsuccessful. Which, in my opinion, insinuates it was Jodi trying to login, and possibly Travis had changed his password.

This may also be the opportunity for Jodi to have grabbed Travis' new camera for the nude shots? I don't remember if I ever knew the times of those photos, but Travis looks pretty laid back while they're being taken. Possibly Travis was having a post-coital nap, and she took advantage of the opportunity to grab her weapons, camera, etc. (?) The last stuff here are my randoms thoughts on that time period.

I am of the belief Arias was attempting to frame Travis by putting salacious or pedophilia photos on his computer but couldn't access it. I believe she was an uninvited guest at Travis' house that day.

In fact I'll go this far, I don't think Travis took those nude photos of Arias. Why? He wasn't the type to 'get off' on watching *advertiser censored* and he certainly wasn't liking Arias at that time. Not after that text message of his.

That whole bed scene (I believe) was a set up. I don't think they had sex. I believe Arias had the gun pointed at him as he awoke. I believe the first time Travis saw her was around 1-2PM. Not 4AM. Because I don't believe he would agree to sleep with her. There is no way I can believe he knew she was coming over. As for her knowing what was on his computer at that time? Well....she was probably peering in the window and saw what he was watching. She's a cunning, sneaky, conniving, contriving, calculating sloth who didn't or couldn't take a hint.

She was going to set him up then kill him. It's that cut and dry. IMO of course.
I'm sorry, but SELLING your gallery seat??

I'm catching up, and just saw JVM.

circus=all 3 rings complete

They should be forced to donate the $200 they were willing to spend to Travis' family.
O.M.G Why do I still have HLN on? :banghead: These 2 knucklehead women tried to sell their seats in court today for $200 Got caught and got in trouble.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people? Now on JVM to talk about it??? :banghead:

the lady on the right was the same woman who asked juan to sign her cane
Major something big happening!!!!! Wow!

Were any of the recesses connected to the DT wanting to add "Crime of Passion" to their litany of lies?

does anyone think that the Judge approved this motion?

sorry if my legalese is not up to par... :blushing:

Why am I getting ads on the right side of my screen here showing suggestive poses of chubby women's bottoms and just now: "Like Desperate Asia Women?"

Are these your advertisers, Websleuths? :facepalm::facepalm:

Those pesky cookie tracking adware things. Delete your Internet cookies.
The more you guys comment on it, the more I realize how amazing that jury question was. :rockon:

The genesis of that question was JW's cross of Dr. D. JW asked her if Jodi, being a photographer, could do something like delete photos even though her executive functions were subsumed by the fight or flight response. Dr. D said yes, as a rote motor function, but that higher functions, like choosing which pictures to delete would not be possible. Someone on the jury is paying attention!
Sure hope she has to, but I don't think it will go that way.
I'm really not sure on this one. Normally, I'd agree automatically but one of the jury questions posed to Jodi was basically if she felt remorse or regret for Travis' family. I believe another may have been about the 18 page letter too, iirc.

For me it suggests a predisposed sympathy for Travis' family, even not hearing from them. They'll get to testify too though and have been so passionately vocal about wanting her to receive death as her sentence. I think its possible they could sway the jury. For their sake, I really hope so.
I think it was part of Juan's rebuttal strategy. He closed alot of gaps and returned to previously testified evidence because of Dr. Samuels and Jodi's testimony of the fognesia.

I'm sorry, but if you are in a fognesia, you have time to delete a dozen or so photos which is a 5 step process for each one, and leave the other 90 photos on it.

It's good the juror confirmed this for themself, but Melendez had already testified the first time there were other pictures on the camera. JW didn't score any points on that.
Today's rebuttal is one of the finest I've ever seen. Short, to the point and mighty effective.

For me, the icing on the rebuttal cake would be shelving testimony/demonstration.
O.M.G Why do I still have HLN on? :banghead: These 2 knucklehead women tried to sell their seats in court today for $200 Got caught and got in trouble.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people? Now on JVM to talk about it??? :banghead:

Actually she did sell it. The one in brown did. The other lady in pink or "salmon" color was just a friend had no idea what went down and why they were being removed supposedly.
To Everyone that's been STRESSED over what Nurmi pulled today

I heard Deanna's testimony...bless her heart...very brave. Are you talking about the letter she had to read and the litany of vulgarities he asked her about? Made me sick to my stomach. Proved more for the prosecution than def, IMO. Also, what's with the def asking for jury to be allowed to consider lesser charges? They're desperate & running out of smoke, mirrors & B.S.!
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