trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #158

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She made up the story about the rope so there was a reason for a knife to be lying around somewhere in the bedroom or bathroom. That's why there needed to be a rope. No fibers of any rope were found in the bedroom or bathroom.

That's untrue. I wouldn't be mentioning the fibers had the pictures not been shown in open court and had JM not made mention of them. He argued that they were pillow fringe. DT argues they came from the rope.

(((((((HUGS TO DEANNA))))))) She did such a fine job of testifying. It almost felt like
Travis was in the courtroom smiling at her. Wishing Deanna all kinds of wonderful in her future.

Deanna Reid's Eulogy for Travis

I agree. I hope there was a handsome, wonderful, loving Mormon man watching who will sweep her off her feet (if she doesn't already have a wonderful Mormon man)!
You are accurate in your description, but I think the fact that I was in an unhealthy verbally/physically abusive relationship years and years ago tends to cloud my judgement when it comes to verbal abuse. I am highly sensitive to it. Deanna handled herself well. I would have been shaking and tearing up had it been me.

Aw kaydono. I'm sorry you were verbally/physically abused. I'm sorry you had to endure that! Hugs go out to you.

I think Deanna handled herself well too. She was strong. I just wish Nurmi would have handled her a little more respectfully. I know he has a job to do, but sheesh.
Maybe the're hoping there's at least one juror prudish enough about it.

Really, it's just that they're desperate and have nothing else.
Thank you for the reply - I really appreciate you taking the time to try to help me understand. However, I still do not.

I just cannot imagine someone being so prudish that they are unable to understand, and, forgive having sex before marriage.

Not having sex before marriage is best - teenagers are not typically emotionally matured to have a full understanding of sex (the beauty of such intimacy). Building both a mental and spiritual intimacy while refraining from sex is ideal. Refraining from sex before marriage prevents STDs, pregnancies outside of marriage, emotional anguish, ect.

Sex before marriage is a concept older than Moses. Adults look at teenagers - unmarried college students - ect. and know the mistakes of having sex before marriage. More than knowing the mistakes - know that sex before marriage is, simply, not worth it.

Still - adults in their 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and beyond for the most part, IMO, can look back at the time when they were young, unmarried, and knew everything. Youth is a time when there is an answer to every question, there is a better way for every activity, everything & anything is possible - Youth is often a time when adults are pitied, felt sorry for, and greatly dismissed.

Sex before marriage happens - it always has happened. Catholic young unmarried "kids" have sex before marriage - and keep receiving communion (just like the generation before them and the previous generation. Presbyterian young unmarried "kids" have sex before marriage - and continue going to Sunday Service (just like the generation before them and the previous generation).

Yes - IMO ideally a person should wait to have sex until after they are married. Does it make a person horrible if they fail to uphold this great advice - no.

In terms of this trial - I do not understand why the defense is concentrating so much on "Sex Before Marriage / Law of Chastity / The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints," as if this is the only religious group that teaches sex before marriage is a sin. It is a sin in the catholic church, judaism, presbyterian church, and all mainstream protestant churches.

I cannot imagine the religious backgrounds of this defense team to behave as though this "sex before marriage thing" is only applicable to the LDS Church.

I have never seen this approach by defense teams in other trials - going on and on about breaking a church rule (sex before marriage). I've never heard a catholic witness asked about having sex before marriage, did they confess or continue to take communion - I've never heard a presbyterian witness asked about having sex before marriage, and even though it is a sensitive topic, did they continue attending Sunday Service without speaking to the pastor about their sin.

A prude is one thing - a person that does not "get" sex before marriage would not be human. We are all sinners - we all fall short of the glory of god. This is why we have the God's grace.

Sex before marriage is not a crime - Travis Alexander having sex before marriage did not cause him to be slaughtered - Travis Alexander last minutes on Earth scared gasping for air feeling his body not working because Arias had butchered him did not happen because Travis Alexander had sex before marriage.

Travis Alexander was murdered by Arias (it has nothing to do with having sex before marriage) - Travis Alexander was tortured we know during the last minutes of his life due to Arias' criminal behavior. Travis Alexander had his life taken away from him - all of his hopes, dreams, his pursuit of happiness, getting married, having children, becoming a husband, father, and grandfather. Arias had no right to take Travis Alexander's life - more so, Arias took Travis Alexander's life in the most brutal way that she could.

It makes me so sad - especially seeing Arias smile during court - seeing Arias' drawing (Travis cannot do anything because Arias murdered him). Arias' behavior should be solemn during her trial for the murder she confessed to - instead Arias "rubs" it in that she is alive and free to do what she pleases. It is as though Arias receives joy each minute during her trial knowing that she murdered Travis Alexander - Arias seems satisfied knowing that she took Travis Alexander's life away. Arias smiled when Deanna Reid was on the stand - a smirk that illustrated, "I'm (Arias) the only one that knows what happened to Travis Alexander - Travis Alexander will never date/marry become a father, and, I (Arias) could not be happier."

For the defense to pretend as though sex before marriage is not a fundamental religious belief within the main religious community is odd. Again, refraining from sex before marriage is taught in the catholic church, presbyterian church, jewish temple, and the numerous protestant churches.

Arias is a cold blooded murderer. The longer this trial goes on - the more I believe that Arias decided that she would murder Travis Alexander early in their relationship - Arias decided that if Travis Alexander ever really tried to get away from her she would murder him. I think that she thought about it for years - not weeks - especially since she stabbed him almost 30 times, slit his throat from ear to ear, and shot him in the face.

I apologize for this "rant." I am really confused as to why this defense is behaving as though sex before marriage is an "out there" concept. I do not understand why this defense is going on and on about sex - asking Deanna Reid about her sexual past. Sex outside of marriage has nothing to do with the murder of Travis Alexander - Travis Alexander was murdered by a cold blooded killer that IMO, again, plotted/thought/fantasized about Travis Alexander's murder for years (given the brutally of Travis Alexander's murder).
Random question... um...... does anyone know, specifically when the HOTTIE ME is going to testify again, or if he is even on the list?
That's untrue. I wouldn't be mentioning the fibers had the pictures not been shown in open court and had JM not made mention of them. He argued that they were pillow fringe. DT argues they came from the rope.

I don't think that is a "fiber". I think that is part of a tassle, and the only tassle JA would have used would have been hanging off her store bought "B cups".
My point was that JA lived an irresponsible lifestyle, imo. Sorry if I hit a sore spot.

She surely did, including having her Infinity repossessed. When their house went into foreclosure DB declared bankruptcy, but reportedly JA didn't have the money to do so. Maybe if she'd bought a good used Corolla instead of a gas guzzling Infinity she might have.
So, friends - What time is court tomorrow? 1:30 Pacific - 11:30 Central. Won't be here but will watch it when I can.
I don't think that is a "fiber". I think that is part of a tassle, and the only tassle JA would have used would have been hanging off her store bought "B cups".

Yea. IIRC the CSI woman testified that no rope fibers were found at the crime scene. HLN is trying to make some sort of BOMBSHELL out of pillow tassels.
Thank you for the reply - I really appreciate you taking the time to try to help me understand. However, I still do not.

I just cannot imagine someone being so prudish that they are unable to understand, and, forgive having sex before marriage.

Not having sex before marriage is best - teenagers are not typically emotionally matured to have a full understanding of sex (the beauty of such intimacy). Building both a mental and spiritual intimacy while refraining from sex is ideal. Refraining from sex before marriage prevents STDs, pregnancies outside of marriage, emotional anguish, ect.

Sex before marriage is a concept older than Moses. Adults look at teenagers - unmarried college students - ect. and know the mistakes of having sex before marriage. More than knowing the mistakes - know that sex before marriage is, simply, not worth it.

Still - adults in their 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and beyond for the most part, IMO, can look back at the time when they were young, unmarried, and knew everything. Youth is a time when there is an answer to every question, there is a better way for every activity, everything & anything is possible - Youth is often a time when adults are pitied, felt sorry for, and greatly dismissed.

Sex before marriage happens - it always has happened. Catholic young unmarried "kids" have sex before marriage - and keep receiving communion (just like the generation before them and the previous generation. Presbyterian young unmarried "kids" have sex before marriage - and continue going to Sunday Service (just like the generation before them and the previous generation).

Yes - IMO ideally a person should wait to have sex until after they are married. Does it make a person horrible if they fail to uphold this great advice - no.

In terms of this trial - I do not understand why the defense is concentrating so much on "Sex Before Marriage / Law of Chastity / The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints," as if this is the only religious group that teaches sex before marriage is a sin. It is a sin in the catholic church, judaism, presbyterian church, and all mainstream protestant churches.

I cannot imagine the religious backgrounds of this defense team to behave as though this "sex before marriage thing" is only applicable to the LDS Church.

I have never seen this approach by defense teams in other trials - going on and on about breaking a church rule (sex before marriage). I've never heard a catholic witness asked about having sex before marriage, did they confess or continue to take communion - I've never heard a presbyterian witness asked about having sex before marriage, and even though it is a sensitive topic, did they continue attending Sunday Service without speaking to the pastor about their sin.

A prude is one thing - a person that does not "get" sex before marriage would not be human. We are all sinners - we all fall short of the glory of god. This is why we have the God's grace.

Sex before marriage is not a crime - Travis Alexander having sex before marriage did not cause him to be slaughtered - Travis Alexander last minutes on Earth scared gasping for air feeling his body not working because Arias had butchered him did not happen because Travis Alexander had sex before marriage.

Travis Alexander was murdered by Arias (it has nothing to do with having sex before marriage) - Travis Alexander was tortured we know during the last minutes of his life due to Arias' criminal behavior. Travis Alexander had his life taken away from him - all of his hopes, dreams, his pursuit of happiness, getting married, having children, becoming a husband, father, and grandfather. Arias had no right to take Travis Alexander's life - more so, Arias took Travis Alexander's life in the most brutal way that she could.

It makes me so sad - especially seeing Arias smile during court - seeing Arias' drawing (Travis cannot do anything because Arias murdered him). Arias' behavior should be solemn during her trial for the murder she confessed to - instead Arias "rubs" it in that she is alive and free to do what she pleases. It is as though Arias receives joy each minute during her trial knowing that she murdered Travis Alexander - Arias seems satisfied knowing that she took Travis Alexander's life away. Arias smiled when Deanna Reid was on the stand - a smirk that illustrated, "I'm (Arias) the only one that knows what happened to Travis Alexander - Travis Alexander will never date/marry become a father, and, I (Arias) could not be happier."

For the defense to pretend as though sex before marriage is not a fundamental religious belief within the main religious community is odd. Again, refraining from sex before marriage is taught in the catholic church, presbyterian church, jewish temple, and the numerous protestant churches.

Arias is a cold blooded murderer. The longer this trial goes on - the more I believe that Arias decided that she would murder Travis Alexander early in their relationship - Arias decided that if Travis Alexander ever really tried to get away from her she would murder him. I think that she thought about it for years - not weeks - especially since she stabbed him almost 30 times, slit his throat from ear to ear, and shot him in the face.

I apologize for this "rant." I am really confused as to why this defense is behaving as though sex before marriage is an "out there" concept. I do not understand why this defense is going on and on about sex - asking Deanna Reid about her sexual past. Sex outside of marriage has nothing to do with the murder of Travis Alexander - Travis Alexander was murdered by a cold blooded killer that IMO, again, plotted/thought/fantasized about Travis Alexander's murder for years (given the brutally of Travis Alexander's murder).

VENT away if you deem it necessary. I understand your reasoning. This trial has been an emotional roller coaster for most of us. If it is healthy for you to express your frustration and confusion so be it. I do it as well as many others on here. It is therapeutic in my humble opinion. Plus breaking dishes and throwing pots and pans gets expensive and annoys my neighbors. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
BBM - Is your rope in evidence? Why would JA tell lies

Let me correct my question, why are you so leaning towards the defense?

I don't know what in any of my statements EVER gave the inclination that I am leaning toward the defense. I think that's the most shocking question I have ever been asked. And I am not sure how it became my rope just because we are talking about it.
Random question... um...... does anyone know, specifically when the HOTTIE ME is going to testify again, or if he is even on the list?
He's evidentially ON the list - it will be a matter of how afraid JS is of nurmi's continuous threats of a mistrial and appeals. Will she overturn his request for ALL of Juan's rebuttal witnesses?? I'm guessing we'll find out tomorrow what she's made of.

I, too, am looking forward to know...his testimony.
I don't know about AZ law but I was employed with a Southern Calif. hospital for 10 years and was repulsed by the prisoners that came in for treatment, heart surgery even, medical bills paid by Calif. tax payers. When I die, I would like my family to choose where my organs go to. As it stands choice so I do not have an "organ donation" sticker on my drivers licence. Seen too many drug addicts, prisoners getting transplants.

Wow, I never thought of that. Thanks for bringing it up. Would I want my kidney to go to Jodi? What a thought!
awkward?? This is the job he is choosing to devote his life to - getting scumbags off of sex crimes.
He doesn't feel bad about anything except the end of the case and his pennies drying up. Sorry - I should have skipped that post. I detest the man.

I don't know anything else about Nurmi or his feelings about anything but how I saw him behave today. And that's what I saw.
Got as far as #901 on this thread, ropes, scissors, knives, gas cans, Naps, human error, Nurmi's obsession with the number 3, women with boxes on their heads, sex, more sex, bank fraud investigator, the buffed Tesero gal, no *advertiser censored*, jury at 1:30 tomorrow.......

I got WAY behind.........I was over on the "Dark Side", observing the reactions of the "Jodette's" on today's court proceeding and had to take a time out to disinfect myself. It amazes me that people who can set up a website (JAII) can't connect the dots in a trial, but maybe you have to be an Einstein to figure it out, IDK? Maybe their IQ test only goes to 85, so they are undoubtedly geniuses, all I can say is it feels like walking into some infectious disease that starts to attach itself to you like pond scum. Very skeery over there!!!! (insert shaking chihuahua).

Have the BF flying out of here at 4:00 am to catch a flight out to visit his fam for 10 days :woot::woot: so here's hoping we get close to the verdict while he's gone and I can keep up with all the rest of you!!!!!

Nite, peeps, it was a good day, some tears, some "aHA's", and a lot of "LOL"s!


After hearing that Deana went to Costa Rica I do wonder.
Victor was Travis' middle name


No way!!! I missed that! Deanna went to Costa Rica for her mission??!!! Well...there you go! That's where JA got "Costa Rica" from!!

Lol!! "Victor Arias from Costa Rica"! figure.. Is JA really that easy to decode??!
Yea. IIRC the CSI woman testified that no rope fibers were found at the crime scene. HLN is trying to make some sort of BOMBSHELL out of pillow tassels.

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:mad: HLN and their never-ending BOMBSHELLS.
I think we're all a little tired. At least I am, good night friends :eek:fftobed:
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