trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #158

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I agree, Thurston, it is ridiculous, which goes along with everything about this DT, imo.

During the murder trial for Caylee Anthony's murderer - the defense team did not go over and over and over about sex before marriage. I do not know if The Anthonys are Catholics - however, we did not hear the defense go on and on about what sex before marriage would mean for them in terms of the church. We did not hear the defense go on and on and on about how the church would view Caylee being born out of wedlock.

The defense did not go on and on and on asking Caylee Anthony's mother's lovers about the consequences in their church concerning having premarital sex.

I really do not understand the defense in the Arias Murder Trial trying to illustrate that the LDS church is the only church that has rules about premarital sex. Nor do I understand how this offers any defense to their client - what does the LDS church premarital sex stance have to do with their client mutilating Travis Alexander?

Thank you very much for commenting! I am very thankful as I am having a difficult time watching Arias behave so satisfied during her trial. If her defense really wanted to help her - they would tell her, IMO, behave solemn. I have to believe that they have - Arias only does what she wants to do, so, she puts her joy, and, satisfaction on display.

At the end of court of Tuesday - is Arias really telling JM which juror she is receiving positive feedback from? I cannot go back and watch it (I just finished posting a novella in a Arias thread - it is because I had to vent after watching Arias' lack of remorse in court).

I did read that at the end of court today - the jury has been excused. The jury is called back in. Arias and JM are standing side by side - Arias tells JM which juror she is receiving positive feedback from. The Judge informs the jury that they are breaking and will resume tomorrow at 1:30pm. Prior to giving JM juror updates - Arias looks into the court spectator area (or perhaps jury box) smiles and gives an affirmative nod.

When Deanna Reid was on the stand - Arias looked as though she was doing long brush strokes with her pencil. That made me upset - if Arias has any remorse in her - if Arias has an ounce of love for all God's creatures even animals as Arias has stated - Arias would display proper behavior in the court. This would included having both empathy and sympathy for Deanna Reid - if Arias had the previous, Arias would realize that going on the stand to discuss her sex life with Travis Alexander would be uncomfortable for Deanna Reid. Deanna Reid did not do anything to have her private life exposed in such a way.

If Arias had empathy for others - if Arias was so mature as ALV testified - Arias would have behaved in a manner to show herself as illustrating:

Deanna, I am so sorry that you have to testify. I did not enjoy having everything exposed about me - but I deserve it because I murdered another human being. You have done nothing wrong. You were a great friend to Travis Alexander - you opened your home, and, heart to take care of Travis Alexander's dog. It is clear that you are kind, compassionate, and caring.

Instead - Arias behaved as though she was working on her art. But, every now and then she would look up to "watch" the entertainment (as if Arias was working on her art and taking breaks to look at the TV). Or, Arias would work on her art and between pencil broad strokes Arias would chit chat with her BFF Jen (J & J 4Ever).

Arias has shown that she is not interested in any other person's feelings. More so, Arias does not seem to have a shred of remorse. I do not know why - however, Arias' behavior in court today really bothered me.

I hope that there is justice for Travis Alexander. Travis Alexander deserves this - nothing can bring him back, nothing can undo Arias stabbing him almost 30 times, slicing his throat from ear to ear, shooting him in the head, leaving his body to decompose for five days. Travis

Alexander is a victim to an extremely heinous crime at the hands of Arias. Arias confessed - Arias is a woman in her third decade of life, and, as a woman in her 30's Arias should show that she has an understanding of the torment Travis Alexander's murder has caused - she should have an appreciation for the millions of tax payers dollars spent to give her a fair trial, feed her, give her above average medical care (better than many hard working americans), take care of her for the past five years.

The past five years - the years after Arias murdered Travis Alexander IMO have been the best years of Arias' life.

Arias is a thirty something year old woman - that should respect tax payers, the court, The State of Arizona, Travis Alexander's family, all of the witnesses for her trial. Seven year old children grasps and understand these "outside" cues better than Arias - seven year old children show their appreciation to their teachers because they know how hard that they are working to give to them.

I need to figure out a way to watch the trial with Arias blurred out.

Someone should invent "The Pixel Defendant." It would allow a person, such as myself, to blur out Aria's face. I could watch the trial - but now have to see Arias enjoy herself and "soak" up the satisfaction she gets from murdering Travis Alexander.

Thank you, again! Your reply made me feel better (which shows that you are a kind person - and I thank you for taking your time to help me). Thank you to Websleuths and to all of the Websleuthers hoping that Travis Alexander receives justice. It is an honor that you brilliant Websleuthers will allow me to join you - to read your amazing insights - to post with you - to vent, rant and rave - and then for you all to take your time to virtually hug me.

You websleuthers are intelligent, smart and so very thoughtful. It means a great deal to me that you all make room for everyone - lift the spirits of everyone that visits this website - and still have time to solve just about every case. You guys are superheroes!
Thanks so much! You should see my last post - it is so long - too long! I need to start watching the trial, and, somehow blocking Arias from my view.

Watching Arias take to her artwork, and, I use that term lightly (it really looked as though she was working on sketching today), smiling, enjoying herself, ect. Arias comes across to me as being very satisfied with herself. I do not think that she will care if she if found guilty and receives life in prison. I think that she feels as though she is a star - and will be a star in prison. I feel as though she is happy that she murdered Travis Alexander.

Seeing Arias today made me feel even more sad about Travis Alexander. I needed to rant - and apparently write a novella (a very long post).

Again, thank you very much! I greatly appreciate your comment, and, you for putting a smile on my face.

Hi Thurston! I really get that sense myself as I've observed Jodi throughout the trial. Anytime anything is said by a witness that even remotely places Travis in a bad light, her facial expression(s) is one of "See there, that's why I did what I did!" There is no remorse there whatsoever - what I see is someone who feels completely vindicated in doing what she did. JMO ~
He was really angering me because it really didn't seem like there was any point to it. Why did Deanna have to tell about her sexual exploits with Travis and whether or not they told their bishop about it? What does that have to do with the case at all? I have pretty tough skin when it comes to sex stuff, and I was getting really uncomfortable with his questions. I would imagine a lot of the jurors would feel the same way, especially if they were a little more sensitive than I am about sexual things.

I felt bad for her and the questioning didn't seem to be a means to an end at all. Maybe he was just trying to make her look bad or something?

After Nurmi made the statement about her having a different kind of relationship with Travis, I was so hoping that she would have replied "I am a different kind of woman than Jodie"
Suzie Dittman a fraud investigator for JP Morgan Bank is on the list of witnesses. WOW. May 2008, Travis called jodi a sociopath, evil, and a scammer. Did she rob him? Remember he told her to tell the truth otherwise he would tell everyone what she did? Including her mother. Remember she told Det. Flores during the interrogation that she would never hurt Travis. He was good to me and gave me money. She must of realized they were onto something. She might try and say Travis gave her permission to access his money. Another thing comes to mind. She told Det.Flores, "why would I hurt Travis? He did not rape me." My gut tells me she recieved help after she killed Travis. How would she get someone to help her? She may have said she was raped. Someone helped her get rid of the evidence. This is what I believe. IMO of course
That question from the Juror to the WalMart employee whether or not a fake "skew" or "sku" number could have been used and the witness said 'NO'...That was a biggie for me...

I like that question and it worried me just the same. The question screamed to me that someone on the jury worked for Walmart or for another store and knew that this could be done somehow and was testing to see what the Walmart lady's answer would be. Even though she said no, I am left wondering.

Don't get me wrong, I do not believe that JA returned the gas can at all. It's just that someone on the jury believes JA may have as they have some type of knowledge of how one could work the system. iirc, the juror question included the word dummy and that is what the Walmart Lady also called it, a dummy SKU.
I would not know that.
After Nurmi made the statement about her having a different kind of relationship with Travis, I was so hoping that she would have replied "I am a different kind of woman than Jodie"

That would of been awesome if Deanna had said that and she probably wanted to. Had that been said, I am sure Nurmi would of followed up with "objection."
Can you imagine how big this is if someone from the bank is on the witness list?
Hope no one minds if I inject some cuteness into this thread.

After Nurmi made the statement about her having a different kind of relationship with Travis, I was so hoping that she would have replied "I am a different kind of woman than Jodie"

I think that Martinez did a good job making that point.

Jodi used sex to lure, trap, and then hold onto Travis. Deanne and Travis had a relationship built on long-term friendship. Nurmi hurt his client's case by trying to compare the two relationships... and women.
I'm so sorry Deanna had to go through all that but in the end, it helped a ton. I wasn't sure if TA and Deanna had sex but I suspected that they did. They had a loving, conventional, conservative sex life.

No *advertiser censored* of any kind found on TA computer. As far as I know, no *advertiser censored* reading material found in his home. So how is it that TA would know all of that? How did he know all those terms (tossed salad for example) that many of us had to look up, most of us, if not with many many years of sexual experiences. I know boys will be boys but it seems to me that his circle of friends were not of that ilk.

We have also learned during the trial that JA was sexually active with multiple partners and has engaged in anal sex with other partners.

Together this all proved, removed any reasonable doubt that TA was NOT a sexual deviant. It was JA that taught TA all of this. She brought it all to the table and used his sexual innocence to her advantage. I thought that yesterdays testimony tied this all all up for the jury.
That's untrue. I wouldn't be mentioning the fibers had the pictures not been shown in open court and had JM not made mention of them. He argued that they were pillow fringe. DT argues they came from the rope.


The DT is wrong. This was definitely a piece of decorative trim, not a rope.
Something similar can be found at this link.
I'm so sorry Deanna had to go through all that but in the end, it helped a ton. I wasn't sure if TA and Deanna had sex but I suspected that they did. They had a loving, conventional, conservative sex life.

No *advertiser censored* of any kind found on TA computer. As far as I know, no *advertiser censored* reading material found in his home. So how is it that TA would know all of that? How did he know all those terms (tossed salad for example) that many of us had to look up, most of us, if not with many many years of sexual experiences. I know boys will be boys but it seems to me that his circle of friends were not of that ilk.

We have also learned during the trial that JA was sexually active with multiple partners and has engaged in anal sex with other partners.

Together this all proved, removed any reasonable doubt that TA was a sexual deviant. It was JA that taught TA all of this. She brought it all to the table and used his sexual innocence to her advantage. I thought that yesterdays testimony tied this all all up for the jury.

Iwas so glad that the jury brought up the question of the rest of the computers in the house. I am so glad that the jury now know there was none. I got the feeling even though numi knew that there was other computers, he wasnt going to ask the expert if anything had been found on them. That for me was the slam dunk of the day.
After Nurmi made the statement about her having a different kind of relationship with Travis, I was so hoping that she would have replied "I am a different kind of woman than Jodie"

I thought he was talking the difference between Deanna and Lisa - he was talking something about how TA tried to keep Lisa from working and he didn't do that with Deanna.

I do not that I think that comment from KN was right to utter (dispicable in fact!)... but I don't think he was comparing Deanna and Jodi.
Thanks so much! You should see my last post - it is so long - too long! I need to start watching the trial, and, somehow blocking Arias from my view.

Watching Arias take to her artwork, and, I use that term lightly (it really looked as though she was working on sketching today), smiling, enjoying herself, ect. Arias comes across to me as being very satisfied with herself. I do not think that she will care if she if found guilty and receives life in prison. I think that she feels as though she is a star - and will be a star in prison. I feel as though she is happy that she murdered Travis Alexander.

Seeing Arias today made me feel even more sad about Travis Alexander. I needed to rant - and apparently write a novella (a very long post).

Again, thank you very much! I greatly appreciate your comment, and, you for putting a smile on my face.

You are more than welcome. At this time, Jodi and Company Clown College Inc. is on center stage, on every show on HLN nightly, and the media covering the trial is studying her every move, facial expression, and gesture in great detail. Not too long from now, hopefully, she will have her crown and spotlight taken away and we will discover a new train wreck to focus on. Seeing Deanna and listening to her talk about Travis brought him to life. That is what made yesterday, to me, very difficult, emotionally, to get through. His family had all their scabs reopened as well, and I think most of us felt pain, right along with them. Fortunately we have each other to lean on and to vent to. The Alexanders, from what I have seen, have done what a lot of people do (example 9/11/01) when experiencing a excruciatingly painful tragedy, build a cohesive bond with one another. It is far easier to experience raw pain like that, if you are fully aware that you can lean on someone, on your weaker days, to gain strength. It's not easy, but it minimizes some of the raw pain.

Do we really know for a fact that JA really went to Costa Rica?

Hearing Deanna's testimony yesterday got me to thinking she lied about that too. Hmmm.....ya think?

Its another of those odd coincidences that seem to follow Ms. Arias like a :stormingmad:. Never could figure how she could qualify being a drop out but with her brillant IQ I am susrprised she didn't graduate high school and college before the age of 16. I got it - she won a fantasy journal writing contest and the prize was a two week trip to Costa Rica. :D

Do we really know for a fact that JA really went to Costa Rica?

Hearing Deanna's testimony yesterday got me to thinking she lied about that too. Hmmm.....ya think?

That could all be proved one way or the other by just calling the program that sponsored her or the school. There would be records. I'm sure the DT has looked into this but yet I find it very hard to believe that she did go.
I like Janie Weintraub. Sue Moss is way too shrill, loud and over the top for me.

I seldom watch NG anymore. If they're still broadcasting the trial by the time she is on, I record it so I can FF to ignore NG. Her 'facts' are too often incorrect, but that never stops NG from repeating them at every turn.

Try David Lohr, no sidebars, ever , and no commentary!!!!!
Its another of those odd coincidences that seem to follow Ms. Arias like a :stormingmad:. Never could figure how she could qualify being a drop out but with her brillant IQ I am susrprised she didn't graduate high school and college before the age of 16. I got it - she won a fantasy journal writing contest and the prize was a two week trip to Costa Rica. :D

Then she went to Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. All three school were fighting over her becoming their newest model student, and possible Nobel Peace Prize winner in the distant future. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
One of the Witnesses on the list that the Defense is trying to keep out is
Suzie Dittman Fraud Investigator at JPMorgan Chase Phoenix, Arizona Area Banking, Hmmmmm.....What FRAUD did she commit???? Stealing from TRAVIS???

Fraud Investigator
JPMorgan Chase
Public Company; 10,001+ employees; JPM; Financial Services industry
November 2005 – Present (7 years 6 months)

Responsible for investigating fraud committed against JPMorgan Chase by maintaining independence from the Firm's line management and focusing unbiased attention on risk and losses. Primary focus is on external crimes such as Retail fraud referrals; longer-term, complex frauds requiring interviews with potential suspects and the identification of trends, patterns and ring identification. Provide support to the Lines of Business, law enforcement and outside financial institutions in the investigation of potential fraudulent activity. Referrals of suspected fraud are investigated and input into a case management system which may result in the reporting to regulatory agencies when the activity meets regulatory requirements for reporting fraud.

O.K I must be foggy this morning (morning all) but who or what would this be in connection with?
Does anyone know if the hearing this morning will be sealed?
I know the dt were trying to keep out the shelving people, did they manage this with all the smiling from JW and JA yesterday?
Sorry about all the questions think i will go and have a coffee :blushing:
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