trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #158

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Okay, I don't really know what this means so I'm asking people here to confirm if I heard correctly and if so if anyone ever found out what it means and where I might find that info.

Nurmi asks Deanna if TA ever told her (what sounded like) he wanted to cork the pot of a little girl...the phrase in question for me is cork the pot...

Question starting at about 39:15
Jodi Arias Trial - Day 51 - Part 2 - YouTube

ALV tried to infer in her testimony that that is what she heard in the sex tape. I don't even know what that phrase means. And I didn't hear that in the tape anyway.
I believe T. Brown was talking about the night that Jodi showed up at his door after she left work in Palm Desert and drove there to surprise him because he and surprised her by showing up at her door previously. Not sure he was talking about June 4th. Jodi testified to the other event.

I respectfully disagree, and if this has already been covered, I apologize.

TB talked about performing the "protection rite" and how he'd never felt such a strong need to perform that before.

I think he was definitely speaking of June 4th. I don't know if he's telling the truth, but I do think it's about that date.
Wait? I don't remember Juan asking Deanna the following questions? Cause this is verbatim what Nurmi asked....

"Did he ever use phrases with you like, 'You're the ultimate *advertiser censored* in bed?'"

"Did he talk to you about blowing enormous loads every time?"

"Did he ever ejaculate on your face?"

"Did he ever call you a *advertiser censored* ... a *advertiser censored* ... a three-hole wonder?"

"Did he ever tell you how he wanted to tie you to a tree and quote, 'put it in your *advertiser censored*?'"

You are accurate in your description, but I think the fact that I was in an unhealthy verbally/physically abusive relationship years and years ago tends to cloud my judgement when it comes to verbal abuse. I am highly sensitive to it. Deanna handled herself well. I would have been shaking and tearing up had it been me.
I wonder if she tried to claim the purchase of the boob job and never ending supply of KY as a tax right off.... in what category, I have no clue. I am just being oober ridiculous because I am overly tired. Sowwy.

I'm blaming it on this fog over Indiana. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I don't know that I was asking a question about the void issue. I felt I was bringing it up as an angle that someone could have explored.

I didn't realize, even though I've seen the receipts, that she didn't use her CC. So thanks for reminding me of that!

I totally understand that you were asking because of the people on YouTube and you were wondering why that issue wasn't addressed. There are so many details in this case that it's hard to keep straight. I get mixed up sometimes too - glad I could help out on this one.
If I turn on HLN it typically stays on mute, unless I see something note worthy, which is rare. I, however, cannot bring myself to mute Beth Karas, nor Joey Jackson.

I'm going to miss Beth. She is the best.
I do cut him slack. The questions are only vulgar because they are asked in public, where her mother and bishop can hear the answers. JM asked the same questions of her. And yes, Nurmi did make that comment at the end. I wish it hadn't been stricken because it was true.

It was a totally different relationship. Men and women have different relationships with people all the time. I thought Nurmi was really hammering home that Travis actually loved and cared for Deanna. Jodi? Fling. and Jodi ought to have had the sense Deanna had to realize that Travis wasn't ready for what she was ready for--and LEAVE.

So if anything the questions make Jodi look even worse. I can't blame Nurmi for doing a job that he's been forced by law to do.
You really said "I can't blame Nurmi for doing a job that he's been forced by law to do" ??

Is he required by law to be a total azz, torment the Alexanders, and carp on any part of the memory and reputation of a man who was murdered brutally by his client.

OK - I promise I will skip these from now on. Just thinking of that EXCUSE makes me LIVID!
Totally O/T here, but I've been curious. What happens when JA's fake breasts have a problem or need surgical attention after she gets sentenced for life or is awaiting the DP? Do they just take them out? I can't imagine AZ tax dollars fixing them if there is a problem, but what do I know?

I don't know about AZ law but I was employed with a Southern Calif. hospital for 10 years and was repulsed by the prisoners that came in for treatment, heart surgery even, medical bills paid by Calif. tax payers. When I die, I would like my family to choose where my organs go to. As it stands choice so I do not have an "organ donation" sticker on my drivers licence. Seen too many drug addicts, prisoners getting transplants.
No, it's not a "Juanism". ALV made a statement (seemingly of fact) that numerous pictures were found on TA's laptop/computer of breasts/women from the waist up. That's the total bullchite that JM was rebuttling today.


Where on earth did she get that information?
All a void is is canceling something after you've scanned it and before the transaction is paid for. A void does not result in any cash transaction as it happens before any cash is paid. There is no way a return could show up as a void. It is something that is scanned and then they cancel that scan. Have you ever had a cashier accidentally scan something twice and they turn around and cancel the second one? That is a void.

I know what a void is, and I also know that some cashiers have done voids for shortly AFTER I paid for something and they have given me the money back. I gave them the item back. The transaction was voided, according to them. For every merchant in the entire world, it's very difficult to say how EVERY SINGLE store does something. I believe I've said enough times here where my history with this comes from, and that I do not believe she ever even took the gas can back. All I was doing was coming up with alternatives, just like the "Dummy Sku" person did.
It's my opinion that JA deserves the Death Penalty - Can y'all imagine the suffering Travis went thru? There are folks from other countries that post here that do not have that option in their own country - A cultural difference, I suppose. Folks from other countries also post here and try to make excuses for the defendant just in hopes she will not be put to death for murdering Travis. We have folks in the USA that don't believe in the DP. JA is a murderous person and given her personality disorder, cannot be made OK any sort of way. She certainly deserves the DP and who knows may never even die by the needle but she will never get to interact with others again which she would be fine with
Lots of homeowners were defaulting on their mortgages in 2005-2006-2008 in California. I really do not think that JA or Darryl Brewer should be put down because they lost their house. I think I will judge her for being a murderer, not for her mortgage default. We bought a house in Victorville, Ca in 1989 for $89,000. Around 2005 I could see that the housing/bubble was about to collapes. We sold our house for $245,000.00 in 2005. Moved to Texas and paid cash for our home here. The housing market was a hot mess when JA and DB lost their home. I had friends in Southern Cal. that were "upside down" with their mortgages. JA murdered TA. IMHO, has nothing to do with some mortgage default. MOO

My point was that JA lived an irresponsible lifestyle, imo. Sorry if I hit a sore spot.
IIRC, Nurmi didn't ask one question of the Walmart witness. End of story imo.

Re the DT bringing back Dr. Samuels to challenge DrD, I like that option since JW challenged DrD using Dr. Samuels report. It sounds crazy, but I think JW actually said something like, "You do realize Dr Samuels also found JA had a personality disorder, which he put in the "Personality Disorder Not Named" column?" That seemed like a damning and totally unnecessary admission to me.
While I wish we could just say no to surrerebuttal, I'd rather see the return of Dr. Dick Samuels to defend his findings and challenge Dr. DeMarte's than a new expert who has limited or no prior involvement in the case. Hope the Judge tells the DT it's either Samuels or we proceed to closing arguments at the conclusion of the rebuttal case.
I still cannot believe Nurmi went down the road of questions he asked Deanna. I have come to a conclusion why he did. He despises his client and wants to see her convicted.

I noticed every time Nurmi dragged out his 4 word sentences that took 5 mins to say, JW and JA glanced too much in the direction of the jurors.
Almost as if they were looking for certain emotions to be displayed on certain/all jurors faces in response to Nurmis' line of questioning.
Hence judging the jurors. What right do they have for that behavior they portray?
awkward?? This is the job he is choosing to devote his life to - getting scumbags off of sex crimes.
He doesn't feel bad about anything except the end of the case and his pennies drying up. Sorry - I should have skipped that post. I detest the man.

I agree. And all the time he could be more classy but he seems to like saying certain words over and over and over again when there is a better way of making his point. It gives me the creeps the way he appears to enjoy that kind of talk.
Now we have "employee fraud" trying to extricate JA from her crimes. Good one, that. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

yeah no kidding. what employee is going to commit fraud for a stranger.

no wait, maybe jodi charmed them with her beauty and finesse.


maybe the juror who asked the question works in a store that can do the particular trick they asked.
I don't know about AZ law but I was employed with a Southern Calif. hospital for 10 years and was repulsed by the prisoners that came in for treatment, heart surgery even, medical bills paid by Calif. tax payers. When I die, I would like my family to choose where my organs go to. As it stands choice so I do not have an "organ donation" sticker on my drivers licence. Seen too many drug addicts, prisoners getting transplants.

I was a Criminal Justice major in college and our professor told us all kinds of stories about people committing crimes so they could relieve toothaches, and other ailments for free, upon being sent to jail. That is so wrong on so many levels
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