trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #158

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O.K I must be foggy this morning (morning all) but who or what would this be in connection with?
Does anyone know if the hearing this morning will be sealed?
I know the dt were trying to keep out the shelving people, did they manage this with all the smiling from JW and JA yesterday?
Sorry about all the questions think i will go and have a coffee :blushing:

Hacking into bank accounts? Nothing shocks me I suppose. There seems to be no line in the sand she will not cross.
Iwas so glad that the jury brought up the question of the rest of the computers in the house. I am so glad that the jury now know there was none. I got the feeling even though numi knew that there was other computers, he wasnt going to ask the expert if anything had been found on them. That for me was the slam dunk of the day.

I edited my original post, my fingers were moving too fast and I wanted to type NOT a sexual deviant. Yikes!!! Thanks for re-posting as I would have missed that. Sheesh :(
Hacking into bank accounts? Nothing shocks me I suppose. There seems to be no line in the sand she will not cross.

Oh good point. Maybe she will testify that Travis' online accounts were accessed in Yreka.
Oh good point. Maybe she will testify that Travis' online accounts were accessed in Yreka.

If nothing else, this trial has allowed me to recognize that my 21 year old daughter, who can be a huge pain in the butt, at times, is up for sainthood as far as I am concerned.
Its another of those odd coincidences that seem to follow Ms. Arias like a :stormingmad:. Never could figure how she could qualify being a drop out but with her brillant IQ I am susrprised she didn't graduate high school and college before the age of 16. I got it - she won a fantasy journal writing contest and the prize was a two week trip to Costa Rica. :D

Seriously, JA's profound personality disorder (BPD) was wreaking havoc on her ability to function within society from an early age. And it kept brewing, brewing. So very sad that it came to a crescendo with TA.

I'm not sticking up for JA at all but to score a 119 on a proctored, standardized, and recognized IQ test (not the bogus ones on the internet where we are all geniuses) means the girl is bright. She is bright enough to get herself in trouble and to be a menace to society.

JA is brighter than her attorneys. MOO
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:mad: smelling his fingers.

Excuse my ignorance and clueless nature, I am overly tired. What is WOS and where are Vinnie, Nancy, and JVM going, on the next space shuttle perhaps? I knew Beth was not gonna be on HLN. That's the only network, relating to law and court info. that I sometimes watch, usually on mute.
I, for one, wanted to know the answers to Nurmi's questions. I actually wanted to know if Deanna and Travis had had sex, and I was surprised that JM didn't bring it up on direct. I figured he was going to let the DT do it because they were insisting that Travis wasn't really a virgin before Jodi.

I'm VERY glad they asked Deanna these questions because we learned that Travis wasn't professing to be a virgin. He just wasn't divulging information either way.

Nurmi's questions, though some think they are vulgar, did this for me. It showed me that Travis knew how to be in a loving, respectful sexual relationship with a woman, and it made me think that he didn't do that stuff with Deanna because he respected her and because she didn't show herself to be the type of woman who'd be into that.

That led me to conclude either of three things--Jodi corrupted Travis, Travis changed sexually after Deanna, or Travis only did that stuff with Jodi because that was what Jodi wanted.

I tend to think the last conclusion is the best one. So while I wasn't offended by the testimony, Deanna did seem uncomfortable, and I do appreciate her answering those questions to prove that Travis was actually mentally healthy sexually. AND he wasn't after children.

JMO - JM did not bring the sexual relationship up because he simply did not have to. He knew Nurmi would because the DT is desparate and will try anything including being offensive. Worked out that way and it is Mr. Nurmi that appears as a during the exchange. Nurmi represents Ms. Arias in more than one way - all the snide comments and intrusive questions are done while representing her. That won't be lost on the jury.

I tend to think conclusion one and three combined describe Travis' involvement with Ms. Arias - she corrupted him and it was exactly what she wanted.
Also, I thought that a rep from PPL was going to testify that Jodi's name was listed as Travis' guest to Cancun until he changed it to Mimi Hall in May 2008? If JM only has 5 witnesses left is a PPL rep one of those?
Excuse my ignorance and clueless nature, I am overly tired. What is WOS and where are Vinnie, Nancy, and JVM going, on the next space shuttle perhaps? I knew Beth was not gonna be on HLN. That's the only network, relating to law and court info. that I sometimes watch, usually on mute.

I think perhaps they meant WAT, or wild about trial. I would recommend WAT for live streaming as you'll get their tweets that keep you updated about what is going on in the court during side bars etc.
Wait? I don't remember Juan asking Deanna the following questions? Cause this is verbatim what Nurmi asked....

"Did he ever use phrases with you like, 'You're the ultimate *advertiser censored* in bed?'"

"Did he talk to you about blowing enormous loads every time?"

"Did he ever ejaculate on your face?"

"Did he ever call you a *advertiser censored* ... a *advertiser censored* ... a three-hole wonder?"

"Did he ever tell you how he wanted to tie you to a tree and quote, 'put it in your a##?'"

Right...JM would never ask questions like this knowing full well that Deanna and Travis didn't have a relationship based solely on sex. Nurmi's attempt at painting Travis in a bad he went crazy and snapped after the relationship with Deanna and became a sexual deviant/child categorically absurd and a slap in the face of the deceased.

Nurmi can ^%$# off, IMO.
I think perhaps they meant WAT, or wild about trial. I would recommend WAT for live streaming as you'll get their tweets that keep you updated about what is going on in the court during side bars etc.

I typically use that one a lot because HLN has commercials every other second and I grow tired of cussing them out. Wild About Trial has hilarious tweets. maybe it has been discussed/explained, but I missed it.

Why aren't the tire slashing incidents being brought up? Is it widely known that Arias did this but nothing was proven or filed with police?

To me, this is an extremely damning piece of crucial information. Drives home the stalking behavior and also shows how poor little, meek Jodi was adept at using knives.
alert alert alert!!!!

Mikee Daniels has a new YouTube video up today

it is covering yesterday

ETA corrected the spelling of his first name for you to search with

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2
The great thing that came out of Nurmi's slimy questions is this.
Jodi was not Tavis' little secret, that if exposed he would have lost everything over. The defense was going to try to quote Mimi when she explained that one could be ex communicated from the church for premarital sex.

We now know, that in reality.....the church's goal is not to kick folks out, but to help them get back up on the right track.

We know KNOW that Travis already admitted to the church he was not a virgin. As a consequence of this.....what happened to him?

He was counseled and given scriptures to contemplate. His temple rights were withheld temporarily for a period of reflection and repentance, much the way Catholics do not take the sacrament , temporarily, at times when they slip. I trust other religions have like systems of helping you get back on track.

This wipes away the entire argument of Travis had everything to lose.
We know from the photos and video no one he worked with cared that he was sleeping with Jodi. We know from the very credible Deanna the church loved Travis and Travis tried to right his ship that had went astray.

If anything, I think the jury would fall in love with a man a like that and wonder how often in their lives they could have been humble and brave enough to go discuss their sins with their minister and ask for help, and then go to church next Sunday and look at that minister again. I know I never have, I just pray and ask for help in private.

When I recall Jodi telling Detective Flores that she and Travis prayed for God to help them not have sex, my heart broke for Travis. In the absence of parents to turn to, he was trying his little heart out to turn to God in prayer.

What Nurmi did to Deanna, backfired, to biblical proportions.

By the way, Jodi asked Travis to babptize her. Also his status in the church was not what the defense is trying to present. I know this because my thirteen year old nephew, along with every other male in his church that turns twelve is a "preisthood holder". It is not at all what the title implies. He was not the minister of the church or ward, he was one of the members,as equal to hundreds of others. It is likely there is a Mormon on the jury who will help the others understand. Numi wants the jury to believe the minister raped the convert. It just is not true. Nurmi and Jennifer want the jury to believe Jodi was Travis' dirty little secret. We now know that mostly every one, save for maybe Lisa and Mimi knew that Travis being a virgin was just a little inside joke, and no one cared. They loved Travis, he was their very dear friend, and the church was only going to HELP him through his wrongs.

Deanna's testimony helps in ways that are tough to measure. I hope that will give her some peace about it. maybe it has been discussed/explained, but I missed it.

Why aren't the tire slashing incidents being brought up? Is it widely known that Arias did this but nothing was proven or filed with police?

To me, this is an extremely damning piece of crucial information. Drives home the stalking behavior and also shows how poor little, meek Jodi was adept at using knives.

It is because it cannot be proven that she did it.
Right...JM would never ask questions like this knowing full well that Deanna and Travis didn't have a relationship based solely on sex. Nurmi's attempt at painting Travis in a bad he went crazy and snapped after the relationship with Deanna and became a sexual deviant/child categorically absurd and a slap in the face of the deceased.

Nurmi can ^%$# off, IMO.

The fact that Napoleon was entrusted to Deanna speaks volumes about the friendship that they still shared. Your average pet owner adores and treats them like their own child/children. Friendships like that are rare IMHO.
It is because it cannot be proven that she did it.

Her denial of the tire slashing and cluelessness about why she would be accused of such an act are in some of her more recent journal entries. Composed in there recently, but that is pure speculation on my part.
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