trial day 52: REBUTTAL; #159

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According Mormon practice, he would have had to confess his activities with Jodi to his bishop, but there is some conflicting information about whether or not he did. Jodi says that she tried to get him to confess, but he feared that doing so would hurt his standing in the community and, thus, with PPL. Other friends who have been on TV have alluded to the fact that he may have gone to his bishop with regard to the Jodi sexcapades as well.

Thank you King...I am thinking the last e-mail to her had something to with the sex tape she recorded..if she blackmailed him with it,saying she would take it to the Bishop,it would have been his 3rd time in front of the Bishop & that he was probably worried that they would remove him from his standing in the church..
This is why-I do not believe he knew she was coming & had sex with her that day..I believe he would not risk it..
someone correct of me if I am wrong
But Travis went in front of his Bishop to confess his was intimate with D
Then he again had to so for Jodi-right?

Probably so and that's why I don't believe they had sex on June 4th.
That whole scene was a set up IMO.
Especially after that upsetting heartfelt text Travis wrote to Stabby.
I can't imagine Travis had a weak moment and boinked her.

In the photos, no one is smiling. He looks like he JUST woke up.
She more-than-likely, took her own photos. Not Travis.

The KY on the bed is clearly (to me anyway) a prop. Why snap a photo like that? It wasn't even centered or clear.

Nope. I won't believe he un-did everything he successfully accomplished (confessing to the Bishop and dismissing Arias and moving on......) just to have one more romp with her.

She went there uninvited and announced. She ambushed him at gun point. Until someone can prove me wrong, that's my theory and I'm stickin' to it :) Oh one more thing: and....I believe Matt was truly involved.
Whenever they mention a meeting in "chambers" is it wrong of me to imagine this? (Along with JM saying "Go on in Jodi. We have a new fog for you...")

I have sound on picture though. ETA never mind, it's gone now.
I suppose its a good thing trial doesn't come on til later. My forgetful dork of a husband forgot to drop off the Electric bill so I'm sitting here in the dark , cold house waiting on the slow utility guy to come turn it back on! Ugh! I guess that old saying rings true 'if you want something done right , do it yourself!'

Your husband sounds like mine. Frustrating but other than that a good man.
I wanted to see how the pro-Jodi site was spinning Nurmi's horrendous cross. I could not believe it. They were all sympathetic towards Deanna, but praising how sensitive and sweet Nurmi was with her. [ :thud:] They praised Nurmi up and down foe being so kind and gentle with her, and they attacked Juan for 'forcing ' Deanna to testify.

I thought I fell down a rabbit hole. I do not understand how they process information in that way. :nuts:

Kind and gentle? Did I read that correctly? huh? :floorlaugh:
The main thing I don't like about this judge is all the closed hearings. There's no way this is necessary so often. Hmph!

I said, HMPH!
I noticed on the CNN site that they won't be live streaming the trial again today. I sent an email to inquire if they have discontinued live coverage of the trial and will let everyone know if I receive a response. In the meantime, I'll use the WAT feed today as it worked well.

You may want to check out the link in my siggy...I've always had great video and sound. :)
Good morrow, Sleuthers. I wonder if the fog... or "Fauxg", as the Divine Ms. K likes to say, shall lift today.
Yup. The color was def more of a chestnut/caramel golden color (maybe level 7-8) which honestly could be called "blonde" by some people, I suppose. Those in-between shades are kind of hard to call.

That may be why the rental car guy said she was a blonde? Just positing.

ETA: was responding to another poster but guess my quote button is bustededed.
The woman who testified made me feel like

I was like :eek: I need to go to the gym!

Her testimony made it clear that JA still had three 5 gallon cans with
her in Utah.

Does anyone else think she may have used part of that extra gasoline out of the gas cans to burn up and get rid of all the evidence, like the weapons, clothes, and gas cans themselves? Does anyone know if any of the gas cans were accounted for?

I also keep hearing that there is concern as to why she brought the gun to a 'knife fight'. My theory on that is she wanted two weapons involved, so the authorities would think there was two people involved in the murder. there is no other reason she would use both the knife and the gun......UNLESS she did use the gun first, and then it jammed, so she had to finish him off with the knife.

It's not normal to be SO disappointed that this hearing is being held in chambers. I need some help and a life!

I know what you mean! But at least the delay until afternoon will force me to knuckle down and get some actual work done. I've been feeling rather guilty about neglecting that thing I get paid for--what do you call it? Oh yeah, my job!
Stopping the pump 3 times so that one has to pay individually each time for gas seems so dumb to me. I mean she would have gotten caught anyway unless she only paid cash, but wouldn't the normal thing to do is line up the gas cans, take the lids off, take the gas cap off on your car, and then start filling each up, switching to the next container, thus paying with only 1 swipe of a card? She was/is dumb on many things.

ETA: Also, the fact that she borrowed 2 gas cans alone establishes that she did not want to have to stop for gas in AZ. The 3rd gas can was just icing on the proverbial cake and shows another lying data point, but even without that 3rd gas can, she was already shown to be hiding evidence of her visit to Mesa.
Great question! I thought it was weird also!

Here's my post (from hair thread) from two days ago about others who might have been able to give an account of JA's hair color days before the murder:
OMG! The security camera at the WaMu . . . blonde or brunette? I hope LE got that before it was too late. :please:
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial
Was just told the judge might open up the hearing. Stay tuned.. will let you know as soon as we get final word from the judge. #JodiArias
someone correct of me of I am wrong
But Travis went in front of his Bishop to confess his was intimate with B
Then he again had to so for Jodi-right?

Deanna said he did go after her, but I don't think he went to the bishop for Jodi.

Just adding here... For me it is like a catholic who knows it is wrong to have sex before marriage, and yet does it, and then goes to confession. If someone believes in a religion they get a bad wrap if they are not perfect at living it out without error.

We all struggle with parts of our lives; having a faith life is no different.
While we are waiting, my daughter helped deliver identical twin fillies early this morning. Very very very rare. Both are healthy which is even more rare. Miracles do happen. Praying for one in this trial.

OT: Totally AWESOME!!!! Got pics? I miss babies, haven't had a foal on this place for 4 stallion is NOT a happy camper!:floorlaugh:
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