trial day 52: REBUTTAL; #160

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Thanks in advance, but does anyone know where I can hear the testimony on the Helio phone that had been lost and had the phone sex on it? I'm dying to see if that is the phone used for these June 3rd pics. I thought she said she lost that phone right after the phone sex?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm memory is foggy!!! Thanks

Jodi testifies to the fact that the Helio phone was "lost" and she was concerned about the fact that it contained 2 sex tapes and compromising photos.

The lie we found out today is that she had this Helio phone ON HER WAY TO MURDER TRAVIS. She took the new brunette hair photos on June 3rd.

She must have threatened Travis with the sex tapes on that phone. She made sure to tell the jury that she even reported the phone stolen to the police and got insurance to reimburse her or replace the phone--a total lie.

Since she lied about losing the phone, it must be an important part of her premeditation. JMOO
It must be Mike Walker - not Mike Wallace?

I have no clue what Mike it is, I just thought it was funny and I need to laugh cause I refuse to be sucked into Ms. Arias's self-created version of the Twilight Zone.
That Abe dude, that knows Jodi is nuts, and Mark Eiglarsh are hilarious. They are helping me keep my sanity intact.

I got butterflies in my tummy when Mark held up those handcuffs :blushing:

It's funny hearing people go on about the National Enquirer when we all know that HLN screws up the facts daily and is supposedly reputable. The media in our country sux. It's ALL about sensationalism and totally unreliable.

In spite of that, I don't believe the pregnancy BS for a minute. It's just her latest lie to get attention and try to sell a book. If it were true, she would have used it throughout the trial to paint Travis as more abusive. You know it would have been his fault she lost the baby. Or at the very least she would have said it was a good thing she lost the baby so it didn't have a pedophile father.

Think about it. Would she have let this quietly pass by?
No. She would have been on the stand another 10 days while Nurmi coaxed a minute-by-minute breakdown of how pregnancy made her "feel." I have no doubt she would have made Travis responsible for the miscarriage. If there was an iota of truth, we would have heard about it before now. Same with the Psycho defense.
Mike Walker, Senior Editor of National Geographic, on NG telling of Jodi's claims of once being pregnant by Travis.

Mr. Walker called her "a vicious little cookie"! Jodi is writing a book he says.

$3,000 each for Jodi's art pieces being sold by her friends on eby.

IMO, it's such terrible art. Jodi is a wasteland.

OMG, this made me LOL. I know you meant National Enquirer, but just typing what you did made my day, doesn't take much to make me happy. Yes, she is a poison cookie.
And the phone.... :scared:

With every lie being disproved, it isn't likely this one will be believed by the jury either IMO.

She probably just TOLD Travis she was pregnant and lost the baby and that might be what prompted the mean text from him the week before she killed him, he was probably tired of her shenanigans and the pregnancy/miscarriage was the last thing he could take from her. Yep, she was the worst thing that ever happened to him!
I liked what the PSYCHOLOGIST on NG said tonight. She TOTALLY BACKED UP DR. Demarte's BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER with Psychpathology!!!!

Psychopathology is a general term that references serious mental health issues. It is not the same as Psycopathy.
I am surprised that Arias didn't try the" I'm pregnant, I miscarried" card before this.
I would have thought she;'d have tried that long ago. Not that I believe her for a nano second.
To borrow a phrase for the great Juan Martinez: Why should we believe YOU (Jodi) now? Keep that in mind folks. Jodi and the truth are complete strangers.
So it is possible to get pregnant from engaging in anal sex. The vagina and anus aren't that far apart...

I liked what the PSYCHOLOGIST on NG said tonight. She TOTALLY BACKED UP DR. Demarte's BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER with Psychpathology!!!!

You'd think her own DT would be sure of the Borderline dx--she threatened to commit suicide when Nurmi tried to leave the case!! Hello?!
I completely agree with the male panel on HLN right now btw

I thought the same thing! Plus, they were really funny - I loved how they managed to work their sports metaphors into the conversation! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Not to say I believe that's what Jodi Arias did, as there isn't a bit of evidence for it, but...

Not to overshare, but I mentioned I was in a year and a half relationship with a Borderline Personality that I only knew was BPD after the fact.

She did exactly that. Made up a faux pregnancy, then a horrendous story of a miscarriage and this little curly-haired fetus.

Total false and vindictive mind game. And in the mind of a Borderline, all is fair when there's some punishment to be meted out. Being vindictive is how they keep score. A borderline in the throes of their illness may not be a sociopath, but very often they are just as manipulative and empty inside.

You know what, Travis may have gotten the diagnosis wrong, but the betrayal might not have been one thing. It could have just been his realization that he loved and gave the benefit of the doubt to a person who was not only incapable of reciprocating in any normal sense, but who considered all means to punish, humiliate and simply torture him for not getting her own way to be fair game.

Realizing that all this time you've been looking into the eyes of something that isn't quite human, that there's a mask that has to be pulled off, that anything that they told you that was actually true was just an oversight on their part, is betrayal enough.

I love your posts! Everyone keeps looking for one specific catalyst that "sealed the deal" here, but I think you are absolutely right. He had finally seen her for what she is and he was frightened by it. But not having ever dealt with that kind of evil before, he didn't know how to protect himself from it.

I am on the side of he did NOT invite her that night, and that he was NOT a willing participant in her sex games and picture montage. He looks confused and frightened in too many of those photos for me to believe that. I really wonder if there was anything he could have done, short of kill her first, that would have changed things. And Travis Alexander did not have that in him.

Thank you so much for your insight.
Yes, she's pretty attractive, and intelligent, and that fitness competition lifestyle while holding down an IT managerial position isn't for slackers. However, even though I know why it's used, she looks so much better without the orange can tan.

Note to everyone including the Speaker of the House "Orange" John Boehner: Ain't nobody look good with spray tan.


My sister always says that some people who over do it on the spray tan look like they've rolled in Cheeto dust!!!
Does she???

No. I am saying if she really did get pg and lose a baby or get an abortion she more than likely would have something to back it up. Like a positive pg test at the doctor.

Its just like the broken finger. Never happened.

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From personal experience living with a person with severe NPD, you have to listen to them excruciatingly carefully. Somewhere in the foggy, muddy midst of what they say you will glean a nugget of truth. Been there, got the T shirt. You can throw away 98% of what they say, but that remaining 2% is the motherlode.
OMG, this made me LOL. I know you meant National Enquirer, but just typing what you did made my day, doesn't take much to make me happy. Yes, she is a poison cookie.

I think the Wallace/Walker error was basically the same thing........ you get to typing and you realize after the fact, what you meant to type. I do it constantly, and laugh @ myself. I am shocked actually, that I was NOT the one who originally made the error.
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