trial day 52: REBUTTAL; #160

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Yep, I think you're right. Is Donovan the new lesbian lover she's allegedly fleeing to Europe with when she's found 'innocent'? Srsly, this chick is delusional.
No. The jailhouse lesbian lover is supposedly of the "lipstick" variety.
Actually the National Enquirer has cleaned up it's reputation in the past years. They try to get their facts straight for high profile cases.

Well maybe -- but they also said Kate Middleton was pregnant before she got married. In which case she had a 24 month pregnancy. So, no, they're not that reliable.
Ok, stupid question but why is Abe frequently on Dr. Drew? Didn't he only go on one date with JA? Maybe I'm just confused....
It wasn't Bryan Carr who lent Jodi money to go to Mesa. The guy's name is Paul Stern. She used to see him regularly in an Internet cafe IIRC. Here's a link to his appearance on Dr. Drew:


It's funny hearing people go on about the National Enquirer when we all know that HLN screws up the facts daily and is supposedly reputable. The media in our country sux. It's ALL about sensationalism and totally unreliable.

In spite of that, I don't believe the pregnancy BS for a minute. It's just her latest lie to get attention and try to sell a book. If it were true, she would have used it throughout the trial to paint Travis as more abusive. You know it would have been his fault she lost the baby. Or at the very least she would have said it was a good thing she lost the baby so it didn't have a pedophile father.

Think about it. Would she have let this quietly pass by?
lol @ Mike Wallace reacting like he is judging a Miss America Pageant regarding Jodi's new lover. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
It must be Mike Walker - not Mike Wallace?
Perhaps.......and maybe she borrowed money from TA to have an abortion but told him it was for something else?

And then he found out.....and he was furious.

And that would explain the nasty text messages he sent her on May 26th. They always bothered me 'cause I could tell something really got to TA. Something very bad and something eventful.

MOO. Speculating.....
The only thing that got to her was that MH was going to Cancun and her last ditch attempt to try to woo him with wonderful sex that didn't change his mind. And she knew he was really done with her except he was like most red blooded males and couldn't pass up one last seduction.
The fact that she had lost him enraged her, she knew exactly what she was going to do when she got there. It was either her way or else. and the or else sadly was TA's demise. :stormingmad:
I liked what the PSYCHOLOGIST on NG said tonight. She TOTALLY BACKED UP DR. Demarte's BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER with Psychpathology!!!!
This afternoon when JM said he wanted to re-play a CD because the one played yesterday did not play correctly...did I miss the part where he re-played it WITH sound? or did it still play w/out sound?

I thought he was going to replay it with the sound too, but I just watched uploaded video of today's proceedings and I did not hear audio. But, I did notice it was a longer version than what was shown yesterday because it showed when JA sat up, and Travis still held her hand and seemed so sweet and gentle with her, despite her utter disinterst and apparent boredom.
(excuse me, but can I interest you in a bridge I have to sell ) :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Come on. Really??? I don't think Travis would be anywhere with Jodi with a knife. Remember he called her a sociopath? :twocents:

But, it was a thought, I guess.

Travis was murdered in the hallway not the shower. He didn't have a dress and wig on pretending to be his mother. His throat was slit and he was shot. Nothing like the movie.
That Abe dude, that knows Jodi is nuts, and Mark Eiglarsh are hilarious. They are helping me keep my sanity intact.
NG & National Enquirer so look at source but still it's the thought JA probably did say this.. And it's just mind blowing :banghead:

ehhh....I will wait for something in MSM.

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BTW one of the ladies on Dr Drew said she may have had pregnancy scares..

IDK about rest of the ladies on here but unless I was married/cohabitating would I EVER tell a man I was late without knowing for sure if I was pregnant because yeah..

That's just a relationship killer unless you are actually pregnant BECAUSE of ALL THE CRAZY CHICKS who pull that on a guy to try to keep him end of story..

BTW Mark's handcuffs are plastic LOL!
She is hot. I feel like the Pillsbury dough mom.

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Yes, she's pretty attractive, and intelligent, and that fitness competition lifestyle while holding down an IT managerial position isn't for slackers. However, even though I know why it's used, she looks so much better without the orange can tan.

Note to everyone including the Speaker of the House "Orange" John Boehner: Ain't nobody look good with spray tan.
This may have been answered already - if so I apologize, I just can't catch up on the posts.

The AZcentral web site reported in the courtroom said that the witness next Wednesday, who is going to be on the stand "until we're done" according to the judge, is a defense witness. Ergo, surrebuttal.

That's my source, anyway.

OK-I did not hear the judge say anything about a defense witness.I heard her say there was problems with a witness's avaliabilty.
Your source could be right..just saying what I heard in court today

It's funny hearing people go on about the National Enquirer when we all know that HLN screws up the facts daily and is supposedly reputable. The media in our country sux. It's ALL about sensationalism and totally unreliable.

In spite of that, I don't believe the pregnancy BS for a minute. It's just her latest lie to get attention and try to sell a book. If it were true, she would have used it throughout the trial to paint Travis as more abusive. You know it would have been his fault she lost the baby. Or at the very least she would have said it was a good thing she lost the baby so it didn't have a pedophile father.

Think about it. Would she have let this quietly pass by?

Not if she had medical records to back it up.

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If Travis was upset at Jodi lying about a fake pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage how would Travis know 100% for sure that she had lied about it and then threaten to expose her?

I fall into a trap every now and then and just reflexively have JA's word in my head, as if it's fact. I know it's not true but she is the only one left to talk....I need to remember the she LIES. And there are so so many things we don't know about the simple, mundane, every day interactions between her and Travis. JA has raged in the past. Her mother said it, other people experienced it, like the guy that called her Mom and said she acted out so much that he had called a hotline. Do I think she never raged at Travis? Heck no. Maybe SHE threw it at him in a rage that she LIED about carrying his baby. It was all about hurting him as badly as she could once she knew he was never going to be hers. He may not have been able to validate the truth elsewhere but maybe in a fight she taunted him with it.
The "Son Of Sam" law only applies "after" a conviction IIRC. She could sell anything at this point and profit from it, ie: artwork, any writings she has done (information for a book) So, I guess she had better get to completing her tell-all book of lies before her upcoming DP conviction in less than 2 weeks. Here is a link to the law.

Son of Sam law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I was just saying if his family would start a civil suit then the judge could put a freeze on any profits she could make. I don't know why they haven't started a suit yet?
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