trial day 53: REBUTTAL; #161

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I disagree... She cries because she saw Travis's family crying. Thinks it will help convince the jury. Water works turned off immediately after jury left

She's an empty vessel. She emulates those around her even when it's inappropriate to do so. Not to be mean but she MUST have shown signs of this long before she slaughtered Travis. She is a complete and total HORRIFIC MISTAKE! Game over Jodi Killer Arias.
OMG ... another juror gone ...

OMG ... reminds me of one of my favorite books :

And Then There Were None !

Ugh ... Moo ...
I'm sorry but I just don't buy the coroner's theory that the gunshot would have immediately incapacitated TA. There have been many accounts of people being impaled by objects that went through the face and/or skull and have surprised doctors by being completely alert and normal.

I do feel that the most likely scenario is JA brought the gun to shoot TA and that is what she did first. And when he wasn't instantly killed or incapacitated (he walked to the sink and coughed blood) she went and got a knife and finished the job. That is how he ended up having stab wounds on his back (him trying to get away) and ended up in the entrance of the master bedroom where his throat was slashed.

I have always thought this was what happened. I don't think JA would have risked TA getting away or fighting her off if she attacked him with just a knife. She stole the gun from her grandparents house and there was a reason for that.

Now, I did happen to catch dr. drew last night and did see how the shower photos eerily resemble the shower scene from the movie Psycho. So perhaps if JA is crazy enough (and not just borderline personality) she tried to reenact the scene and stabbed TA first. But then why shoot him after you fatally slash his throat?


I agree, and have a huge knot in my stomach right now. Not because it matters what order - she killed him and it was premeditated, no doubt, but Im scared shirtless there could be even one juror that might mistake 'confusion regarding one aspect' with 'reasonable doubt'.

In that other trial it seems like that jury couldn't commit because they thought they had to know exactly what happened. I just keep thinking that there is a percentage of us, however small, that feel strongly that the gunshot was first.... 1/12th?

This will pass. I just have to remind myself how alert and dedicated this jury is and trust those that get it would be able to intelligently present the facts and evidence to any that might not.
I want to know why juror 8 was dismissed. Im not jumping to conclusions that it was anything to do with the DT.

Im assuming he won't have a gag order like juror 5 one of them has to talk

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CEO IS GONE??????????????????????

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's who I thought would be foreman!!!
It is interesting how people cling to the idea that the gun shot was the first wound in spite of the medical evidence to the contrary. In the absence of any compelling evidence contradicting it, medical evidence will always trump anything else. If there were any real medical basis for Travis being able to sustain a gunshot wound to the head and then continue an attack on Jodi, the defense would have presented an MD to testify to that.

well I can understand people feeling that way.

I remember during my death investigation class we spent a good amount of time discussing medical examiners. first, not all are doctors. in many states, you don't need to know anything about medicine, bodies, etc because it may be an elected position. the most popular gets to be the ME. there are some states you may not ever want to die in because you do not know if the autopsy and reporting will be done correctly.

i'm very very close to a medical examiner in my county and Ive heard horror stories. I live in a county where the head coroner has a criminal justice history (as a cop, sheriff), but NO MEDICAL HISTORY. she is an elected official. and she works on autopsies and oversees the coroners office!!!!!!! my ME friend said to make sure I never die in my county!!

for me, one who has extensively studied forensics, I would never solely rely just on a medical examination. there has to be more evidence. because there have been way too many autopsies in this country that have been wrong or handled improperly by incompetent people.

it is not regulated enough and it is a highly controversial topic....

read about this stuff here:

we watched this in my death investigation class, id suggest everyone watch it!
okay - finally figured out how to print screen on my laptop; unfortunately, only got two good shots of today's hearing. I'll try better next Wednesday!! LOL!

Hope I don't blow the margins! The Judge and Jodi (after the jury is seated).


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I would REALLY suck to spend all of that time and then be excused. Fur realz.
CEO was booted?

I hope we get to know why. What a crock getting this far and getting booted.
Didn't we start with 18

12 Regular
6 Alternate?

9 men and 6 women left

we lost 3 so we still have 3 Alternates to go before a mistrial.
This came painfully close and thank god we can see the finish line barring no more complications they should feel relieved it's almost in their hands.

Now if they deliberate forever we could lose another Juror, but I don't see that as a problem. I think they will need 24-48 hrs sit together and just decompress. Then some meaningful discussion of this massive trial for maybe 2 to 4 days and it's over.

I could be totally wrong and my fantasy happens. Double bell rings right away signifying they have a Foreperson. Then bell rings 4.5 hours later they have a verdict.

IF that happens I'm sending them a gift basket..
For the previous juror the Judge mentioned his illness but here she didn't say 'family emergency' or anything. I'm so disappointed that CEO is out. :(
Can't believe another juror is gone :( Can you imagine making it through all these months, finally close to the end and BAM, gone. :banghead:
For those who believe the gunshot came first, please know the defense team would have brought in an expert ME to contradict Dr. Horne's testimony. They did not.

However, I do believe one or more jurors are looking hard to find a reason not to convict Jodi of first degree murder. She a young white female. A murderer who slaughtered a man. But for some reasoning this country, we will send a young man to death row without batting an eyelash and turn the other way when it is a pretty female.

Of course, IMO, Jodi is no longer pretty but she does has sympathy for some reason. Strange.
Based on the juror questions, it seems there is one juror who buys Jodi's lies.[/QUOTE
I don't perceive it that way. Can you report specific questions that make you conclude that a juror beleives JA, please?
Jodi and her DT are picking them off one by one. That's there only hope for a mistrial is to kick off enough jurors that there won't be enough to deliberate.
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