trial day 53: REBUTTAL; #161

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I read this on the State vs Jodi Arias FB Page and I think it is very compelling:

I just read some of the comments on the page and realised that we all have our doubts at time. We are scared that Arias will get off or that she will get a lesser charge of LWOP or even LWP.

Then, today, I got a link of the crime scene photos, and while I looked at them I realised that the JURY will see these horrid photos. These photos were so clear, but horrid that I could not even drink a glass of water, that is how sick I felt.

I then knew that if the Jury will look at those pics, which they will, there is NO NO NO way Arias will get anything less than Death. Those photos are heart wrenching. Not even a pure bred pitbull terrier will mutilate a person like Arias did to Travis. I understand how strong evil can be and Arias was the prime example given to mankind to show us the true meaning.

She MUTILATED Travis for NO reason. She walked away with a sore finger. She will get nothing less than death. And, she knows it!

Reality is setting in for her. She knows her time is up. Esteban put that final nail in her coffin today.

Her breathing was extremely shallow today and her forehead frowned and stressed.

Her lady friend lawyer is only trying to keep her spirits up, as even she knows her client's time is up. Those friendly giggles and smiles they exchange between them, are only a way that Willmott keeps Arias' wrath under control !

The defense is doing an excellent job, Jodi can be really grateful that she had a team like them to have supported and stood by her and fought for her.

There will be NO room for any appeal, NONE. Kirk Nurmi made sure of that. All the mistrials he applied for, all the complaints made, every single thing that the two of them did, was to make sure Arias does NOT get a retrial.

Jodi will sit on death row and she will realise that the very people that fought for her in Court will not come to her aid any longer.

We will see a picture once every blue moon of Arias on death row, her face fading, her eyes tired, grey hair. She will wish she is dead.

Once she is sent to death row, Nurmi and Willmott will go on with their lives, sit back and thank God that Arias will not see the light of day again.

****Any thoughts???*****

I do think the crime scene and autopsy photographs are keys to the reality of the slaughter-butcher torture-murder.

It was heinous and cruel, aggravators which will lead straight to the needle.

I would have preferred that JM had featured those pics more often.

Not to be morbid, but he should have gone for the throat.

I wonder if his closing argument won't feature those images more prominently.
Ok...if that's the case, and I do mean "if"....Then fine, thanks for your time.

But remember this - if you can look over at that family sitting in utter agony because they've waited 5 long years for this justice -

And then, you can look at that defense team - doing everything in their power to slither their way out of holding this beast accountable. Willing to sacrifice ANYONE in their efforts to help Jodi get away with this blood bath -

And, you can say to yourself that because an extra 4 weeks has been required from your life - That somehow that is more important than this family finding justice in this courtroom? I don't know...I just can't believe this..

Unless you know what is going on in his life, that is not quite fair, imo.
Have a good weekend all, see you next week. :seeya:
Honestly, I just don't get why there is any question at all about the order of wounds! Except from the liar, why would anyone argue with the physical evidence?? I may argue about a lot of things, but unless I know more than a MEDICAL EXAMINER with hundreds and hundreds of cases...I'll believe him and move on.


Well said. JA has lied so much, about everything, she is not to be believed. There are Medical Examiners for a reason. There has to be an authority. Notice the DT did not hire their own expert, so I doubt any physician disputed Horn.
I am getting sick to my stomach again thinking about what happened to Travis. Sometimes it's just too much.

Signing off for a bit to try to get rid of this feeling. See ya, peeps!

I'm kind of glad for the long break. I was upset at first because of more delays, but I remembered the last long break and how refreshed I felt after. It's just good to get away from the evil for a while.

I hope Travis' family, who feels this more than most people can understand unless they've been them through it, can get some rest and recuperation during this time. I'm sure they want it all over with so they can try to get some kind of closure, but hopefully this will give them a little relief.
Even if someone believes it's possible Jodi shot TA first and he was able to move yards away, speak coherently, and act defensively against the stabbings, it's impossible to believe there was gun on the tippy top shelf of that closet that Jodi could have retrieved as she claims.
Unless you know what is going on in his life, that is not quite fair, imo.
Have a good weekend all, see you next week. :seeya:

What's really unfair, unless it's proven fact, are those who have decided that the juror is in legal hot water and that JM requested that he be removed.

I think those who are making that claim need to post a source or clam up.
Honestly, I don't blame Juror 8 because sometimes you have to take care of you. I can't imagine having this case take over my life with no relief. I feel for the Alexander family. I really hope one day they find peace.
MOO here.....

  • Believe the stabs were first.
  • Believe she was planning to murder TA even if she went with him to Cancun (as a so called friend only) and that she was losing TA. She would have then murdered him there saying 2 strangers killed him there.
  • She would play him a Friend with Fringe benefits for the Sex, and hope to still get him to love her and make her his wife
  • She wanted TA all for herself. Wanted it her way, or no way
  • Believe she might have performed some kind of personal baptism on TA when she cleaned him off......Witch type, as even dead....he is still hers forever even after killing him.
  • She is a Sick MF'er

WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial 3m

Apparently the dog that came in to trial was routine and was just running late. No bomb threats. #JodiArias
Please. No one knows the reasons. Bashing a juror is rather premature, IMO. Who knows what his setup was and what sacrifices he had been making.

Thank you. The day that Juror #11 was dismissed, I truly believed that it was employment-related. April 12 was the original date that the Judge provided for the length of jury service. Some folks jobs will not always be spared if they are away for more than a scheduled period of time. These jurors have put in a lot of time for this trial, and it's possible that their employers have informed them that their nearly-4-month absence has been excessive. Hopefully, accurate information will be available promptly. In the meantime, I'm not going to entertain any speculation about the reason that Juror #8 has been dismissed. :moo:
Any docs that show how he was shot trajectory wise? Because I can not see this just from the xray. I see it in his jaw, But I don't see how it got there.. She through the top of his head??? And then it lodged in his jaw???? Thanks!
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