Trial day 53: REBUTTAL; #162

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Hi all,

Not sure if anyone brought this up in discussions today but I wonder why we never heard from the Cancun PPL representative that was supposedly on the rebuttal list.

There was so much information entered in this case, just wondering if as the trial progressed the Cancun trip "motive" kind of faded a bit. Seemed that way to me.


I think the Judge may have finally tried moving this case along, (don't get me started) and Juan knows he has a good case so it was fine with him. I bet you feel like I do and want ALL the questions we have answered. Oy! We're never going to get those answers but as long as Travis gets Justice I'll be okay with that. As for JA, I don't care if its the DP or LWOP. I just want her gone forever.:stormingmad:
I balled crying when I listened to the young lady on NG tonite talking about Travis and what a kind, loving, gentleman he was. And when I cry, my face breaks up and tears FLOW - I have real emotions. JA does not have the capability of feeling real emotion. In fact, I heard BAGPIPES on the radio tonite and I immediately started crying - Something about those bagpipes - Must be deep in my old Hippacampus, eh?

I was watching the services held in Boston for MIT Officer Sean Collier the other day and as soon as I heard the find sound of the bagpipes I just started sobbing... Bagpipes will get me all the time too... What does it feel like to be stabbed? Interesting x 29 times and a slit throat. Just remembering what that M.E. said about that chest wound, where that particular area wound make the legs feel numb, he would be bleeding out internally and coughing up blood, fighting for air and going into shock, never mind the horrible pain and panic. Travis at that point was already dying while he still fought for his life...Jodi did not shoot Travis first, all that bawling she did today was because the greatest lie was exposed...let's hope the jury gets it, she deserves death.
That file was added to the rest of the too "prejudicial"
for Jodi to get a fair trial box!

Here is where all those files are.!

Grrrr, thanks. So frustrating! I have to imagine this jury will be pissed when they get to see the mountain of stuff that was left out. I would be rippin'!!!

she was not a fan of PPL or multi level marketing in general. That sounded like a big part of it. And she was young and she said she prayed about it and it just wasn't right for her at that tme. She seemed like another nice, sincere, good hearted LDS woman who was dating and looking to get married to the right guy. She had nothing bad to say about Travis but it seemed like his becoming invovled in PPL was not in accord with what she wanted in life. I totally understand-hate MLM myself.

I do have to say I am really impressed with all these LDS women though. They all seem genuinely nice, articulate, kind, educated and present themselves very well. They all seem to have successful careers. I just can't fathom the contrast between the Jodi we see in court and these women that Tarvis was involved with.

Thanks Gypsy... she is sure adorable. I can't watch the HLN video because I can't stream where i'm at.

Why did they break-up? From the pics, there are a cute couple.
I believe they are all dead. The world is so linked up nowadays that a family of 4 with the boys, and the little one with his birthmark, (they are so adorable) would have been seen by now. I can't imagine the pain of not knowing. Hell on earth I imagine.

I agree, hesitantly. I think we all want to know the truth and what really happened. I'm a cynic though, and truly wonder if we ever will.
RBM The stolen gun from grandpa is what I'm struggling with tonight. Help me if you can.

I was thinking Jodi could have just taken the gun quietly and then put it back after the murder. Why have it reported stolen as part of a break-in?

Her grandpa must have kept close track of his guns, I'm guessing, and would have noticed it missing right away. Or perhaps she thought she was really safer if LE had it on report as stolen.

Trying to think like Jodi taxes my brain!

Okay, she might have thought once Travis was found dead LE would hear about her previous antics. But, I doubt they'd be checking out all her grandpa's guns if she put it back. Having it reported as stolen worked against her in the end. What do others think on this subject?

See, I'm no good at being a sneaky criminal. I wouldn't have thought of the gas cans either.

BUT the minute his friends found him dead and were asked by the Police if they knew anyone that would want to hurt Travis they immediately said Jodi! Yes, the police would have been all over grandpa's gun collection.
True Crime with Aphrodite Jones, 48 Hours Mystery... oops lol- that one was done.

It is a full moon tonight. :giggle:

I was just going thru the menu on the TV and I found so many shows that could be about Jodi: Look who's Stalking, Unusual Suspect, I killed my BFF, Sins and Secrets, Scorned, Twisted, Deadly Women, Most Evil, Wicked Attraction, Cuff me if you can, Cold Blood. If you have any to add feel free.
I have some questions also, do you or anyone know if a police report was submitted into evidence? Does anyone know how many bullets were left at the grandparents house for that gun? Were the grandparents ever called as witnesses?

Those are good questions. My understanding of which I could be wrong is that there was a police report of the break in and so I am sure Juan had access to it. I dont know if he actually submitted it into evidence but I seem to remember early in the trial that the break-in was mentioned by a LE type witness (i think). I dont recall any mentions of any .25 shells being found.
The whole incident was kind of brushed over which I found strange unless Juan wanted to protect the innocent grandparents from any unecessary carnage from Jodi. The only shells mentioned were the 9mm shells the mom had for the new gun jodi bought.

The earlier question as to why Jodi didnt just take the gun and put it back is a good question. She definitely made the break in obvious so a police report was made about it. I think maybe Jodis thoughts were that if she tried to just sneak the gun out, she would have know idea if they somehow noticed the gun missing while she was killing Travis, it would be too risky.

Its hard to say why she thought it was a good idea to create a burglary and bring attention to the gun that way. Not a very good plan obviously.
Sorta O/T...

But I was just looking over the cases of the 3 women who sit on AZ Death Row and learned that one of them was just recently overturned (Debra Milke). Her conviction was just recently thrown out after 20 something years due to misconduct by the prosecution. And then I went onto read about Shawna Forde, she orchestrated a horrible crime in which a 9 year old little girl and father were killed during a robbery (the mother was also seriously injured). Anyway, I was reading an article and read some comments jurors had made about deciding upon the death penalty. It seems that they had a very difficult time reaching a decision whether or not to apply the DP. That crime involved an innocent little girl, and if anyone deserves the DP -it's someone who murders a child!!! It got me thinking about this jury and whether or not they will give JA the DP. Only 3 women have been sentenced to the DP in AZ since the 1930's I believe. I'll be happy if she gets life without the chance of parole, but would be fine if she gets the DP because I think she deserves it. However, it's hard to say what the jury will vote for - it doesn't seem like juries are willing to give women the DP as much as they are men.
She tried to get him to admit that there wasn't proof that the bullet went through the brain. He stood his ground, and she was like, "I'm not disagreeing with you on that. What I'm asking you, though, is you can't see where it went through the brain."

The shot to his head was the final blow by JA...If he took a blow to his upper eyebrow area, that would have sent a shockwave thru his brain. (Which would have made him unable to react in any sort of way). The ME made that clear today - I heard it and I'm sure the jurors heard it too...
RBM The stolen gun from grandpa is what I'm struggling with tonight. Help me if you can.

I was thinking Jodi could have just taken the gun quietly and then put it back after the murder. Why have it reported stolen as part of a break-in?

Her grandpa must have kept close track of his guns, I'm guessing, and would have noticed it missing right away. Or perhaps she thought she was really safer if LE had it on report as stolen.

Trying to think like Jodi taxes my brain!

Okay, she might have thought once Travis was found dead LE would hear about her previous antics. But, I doubt they'd be checking out all her grandpa's guns if she put it back. Having it reported as stolen worked against her in the end. What do others think on this subject?

See, I'm no good at being a sneaky criminal. I wouldn't have thought of the gas cans either.

I think you are exactly right that JA thought she'd be safer. Ballistics would have traced that .25 cal. right from her murderous crime back to her grandfather. Look at how much mileage she has gotten out of that burglary. She basically blamed it on Travis: It was HIS gun and the State has spent over $2 million to prove that's a lie too. It worked to some degree.:scared:
Predictions on how she will react when she is found guilty of Murder in the 1st?
I'm thinking she will hide her face and "cry" then give hateful looks to the jurors. JW will have to try to console her with a hug.

I believe when the guilty verdict is read, Jodi will nod her head with a huge smirk and say to JW, "I knew it! See? I told you!" Then she will shrug and look to the gallery and say, "Guess we'll get busy to rush my appeal."

She's such a smarty-pants. She will have to show the world that she's not surprised and that she has, "everything under control." :clown:
It appears there is a Dr. Robert Geffner/ Alyce LaViolette connection. Or at the least, have done workshops together.

I read somewhere on here today that he was an Editor for one of her books. I for one am looking forward to this Expert Witness...I foresee a massive Train Wreck and an Epic Fail. :rockon:
Always through this trial I have marveled at just how JA's psychological disfunction has hurt her. Weird that it will actually be "that" paving the road to her death or LWOP.

I often wonder if she had been less controlled by her psychopatic tendencies would this have been a different trial. Had she been a little less controlled by her failure to take blame and narcissism, would this have been a different trial than this:

1. He convinced her to come to Mesa, now he has convinced her to come to his house after she moves?

2. He wants the shower pics to display his body

3. TA is so enraged by a dropped camera (from 24 inches or so) that he would attack her.

5. He body slams her against a tile floor without injury other than a "non documented injury to her shoulder"

6. He apparently stands there at her knees as she twists, gets up and rushes from the room in fear of her life. Like a statue apparently, since he didn't stop her.

7. He chases her into the closet where she gets the gun (this is where the Kill Bill wire work begins to play in)

8. She leaps on the bottom shelf (without benefit of her hands mind you and regardless of shelf weight standards) and grabs gun from back of corner shelf. I.e. while he is still chasing her.

9. She dashes through door into bathroom and strikes Charlie's Angels pose as he leaps at her like a linebacker with his head conveniently turned so she can shoot him in the downward angle required by autopsy results.

10. With the bullet and skull fragments careening through his skull he clearly states, "I'm gonna kill you" or something similiar and clutches at her as she nimbly twists away and runs from the bathroom as her fog enters, but apparently he gets up and presumably comes after her since she believes he is still a threat to justify the stab wounds and slit throat.

And this is what the jury has to accept?

:eek: Yeah, pretty much, ClosArgs. That's it. Why? You got a problem with that?:eek:hwow:

Good list, Clos -- Looking at all of that :pinocchio: piled up in a pile such as you made, (funny, that pile is already beginning to smell up the place). :cool: :noooo:

:confused: How could even the most naive, trusting, and maybe not so bright juror buy into all that??:dunno:

The Juanettes

Thanks, WS, for adding this one!!!
If she had put the gun back, LE would have found it when they arrested her and searched her grandparent's house. If the gun was there, it could have been matched to the bullet used in the crime. Investigators can fire a bullet out of a gun and match the rifling on the test bullet to the one from the crime scene.

That makes sense, and Jodi must have known that.

How strange that she had to think of the ways she might get caught, and yet she didn't stop herself. She went right on making her horrible premeditation plans and feeling clever and "all Einsteiny".
The shot to his head was the final blow by JA...If he took a blow to his upper eyebrow area, that would have sent a shockwave thru his brain. (Which would have made him unable to react in any sort of way). The ME made that clear today - I heard it and I'm sure the jurors heard it too...

Not to mention the "linebacker" stance, which would mean the bullet entered his forehead and made a sharp left and downward turn. I know it can change direction, but that's quite a boomerang.
Gunshot or stabbed? If she shot him first, premeditated, she stole the gun, drove to his house with a gun in the car knowing what she would do for 6 hours, not self defense, premeditated.

Knife, I cannot see it. She did not steal a knife, no proof of any knife.

All this mumbo jumbo, if I was to kill anyone, as a woman, I would kill them with a gun. Easy,
and clean. Boom, boom. No mess to clean up. Do it in the shower.

Makes a lot more sense than stabbing someone. A huge mess to clean.

She showed up with the gun, shot him once, the gun jammed, he was still alive spitting blood into the sink, she freaked out that he was still alive, got a knife and started to stab him in the back, hoping he would die, but it did not work, he was running for the front door, and that is where she stabbed him to death and ***** his throat, just to make sure.

This medical examiner was not too convincing today.

Flores said the gun shot came first. And I truly believe that.

If she shot him first, premeditated.

Stabbing, not so much.

My opinion..
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