Trial Discussion Thread #37 - 14.05.12 Day 30

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Nel asking about defence team being present when sound tests was carried out, and about any written report.

W: I've got a little file I made notes in.
running a bit late?? its past 9..30am Pretoria time.

ok its in session. Woll in the stand, Nel is still X-examining him.

re the photos, that Woll took.. members of the defence team were there when Woll took them...

Nel asks. you don't have a written report?

Woll. I might, I may, I could have a note.. a little file. handwritten..

Nel.. was there a proper report??

Woll. it was ongoing.. all the time, as I was working, I added bits of paper, most of the time I gave verbal reports.. but there were notes, I gave them.. on certain aspects.. I cant remember the specific days, though..

Nel. when you visited the scene, you were in the position of the report by Capt Mungeena??

Woll. yes.. yeeeeeees,, I think so, I may have..

Nel. when you were there , on the 8th Nov did any one give you the accused version?

Woll. no. the only version I had was the bail application. . not much, .. this is how I got hold of Mr Dixon.. I was given the bail app, I read thru that....
N: Did anyone give you a version of the accused, on 14th November?

W: Not that I can recall.....I was given the bail application and I read through that.

N: How did you know position of accused when he fired the shots?

W: From Cpt Mangena's report...

ETA: Trooper says Nov 8th and is more likely to be right than me!
*props eyelids open with matchsticks*

Good morning from a sunny UK......
N: How did you know where the accused was standing?
W: Used Mangena's reconstruction.
nel.. now.. how do you know where the accused was when he fired the shots??

woll. himiny himiny.. ( sort of a mumble.. ) ..

Woll.. I think.. I think.. um.. in the bail appp. there was mention of where he was approx. standing, and I also made use of Capt Mungeenas report..

nel. see. where he says he was standing.. you were happy where Cpt mungeen said where he was standing??

Woll.. umm err. humminy himminy, yes. yes.
Morning all :)

.. no June today? .. I couldn't see her there just then when they showed where she normally sits .. :/
N: Having listened to Cp M's evidence, you agree he was on his stumps?...position he was in?

W's answer seems to boil down to 'possible but not sure'
Morning. Anyone have an audio link? No flash/vid on my phone...
Woll.. as I explained , you have quite the alignment.. . I am not sure of the B shot. its possible, but I m not sure..

( the dialogue is going rather quickly... Woll looks intensely concentrated, a bit fluffy ,Nel looks sharp and suave..Roux looks in another world.. )

Nel. re the splinters.. I show you a photo. on the screen, exhibit c slide 122....

now. captain. ujh.. sorry, mr Woll... I want to show you. up there, where the marker is..

Woll. there is a splinter there, I agree, at least one. possibly more....
N: As far as splinters are concerned, I want to show you a photo, exhibit E...

(Lol, Nel called him cpt again).
N: Having listened to Cp M's evidence, you agree he was on his stumps?...position he was in?

W's answer seems to boil down to 'possible but not sure'

W just seems to be guessing at everything .. he doesn't appear to me to be using any kind of scientific process here in order to determine his view
Someone whose opinion I particularly respect in here mentioned they thought OP might get 15 years, less than that in reality. It made me sad because I don't think it's enough.
I hate it that people who have money, connections, celebrity, and/or are simply part of a country's dominant culture get off lightly - as opposed to everyone else.

Amputee gets life for killing wife 2014-04-17 17:39

Mbombela - An Mpumalanga amputee was jailed for life by the Nelspruit Circuit of the North Gauteng High Court on Thursday for shooting and killing his wife.

At the same time, when he gets out I wonder whether - or am I hoping - that his life may be a living hell. Although, maybe not if he has NPD. I feel very sure that he'll have plenty of penpals, in prison, plus girlfriends, maybe even get married in there - and tons more on the outside, 'til the end of his life.
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