Trial Discussion Thread #44 - 14.07.1-2, Day 34-35

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<respectfully snipped>

Hi there, I have a degree in Acoustical Engineering, I worked as a recording engineer for many years and now am a mastering engineer. I would say my expertise in the theory and practice of this field is easily a match for Mr Lin and although I can't promise to have all the answers, I am happy to answer and discuss anything websleuthers wish to ask.

I haven't caught up on today's testimony, but I heard yesterdays. Some obvious points struck me straight away:

  • *If I have time tonight, I will do a quick bit of research - at my home, I will measure the background noise level and see exactly what level of scream is needed to be audible and identifiable. This will serve as a far more accurate model of what SPL is typically needed (IMO) than Mr Lin's criterion.


  • Sometimes I desperately wish we could send posts like this to Nel.
I hope Roux closes with Oscar's girlish scream.

Agree with your post, but an aside...

I would love to know what exactly Oldwage took out of that safe on morning after killing, with police permission. Didn't they say it was hard drives with details of offshore accounts? Sounds like a convenient story.

I still can't get my ahead around the fact that anyone other than the police was able to remove anything from the crime scene. It's just plain wrong.
Kinda like the condolence flowers to the Steenkamps being sent by his office.

Well at least he won't be able to send a representative to do his hard time :jail:
The athlete who asked to be moved from Oscar's room has issued a statement overnight. Did we know?

Here is David O'Sullivan's (journalist and now Channel 199 Oscar Trial presenter) reprinted article about his knowledge and previous history interviewing Pistorius: "I realise he was more complex than I thought." "I heard he was quick to anger."

In this piece is an audio link to the David O'Sullivan talking just about his interview with Arnu Fourie who said on tape that Oscar was shouting on the phone and that was the reason he did not want to room with Pistorius.

Arnu Fourie now denies saying the to O'Sullivan and wanted evidence of interview but unfortunately the journalist's Mac and tapes were stolen and so he cannot produce the recording.

But O'Sullivan again reiterates that Arnu Fourie told him on tape that Pistorius was angrily on the phone at all hours...

I think Arnu Fourie memory is either biased for his running buddy Pistorius or he is as 'selective' with the truth as Van Zyl seems to be.

(Sorry if this has been posted before - still catching up with posts)
mod note:

Once court commences, we will be remaining on this current thread since there aren't many pages.

Please bump up this post, as necessary, so others can be aware that there will not be a new thread for the day's proceedings.

Thank you!
'I was chatting to Oscar&#8217;s roommate in the Athletes&#8217; Village, Arnu Fourie, who had just won the bronze medal in the 100m, edging his good friend Oscar out of the medals. Oscar was genuinely elated at his mate&#8217;s success. They were obviously very close and I asked Fourie what it was like rooming with Oscar. He told me he had been forced to move out, because Oscar was constantly screaming in anger at people on the phone. I thought Fourie was joking and waited for him to smile. But he was serious. I was taken aback.'

'None of his (Oscar's) stories were about hardship or difficulty. He had suffered no rejection or prejudice. He told me the story of a typical, rambunctious little boy, who just happened to have no lower limbs.'
I would love to know more about the So.African laws in this area. Seems odd to mean as well. It sounds like they do not have "discovery laws" like we have in the U.S.

To me that doesn't appear to be a level playing field. And why not disclose and share all? BEFORE wasting the court's time? Going to trial shouldn't be about "one upping" the other side. It should be about "fact finding" and then seeking justice based on your belief of the truth after uncovering the facts. IMO.

Yes, they do have discovery laws, but it seems the majority of people don't understand how discovery works nor its purpose. At some stage - it's too late for this trial now - I'm going to prepare an easy to read explanation for future trials on WS. However, in relation to your comments, both prosecution and defence provide each other with a list of possible witnesses (names, addresses, age and area of expertise for the experts) prior to trial. Neither side advises the other when any particular witness will be called. Just to give a simple reason why this can't be done: The prosecution had (?) 127 on their list. It's obvious that you couldn't have all those people sitting outside the courtroom just on the off-chance they may be called, and experts are charging $250 or so a day. So each side tries to anticipate the length of time each witness will be in the box and have the next person(s) ready to go.

Nel would have known van Zyl may be called but wasn't prepared for him that day. Hope that helps a little bit.
Why unlikely......would not you do the same?....we have a wealth of astute thinkers here....Nel is smart.....he knows where good sleuthing is..:blushing:

i'm a newbie - no way I'm posting a new thread!! Some of you more seasoned WSleuthers might do that if you seriously think it may be of any use - ie. if it's anticipated that there now could be more cross examinations left and so a questions for Nel could make sense. ( Feel free to move my posts anywhere if that is do-able!)
I think Viper has read the autobiography. Most of the Pistorius/defense team supporters here on WB seem to have copies or read it...probably enshrined it in gold, underlined with lipstick kisses and tears for his supersad story.
Great list of questions

- now that Van Zyl has offered himself up as character defender, I'd love to see him used as a Pistorius proxy. He's the financial advisor so he has to be grilled onto what '*****ty' things affected the defendants troubled mindset that shooting night. This is AS important as any GAD/hyper vigilance speculation, goes directly into possible 'un/reasonable' mindset.

- Questioning about Cassidy Memmory aggression incident and longstanding lawsuit that was being carried on throughout his work dealings with Pistorius.

- Questioning about Pistorius 'dignified' dealings with people next to questions about mysterious damage to house like the bath-tub hole, the pellet holes in bedroom door and significant damage to the doors. This witness would reply he could not know but it would put more pressure onto Pistorius ordinary night defense.

Love ya K.T. Classic. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Here it is. He's tweeted it. But it's very short and sweet and doesn't mention if OP shouted or not. Just that it was the biggest race of his life.

Biggest race of his life yet he did not want to reside with and be imbued with motivation by his country’s superstar world famous sports celebrity roommate who was supposed to be an inspirational role model for all budding athletes? IMO this tweet is scripted by his attorney taking into consideration the legal and financial ramifications that come attached for getting on the wrong side of OP. Maybe OP’s private detectives must have already dug up some dirt about him.
I would love to know more about the So.African laws in this area. Seems odd to mean as well. It sounds like they do not have "discovery laws" like we have in the U.S.

To me that doesn't appear to be a level playing field. And why not disclose and share all? BEFORE wasting the court's time? Going to trial shouldn't be about "one upping" the other side. It should be about "fact finding" and then seeking justice based on your belief of the truth after uncovering the facts. IMO.

I'm still catching up, so my apologies if this has been answered before.

As far as I know under SA law the prosecution has to disclose all the evidence in their possession to the defense before the trial. But the defense is under no such obligation. (I've heard that measures is in the pipeline to level the playing field, at least as far as expert testimony is concerned.)

As a courtesy the prosecution and defense will usually provide reports to each other before their witnesses testify.

But in this case, as you mentioned, the defense has not done this.

It has not gone unnoticed here in South Africa. Local lawyers, advocates, retired judges and journalists have discussed this lack of reports from the defense. Radio, TV and online...all the opinions I've heard and seen say that this lack of sharing by the defense is extremely odd. Many say that this is the first time they have seen a defense team acting this way.
Can't post this on yesterday's thread as it's locked down.

Yesterday Dr V read out OP's words on his own disability and daily routines;
" I bath rather than shower because I can't stand long. I have a bench in my shower. I can't stand and wash myself in the shower. I have slipped lots of times in the shower."

15 minutes in on

Whilst looking at sponsorship deals for cosmetics, came across this from a mens mag :
Q Do you have a daily grooming routine?
A I usually shower as I wake up to get my day going, after my morning gym session I usually have an ice bath or shower again. We have training on the track in the afternoon and it’s pretty much the same after we have finished up there. I shave when I have to but make sure my face is always clean

Of course it's only a little thing BUT there's a lot of them- some stored indefinitely online!

Bumping this post because it's such a good find!
mod note:

Once court commences, we will be remaining on this current thread since there aren't many pages.

Please bump up this post, as necessary, so others can be aware that there will not be a new thread for the day's proceedings.

Thank you!

Bumpity Bump.

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone.

I hope Nel's on good form today and no early adjournment.
I've tried to be clever today and take a photo of breakfast treats that look the same top and bottom, so even if my photo comes out upside down again, no-one will know. They are sticky cherry thingummies.

ETA: Just strange. Upsidedown in the thumbnail, but when I click on it, it's the right way up.


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