Trial Discussion Thread #44 - 14.07.1-2, Day 34-35

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Still reading from academic paper on F and F response. All general terms but not about OP's response.

I suppose the cowering firework response example, was meant to show OP is a flee er and not a fighter?
Oscar Trial Channel @OscarTrial199 · 6 Sek.

#oscartrial Derman says while other athletes also startle at fireworks, Pistorius covers his ears...his reaction is more severe...

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Oscar Trial Channel @OscarTrial199 · 16 Sek.

#oscartrial Derman reads from his report 'he presents with exaggerated startled response I've remarked at ceremonies with fireworks'..'


... but is able to endure 4 shots in a tiled bathroom?
D: people's hair stands up on end, eyes change, sweat....

This is making me think of what Reeva went through....
Strange that OP never had respiratory trouble when that dust from the court's disrupted proceedings.

The professor's testimony is all very convenient for OP. He's covering absolutely everything. The use of beta blockers, no steroids, respiratory problems, pain on left stump, fight and flight, hyper vigilance, how much he loved Reeva - and all this written down before he even killed her.
Dear Professor,
Do you mean "fleeing" as in grabbing your girlfriend's hand and "fleeing" from the threat in the bathroom(toilet) rather than moving towards said threat with a gun?
O: I have seen exaggerated flight and fight in some individuals with a disability.
How does that fit with prior images of him laughing at the shooting range?

Good point .. and also, if he was really that scared of bangs and he had to go and shoot a perceived intruder in his bathroom/toilet, then he would've only managed one shot .. he would really have struggled with just that, let alone go on to shoot three more shots.
Dear Professor,
Do you mean "fleeing" as in grabbing your girlfriend's hand and "fleeing" from the threat in the bathroom(toilet) rather than moving towards said threat with a gun?

Oh yes, that reminds me .. was it from one of the assessment reports that was read out earlier which said something about OP preferring to 'remove himself from a situation'? Right up until that point we had been continually told that he preferred to confront a situation (because of his 'disability' :facepalm: )
D: He presents with very startled response at firework openening ceremonies...cowers, covers his ears

Maybe that explains why he runs so fast when the staring pistol goes off.
Oh no .. OP has an excessive response to firework displays at the end of events .. dear god :facepalm: .. yeah, so do I!!

But gleefully fires his "zombie stoppers" at the shooting range.
Oscar Trial Channel @OscarTrial199 · 7 Min.

#oscartrial Derman: hyper-vigilance is scanning for potential threat, to get out of harm's way.

Oh for goodness sake, we all KNOW what the flight or fight response is! :banghead:
O just said they are going to return to that subject again later.

D still talking about 'general' subjects. Just explained medical ethics prohibit him from naming any individual still under his care.

Does that mean he wants the court to assume all this applies to OP but he will not confirm that? What a zwizz!
I don't consider myself easily bored but my god i am right now.
.. the only person who was in a flight or fight response situation that night was Reeva (remember her, the one who was blasted to bits by Pistorius in a toilet cubicle?)
It would seem this flight and fight response also turns you into a lying b@st@rd.
Well, O is asking him to 'place that in context' but I don't think that's good enough.

He 'does not have informed consent' and won't speak about individuals unless judge orders.
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