Trial Discussion Thread #45 - 14.07.3, Day 36

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LOL the conspiracy theory is that Nel has kept the professor on the stand deliberately until Monday because he knew this video was coming out WTH?
Interesting read. A few extra "tid bits" of info. Thank you for the link.

It mentions that his sister is the person used for the reenactment.


.. that's just weird .. and sick .. I didn't think this could get any worse. How can OP even think of re-enacting this anyway, if he is supposed to be so cut up about it? (answer: because he'll do anything to save his own skin).
Roux has got one hell of a battle on his hands to keep the video out but it wouldn't surprise me if it didn't get in. Judge Masipa may also be concerned about the timing of it's release.

Nel would have to show this video to be authentic, and also have someone attest to that, IMO. Roux could say that the trial was sabotaged by outside influences in someone releasing the video. Then would the issue have to be resolved? I don't think even Roux would have the nerve to say that Nel had anything to do with it.

This video is important in that it does contradict Derman's testimony that OP cannot rum on his stumps. The video proves he can. Just as Masipa will give the DT a lot of leeway in defending their client, is that same leeway afforded the PT in prosecuting an accused murderer? The scales of justice should be balanced.

If I were Nel, I would ask the court for permission to reopen their case and have subpoena power for the video. It does exist. I would then use it in further questioning Derman and also use it in my closing.

There's something here I can't quite put my finger on. I am still puzzled. I just sincerely hope this will not cause another delay.

I can't help but wonder at what point the state saw 'murder' rather than it being the tragedy that OP wants us to believe? There must have been things heard and seen from that crime scene that we'll never get to know about because of Botha but somebody suspected there was more to Reeva's killing.

From Hilton Botha Vanity Fair interview, June, 2013

' “It can’t be. It’s impossible,” Botha remembered thinking after hearing Oscar’s burglary story. Because of his certainty and his pursuit of evidence to prove it, the detective now feels, blame shifted from Pistorius to him. Botha was soon removed from the case, and shortly after that he resigned from the police force. His professional standing and reputation came under fire, he said, because he had not been able even to consider that Pistorius had thought Steenkamp was a burglar before shooting her down in cold blood.'
For those who actually saw the full video, do you think it helps the PT or the DT case or just serves to add to massive confusion?

What they attempted to do was give both sides & let the audience decide which one they believed, but it lent more on the OP version of events.
Just hearing about this this morning and i have not seen video. My thought is that this was used for a focus group by the defense. This is been done before in high profile cases privately for groups in a confidential focus group to see what the strengths and weaknesses are of the case and how the jurors would vote (augh bringing back memories of when Vinniee politan did his after dark series during the arias trial)

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What they attempted to do was give both sides & let the audience decide which one they believed, but it lent more on the OP version of events.
What about the fact that OP did not have his prosthesis on when he pulled 'RS' out of the cubicle? What are we to make of that?
I missed this detail, while watching the trial, but then I read in newspapers (NZZ, switzerland): (sorry a google translate)

They (Derman) also state that Pistorius had it trimmed by his training, "on acoustic signals" - to respond immediately - such as a go-ahead (gunshot before race starts). It is this "enormous startle reflex"...

Can you imagine going with OP to a fireworks party, 4th july, 1st august?
That's the bit that worries me… something is afoot legally speaking… don't know what

Will have to wait for Monday to see what develops… would NOT be surprised that Roux has an application for Masipa on Monday morning.

Good morning AJ! Well here we are. I have not been able to watch the video of course, but the kind Aussies here have painted the picture. It seems like a puff piece for the DT, and a very short one at that. So it looks more and more like you were right about this, I'm glad I didn't bet against you! But on the other hand it is still a dumb move as Dr. D will be on the stand tomorrow and the short clip that I did see shows OP has much greater mobility than Dr. D and Dr. V, the psychiatrist, would lead the court to believe.

I have not read any reports of the DT filing any court documents seeking an injunction against the airing of the video, so it must have been a fruitless endeavor to even try. Uncle Arnold sold the tapes, most likely. But Roux, did he know and approve it? I doubt it. Too risky with too much downside, which hopefully we will see unfold tomorrow! :D

But if Nel uses portions of the video, I wonder if Roux will request that the court watch the whole biased thing with hopes that it influences the court's opinions about what happened. Hmm... Still risky, I'm sure Nel will be ready to pick it apart if that should happen.
What about the fact that OP did not have his prosthesis on when he pulled 'RS' out of the cubicle? What are we to make of that?


I'll take a good look at that tomorrow, I must say I never noticed that part as I was busy posting at the same time, so i was more into listening than watching because i knew i could watch it later.
Good morning AJ! Well here we are. I have not been able to watch the video of course, but the kind Aussies here have painted the picture. It seems like a puff piece for the DT, and a very short one at that. So it looks more and more like you were right about this, I'm glad I didn't bet against you! But on the other hand it is still a dumb move as Dr. D will be on the stand tomorrow and the short clip that I did see shows OP has much greater mobility than Dr. D and Dr. V, the psychiatrist, would lead the court to believe.

I have not read any reports of the DT filing any court documents seeking an injunction against the airing of the video, so it must have been a fruitless endeavor to even try. Uncle Arnold sold the tapes, most likely. But Roux, did he know and approve it? I doubt it. Too risky with too much downside, which hopefully we will see unfold tomorrow! :D

But if Nel uses portions of the video, I wonder if Roux will request that the court watch the whole biased thing with hopes that it influences the court's opinions about what happened. Hmm... Still risky, I'm sure Nel will be ready to pick it apart if that should happen.

Top of the morning Viper.

My suspicion is that :

- the Uncle sold the video, not for money but for a Public opinion Trial, publicity stunt, PR, etc…

- the fact that Uncle commissioned the Evidence Room is no coincidence… it meant that OP and the DT could distance themselves from it and not be held responsible for the airing of the video.

- the Uncle would NOT jeopardize OP's Trial… so he had the consent of OP and the DT… this will be of course vehemently denied by OP and the DT.

- the DT will have it on record that they were blindsided and strongly opposed the airing of the video but could not manage to prevent it in time.

… the endgame is of a legal nature : adjournment, recusal of DT, firing of DT, mistrial, more grounds for Appeal… anything to by some time, keep OP out of jail for as long as possible and possibly get a do-over of the Trial.

I'm beginning to think that Nel will NOT even attempt to use the video at all… he will simply deconstruct Dr.D's testimony based on OP's testimony and version of events.
How convenient for Oscar that Aimee did not have a shattered upper right arm, and did not have a lifeless left arm dangling.

In the two images that I saw he was carrying her the opposite way that the consensus here had believed. It was thought that Reeva's head was cradled in his right arm, facing the railing at the top of the stairs and the wall as he descended the stairs. So that puts her head wounds well away from the wall, and her severed right arm pressed against his chest. Hmm... Did they reverse things because Uncle Arnold's stairs are the reverse of OPs? Or...
Thanks for the great picture margaret. Much better than how mine turned out - totally black :D

I've figured how to upload the original Aussie video without giving my personal info away but don't want to get this website into any legal trouble so will only post it if a Mod says it's allowed. It'll probably be all over youtube by tomorrow anyway.
I think that if he had any genuine feelings for Reeva and remorse for what he has done, he wouldn't be able to bring himself to do that re-enactment. IMO It's a blatant demonstration that he doesn't give a fig for anyone apart from his own despicable self.
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