Trial Discussion Thread #46 - 14.07.7, Day 37

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Agreed… but the fact is the video was NEVER intended for us : the 0.001% of the population who have diligently followed the Trial and the evidence… it was meant for the 99.999% who have heard very little to nothing about it… for those uninformed individuals, the phenomenal bias of that propaganda broadcast is imperceptible.

BTW… I found a very useful photograph on your blog… you seem not to have explored its content… see link below

BBM... Do you mean I haven't explored the contents of the photo in evidence, or the contents of that website? :giggle:

I haven't really pontificated too much on the *advertiser censored*. It wasn't really a shocking detail to me. What are your thoughts on it?
Re number 3 : I was just looking at clinic scales today and thinking that he couldn't probably stand on them if they were those small shiny digital ones. A lot of clinics though will have more specialised type ones with a large metal base and they should have been ok. On the other hand probably paediatric scales wouldnt have worked... It's disingenuous by the defence though, he can definitely move better (jncluding backwards!) than they've implied. His stumps looked pretty healthy in the video as well, I have no doubt they can and have bled etc but obviously not all the time.

Does anyone know if his house has modifications? I couldn't see any. For stump health in his own home he'd most likely be advised not to wear his prostheses.


No, but for someone who apparently can't walk on tiled floors on his stumps he sure liked tiled floors throughout his houses (including the house he was in the process of purchasing)
It's so deceiving though. The replica bedroom didn't have those cords, the hair clipper, the iPad, and all that other crap he had next to his bed where he claimed he (A) felt around for Reeva and (B) put his prosthesis on.


With all that clutter it makes it all the more unbelievable.
BBM... Do you mean I haven't explored the contents of the photo in evidence, or the contents of that website? :giggle:

I haven't really pontificated too much on the *advertiser censored*. It wasn't really a shocking detail to me. What are your thoughts on it?

Probably was not really clear on what I meant… I often do that… english not my first language and typing is not my best skill… LOL

I meant that you hadn't commented on that photograph… I visit your blog quite often (btw great job !) and I had passed that photograph many times without giving it a proper look.

A lot of people were confused about the *advertiser censored*… was it just an unsolicited pop-up, was it mere defamatory rumors, did it last a few seconds, etc…

That photograph dispels a lot of conjecture and answers questions that were never asked in Court.

As for OP watching *advertiser censored*, I too do not believe it to be a shocking detail that is probative to the case…. but it's a insight into the chronology of events and it gives a somewhat puzzling glimpse into the relationship.

Again great job on the blog !!… a few mistakes here and there but nothing too serious :angel:
AJ_DS - I think it was just one of those things that I didn't really think about. Man has *advertiser censored* site on his iPad = man viewed *advertiser censored*. :)

If you ever see mistakes on the blog, don't be afraid to point them out in the comments for that post. You won't hurt my feelings and I'd much rather get them corrected.

I'm still behind a week on my posts. I started a new job last month so my days of staying up all night and writing during the day are on hold for now. But hopefully if the case wraps up tomorrow and we have a few weeks before arguments, I can get caught up. I hate to be so close to the end and not have time to follow through.

My point was not so much on the type of scale but on the standing perfectly still without holding on to anything… static v. dynamic balance

It's like performers on stilts… they always keep moving, even a little, to maintain their balance… standing still on stilts is quite difficult.

I agree completely re balance and momentum but I'm now determined to weigh him, even if only hypothetically. It would work if you used one of the hospital type scales that have a large metal base with a degree of traction. If the scale was digital and he stepped onto it with his legs wider apart than usual he wouldn't need to stay still for much longer than a second for it to register.

I know this isn't in any way important...
AJ_DS - I think it was just one of those things that I didn't really think about. Man has *advertiser censored* site on his iPad = man viewed *advertiser censored*. :)

If you ever see mistakes on the blog, don't be afraid to point them out in the comments for that post. You won't hurt my feelings and I'd much rather get them corrected.

I'm still behind a week on my posts. I started a new job last month so my days of staying up all night and writing during the day are on hold for now. But hopefully if the case wraps up tomorrow and we have a few weeks before arguments, I can get caught up. I hate to be so close to the end and not have time to follow through.

LOL… you can tell a lot from the *advertiser censored* a man watches :naughty:

BiB… so close to the end ??… what are you referring to ?… Haven't you heard, OP's Trial is like the Energizer Bunny, it keeps going and going and going… :gash:

As of late, Trial evidence has not been crucial to say the least… don't worry about it… put your efforts into your new job !
<mod snip>
Since I started this exchange upthread when inquiring if Derman was a doctor or a professor, here is a link. I am confused. How can he be a Chief Medical Officer and not an MD?

I haven't looked at his credentials yet but I can say the Chief Medical Officer at my hospital was, for a period, a psychologist. So not an MD but a Doctor of Psychology. I'm guessing if he has a PhD in kinesiology or something like that, it would be possible?
I agree completely re balance and momentum but I'm now determined to weigh him, even if only hypothetically. It would work if you used one of the hospital type scales that have a large metal base with a degree of traction. If the scale was digital and he stepped onto it with his legs wider apart than usual he wouldn't need to stay still for much longer than a second for it to register.

I know this isn't in any way important...

I have a better suggestion : use a hanging scale&#8230; you choose from which appendage OP hangs from ! :eek:
What happened to the expert that was going to testify about the photos & police tampering & moving evidence that Oscar told us about during his cross examination?

The stump-socks gives OP a snug fit in his prosthetics which prevents blisters when wearing them for extended periods of time.

However, in a life and death situation, adrenaline pumping, OP would not care about possible blisters, a bit of pain, a snug fit, etc… the main thing on his mind would be I need to be myself : tall, strong, agile and mobile.

I believe 6 seconds is generous… he just has to pick them up and slide the stumps in… it's faster than putting on shoes.

As far as I recall there was no testimony about his socks at all, when questioned by Nel he said his legs were lying one on top of the other next to the bed, no mention of socks - did Roux ask about the socks? I missed some parts of that testimony.
As far as I recall there was no testimony about his socks at all, when questioned by Nel he said his legs were lying one on top of the other next to the bed, no mention of socks - did Roux ask about the socks? I missed some parts of that testimony.

Not well versed in that portion of the testimony but IIRC, OP did mention putting on the 'socks'&#8230;referring to stump-socks and not the socks on the feet of the prosthetics.
So, I watched the video finally - he cannot move that fast and he definitely has balance problems on his stumps. I can see why he would have thought he could not have fled the bedroom safely on his stumps.

ETA: Other than that the show was kind of lame - speculation and some inaccuracies and omissions here and there.

I can't believe the Aus channel broadcast those clips while the trial was still going on

But it only took 25 seconds to put on his legs, and that included the sox. Why not grab the gun, get Reeva next to you, and put on the legs and leave the bedroom, or go onto the balcony and call for help, with the cell. Security guards are always close by.
What happened to the expert that was going to testify about the photos & police tampering & moving evidence that Oscar told us about during his cross examination?

He's having a steak (there were no pork chops) with the experts that were going to show us how OP's shots were double taps and how Oscar screams like a woman.
Ok, so he takes 26 seconds to put his legs on - by that time the armed bad guy is 10 feet from him and has a gun pointed at him. Still vulnerable. Arming himself was the safer course to protect his life. (If there had been an intruder as he believed ...)

So he first reaches out and touches Reeva, awakens her fully, and has her hold the gun, aimed at the entryway. Then he puts his legs on, quickly. The intruders would be at a disadvantage having to walk down the hall to the bedroom because O and R could have hidden, with the gun pointed at the door, while calling security.
Professor Wayne Derman

Article: The University of Capetown Daily News Archive
An extraordinary journey
28 October 2011


Lift-off: Prof Wayne Derman's career has had many memorable moments,
such as when he (front) joined Mark Shuttleworth and Russian cosmonauts
with a bit of zero gravity training.

Video: Derman in action presenting his Inaugural Lecture

University of Cape Town's Sports Science Institute of South Africa, 5 October 2011.


LOL&#8230; you can tell a lot from the *advertiser censored* a man watches :naughty:

BiB&#8230; so close to the end ??&#8230; what are you referring to ?&#8230; Haven't you heard, OP's Trial is like the Energizer Bunny, it keeps going and going and going&#8230; :gash:

As of late, Trial evidence has not been crucial to say the least&#8230; don't worry about it&#8230; put your efforts into your new job !

BBM... Agreed, I am! :) I've caught some of it and the whole fight/flight thing is absurd. I don't know how anybody can consider his response a knee-jerk must fight type scenario. He did many things, carefully planned, all up to (and through) the four gun shots. In the time that it took him to supposedly hobble around the bed, kneel down and get the gun, remove the holster and safety - he could have been out the bedroom door and moving down the hallway.

He consciously killed a person. That's what he did.
Has anyone counted the contradictions in OP's version created by himself in this video? LOL. At first I couldn't make out what he was screaming during the balcony episode but it's not just help, help, help. He screams "call an ambulance", no wonder the DT couldn't use this video.
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