Trial Discussion Thread #46 - 14.07.7, Day 37

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Fortunately this one isn't a jury trial where the jurors want to get home for 4th of July weekend.
Casey Anthony's case was also open and shut - but still she was aquited of murdering her daughter... :gaah:
Ok, so he takes 26 seconds to put his legs on - by that time the armed bad guy is 10 feet from him and has a gun pointed at him. Still vulnerable. Arming himself was the safer course to protect his life. (If there had been an intruder as he believed ...)

Wrong. The "armed intruder" was hiding in the toilet, as most armed intruders do!
If Defense rests tomorrow, wonder how many days Nel and Roux will need to prepare closing statements.

CourtChatter says likely next month:

"If the prosecution does not call further witnesses on Tuesday, all the evidence will have been heard. Masipa will agree with both sides a date by which they must submit their closing arguments in writing and return to court to deliver them, likely to be next month. She will then retire to consider her verdict."
Ok, so he takes 26 seconds to put his legs on - by that time the armed bad guy is 10 feet from him and has a gun pointed at him. Still vulnerable. Arming himself was the safer course to protect his life. (If there had been an intruder as he believed ...)

Yep arm himself, and go straight into the bathroom and shoot in darkness without his legs. Oh and he has both Fight AND Fear reactions. Right...

I do agree with you on something though - we obviously see things very differently :D
The video is just riddled with inconsistencies from testimony and flat out incorrect information. For instance - when giving the back story on Reeva and Oscar, the narrator says that they had kept their relationship private and only went public for the first time at the sporting event on November 4, 2012. That is not true, considering they had just met that same day through their mutual friend, Justin! On a whim, Oscar asked Reeva to go with him that night and they started dating after that. It drives me crazy when even the most basic information is not accurate.

Something that was just immediately glaring to me when I watched it was Oscar's totally flat affect while acting out the events of that night. It was a stark contrast to his demeanor in court. I'm sure some will say that he was on medication, but he was also on medication while in court so I don't find that to be a valid reason. It's like I'm watching two different people.
I timed it. If OP was in a burning building, he could don his prosthetics, without the socks, in 6 seconds. Or he could just get the [blank] out of there in zero seconds. Take your pick. But donning his socks before his prosthetics is a canard.

A double layer as well. It took him 25.61 seconds to put the lot on, 17 something seconds to put both layers on socks on. They don't change the shape of the stump at all and are clearly there to reduce friction.
What struck me the most in the video was the bed. The same furniture was used, I presumed it was a queen sized bed by the photos but it was only a double. How on earth did he not know she was not in that bed. The room was recunstructed to scale & it's a confined space, seeing 2 men in the area gives a totally different perspective of the actual space. This alone is very damning to OP's story, I've taken screen shots from the video & will post a few at a time. Secondly, how can he re-enact this traumatic even without any emotion at all. Then we have the magazine rack story, how many times did he hear the magazine rack move? Roder quotes Oscar as telling him that the initial noise that alerted him to a presumed intruder was "a screech & a bang" 2 noises. Then the magazine rack is mentioned again as moving and it's this movement that makes Oscar shoot 4 times.
Pistorus' version has always been impossible, you flat out don't rush out to kill a sound you hear in the night when you have people sleeping over (Reeva) and you have long life history of sleeping with people (ie family, past girlfriends).

From basic logic, the natural reaction of hearing a sound in the bathroom when you have people sleeping in your house with you, is to think its that person.

Him moving from the balcony->gun->toilet without knowing where Reeva is,is also improbable, he is circling around his bed, he would have seen Reeva, especially from his version that Reeva asked him is he having trouble sleeping or something to that affect.

Finally, in his version he is looking at the door, telling the person to Get the F-out, then shooting, that is clear intention to kill, you are not even warning the person, ask to identify who it is, warn you are armed etc.

Not even a warning shot out the window...or "get out, I am armed!" or "we have called the police!"

Even if I totally believed his story, he is a dangerous man with a weapon in his hand.
Yep arm himself, and go straight into the bathroom and shoot in darkness without his legs. Oh and he has both Fight AND Fear reactions. Right...

I do agree with you on something though - we obviously see things very differently :D

And startle! You forgot startle! Startle response is paramount in this case.
The video is just riddled with inconsistencies from testimony and flat out incorrect information. For instance - when giving the back story on Reeva and Oscar, the narrator says that they had kept their relationship private and only went public for the first time at the sporting event on November 4, 2012. That is not true, considering they had just met that same day through their mutual friend, Justin! On a whim, Oscar asked Reeva to go with him that night and they started dating after that. It drives me crazy when even the most basic information is not accurate.

Something that was just immediately glaring to me when I watched it was Oscar's totally flat affect while acting out the events of that night. It was a stark contrast to his demeanor in court. I'm sure some will say that he was on medication, but he was also on medication while in court so I don't find that to be a valid reason. It's like I'm watching two different people.

Agreed… but the fact is the video was NEVER intended for us : the 0.001% of the population who have diligently followed the Trial and the evidence… it was meant for the 99.999% who have heard very little to nothing about it… for those uninformed individuals, the phenomenal bias of that propaganda broadcast is imperceptible.

BTW… I found a very useful photograph on your blog… you seem not to have explored its content… see link below
The video is just riddled with inconsistencies from testimony and flat out incorrect information. For instance - when giving the back story on Reeva and Oscar, the narrator says that they had kept their relationship private and only went public for the first time at the sporting event on November 4, 2012. That is not true, considering they had just met that same day through their mutual friend, Justin! On a whim, Oscar asked Reeva to go with him that night and they started dating after that. It drives me crazy when even the most basic information is not accurate.

Something that was just immediately glaring to me when I watched it was Oscar's totally flat affect while acting out the events of that night. It was a stark contrast to his demeanor in court. I'm sure some will say that he was on medication, but he was also on medication while in court so I don't find that to be a valid reason. It's like I'm watching two different people.

BBM... and some say that the medication he was on in court those days was an emetic. :puke:
Capture oscar 4.PNG
Capture oscar 5.PNG

1: How close the illuminating blue light from cd player was to bed
2: Size of bed
Capture oscar 17.PNG Capture oscar 15.PNG

1: Kneeling for the gun, wouldn't he have had to use the bed for support to get down low to retrieve the gun?
2: Distance of pasageway - bedroom to bathroom
1. OP knows very well that less balance = more vulnerable = better Defence… so it's to his benefit not to fully demonstrate his 'real' capabilities. It's as if to convict, the State alleges the accused lifted 75kg but the accused demonstrates that the most he can lift is 50kg… how does one go about disproving the physical capabilities displayed by the accused ?… impossible task.

2. Someone a while back had posted a video of OP as a child running around and playing.

3. OP has a lot more balance when he is moving rapidly than when he is moving slowly or standing still… as stated by Dr.D it would be indeed quite difficult for OP to balance himself and remain perfectly still on a shifting platform scale without holding on to anything… this is static balance which is much more difficult than dynamic balance... therefore, slowly stalking an intruder would be far more difficult for OP than simply fleeing.

4. OP had a gun whether fighting or fleeing… OP would surely have been less vulnerable fleeing with a gun than confronting an unknown threat with a gun.

5. OP had Reeva, a fully abled person, to assist him should the need arise.

6. OP has less balance and therefore is more vulnerable in the dark… OP shouted at the intruders to get out and for Reeva to call the police… OP was therefore not concerned with keeping his and Reeva's presence hidden from the intruders… in fact, the only reason OP would scream these things is to alert the intruder of his presence and awareness of their presence so as to encourage them to flee… turning on a light would have taken 2 seconds, would have reinforced his message to the intruders and would made OP less vulnerable by giving him greater balance and greater mobility… yet OP chose to confront an unknown threat in pitch darkness.

This list could go on… but I'm tired :)

Re number 3 : I was just looking at clinic scales today and thinking that he couldn't probably stand on them if they were those small shiny digital ones. A lot of clinics though will have more specialised type ones with a large metal base and they should have been ok. On the other hand probably paediatric scales wouldnt have worked... It's disingenuous by the defence though, he can definitely move better (jncluding backwards!) than they've implied. His stumps looked pretty healthy in the video as well, I have no doubt they can and have bled etc but obviously not all the time.

Does anyone know if his house has modifications? I couldn't see any. For stump health in his own home he'd most likely be advised not to wear his prostheses.
Re number 3 : I was just looking at clinic scales today and thinking that he couldn't probably stand on them if they were those small shiny digital ones. A lot of clinics though will have more specialised type ones with a large metal base and they should have been ok. On the other hand probably paediatric scales wouldnt have worked... It's disingenuous by the defence though, he can definitely move better (jncluding backwards!) than they've implied. His stumps looked pretty healthy in the video as well, I have no doubt they can and have bled etc but obviously not all the time.

Does anyone know if his house has modifications? I couldn't see any. For stump health in his own home he'd most likely be advised not to wear his prostheses.


My point was not so much on the type of scale but on the standing perfectly still without holding on to anything… static v. dynamic balance

It's like performers on stilts… they always keep moving, even a little, to maintain their balance… standing still on stilts is quite difficult.
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