Trial Discussion Thread #53 - 14.12.9, Day 42 ~ final verdict~

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~respectfully snipped~
I feel bad for judge greenland actually, i know he wanted so much for this trial to raise the profile and confidence of SA justice system to the public, and its all backfired.

I wish I could remember the exact phrase, but he often brilliantly said something like you can't just serve up any old dish that may be possibly true and expect the judge to swallow it.

He was right, the judge will lovingly cook and serve up on a silver platter a much better one for you instead.
~respectfully snipped~

I wish I could remember the exact phrase, but he often brilliantly said you can't just serve up any old dish that may be possibly true and expect the judge to swallow it.

He was right, the judge will lovingly cook and serve up on a silver platter a much better one for you instead.

Quite! If one continually turns their nose up at at every tempting morsel on offer, one finds oneself with eventually having to make do with the remaining rancid, feculent, unappetising slop as your fellow diners look on with incredulity at your stupidity.
Really, really late to the table. Why is Oscar estranged from his father? I know he made appearances at the very end.
I wonder if Masipa is reading any of the new coverage, public and legal outcry because of her verdict, and questioning herself whether she's done the right thing? Or does she look in the mirror and think "you were absolutely 100% right"???

I sincerely hope that she gives OP jail time. But sadly, I doubt that she will.

My guess -and hope- is that MiLady is taking a well deserved break from all things OP. She did an outstanding job in a trial made more difficult by intense publicity and some of the public's extreme emotionalism. Since she has integrity and admirable professionalism, I doubt very much that public opinion about her verdict means much to her.
I would not be surprised that Janet Henzen-du Toit surreptitiously manipulated little old confused meemaw Masipa throughout the Trial.

Masipa was solely in charge of courtroom proceedings whilst Janet was mainly responsible for the evidence and its interpretation which she spoon-fed to Masipa.

If anyone was bribed, my guess is that it was Janet and not Masipa.

Hi AJ!


Yes, I think I read somewhere that Masipa is a little hard of hearing. If you remember, during the trial, she frequently said, 'You would have to speak up...'

Do you think it possible that Du Toit may have convinced her that there really was an intruder in the toilet?

I feel that that is the only rational explanation for some of the findings of fact that were made during the course of the judgement. :)
Really, really late to the table. Why is Oscar estranged from his father? I know he made appearances at the very end.

I think OP refused to give his dad his .38 bullets back and Henke was mighty pee'd off with him:)
Hi AJ!


Yes, I think I read somewhere that Masipa is a little hard of hearing. If you remember, during the trial, she frequently said, 'You would have to speak up...'

Do you think it possible that Du Toit may have convinced her that there really was an intruder in the toilet?

I feel that that is the only rational explanation for some of the findings of fact that were made during the course of the judgement. :)
How about when she said the State didn't prove intent to possess the illegal ammunition, when OP had already ordered the gun for the illegal ammo he possessed! How on earth could she conclude there was no intent to possess?
If he gets 10-15 years I wonder if they'll both appeal?

The NPA are, in my view, sending out a strong message by expressing their dissatisfaction with the verdict. I think this case will be hanging around for a while.

Personally, had the judge summarised all the evidence and explained her weighting I'd understand her verdict better. However, she's seemingly ignored huge chunks of evidence from both sides, dismissed the ear witnesses, believed OP whilst conceding he wasn't truthful and made her decision based on his courtroom dramatics and prayers to his god.

I agree that her attitude was almost maternal. Along those lines, while it shouldn't and I hope it doesn't make any difference, I hope the appeal judges (are there three of them?) are all fathers with daughters.

Oscar Pistorius Verdict: Steenkamp Family Protest
12 September 2014 Last updated at 20:22

The parents of Reeva Steenkamp say "justice was not served" after South African athlete Oscar Pistorius was acquitted of murdering their daughter.
June and Barry Steenkamp told NBC News of their "disbelief" that the court had believed Pistorius's version of events...
I guess many of us feel as if My Lady Masipa wants to adopt Oscar as her very own grandchild. But at least we got the culpable homicide and firearm convictions from her. And, after thinking about it, I do see a possibility that she will give Oscar some jail time. The public pressure to do so could end up being enormous. Of course, there will be appeals and detours, with Oscar remaining free on bail the entire time, but maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. What do y'all think?

I don't see any jail time coming from this Judge. She's going to take him under her wing and try to rehabilitate him. At the most, I say house arrest with a list of conditions - counselling yada yada. jmo

Oscar Pistorius trial: Did Reeva Steenkamp get justice?
By Pumza Fihlani
BBC News, Pretoria

...As the case enters its final stretch, two courts in South Africa are now debating Judge Masipa's verdict - the courts of public opinion and of the legal system.
Some legal experts say she followed the law impeccably, but some have been unsettled by her ruling that Pistorius was not guilty of murder, saying the prosecution had grounds to appeal... Legal expert Prof Pierre de Vos tweeted : "Not sure rejection of [murder charge] is correct here...

...Judge Masipa, has a reputation for fairness in court circles and is well respected - but on the streets this has somewhat changed...

#JusticeForReeva is currently trending among South Africa's Twitter users.
Does anyone know if he is allowed to have firearms after this verdict? I sure hope not as I honestly feel he would have another accidental or on purpose discharge of a weapon. This guy has a serious case of trigger fingers.

Just like a few others we know who had deadly discharges of their firearms near restaurants or in home. A couple real good examples I can think of are actor Robert Blake and producer Phil Spector
Does anyone know if he is allowed to have firearms after this verdict? I sure hope not as I honestly feel he would have another accidental or on purpose discharge of a weapon. This guy has a serious case of trigger fingers.

Just like a few others we know who had deadly discharges of their firearms near restaurants or in home. A couple real good examples I can think of are actor Robert Blake and producer Phil Spector
BIB - I would hope not, but who knows? Masipa clearly feels he's already suffered enough, so taking his toys away might be construed as punishing him 'twice'. If he kills again under similar circumstances, at least he knows that cry, praying, and having his fingers down the deceased's throat will get him cleared of anything but negligence. I wonder how the judge would have felt if it had been her own daughter dying in that toilet.
Does anyone know if he is allowed to have firearms after this verdict? I sure hope not as I honestly feel he would have another accidental or on purpose discharge of a weapon. This guy has a serious case of trigger fingers.

Just like a few others we knowd who had deadly discharges of their firearms near restaurants or in home. A couple real good examples I can think of are actor Robert Blake and producer Phil Spector

His bail conditions are exactly the same as before the verdict, ie virtually non existent as he managed to get most of them appealed within two weeks of their start date. I think not carrying a gun was about the only bail condition that was left after the appeal. Masipa says right at the end of her deliberations today that bail would continue as is.
I don't see any jail time coming from this Judge. She's going to take him under her wing and try to rehabilitate him. At the most, I say house arrest with a list of conditions - counselling yada yada. jmo

Perhaps I'm overly optimistic and hopeful, but I think OP will get some jail time, one way or another. However, if Masipa sentences him to be her personal geriatric fitness trainer, I'm going to tell Scotty to beam me up.
Does anyone know if he is allowed to have firearms after this verdict? I sure hope not as I honestly feel he would have another accidental or on purpose discharge of a weapon. This guy has a serious case of trigger fingers.

Just like a few others we know who had deadly discharges of their firearms near restaurants or in home. A couple real good examples I can think of are actor Robert Blake and producer Phil Spector

Oscar , within the first few seconds of him being in the witness stand when the defence took the lead , in a puddle of snot and tears went to a great deal of trouble claiming how he now 'hates guns... just hates them.'.... a sort of self imposed ban, if you will. The Judge may find that to be all that is necessary.. Oscar's proclaimed distaste for the hardware. Two witnesses did testify about Oscar's 'great love' of guns, though.. not that it will count.
Trooper, what did you make of the whole thing?

I guess there are no words, but try and find some :smile:
Trooper, what did you make of the whole thing?

I guess there are no words, but try and find some :smile:

Sooz... I am simply gob smacked... I find it hard to take that 5 ordinary lay witnesses, all with no connection to Oscar at all had their evidence dismissed as 'a mistake'.. they had no connection with each other, either.. after that, one didn't need to be a weatherman to see which way the wind was blowing..

I found it odd, that no critique of the defence witnesses took place... apart from Oscar being called 'evasive'.. that seemed to be that.
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