Trial Discussion Thread #54 - 14.13.10, Day 43 ~ sentencing~

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What the judge should be reminded of are some of the reasons celebrities do charity work: raising his profile and the fact that a very large proportion of the charity work Pistorius did, he was paid to do; simple as that.

Sponsorship was the major source of his income. I have seen reports that he recieved up to $2,000,000 a year as ambassador for various brands.

He received a very healthy sponsorship from Nike, his main sponsor. All those Nike initiatives his manager churned out today, Pistorius was paid to do. Likewise the work he did promoting eyesight tests blah blah, he was paid by Oakley to do. Charity work related to London 2012 was sponsored by BT. The work he did in Italy, he was paid to do by the Gemona municipality; they even built him a training track and funded his accommodation. It's primarily to do with raising profile and thus increasing earnings.

From what Sam Taylor has said, he didn't even give her as much as a pair of Nike trainers such was his repaciousness.

The judge must remember the Two Oscars. Just like the Two Jimmy Savilles and the Two Rolf Harrises. Image image image. Oscar played the game extremely well. Just look at the numbers of spittle flecked panty flinging Pistorians who have fallen for this guff.

So yes, he has lost his income source. Tough. That's what happens when you shoot at someone behind a closed and locked toilet door.

His 2nd witness said OP will be happy to teach in his Uncle's school. Do you think parents would want him to teach their children? So I would love to see OP run his a$$ off trying to qualify for an event and never win doing this while on probation so no one has to experience his wrath because he is a sore loser. He would be on camera for all the world to see his antics and then they can bring that to court. Sorry I am being mean minded, just looking for alternatives for Justice for Reeva.
If I were in that hospital, or if I went to that museum, and saw him cleaning .. I would bluddy spit on him every time I saw him .. I hope he gets hell from the public if and when he carries out this pathetic excuse for a sentence.

I couldn't guarantee that, in my frightful state, I could stop myself killing him in "putative putative self-defence".

(I killed him because I mistakenly believed that he mistakenly believed I was a threat and I knew how that ended last time)
What the judge should be reminded of are some of the reasons celebrities do charity work: raising his profile and the fact that a very large proportion of the charity work Pistorius did, he was paid to do; simple as that.

Sponsorship was the major source of his income. I have seen reports that he recieved up to $2,000,000 a year as ambassador for various brands.

He received a very healthy sponsorship from Nike, his main sponsor. All those Nike initiatives his manager churned out today, Pistorius was paid to do. Likewise the work he did promoting eyesight tests blah blah, he was paid by Oakley to do. Charity work related to London 2012 was sponsored by BT. The work he did in Italy, he was paid to do by the Gemona municipality; they even built him a training track and funded his accommodation. It's primarily to do with raising profile and thus increasing earnings.

From what Sam Taylor has said, he didn't even give her as much as a pair of Nike trainers such was his repaciousness.

The judge must remember the Two Oscars. Just like the Two Jimmy Savilles and the Two Rolf Harrises. Image image image. Oscar played the game extremely well. Just look at the numbers of spittle flecked panty flinging Pistorians who have fallen for this guff.

So yes, he has lost his income source. Tough. That's what happens when you shoot at someone behind a closed and locked toilet door.


Nel should bring this up..
As a homicide survivor, I find what was heard in court today, a mockery of Reeva and all of those that have lost loved ones to violent crime. Insulting to think that Reeva is worth a scrub brush and toilet bowl cleaner. The defense is contemptible IMO. JMV
If he gets off without jail, we will know 100% the fix was in. So I guess after all the talk of masipa making legal errors, there will be no state appeal? Pathetic. Anyone else here that feels disgust when they look at Masipa's face? You just know that Nel is wasting his time up there, no matter what points he makes she will ignore them.

Totally agree, all of Mr Nel's brilliant arguments have and IMO are still falling on deaf ears. She is probably sitting there thinking about her next tea break.
Defence attorneys Martin Hood & David Dadic join Devi Sankaree Govender in studio to discuss the sentencing in day 44 of the Oscar Trial.

Thanks for that but to be honest it annoyed the hell out of me. Martin Hood saying that he's had a year of 'emotional punishment' and huge financial losses. Well so what to the second point, and as for the first, anyone human who shoots and kills a fellow human being SHOULD punish themselves emotionally. Again, it's all about Oscar - there was no mention that his actions left someone needlessly dead. And that's only if you believe his BS story in the first place, which I don't in the least.
His 2nd witness said OP will be happy to teach in his Uncle's school. Do you think parents would want him to teach their children? So I would love to see OP run his a$$ off trying to qualify for an event and never win doing this while on probation so no one has to experience his wrath because he is a sore loser. He would be on camera for all the world to see his antics and then they can bring that to court. Sorry I am being mean minded, just looking for alternatives for Justice for Reeva.

BBM .. yes, this is the thing isn't it .. it's all about what they want for Pistorius, isn't it .. how about thinking about what the general public might want .. and they would not want him anywhere near them, either cleaning in a hospital or a museum, or teaching their kids!
If everyone else has finished with the bucket can I borrow it?

Sure you can use it but first it must be emptied. It is almost in overflow mode. I'll try and take it to be emptied but not so sure I won't spill some on the way (this bucket is heavy). It may take me some time to do it but feel free to come get it.... I'll leave it in the bathroom for you..
Has this already been answered?
Who are the crazy hair ladies right behind the prosecution???!!??!!
I've just caught up on everything that happened today, and I am sickened beyond belief. My heart goes out to Reeva's parents.
He is a lonely person who finds it difficult to make trusted friends; murder charge meant he lost the mutual friends he and RS had.

Poor wittle Oscar, no one wants to play with him.

Why would anyone trust him?

Tasha's comes to mind.

He's thrown everyone under the bus to save himself.

Friends tend to flee when you murder an innocent woman.

The question will always be - when will he snap next?
Just remembered today is sentencing day. Now going to read all your posts to find out he walks with, poor Oscar made such a terrible mistake. Which will be complete and utter #@$%&^%^%. Man poor guy, he keeps buying those guns that fire without his knowledge. Money does not make you smart, just lets you get away with anything you want to do, and murdering another is not a rich mans crime.

Going to read now, hoping I'm wrong, but knowing I am not.
I just can't believe how blatant this all is. I suppose there's no shred of hope that Masipa has been stringing him along, letting him think he's home and dry, but at the last minute will send him down for 15 years? ....

No, thought not. :mad:

Wouldn't that be funny, though. :giggle:
Did anyone else notice how Masipa scrutinized the report that was read out by Maringa today in great detail and interest. She even sat more upright in her chair and leaned forward as he was saying how he recommended that OP should do 16 hours of community service. What a disgrace!!!!
Nel - do you know how the relationship developed? No - only know what we discussed in therapy - he felt he had met the right person, in his heart and mind RS was The One. Said he wanted to share everything in his life with her. (Hartzenberg)

Ah...This explains why OP had NO Valentine’s Day gift for Reeva - she was “The One”.

What putrid tripe.

I have checked out of this thread and the sentencing because I just don't feel I can bear any more of this charade.

I know how angry and disappointed I will feel when he gets his lifetime supply of bullets and keys to the City of Johannesburg or whatever half soaked 'punishment' he gets.

It makes me so sick I can't even think about it without starting to grind my teeth.

On the whole, the OP threads have been great and it has been wonderful to share my scepticism, suspicion and downright disbelief with like-minded sleuthers.

I just feel so very sad for Reeva and her family - and utterly disgusted with the apparent lack of value which her life had in the eyes of the court.
For those who have closely followed the case from the beginning, it is a real pain to watch this circus.

OP seems to be the greatest human being ever to have set foot on Earth; they can as well declare him the next Nobel Peace Prize winner and get the whole matter over with!

This is why I can't watch. It is just an insult too far - and I am not even connected to Reeva in any way. Her poor, poor family.

I think I would cross the road, or possibly even catch a train in order to tell that creep exactly what I think of him.

Nasty as it sounds, I really want him to be a complete social pariah if he does walk.
If he gets off without jail, we will know 100% the fix was in. So I guess after all the talk of masipa making legal errors, there will be no state appeal? Pathetic. Anyone else here that feels disgust when they look at Masipa's face? You just know that Nel is wasting his time up there, no matter what points he makes she will ignore them.

This case has made world wide attention. The writing's on the wall - no prison.
Oscar's passion is fame and fortune amongst other things. It would take the rest of his life of psychological treatment to possibly change him.
Let's hope the rest of the world (Countries, citizens and sponsors) give him a punishment worse than prison to him - Take away his ability as a blade runner. No more Olympics and sponsors.
He can live in an isolated world with his arrogant relatives and forever be remembered as that guy who got away with murder and created his own hell.
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