Trial Discussion Thread #55 - 14.14.10, Day 44 ~ sentencing~

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I still don't understand what Nel meant when he said it would all be paid back though .. how can something be paid back, if it has not been paid and accepted in the first place?

Its just been reported that they have been receiving $545/month since March because they needed it.
It was supposed to be confidential.
They are now in a position to pay it all back which they are now doing.
They've obviously been paid for television interviews and the like.

Their Lawyer

Sorry it seems others have already posted this news..................too slow here :blushing:
I see it as classic defence strategy. Often used in partner abuse and sexual assault trials.

Get a victim (if alive) or the victim's family to accept any gifts or money from the perpetrator. They can then portray them in court, and hopefully in media, as gold-digger opportunists that the accused tried to help altruistically and with 'remorse'.

It's deflection. It's blame re-redirection and it's horribly cynically effective. And it is a ploy that often works as people want to victimblame or chose to see the 'famous' or 'respectable' defendant as the 'real' victim.

Thanks for explaining this, K.T. .. I understand it now .. and I'm absolutely gobsmacked they way they let this 'slip' today. Exactly how low can OP and the DT go? They truly disgust me.
Mandy Wiener @MandyWiener · 1h 1 hour ago
Arnold Pistorius has asked police to escort Oscar saying concerned about presence of Schultz et al. Says to me 'we are worried for Oscar'.
They are now in a position to pay it all back which they are now doing.
They've obviously been paid for television interviews and the like.


I'm so glad for them that they are now in a position to do that .. they need to get away from the clutches of Pistorius, everything they ever try to do that involves him will involve them being manipulated. They don't deserve all that on top of what they have already gone through.

Mortimer claims Yahav was at the nightclub and is friends with Pistorius. Yahav, bouncer and convict, supposedly was in Pistorius' group and introduced Pistorius to Mortimer.

Mortimer than claims Pistorius went on drunken rant about how Fresco and Divarus etc. and other friends turned on him at the trial after killing Steenkamp.
Just some interesting tweets from journos. Andrew Harding's description of AV's demeanor belies her shrill tone of voice, he says she's basically cool, calm and collected. Interesting. :thinking:

andrew harding ‏@BBCAndrewH
Now for cross-examination of probation officer Vergeer. Nel tugs on his black cloak as he turns towards witness.
Vergeer fans herself with paper as she waits for Nel to cross-examine her on her report. She seems, for now at least, quietly unflappable.
Vergeer says she didn't discuss details of judgement with #OscarPistorius. Nel accuses her - indirectly - of lying.
I don't know how to elaborate any more, says Vergeer, stonewalling Nel.
Nel expresses surprise that "experienced" Vergeer isn't answering his questions. #OscarPistorius "I've attempted to," says Vergeer calmly.
Nel says #OscarPistorius has coped very well with disability. Vergeer suggests that's a rather limited, outside perspective of life.
Nel looking to show that Vergeer has exaggerated her claims about grim conditions in SA prisons having rarely visited them.
Why did you get confused. I did not... Why do you s******. Do you think it's appropriate? Nel pushes Vergeer, but she pushes back...
Vergeer hints that Nel's own aggressive style might be considered rude... I'd call that a draw.

Milton Nkosi ‏@nkosi_milton
Vergreer: I did not say they will take his legs away. But you cannot take possibility. He cannot glue his legs. How is he going to sleep?
Nel: Where did you obtain the information about over crowded prisons? Vergreer: I got it from the internet. Nel: From the internet?!

Robyn Curnow ‏@RobynCurnowCNN
To be clear. Steenkamp's say they rejected a lump sum of about $37 000 from #OscarPistorius but he has been paying them $600 monthly

andrew harding ‏@BBCAndrewH
Nel states that the monthly payments made by #OscarPistorius to family of R Steenkamp will be paid back to him - "every cent."

Alex Crawford ‏@AlexCrawfordSky
Mikey Schultz which the SA media describe as a self-confessed 'hitman' is in court watching proceedings
Just some interesting tweets from journos. Andrew Harding's description of AV's demeanor belies her shrill tone of voice, he says she's basically cool, calm and collected. Interesting. :thinking:

andrew harding ‏@BBCAndrewH
Now for cross-examination of probation officer Vergeer. Nel tugs on his black cloak as he turns towards witness.
Vergeer fans herself with paper as she waits for Nel to cross-examine her on her report. She seems, for now at least, quietly unflappable.
Vergeer says she didn't discuss details of judgement with #OscarPistorius. Nel accuses her - indirectly - of lying.
I don't know how to elaborate any more, says Vergeer, stonewalling Nel.
Nel expresses surprise that "experienced" Vergeer isn't answering his questions. #OscarPistorius "I've attempted to," says Vergeer calmly.
Nel says #OscarPistorius has coped very well with disability. Vergeer suggests that's a rather limited, outside perspective of life.
Nel looking to show that Vergeer has exaggerated her claims about grim conditions in SA prisons having rarely visited them.
Why did you get confused. I did not... Why do you s******. Do you think it's appropriate? Nel pushes Vergeer, but she pushes back...
Vergeer hints that Nel's own aggressive style might be considered rude... I'd call that a draw.

Milton Nkosi ‏@nkosi_milton
Vergreer: I did not say they will take his legs away. But you cannot take possibility. He cannot glue his legs. How is he going to sleep?
Nel: Where did you obtain the information about over crowded prisons? Vergreer: I got it from the internet. Nel: From the internet?!

Robyn Curnow ‏@RobynCurnowCNN
To be clear. Steenkamp's say they rejected a lump sum of about $37 000 from #OscarPistorius but he has been paying them $600 monthly

andrew harding ‏@BBCAndrewH
Nel states that the monthly payments made by #OscarPistorius to family of R Steenkamp will be paid back to him - "every cent."

Alex Crawford ‏@AlexCrawfordSky
Mikey Schultz which the SA media describe as a self-confessed 'hitman' is in court watching proceedings

Andrew Harding and Alex Crawford are pretty much closer to believing Pistorius version (or reasonable doubt) than other journalists. Andrew Harding believes Pistorius shows true remorse, is less skeptical about everything. Thinks Masipa is doing a good job.

Crawford is jonesing for Pistorius interview, in my opinion. Tends to repeat, without criticism, statements from the Pistorius clan, like Pistorius next goal is "rehabilitating his image" or getting back to competition. She said that directly after verdict in interview.

*sigh* *south africa*

I'm so glad for them that they are now in a position to do that .. they need to get away from the clutches of Pistorius, everything they ever try to do that involves him will involve them being manipulated. They don't deserve all that on top of what they have already gone through.

Wow...I knew they made a settlement with him in the beginning but payment monthly...I can't imagine that their attorney let them take that or that they would...I find that hard to believe....yes great to pay back now but frankly it just does not look good
The Pistorius family have announced that they are unhappy with the characterisation of their offers of financial assistance to the Steenkamp family, and will be clarifying matters tomorrow

I have a feeling they're going to try and paint Reeva's parents in a bad light. There's not much they won't stoop to.

Vergeer said that she was aware that a sentence of house arrest would – wrongly, in her view – be perceived as too lenient, but that one should remember that the purpose of sentencing was “not to satisfy public opinion, but to serve public interest”

BIB - how about setting up a poll and seeing who exactly would be fine with that convicted killer being around their children? How is it serving public interest if the majority of people don't want him around?
Known for her support of non-custodial sentences for first-time offenders who show remorse, Judge Masipa – who received death threats after her decision to acquit Pistorius of murder – sat under heavy armed guard at Pretoria High Court.

I have never heard that Masipa was known for her support of non-custodial sentences before.
If Nel is using a prison representative as one of his two witnesses, who's the other one going to be? I doubt the prison rep is going to make a jot of different to Masipa or her 'holistic' assessor, so it seems a bit of a waste of a witness, in my opinion. Is anyone going to speak for Reeva, and point out that by OP killing her, he has robbed the world of someone who could have made a difference to children, abused women, etc?
Known for her support of non-custodial sentences for first-time offenders who show remorse, Judge Masipa – who received death threats after her decision to acquit Pistorius of murder – sat under heavy armed guard at Pretoria High Court.

I have never heard that before!

There has always been armed guards in that court from day 1 .. I noticed them right back then because I felt sorry for the poor bloke (the one I could see) having to stand there all day listening to all the clap trap.
AV is now listing how the punishments should benefit OP: 'Accused understands if he does not comply he'll be brought back to will help him become more responsible.....

The report recommends supervision, house arrest, she reads.

I'm still on Page 8 in the thread (and at the same point in the YT) but I just wanted to say - this is what the defense is asking for, and the same as with the verdicts themselves, I expect this is what Masipa is going to give OP, nothing more than the defense tells her is fitting. Such a sham and disgrace.
Mortimer claims Yahav was at the nightclub and is friends with Pistorius. Yahav, bouncer and convict, supposedly was in Pistorius' group and introduced Pistorius to Mortimer.

Mortimer than claims Pistorius went on drunken rant about how Fresco and Divarus etc. and other friends turned on him at the trial after killing Steenkamp.

and shultz is a friend of batchelor's

could all get a bit messy with all these fellas throwing accusations around...
Wow...I knew they made a settlement with him in the beginning but payment monthly...I can't imagine that their attorney let them take that or that they would...I find that hard to believe....yes great to pay back now but frankly it just does not look good

IMO, It doesnt look good for OP. Like he could just pay them off since he killed their daughter. Its practically an admission of guilt.

Why would he feel the need to pay them anything if he didnt do anything wrong. He knows what he did and offerred them money to cusion the impact.

I do agree the Steenkamp's should not have accepted any funds from them and probably should have cut off all ties with him right from the get-go, although, when this first happened they probably honestly thought it was all a big mistake of him shooting at an intruder. It wasnt till much later that they realized things didnt happen the way he was saying it did.

I could almost understand them accepting the money at first. Especially if they needed the money.

I am sure they both agreed to keep quiet about the money agreement, and so now that it has come out, it is obvious that is just another low blow by OP and his attorneys.

This is amazing to me how OP keeps on victimizing the Steenkamps.
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