Trial Discussion Thread #55 - 14.14.10, Day 44 ~ sentencing~

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How can prison not be a suitable place for a person found guilty of CH? Doesn't this set a precedent for disabled people in SA to freely commit serious crimes, if taken to its logical conclusion?!

Even though we were all prepared, I think, for the sentencing phase to play out like this, it still feels tremendously gutting :(
Sadly, as Jake just said, it would be pointless.

For an appeal of the sentence, I think any points scored would be useful to be on record.

We shouldn't give up just yet, there's a longer game to be played here.
So, looking at Estelle's link above, it seems that Pistorius has been paying the Steenkamps R6,000 (£545) a month since March 2013 and that he (Pistorius) wanted it kept confidential. The Steenkamps are now in a position to pay it back, and won't be pursuing a civil claim.

Something about this doesn't sit right with me.

EDIT: Although, thinking about it, as Soozie says they may not have had much choice since Reeva was supporting them. Barry has been very ill too.
Karyn Maughan @karynmaughan

Vergeer recommended that "Sunday Rapist" Jaco Steyn get correctional supervision for sexually assaulting 3 teen girls..@eNCAnews
11:43 PM - 14 Oct 2014

I just looked up Maughan's tweets, Annette Verger recommended convicted rape felon get correctional supervision and he was finally convicted of mass rape & murder. Oh, it does get sooooooo much worse...

"@karynmaughan: Steyn would later be convicted of 33 charges involving abduction and rape of teenage girls - one of whom he murdered @eNCAnews"
I still don't understahnd what Nel meant when he said it would all be paid back though .. how can something be paid back, if it has not been paid and accepted in the first place?

Maybe he sent them checks..they are planning to return. It's just a guess on my part..
There is more now on Ms Vergeer's revelation that Pistorius had been paying money to the Steenkamp's each month since the shooting of their daughter Reeva.

Mr Nel said in cross-examination that the family had rejected it as "blood money". Their lawyer, Dup de Bruyn, has since confirmed that they are in the process of repaying the funds.

OP has been paying the Steenkamps $545 per month since last March but it was to be kept confidential. They are now in a position to pay it back.
David Dadic has just pointed out that Pistorius wanted it kept confidential, then "opportunistically" revealed it in open court. The Steenkamps have every right to be furious.

(Sorry, can't link).
I am not sure that prison conditions would be allowed to enter into mitigation pleas in most other courts. It would not be considered for sentencing purposes - just on where to send the prisoner AFTER sentencing, if they had special needs.

Very strange. Witness was kind of allowed to turn her report into a political indictment of SA prison system.

So basically the defense was saying that since the prisons are in such bad shape that OP should not be sent to one. Good Grief.

I suppose we should:
- just let all prisoners out then since prisons are so bad. Let them all run free.
- stop having courts altogether since nobody should be sent to prisons in such bad shape
- no need for judges or attorneys anymore since courts can be abolished.
- go ahead and end the trial now since we cant send OP to such bad prisons. Marsipa can just go home now and never have to come to court again for anyone else.
I wonder if these social workers would be so keen to suggest correctional supervision for a killer of one of their own relatives. Reeva's death has been minimised to nothing more than an 'incident' in which she 'passed away', and the punishment for her killer shouldn't include prison, because he doesn't have legs and would be vulnerable. All I can say to that is tough! His being vulnerable should not preclude an appropriate spell in prison for killing a human being. Letting him get away with a punishment of his own choosing is the worst possible insult to Reeva's family. I really hope Nel's witnesses put this whole sham into perspective.
So, looking at Estelle's link above, it seems that Pistorius has been paying the Steenkamps R6,000 (£545) a month since March 2013 and that he (Pistorius) wanted it kept confidential. The Steenkamps are now in a position to pay it back, and won't be pursuing a civil claim.

Something about this doesn't sit right with me.

EDIT: Although, thinking about it, as Soozie says they may not have had much choice since Reeva was supporting them. Barry has been very ill too.
BIB - it's not as much as that. It's just under £350.
David Dadic has just pointed out that Pistorius wanted it kept confidential, then "opportunistically" revealed it in open court. The Steenkamps have every right to be furious.

(Sorry, can't link).
BIB - just like the details of the "private" memorial he held for Reeva were mysteriously leaked to the press.
I wonder if these social workers would be so keen to suggest correctional supervision for a killer of one of their own relatives. Reeva's death has been minimised to nothing more than an 'incident' in which she 'passed away', and the punishment for her killer shouldn't include prison, because he doesn't have legs and would be vulnerable. All I can say to that is tough! His being vulnerable should not preclude an appropriate spell in prison for killing a human being. Letting him get away with this with a punishment of his own choosing is the worst possible insult to Reeva's family. I really hope Nel's witnesses put this whole sham into perspective.

When I was a child growing up, there was a well known person on the block who was in a wheelchair. He would sit near his window that overlooked the street. All the kids avoided him because he was the meanest SOB on the block. He would curse and yell at everyone that walked by his window.

There may have been some mental illness involved or something, but it didn't matter to us kids because it did not change the fact that he was a very mean person who was very mean to everyone else.
This witness was a total disgrace, in my opinion.

Her bias became glaringly obvious when Nel asked her if she would change her opinion if she was shown that her concerns about the dangers OP would face in prison were unfounded.

No, she said.

Someone who will not change their opinion when/if the facts change should be looked upon with deep suspicion - because that indicates that their opinion is not actually based on facts in the first place.

Hope Nel finishes with her quickly tomorrow. That nasty, whiny voice is doing my head in. Glad we don't have to look at the hairdo too. That would be too much.
David Dadic has just pointed out that Pistorius wanted it kept confidential, then "opportunistically" revealed it in open court. The Steenkamps have every right to be furious.

(Sorry, can't link).

Defence strategy. It's continually been about confusing the court with details, herrings and moral subterfuge. Masipa buys it all, lacks intelligence or competence. Media and some public will blame vicim's family for not being "perfect" victims, re-directing attention away from the entitled, manipulative Pistorous. He and his team will do anything to make him seem better, especially by making Nel, prosecution, prosecution witnesses and or the victim/victim's family and supporter's look worse.
£350. That's not very much, is it? Don't know what the cost of living is like in SA, but that wouldn't pay many bills for me.
£350. That's not very much, is it? Don't know what the cost of living is like in SA, but that wouldn't pay many bills for me.
I think it would make sense if the monthly amount was the same as Reeva helped out with? Not a penny more, not a penny less. Couldn't help feeling sorry for Reeva's parents as that information was dropped in court, with probably no warning to them at all.
EWN Reporter @ewnreporter · 33m 33 minutes ago
#OscarTrial Batchelor, Schultz, Yahav, Mortimer, Sam Taylor have all gone out through a side entrance here to go meet with prosecuting team
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