Trial: Is Casey medicated? (Poll)

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Has Casey been medicated during the trial? (Multiple options ok)

  • I think she's been medicated a few times during her trial.

    Votes: 65 20.5%
  • I think she's been medicated the entire trial.

    Votes: 78 24.6%
  • I think she's been medicated since her crying episode the day CA testified.

    Votes: 35 11.0%
  • I am certain because of news reports that she's medicated.

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • I don't think she's been medicated during trial at all.

    Votes: 95 30.0%
  • I feel she should be allowed to be medicated.

    Votes: 14 4.4%
  • I don't think she should have medication during the trial.

    Votes: 81 25.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If she is medicated its not with anything too strong or she would probably fall asleep in court when she looks bored. She very well might be on an antidepressant which is non sedating and probably doesn't do much for her.
I think she has OCD for real...amongs a lot of other mental issues...LOL.

ICA is high profile and arrived at the jail w/numerous attorneys. She is not the common inmate. She will get meds if she wants them and there is documentation. There have been psychs that have visited her. She can get meds advised by them or their reports could leave wiggle room
for her to get them regardless. She is different from the common inmate, much to my dismay.
OCD is an anxiety-related disorder. and I see her having this. Many people who have major anxiety issues will have control issues also. They are what some call control freaks...also stems from anxiety.

Typically control freaks don't like any meds that will slow them down...but she may have been convinced to take them for the trial.

IMO, her entire family struggles with major anxiety..and other assorted tics....of course, IMO.

I started counseling when I was about ICA's age. I wonder if Caylee would still be alive if ICA had reached out for help. It really is amazing what counseling and meds like Prozac can do. I don't know if they could have treated ICA's personality disorders but maybe if they treated her depression or anxiety it would have been enough to keep her from murdering her Caylee. Or they could have seen that ICA was an unfit mother and taking Caylee away from her.
I don't think she is medicated. She had the giant fit 2 Saturdays ago, and started to have a minor one yesterday. I a certain that the attorneys had a talk with her on the big Saturday fit about not acting up in Court. I also notice each time she gets angry the "guards" get right up on her now, not giving her any space to shove a pencil in anyone at the table. If there is any medication it is not stopping her from getting angry. She may just be spacing out, it can't be easy to sit there all day long.

I know it is next to impossible to get meds here in jails, I don't know about Florida. Whisperer did make a good point though. With as many psychologists as have passed through her cell doors, at least one could have written a scrip for a mild sedative, just so she will not keep having hissy fits. For all we know AL or AF may have requested just that since KC is just out of control when she is angry or seeking attention. I just don't know about doping someone up daily for 8 weeks though, there lies another problem with the idea.

If you haven't seen any of her fits from mild to bizarre, you have missed a frightening adult tantrum.

Different people react differently to each drug. I use valium daily and trust me, I still have emotional reactions. I get angry. I get sad. I can be happy and animated. I have NEVER felt sleepy or zoned out from it at all. (same with xanax, only I would have hissy fits when it would start wearing off after about 4 hours).
Having said that, I don't really think it's any of our business if she's medicated or not. The only issue that would be significant is if she is medicated, and if she's found guilty, could she claim that the meds caused her to be incapable of helping in her own defense....especially if the meds were upped or only used for trial.

IMO ,all the grooming,touching,hand wringing,wrist twisting,desk organizing,was somewhat of an anxiety induced compulsion. You can't just will that away,so I do think she's medicated. Many ant-depressants are also used for anxiety and OCD.
It doesn't have to be tranquilizers.
I think she has been medicated since she had that anxiety attack during jury selection - remember when she thought her hands were going numb and they took her out of the courtroom. It looks like a SSRI drug or stronger as she looks like she can distance herself somewhat. If it is true, its not doing her any favors as she looks cold & distant from what is going on.
Update from one of our lawyers, beachbumming:
Casey's medical records are confidential.

***my op-
I think she is medicated and has a legal right to the medication if it is properly prescribed. She should not be denied medical care in jail or prison whether we like what the doctor is doing or not. Respectfully in the minority (of 1) opinion on this one.

I have to agree with you on this one. Personally, I can't see why it is important whether she is or isn't. It does not change the facts or evidence in the case. She's not being tried for her personality, and legally, juries are not supposed to judge them on anything except the evidence, so it doesn't really matter to me.
IMO, that flat effect just proves that she is capable of zoning out while giving the impression that she is paying attention. I doubt that she really comprehends much of what is going on at this point, specifically the scientific and technical stuff. Not very many defendants do.
However, IF she is being medicated, it may be because they want to keep her calm during the trial. It would not look good at all for her to be sitting there crying hysterically or showing her temper or any other emotional outburst. It would greatly impact a jury, as well as cause distraction from the business at hand.
I don't think she's been medicated because I don't think that she would ever admit that she has anything wrong with her to be medicated.
Even though she sits there most of the time stone faced, it is because she has no emotions. She only becomes slightly animated if she thinks she has gotten a great idea and whispers feverously to her attorney.

Great idea for a poll!
Just wanted to add my two cents to agree with those who have said that the way Casey switches her bored, flat affect for a flirty, upbeat attitude, depending on whether the jury is in or out of the room, seems to show that she is not being medicated with any kind of anti-anxiety or tranquilizing medication.

I thought she might have been medicated for anxiety/panic after the hand incident during jury selection, but I would imagine it was only a one time thing. Then again, she could have simply been complaining of physical pain, and not said that it was anxiety related.

I've wondered if she had abused Xanax in the past--I can't remember exactly how it was mentioned by her, maybe in an IM or something? But I wondered if she was having a withdrawal seizure when she supposedly had the seizure observed by Jesse Grund.

And like others have said, she may well by on an anti-depressant, but I don't think it's affecting her demeanor very much if she is. She's in control of her behavior and her grooming/fidgeting. She can turn it on and off, which suggests to me that medication is not eliminating any behaviors, and maybe even that she doesn't need anti-anxiety/compulsion-eliminating medication.
ICA would have to see a psychiatrist in order to get mood alterning meds in jail. I used to work in a jail and the regular jail doctor only saw inmates for their common everyday complaints and did not prescribe any drugs such as diazepam etc. Inmates who had mental health issues were sent for psych assessments and were dealt with by those professionals.

ICA's "flat" effect changes when the jury is not in the room. Something which annoys me greatly. Her stoic acting is all the talk on the television shows and no doubt she has been told by her lawyers to continue acting "flat" as it is working in their favour.

So NO I highly doubt Casey has been medicated. Even inmates that act out would not be medicated unless they were diagnosed with a mental health condition. Inmates that act out in court would get handcuffs and leg irons before they got any meds.
If Casey had been taking an antidepressant for awhile it would seem like she wouldn't have a flat effect or appear dull. You'd think the meds would be doing their job. Something has helped her to quit smacking her lips and constantly smoothing clothes and hair. I've seen her almost smack her lips together quite a bit and she seems to catch herself, and the same thing with the clothes. Maybe having her hair back is planned to prevent the messing with it, too. Stern warnings about all those habits may be all that she has been given. She still has that wild eyed glare at times when she's smiling at people.

BBM. When I was on antidepressants, they made me VERY 'flat' and 'dull'. They didn't just wipe out sadness/depression, but everything else, too. I would imagine it's different for everyone, but one can't assume that KC isn't on antidepressants because she seems flat & dull. Personally, I do not believe she is medicated, though.
I don't think she has been medicated at all. She is just that cold of a person and still in denial. I think in her twisted mind she is planning to be done with the trial in time for July 4th celebrations! Her mind is just not right. We will be seeing her on an episode of Snapped soon.
I don't believe that she is medicated, IMO she displays a variety of emotions in court, I have observed her giggling, laughing, smiling, pouting, show anger, argue with her counsel and cry, her stoic look is on display for the jury only.

If ICA is in fact a sociopath no amount of psychiatric drugs will help her overcome this specific condition. Meds are reserved for people who actually need them for some specific psychiatric condition, such as bipolar disorder or ADHD etc...
Her behavior in court mimics her interview with Melich and 911 calls, she's cool and emotionless.

I want to further add that she does Not strike me as the anxious type, once again refer to her demeanor during the interview and 911 calls and the following 31 days after the death of her child, she boozed, partied and sexed it up, where was her anxiety then?
Would an anxious person leave their car that smelled like death out for others to find with no fear of being discovered?
Sorry I call BS on that.
IMO, she is on meds and has been everyday being in jail. My husband is a corrections officer in the county jail and inmates do get daily meds if needed and they also get a med package that is given to a c.o. or sherrif when they have to go to court if they get dosages every couple of hours.
Lots of interesting feedback on this thread. I would think a party girl like ICA would try to score some feel-better drugs in jail, whether she actually needed them or not. I would give her drugs for you, dearie!

That said, she has been particularly animated the last two days. If she was on downers, they appear to have worn off.
I don't think so, and haven't seen any evidence to support that.
Is she protected by patient privacy laws? I would think so, but know if it extends to prisoners. Good question for our ask-a-lawyer thread and I will do that. Watch that space.

I cannot validate anything because I am not an attorney. :)

However, I know that the only way an inmate can get meds. Is to have been diagnosed with an illness, which Casey was not diagnosed. IF they can validate that she has MI (mental illness / Bipolar; then she can/must be medicated)
(YES there are illegal drugs in jail too).
Since she was not diagnosed with anything, she does not qualify for any meds.
OR ELSE all inmates would be able to get meds just because a trial is stressful. That is NO reason at all to qualify for meds.

Even if her medical records are confidential, I have a feeling they do not want to get a diagnosis that she is MI - Incase the case
goes south, they can later go for an MI diagnosis, and work the defense with an MI strategy. (then she wont get the DP)
I personally DO believe that she is MI…Like you all say her reactions or lack of reactions are not normal, and a sign of MI.
Her interest with Me, me, me is also a sign of MI.
I do know the facts/signs of MI --- I have an MI daughter and I took many MI courses.

IMHO they do not want to play the MI card because they are trying very hard to get her free, MI does not get you free.
There are thousands and thousands of MI patients in jails.
THEY ARE GOING AFTER a different verdict. They are only interested in a verdict that cannot prove murder without any reasonable doubt.
As long as they get the "Doubt" in to the jury, they will get KC free.
If they lose - then later they will play the MI card, so that KC will not get the DP.

That has always been my position on this case. that is why I do not post on this case as I did in the early stages of this saga.
I know everyone wants to hang her, I believe that few really understand MI.
I do not think she should be free, I do think that jail or DP are not the answer either. She should be in a facility that addresses MI.
NAMI - National Assoc. of Mental Illness is working to change some of the laws, but are helping to make a difference in many
cases where there is MI. This case is too big, and no org. will step into it now.
I think she may have been medicated at times, especially after her first little outburst. She seemed much slower then - blinking slowly, etc. She wouldn't necessarily be nodding off, as others have said, as long as she didn't have too much of an anti-anxiety medication. Now that the first few days are over, and she sort of knows what to expect, she is much more confident and less likely to lose it.
She's definitely being medicated... I think she's been medicated since the meeting with the shrinks.
Sadly, it's not doing any good. You'd think that medication would make her "normal" and she'd start to feel remorse.
Not Casey... she just gets even more diabolical.
Knot4u2no .. If you are around and don't mind giving your opinion on this, I'd really like to know if you think Casey is on meds and your take on meds being prescribed within the system seeing how you worked as a mental health professional in the system.

It's cool if you don't wanna share but I'd love to hear your take on this issue! TIA

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