DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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And we know Tammy had frozen meals. She was bringing some home when the “paintball gun” incident occurred. Also, I don’t buy that someone as supposedly health-conscious as Tammy would even touch McDonald’s, let alone have a favorite burger choice from there and stay up waiting for her son to get it for her.

By the way, schlepping boxes of used books all day is an exhausting job that exposes you to a lot of dust, paper mites, and so on that can induce coughing. I used to work as a volunteer at a huge annual fundraising book sale and know whereof I speak.
Those books of boxes were for a Scholastic Book Fair as I recall, so while heavy (thus exhausting to move around as you say and as I too can attest), were not likely dusty or covered with mites.

I think the cough was a Chad-fabrication repeated by his obedient/indoctrinated children. If Tammy had recently developed a nagging cough, her coworkers and her family of origin (whom she had recently visited) would have noticed it.
Mary also speculated it was Lori who shot Charles and that Alex took the blame. That reminded me that Lori told Charles she could murder him. She didn't say she could have him murdered or that her brother could kill him. She said that she could.

I don't think enough attention is being given to Lori's own words. Her threat to Audrey was so graphic and descriptive. And, why did she go into detail about blood all over and using bleach if she didn't have experience? Then she says she has to get into the right frame of mind of to chop somebody up. Again, that sounds like she experienced that. Why wouldn't Lori have been the one to kill Tylee? Women kill people, too, and lots of women kill their kids.
Hmmm. Except in rental situations where rooms are for rent from the LL, and not by a group of people as roommates, I haven't seen that.

Occasionally I see people with special situations lock bedrooms. Example: I had a friend whose 5th grader, her youngest, and herself took adderall, a popular abusable drug. My 5th grader was my first child, but was her "bonus" child, with several teen and young adult sibs. That mom started locking her bedroom with its attached bathroom because she wanted not to have to monitor her children's' guests. She envisioned the wrong guest using her bathroom because others were busy...etc.

But my experience about the normalcy of locked bedroom doors could be regional. The USA has distinct regional norms. You say it's typical where you live, and from the same story of the door being locked made the opposite assumption. I'll keep this in mind next time I watch the body cam footage from the search warrant on that house.

It's not common for bedroom doors to have locks on the outside or even inside. You've have to add locks or order the door that way. That complex Lori was living in was a standard builder's construction and locks on bedroom doors are not standard. If the bedroom door had a lock, it would likely be like a bathroom door, with the little push button in the door knob, on the inside. She could also have added a hook lock or one of those inside hotel style locks. A bedroom door that locked from outside would have to have a lock installed that required a key, like an exterior door.
Their car convo about continuing to replenish Lori’s communications account sounded to me like it was already routine.
I think that it’s pretty clear that this was before EMD decided that LVD & AC were framing AC but I have no idea when EMD went from talking to LVD & taking over the $30 a week funding of her commissary account to my dad was fooled in the worst way possible and LVD & her crazy brother buried her kids in the back yard to frame my dad.

I’d sure like to see a report of LVD’s call logs and commissary funding.
Aside from "portal travel", I wonder if CD and LVD have had any contact? Generally, jail to jail contact for prisoners is not allowed, nor are people who are convicted of conspiracy allowed contact with other parties also charged with conspiracy in the same case. No mail. Unless JP is taking letters out, sending them to LVD's family. If anyone in her family is contacting her, I believe that her mother is still contacting her.

Was it worth it CD?!
I'm in Europe. So Lori must have been locked in her room when MG knocked on the door? Maybe JJ was at Alex's place. He could have been murdered before 4am. What was Lori's story about JJ climbing the cabinets? When did JJ wake up? (IMO he didn't.) Wouldn't MG have heard the commotion?
Per Melanie and David, Alex came and took JJ while they were doing the podcast. He later brought JJ back, asleep, and put him in Lori's bed. When everyone got up in morning, Mel and David asked where JJ was and Lori gave them the zombie story. I don't recall if Lori said Alex came back and took him, again, or implied that.
Their car convo about continuing to replenish Lori’s communications account sounded to me like it was already routine.
I'd have to go back and listen but I thought she told Chad, who was instructing her about what to do, that she was already in communication with Lori through some special jail prisoner to outsider phone set up.
Or Chad could have gone to bed in a separate room, showing up after Garth found Tammy and making up some religious reason why they should wait until morning. Why would Garth even check on his parents after coming home? Did Chad call him to work to tell him Tammy wasn't feeling well? If Tammy was found on the couch, how did Chad explain that? He and Alex could have moved her.
I can't imagine a reason why Chad would have gone awol for several hours that night. Some have expressed doubt that he would lie next to Tammy (who was dead) all that time.
What happened to the story about Garth hearing a thump, Chad yelling for him, Garth finding her half-fallen out of bed with her kegs still wrapped in the sheets and getting her back ip on the bed, noting that she looked gray? Or are we on a whole new story now?
Mary also speculated it was Lori who shot Charles and that Alex took the blame. That reminded me that Lori told Charles she could murder him. She didn't say she could have him murdered or that her brother could kill him. She said that she could.

I don't think enough attention is being given to Lori's own words. Her threat to Audrey was so graphic and descriptive. And, why did she go into detail about blood all over and using bleach if she didn't have experience? Then she says she has to get into the right frame of mind of to chop somebody up. Again, that sounds like she experienced that. Why wouldn't Lori have been the one to kill Tylee? Women kill people, too, and lots of women kill their kids.
I’ve been saying for a long time that I think that LVD had an active role in the murders.

I think AC may have fired the first shot to CV but I think LVD might have fired the 2nd one when she sent Tylee out to the car to wait with JJ - though I still don’t think either shot killed him instantly and that AC waited to call 911 to be sure CV bled out.

I think LVD killed Tylee & JJ in her own apt - not sure if she had AC there to help her with either or both or if she called him afterwards to help her straighten up and then dispose of their bodies.

I do not think that AC was the “hit man” everyone makes him out to be - far from innocent and definitely involved - but he failed with JR on his first attempt as well as BB and TD. I don’t think he could do it on his own and needed assistance from LVD for the first 4 murders and from CD with TD.

It’s all speculation of course but it makes more sense to me than most other scenarios. And yes I realize that I am in the minority with this line of thinking. :)
I'd have to go back and listen but I thought she told Chad, who was instructing her about what to do, that she was already in communication with Lori through some special jail prisoner to outsider phone set up.
Yes, that’s the convo. But Chad asked her to be sure there was money in Lori’s account, suggesting that he was aware she knew about it. That would mean he also knew Emma was talking to her by phone.
I'm in Europe. So Lori must have been locked in her room when MG knocked on the door? Maybe JJ was at Alex's place. He could have been murdered before 4am. What was Lori's story about JJ climbing the cabinets? When did JJ wake up? (IMO he didn't.) Wouldn't MG have heard the commotion?
I have always wondered when Alex left. Did he come in, put JJ to bed, and then lie down with him so he'd stay? There are reports of JJ waking at night. (Supposedly, Bailey helped JJ stay in bed all night.)

When did Alex leave? Did Chad come by? The apartment was not that big. There was the garage entrance and the main living room entrance, I think.

Clearly the baby left sometime before Melanie and David came downstairs.

If Melanie and David were more forthcoming, we could narrow the timeline. Either we could be sure there was no murdering or only very quiet murdering going on at Lori's apartment between 2-4 in the morning, or we could learn that was exactly when murdering was happening.

I'd like to know more about garage use and where vehicles were. It would be rather simple to keep a murdered JJ in the garage, but it would be something to move JJ from Lori's room to the garage silently. If Alex parked in Lori's garage or in front of it, it seems plausible to remove JJ that way. I don't know anything about what the garage doors face, or who can see them. Alex and Chad were doing something around that garage when Rexburg PD started attempting a wellness check, right?

If all of the adults were sneaking around trying to act like they are sleeping in their own rooms, that could create some cover. Attempting to provide privacy and gain it, David and Melanie could have ignored the sounds of, say, Chad coming to visit and Alex and/or Chad departing. And the murders could have used the mutual offer of privacy to do more than play married.

Their car convo about continuing to replenish Lori’s communications account sounded to me like it was already routine.
The way I remember it was that Emma told Chad she was already communicating with Lori, through some jail set up for phone calls, not that she was sending her money, which Chad had been doing and wanted Emma to continue.
What happened to the story about Garth hearing a thump, Chad yelling for him, Garth finding her half-fallen out of bed with her kegs still wrapped in the sheets and getting her back ip on the bed, noting that she looked gray? Or are we on a whole new story now?
That was Garth's testimony that was impeached by his friend. So, yeah, what about that because they're two rather different accounts of what happened that night.
I'd have to go back and listen but I thought she told Chad, who was instructing her about what to do, that she was already in communication with Lori through some special jail prisoner to outsider phone set up.
Yes - I think they said it was called telemate or telmate- something like that - I think all jails have some type of it set up but different names for different companies that handle them. CD was telling EDM that she could just log into his account and use the card to put money on his & LVD’s commissary account but she said she could use the one she has already that she talks to LVD with it.
Yes - I think they said it was called telemate or telmate- something like that - I think all jails have some type of it set up but different names for different companies that handle them. CD was telling EDM that she could just log into his account and use the card to put money on his & LVD’s commissary account but she said she could use the one she has already that she talks to LVD with it.
Yes, thank you! That was it and it indicated that Chad was unaware that Emma was already in communication with Lori.
Aside from "portal travel", I wonder if CD and LVD have had any contact? Generally, jail to jail contact for prisoners is not allowed, nor are people who are convicted of conspiracy allowed contact with other parties also charged with conspiracy in the same case. No mail. Unless JP is taking letters out, sending them to LVD's family. If anyone in her family is contacting her, I believe that her mother is still contacting her.

Was it worth it CD?!
Judging from his smug face in court - yes. He finds it worth it.

He has so much control over his children. But IMO, and very ironically, they also have more power over him than anyone.

I can't think of anything that would wipe that smug face off faster than a made-for-Hollywood moment with Emma as a rebuttal witness on the stand, breaking down and saying, "Sorry, Dad. I just can't do it anymore. Nothing else makes sense except- you're guilty as charged." She'd be crying uncontrollably, having just lost her father forever, and he'd be in a rage.

Obviously, that's not going to happen given what we've seen so far. But Emma, more than anyone else, could "get to" her father.

The rest of us, not so much. I'm not going to count on any serious expressions of regret from Chad- not for years. I imagine him having visitors and fans for years, even among some light, spiritually special inmates on second or third probations he probably was incarcerated with in previous lives.

Yes, thank you! That was it and it indicated that Chad was unaware that Emma was already in communication with Lori.
Well…not so sure about that…could be….but also could have just been he wasn’t thinking about her communicating with her or even that he wasn’t thinking about her being able to use her own account to send money to LVD on his credit card or debit card or whatever it was he was telling her to use.
Per Melanie and David, Alex came and took JJ while they were doing the podcast. He later brought JJ back, asleep, and put him in Lori's bed. When everyone got up in morning, Mel and David asked where JJ was and Lori gave them the zombie story. I don't recall if Lori said Alex came back and took him, again, or implied that.
IMO Alex did take him, Lori just didn't specify when. He could have done it at any time when others were asleep.
I have always wondered when Alex left. Did he come in, put JJ to bed, and then lie down with him so he'd stay? There are reports of JJ waking at night. (Supposedly, Bailey helped JJ stay in bed all night.)

When did Alex leave? Did Chad come by? The apartment was not that big. There was the garage entrance and the main living room entrance, I think.

Clearly the baby left sometime before Melanie and David came downstairs.

If Melanie and David were more forthcoming, we could narrow the timeline. Either we could be sure there was no murdering or only very quiet murdering going on at Lori's apartment between 2-4 in the morning, or we could learn that was exactly when murdering was happening.

I'd like to know more about garage use and where vehicles were. It would be rather simple to keep a murdered JJ in the garage, but it would be something to move JJ from Lori's room to the garage silently. If Alex parked in Lori's garage or in front of it, it seems plausible to remove JJ that way. I don't know anything about what the garage doors face, or who can see them. Alex and Chad were doing something around that garage when Rexburg PD started attempting a wellness check, right?

If all of the adults were sneaking around trying to act like they are sleeping in their own rooms, that could create some cover. Attempting to provide privacy and gain it, David and Melanie could have ignored the sounds of, say, Chad coming to visit and Alex and/or Chad departing. And the murders could have used the mutual offer of privacy to do more than play married.

From the perps' perspective: They planned to murder JJ that night. They had two apartments with guests in Lori's. What would have been the simplest and least risky way? IMO, the murder taking place in Alex's apartment. It would have been easy to carry sleeping JJ there. During/after the murder a lot of wrapping and duct taping took place. This could be noisy, too. Likely Lori and Alex were working together. When they were done, Alex loaded the wrapped body onto his truck. Lori made up an excuse for the guests.
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