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DNA Solves
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IMO Alex did take him, Lori just didn't specify when. He could have done it at any time when others were asleep.
Well, he took him at some time, to bury him in Chad's yard. Whether he was the one who killed him is questionable. Ms "I could chop you up pieces" seems perfectly capable of having done it.
Well…not so sure about that…could be….but also could have just been he wasn’t thinking about her communicating with her or even that he wasn’t thinking about her being able to use her own account to send money to LVD on his credit card or debit card or whatever it was he was telling her to use.
Fair point and makes sense because until that time, he was probably communicating with Lori, as well, and would know she was talking with Emma.
Well, he took him at some time, to bury him in Chad's yard. Whether he was the one who killed him is questionable. Ms "I could chop you up pieces" seems perfectly capable of having done it.
Alex didn't come to Idaho with Lori to be a baby sitter. He had a specific role in the cult, designated by Chad. He amassed a ton of weapons. With him on hand, Lori and Chad didn't have to get their hands dirty. Tammy was meant to be shot at first. Lori was bullying Audrey, but (IMO) the children's murders didn't result in a bloody crime scene in the apartments.
Those books of boxes were for a Scholastic Book Fair as I recall, so while heavy (thus exhausting to move around as you say and as I too can attest), were not likely dusty or covered with mites.

I think the cough was a Chad-fabrication repeated by his obedient/indoctrinated children. If Tammy had recently developed a nagging cough, her coworkers and her family of origin (whom she had recently visited) would have noticed it.
Good point about the nature of the books, but even new paper can be dusty. That’s part of its nature. Ask anyone who’s ever worked in a print shop. But I accept your correction!
Yes - I think they said it was called telemate or telmate- something like that - I think all jails have some type of it set up but different names for different companies that handle them. CD was telling EDM that she could just log into his account and use the card to put money on his & LVD’s commissary account but she said she could use the one she has already that she talks to LVD with it.
Mind like a steel trap! Thanks for remembering all those nuances. I’ve been half-gardening all day and obviously slipping up on the not-gardening half LOL
Interesting, if Garth found his mother, totally alone, that changes the entire story we have heard all along.

I wonder what made Garth go in her bedroom at 1am to check on her? Perhaps he didn't see both vehicles and it caused a red flag? Strange case for sure. I keep having questions pop up in my head.
Garth's co-worker said he found his mom. But I am unsure of that timeline for that story. He could have found her after he watched videos until 3. Or He could have found her when he came home at one? Either way Chad wasn't there in that version of the story. So if he found her earlier, Chad could have explained to him a bunch of nonsense which would be pretty abusive and made it hard to react normally to the police. He was quiet while Chad was reactive for the police. He must have been pretty afraid of what was going on. I know they seem uncaring, I think they have been lied to so much that and it makes them look bad. For example, it is possible Emma thought they were looking for pioneer bones which is why she wasn't upset in the car tape. Of course, I don't know but obviously they have been manipulated amd lied to. Really sad to em.
Emma must have been confused how the pioneer remains had a charm.
And red pajamas- definitely the thing in the later 1800's

I mean really? So incredibly "naive" to think pioneers were also buried in their "pet cemetery" or beside their "irrigation pond". Give me a break. How stupid do they think people are.

ETA...I've found arrowheads and a grinding rock bowl and what I think is a hide scraper on my Idaho property but no bones yet after 34 years of digging deep holes here...including our own personal pet cemetery.
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There's a saying, often attributed to Mark Twain but has no concrete origin, that goes:
“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
This can apply to so many different cases but I think it is especially true for this one, whether we're talking about Emma or Audrey Baraterrio or Melanie Gibb.
Unless he was visiting via his/hers portals he wasn't with her.. she was allegedly in Hawaii. IMO, he was right there helping AC. Two sadists tag teaming a defenseless TD. IMO
I can't even imagine how she felt while her husband and some stranger suffocated her.

I think about her every night while drifting off to sleep. The betrayal from someone she spent 29 years living with and loving incredibly horrible to imagine.
I wonder what made Garth go in her bedroom at 1am to check on her? Perhaps he didn't see both vehicles and it caused a red flag? Strange case for sure. I keep having questions pop up in my head.

True. My kids don't bother me when they come home. I don't stay up for them either. If CD wasn't there, where was he? Out in the yard, burying stuff? And Garth sees his Mom, dead, and he doesn't call 911? Did he call CD? Or just go to bed? Weird.
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