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DNA Solves
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I can't even imagine how she felt while her husband and some stranger suffocated her.

I think about her every night while drifting off to sleep. The betrayal from someone she spent 29 years living with and loving incredibly horrible to imagine.

Agreed. I guess that you just never know.
Agreed. I guess that you just never know.
That right there is something so hard to grapple with. There are cases where the killer is so obviously a horrible person and everyone knows it (Patrick Frazee) but others like this or Chris Watts and other people who seemed normal and trustworthy who turn into monsters. One thing I've noticed is how often adultery is a catalyst. Nothing good ever comes out of it.
I mean really? So incredibly "naive" to think pioneers were also buried in their "pet cemetery" or beside their "irrigation pond". Give me a break. How stupid do they think people are.

ETA...I've found arrowheads and a grinding rock bowl and what I think is a hide scraper on my Idaho property but no bones yet after 34 years of digging deep holes here...including our own personal pet cemetery.
It was an indication of her profound self deception and looking for anything that might explain away the horror unfolding.
That right there is something so hard to grapple with. There are cases where the killer is so obviously a horrible person and everyone knows it (Patrick Frazee) but others like this or Chris Watts and other people who seemed normal and trustworthy who turn into monsters. One thing I've noticed is how often adultery is a catalyst. Nothing good ever comes out of it.

That is true. I guess signs would be, cheating, pregnancy, there must be some other signs, maybe distant, uncaring. I can't imagine my husband killing me, but I guess Tammy never thought she was in mortal danger from CD.

Charles Vallow did feel danger from LVD, yet, maybe he didn't really want to believe it. Otherwise, he would have never gone to her house to pickup JJ. The fact that they had a pool party there, that night, is still mind boggling.
Interesting statement by Larry Woodcock, that he believes that AC was killed. And, that he would rather CD not have the death penalty. He wants CD to live with what he has done, and live in fear of retaliation in prison.

Profound words from a man, who has had to deal with so much. He seems like such a down to earth, good person.
I wonder what made Garth go in her bedroom at 1am to check on her? Perhaps he didn't see both vehicles and it caused a red flag? Strange case for sure. I keep having questions pop up in my head.
Trisha brought up a great point on the live podcast last night. She said that she used to tell her kids no matter what time they got home to pop in and just say I’m home so she would know they made it in ok and were safe & sound. I think a lot of parents with adult children living in the home do that. It could explain why he went to her room when he came home.

They also brought up that GD said “mom’s room” not “mom & dad’s room” and discussed the possibility that TD & CD had been sleeping in separate bedrooms and CD didn’t want anyone to know it. I didn’t catch the beginning and am going to try to watch it in a bit. If anyone hasn’t seen it, you should try to find the time. Trisha & Lauren (HTC) really made some interesting observations.
It seems a bit inconsistent, doesn't it, that Emma can apparently maintain a friendly relationship with Lori, while probably still blaming her for having "led poor Chad astray".
Kemug, how long do you think she maintained that friendly relationship and kept talking to her and putting money on her account? My thoughts are that JP told them to sever ties and blame LVD early on - certainly by the 48 Hours interview that aired in Aug 2021 but I do wonder how long it took them to decide that would be the strategy going forward.
If the 1AM story is true, we don't know when Chad showed up. 15 minutes later, three hours later, etc. There's a big gaping hole of time between 1AM and the 911 call and no idea what might have been going on. I can't believe he would lie about this!

Just wondering....Could it be that more investigative work should have been done to uncover what occurred during the gap between 1 AM and the 911 call, or has this aspect of the case been overlooked?

Or... am I late to the game and this has been addressed?
I mean really? So incredibly "naive" to think pioneers were also buried in their "pet cemetery" or beside their "irrigation pond". Give me a break. How stupid do they think people are.

ETA...I've found arrowheads and a grinding rock bowl and what I think is a hide scraper on my Idaho property but no bones yet after 34 years of digging deep holes here...including our own personal pet cemetery.
Well definitely ...KEEP diggin!
Kemug, how long do you think she maintained that friendly relationship and kept talking to her and putting money on her account? My thoughts are that JP told them to sever ties and blame LVD early on - certainly by the 48 Hours interview that aired in Aug 2021 but I do wonder how long it took them to decide that would be the strategy going forward.
OTOH, if Chad's family cut ties with Lori (in reality, they probably did a long time ago) she would feel abandoned by him and could retaliate. There must be something that makes her believe that she and Chad are still on course, apart from him staying married to her.
I'm trying to figure out Emma's acceptance of Chad's behavior regarding Tammy. When more evidence started coming out, Emma became open to the idea that her father had a physical affair with Lori while still married. She hinted in court that Chad and Tammy were not intimate any more. Perhaps they slept in separate bedrooms and Emma was aware of that (Garth would have known). In that light, Chad remarrying quickly was more explainable. But if Tammy hadn't died, what was the plan? Would Lori stay Chad's mistress indefinitely? Would Chad file for divorce? Emma must have asked those questions. Or did she (retroactively) accept Chad's "vision" that Tammy wasn't going to live a long life, so he was preparing for a new life without her?
Just wondering....Could it be that more investigative work should have been done to uncover what occurred during the gap between 1 AM and the 911 call, or has this aspect of the case been overlooked?

Or... am I late to the game and this has been addressed?
I think the main investigative work has been to pressure Garth, but he has stayed firm with his weak narrative to LE.

They DID convene a GJ about his potential perjury, it appears. How much more pressure could they put on him?

John Prior is saying that we don't see any indictment as proof his story is true. No, it is not proof at all. It is only proof that Garth did not change his testimony.

1) If prosecutors know Garth committed perjury, they could be waiting out recommending charges. I don't know what the statute of limitations is, but it almost doesn't matter. Because if he perjured himself then and they want to bring him to the stand now, there are two possibilities:

A. He does not perjure and gives a truthful statement when they needed it or

B. He perjures himself again within the stature of limitations. And the old GJ records can be used to show intent, lack of accident for when he's indicted.

There is nothing to gain charging Garth sooner for the prosecution, because his lying, inconsistent stories are better for the prosecution than no statement at all.

There is also the very real possibility that prosecutors just felt his crimes were committed under severe duress. It is not a stretch to say Garth could have gone dark and died himself.

Sympathy or strategy sound like much more likely explanations for Garth's not getting charged than Prior's explanation: He didn't lie.

Aside from getting the truth from Garth or Chad, is there another way to learn what happened? I can't think of one, and that is why the prosecution put so much pressure on Garth.

I'm trying to figure out Emma's acceptance of Chad's behavior regarding Tammy. When more evidence started coming out, Emma became open to the idea that her father had a physical affair with Lori while still married. She hinted in court that Chad and Tammy were not intimate any more. Perhaps they slept in separate bedrooms and Emma was aware of that (Garth would have known). In that light, Chad remarrying quickly was more explainable. But if Tammy hadn't died, what was the plan? Would Lori stay Chad's mistress indefinitely? Would Chad file for divorce? Emma must have asked those questions. Or did she (retroactively) accept Chad's "vision" that Tammy wasn't going to live a long life, so he was preparing for a new life without her?
Good questions.

Didn't Emma immediately fear polygamy? That suggests she immediately expected her father to marry eventually. Even if she did not know Lori was already full on, and would be step-mom 13 days after meeting her; 17 days after Tammy's death.

I expect she somehow anticipated pologamy (with disgust), than grew to accept it as it was part of her surviving parent, then learned that Chad had already married Lori if the temple or in a previous probation.

She probably prayed on it and "saw" some eternal connection of her own to Lori.

Until the SHTF, anyway. Then she was the one who framed her father.

Why was Garth's claim that he stayed up until 3am on the night Tammy died important? Was it ever corroborated with evidence? Can it be used as an indication that nothing untoward happened between 1am and 3am? Or that he couldn't have found his mother at 1am, because he would be calling 911 and not watch videos for hours? Perhaps he did find her and couldn't sleep after dad told him to wait until morning?
If Garth sticks to his testimony there would be doubt, but another witness account probably can't be taken as definitive proof that he's lying. If he changes the story, how do we know it's not another lie?
Chad's explanation Tammy's cousin's daughter Hannah overheard contains accounts of Tammy rolling out of bed at midnight and 1am. Why was Chad so careless? He probably didn't expect Tammy's death to ever be investigated after the coroner deemed it natural.
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Emma clearly believes that people could be possessed by evil spirits. She claimed that at some point she felt like she had a demon in her. Did she ever believe Tammy was possessed? It's not far fetched any more that she did. Did Chad include that part (with or without the mention of zombies) in the explanation to his children? He did say that, weeks before her death, Tammy felt like her spirit was detached from her body. So Tammy died because a) she was in poor health, b) Chad always knew she would and it was her time, c) she was possessed and he couldn't help her that time. Only option a) was viable for the court.
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Good questions.

Didn't Emma immediately fear polygamy? That suggests she immediately expected her father to marry eventually. Even if she did not know Lori was already full on, and would be step-mom 13 days after meeting her; 17 days after Tammy's death.

I expect she somehow anticipated pologamy (with disgust), than grew to accept it as it was part of her surviving parent, then learned that Chad had already married Lori if the temple or in a previous probation.

She probably prayed on it and "saw" some eternal connection of her own to Lori.

Until the SHTF, anyway. Then she was the one who framed her father.

I don't know where polygamy theories are coming from. I haven't seen any indication in Chad and Lori's exchanges that they were open to it. They seemed pretty exclusive.

Julie Rowe spoke to Emma the day Tammy died (hours later). Emma told her that her biggest fear was her father remarrying. We don't know if she had prior fears of that nature. Did Emma suspect that dad was having an affair?
I don't know where polygamy theories are coming from. I haven't seen any indication in Chad and Lori's exchanges that they were open to it. They seemed pretty exclusive.

Julie Rowe spoke to Emma the day Tammy died (hours later). Emma told her that her biggest fear was her father remarrying. We don't know if she had prior fears of that nature. Did Emma suspect that dad was having an affair?
When it was brought up in court that Chad’s beliefs were more aligned with fundamentalist LDS and Joseph smiths original teachings, rather than the mainstream LDS, my mind immediately went to the offshoots of fundamentalist Mormonism (AUB, Kingston group etc) that practice polygamy, as that is one of biggest differences between the two groups.

BUT polygamy was not suggested by Prior during any of the testimony that I watched nor did I see it suggested anywhere during the trial.

Just that term fundamentalist makes me think of polygamy. MOO
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