DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Ah, makes perfect sense. It also means Chad thought this through. He didn’t want Tammy or his kids to notice the grave, hence the shallow grave and then the raccoon story.

In fact, I wonder if it was his decision to dismember and burn Tylee so hers would not be a grave but more of a hole.

It’s possible Alex had some deep thoughts about the dismembering and burning, etc when telling Zulema he felt Chad and Lori would make him the fall guy.

I wonder too if Alex had some remorse about killing Tylee that way but was directed by Chad and Lori to do so. After all, Tylee was his niece, blood relative. I think he felt bad about Tammy too and thought protecting Lori had gone too far. I still think he went to Mexico to purchase a drug that would kill him and look very natural (embolisms) and no trace in his system. I know there are such things even though this theory has been shot down many times on WS.

This whole story is darker and deeper than a human mind can accept I believe.
IMO, AC's death was not a coincidence. LV and CD's 'hitman' dies suddenly of an existing condition? his condition was validated via autopsy but there was no in depth, deep dive toxicology testing because it requires time and MONEY.....and would have to be requested by LE if they suspected poisoning...their investigation had so many pieces, various agencies concerning all the connections at the time, AC convicted of attempt on LV's previous husband, CV's shooting death by AC, BrandonB shooting attempt, TammyD shooting attempt, TammyDs death, missing children, CD and LV's lies about the children, ...all of these pieces were not put together yet when he died.

LE did not have enough information concerning all the series of events surrounding him, no basis to check his recent mexico trip and connection with various substances.

I agree with you that it appears AC was conflicted after all of his actions initiated by CD and LV, but Z's account can be construed different ways...."fall guy" statement, possibly her not allowing AC to be considered a suspect in any of the events because she is closely connected to CD and LV. which wa la, she was granted 'limited use immunity' in LV's trial...the basis of which we have no idea why. or he made the statement because he carried out their orders and thought ONLY HE would be held accountable.
So - WHO is this Emma? Last name please - for my notes. And is she the first witness today for the State? I am following other trials today also - so if anyone can help on his one - it would be VERY much appreciated - if you list who are the witnesses! TIA! :)
During Court today the State filed another Motion in Limine and asked the Judge to seal their Motion. At sometime shortly after the Judge sealed their Motion.

Because it’s yet another thing sealed we don’t know what the Motion is, but it’s interesting to see them file several Motions as court continues today. JMOO.
So - WHO is this Emma? Last name please - for my notes. And is she the first witness today for the State? I am following other trials today also - so if anyone can help on his one - it would be VERY much appreciated - if you list who are the witnesses! TIA! :)
If it's CD's daughter, I believe her married name is Murray, but don't just take my word for it.
The Emma and Chad conversation is shocking. Human remains are found in the yard, police are on scene, her Dad is in a police car and tells her that he isn't coming back and her reaction is all about finances and getting back into the house. I don't understand her. There's so much wrong with so many of the people connected to Chad and Lori.
If it's CD's daughter, I believe her married name is Murray, but don't just take my word for it.
Yes, correct. Nee Daybell.

She wasn't a witness, but she spoke at length on patrol car cam/ officer body cam with her father Chad as he was detained by LE but not yet arrested or charged. The officer was the witness.

Prior claims he's going to call her as a witness. I hadn't believed it- she'd have to perjure herself or be bat-chips crazy to testify her mother was ill.

Now I'm beginning to think she might be that crazy. If nothing has changed in nearly 5 years.

Next up is Lt Joe Powell, who testified in LVD's trial:

5 - JOE POWELL: STATE WITNESS, Fremont Co Sheriff (summary 1, audio Apr12)
surveillance on CD & LVD (Nov 2019), exhumation of TD's body (Dec 2019)
X-EXAM: establishes that LVD was in HI when TD died (19 Oct 2019)
Prior claims he's going to call her as a witness. I hadn't believed it- she'd have to perjure herself or be bat-chips crazy to testify her mother was ill.
Heather stated in the HTC interview that she worried Garth might perjure himself for Chad. IMO if she worries that Garth would do it, it's basically a given that Emma 100% would.

Yes, correct. Nee Daybell.

She wasn't a witness, but she spoke at length on patrol car cam/ officer body cam with her father Chad as he was detained by LE but not yet arrested or charged. The officer was the witness.

Prior claims he's going to call her as a witness. I hadn't believed it- she'd have to perjure herself or be bat-chips crazy to testify her mother was ill.

Now I'm beginning to think she might be that crazy. If nothing has changed in nearly 5 years.

I'm ready to believe she would do anything to help her father. Her reaction to human remains being found was not normal - instant deflection about pets being buried there.
I think it comes down to her value system. Chad must be the person she values most in her life and she needs to protect him at all costs (IMO).
Thank you, Watergirl62. You all are fascinating to read. I am serious when I say people from all over the world come to read what everyone posts on Websleuths, especially Chad's trial.
It is surprising that Chad Daybell's children will be taking the stand in his defense. I can't help but feel they are testifying against their mom.
I’m wondering if it’s just too hard to admit their dad is guilty. Because if he can kill other children not to mention their own mom, maybe he could kill them or his grandkids, too. I imagine I’d be in massive denial.
I'm ready to believe she would do anything to help her father. Her reaction to human remains being found was not normal - instant deflection about pets being buried there.
I think it comes down to her value system. Chad must be the person she values most in her life and she needs to protect him at all costs (IMO).
Agree with you 100%
I actually haven't listened to Chad speak that much so his voice is rather fresh to me.

He has the charisma of a wet rag. Extremely flat affect. There is zero "variety" in his voice. What makes this guy so attractive?
Even listening to him when he’s supposedly “on,” and speaking to an audience, he never sounds the least bit compelling to me. I just don’t get how he manages to manipulate so many.
I’m wondering if it’s just too hard to admit their dad is guilty. Because if he can kill other children not to mention their own mom, maybe he could kill them or his grandkids, too. I imagine I’d be in massive denial.
They never stopped believing he is special, can see beyond the veil, etc. He told them many lies since Tammy's death, including that she was happy on the other side. His arrest didn't change much for them as far as their trust in him. I remember Lori's mother and sister admitting on TV that they had a mission (to defend Lori). But they have come around since then and accept the evidence. Chad's children might be on a mission.
I've got to give Mr. Prior credit, he's doing an admirable job in zealously defending his client. So far in cross today he's been able to sow seeds of alternate explanations for the evidence and testimony presented. Not that I believe his narrative, mind you. Just that he's really coming out swinging, unlike Lori's defense team.
I've got to give Mr. Prior credit, he's doing an admirable job in zealously defending his client. So far in cross today he's been able to sow seeds of alternate explanations for the evidence and testimony presented. Not that I believe his narrative, mind you. Just that he's really coming out swinging, unlike Lori's defense team.
I was thinking the opposite. It seems to me that every defense he makes is “Chad was nervous because police were in his yard”. I would be unimpressed as a juror.
Even listening to him when he’s supposedly “on,” and speaking to an audience, he never sounds the least bit compelling to me. I just don’t get how he manages to manipulate so many.
He's not interesting at all. He's boring. I don't get it.
Prior is doing what he can, but he's also asking a lot of irrelevant questions, wasting time. (IMO)
He's boring too. He held my attention more when he was fired up and mad the first day--he was just extremely unlikeable as that version of himself. He wisely toned it down but now he's boring. I'm having a hard time following where he's trying to go.
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