Trial - Ross Harris #2

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Just finished the video from parking lot. And state showed a different angle Middle. BUT from the angle of Left camera, RH did not pull between 2 vehicles but more less just backed up and pulled straight in. And the Def got Witness to get on record many things and times. Many people did walk right by RH car, at various times. Yes it was tinted but one person walked by less than 5 min after RH got out of car and shut the door. Heartbreaking knowing what we all know now.

RH did not lean into the car to put the light bulbs.

JMHO, we do not know where those light bulbs were placed. It very possible that they landed in RH drivers seat and he moved them over to the passenger seat when he got into his vehicle to go home. JMHO

There is a lot of testimony that has been given that will definitely debunk the 3D animated video the State plans to show. This witness from HD Corp Security Mr. Sanders, testified that 1 arm went in veh and RH did not as in leaning down. His head never did go below the top of the car. That is a fact from watching the Left camera angle.

Def also got on record that Witness did not see RH turn around and look at the individual that passed him as he was leaving his car. To the Witness, it appeared he was either looking at phone or looking at the ground. JMHO
Got it, thanks.
10:44 a.m.

“(Cooper) was an active toddler, talking and playing with his friends,” Hawkins said, smiling.

Sometimes he would be awake, sometimes he would be sleeping and Harris would come in carrying Cooper on his shoulder or in a car seat, Hawkins said.

If Cooper had been to Chick-fil-A before coming to daycare, he would usually be active when he showed up, Hawkins said. .

LOL well drats, I thought her name was Hawks. So there are 2 Hawkins in this case and 2 Harris (there is suppose to be a LEO Harris) Glad to know it was right Teacher.
With the talk of "triggers" that were missed, I'm reminded of this tragic story:

Then there is the Chattanooga, Tenn., business executive who must live with this: His motion-detector car alarm went off, three separate times, out there in the broiling sun. But when he looked out, he couldn’t see anyone tampering with the car. So he remotely deactivated the alarm and went calmly back to work.

Do you remember which daycare teacher said Ross only carried Cooper if he was not awake? I'm not being snarky, it just seems a little silly (on the teacher's part, not yours) to assert that the only time a father would carry his son is if he's not awake. But my original point actually was that it is not very likely that Cooper fell asleep in the few seconds between Ross snapping him into the car seat and kissing him and Ross reaching the end of the CFA driveway. We're talking about an incredibly short period - not even a minute.

Azure Hawkins:
10:40 Cooper was "an active toddler...playing with his friends. He was very active," says Hawkins. Says when Cooper came in, sometimes he would be awake, and sometimes his father would carry him in. On the mornings Cooper was awake, he would walk in, wash his hands, and sit down for breakfast. If they had eaten at Chick-fil-A earlier, Cooper was also usually awake and active.

Quick Question:
He was meant to bring in food that day for two of the workers at the daycare correct?
A couple of thoughts on yesterday's evidence:

Lt Ferrell has been discredited completely. He was not right next to Cooper when Jackson was doing his investigation. It makes you wonder why he inserted himself in the scene to say he smelled the urine, diaper and death coming off Cooper, yet didn't write a report til 1 year later.

Jackson's testimony seemed very credible and straightforward. For the most part so did the ME's, except for the fact that his report listed cause of death undetermined but his testimony said it was homicide.

National Enquirer guy is someone who's testimony I would have thrown out all together. It wasn't even worth listening to what he said after it was established that he sold his story to NE and that's how LE became aware of him.

There was no decomposition smell, even though the state keeps wanting to make that implication for the jury. So much so that Stoddard in past testimony actually used the "decomposition" and Ferrell testified in this trial of the smell that comes from the gases and such coming off the body after death.

The defense attorney was really masterful at pulling out some of this information without becoming confrontational or accusatory.
More interesting Cross on Dr Frist by Ludwig

Ludwig: gasses cause bloating
Frist: not in this case
Frist: gasses can be released mouth, nose, anus. Gasses pushing can cause bm
Ludwig: no feces in this case
Frist: correct
Ludwig: no decomp smell no froth
Frist: he was in a closed space, had been breathing, sweating, and urinated, although no bowel movement could have released gas
Ludwig: but no decomp smell
Frist: no, it would not have been that kind of smell

Not known when Cooper last breath was taken, he was sweaty, wet from wet diaper and sweat, same position for long time when found

Thanks arkansasmimi, the BBM comes as no surprise to me. :)
I am starting to think this could genuinely be a tragic accident. However, I don't know how much RH should be held accountable for what happened.
If you want to watch today's proceeding Live Stream, here it is on YouTube (some people have said there is no buffering here):

RBBM ^^ *When testimony was done with Dr. Frist, Def Ludwig stated that he was still under subpoena. So just as I thought he will be recalled.

Also there was a lot of info that the Def brought out and got on the record:

Dr Frist, Chief ME
Direct Evans asked if you left a child in a car 90-95 degrees less than 100 could child surived
Frist: yes can surive
Evans: if you left one in there from 9 am - 4 pm
Frist: yes if that the temp on the outside of car
***Cooper was not left in there at 9 it was 9:25 iirc and 4:16pm

Interesting Cross
Ludwig: Forensic definition of Homicide is death caused by someone else
Frist: yes
Ludwig: Forensic definition is different than Legal definition (murder)
Frist: yes
Ludwig: Official Death Certificate "Undetermined"
Frist: yes, but a letter was sent at the end of week of death that Cause of Death is believed to be Hyperthermia and Manner of Death Homicide
Ludwig: was there a DC filed in this case
Frist: should be
Ludwig: Entered filed copy of DC Def Exhibit # 44
Frist: but that copy is not signed
Ludwig: correct but it is certified on the back, what is the date
Frist: yes.. 9/30/2014
Ludwig: what were you doing that day
Frist: leaving
Frist: a paper document does not mean that its the end, if things change, can be amended. Left open for further investigation.

Ludwig: temp in car 90 - 100
Frist: normal body temp 98.2 with a 7 degree threshold 104 before irreversable changes
Ludwig: within 1 hr?
Frist: Cooper temp has to get that high
Ludwig: could have died before or after noon correct?
Frist: what bothers me, is I have been told it was only in the 90's
Ludwig: OH REALLY? Who told you that? Someone at CCPD a Det
Frist: Someone at CCPD obviously, but dont remember who

***What is interesting to me, is that on ME Investigator Jacksons report, pg 5/18 is interesting about the temp on the reconstruction.

I looked at several different weather sites last night. All list the high temp on June 18, as 92 degrees.( I could not remember what the temp was at the time and couldn't find in the thread.) Anyway, I could not find when the high was reached. Looking on and accuweather, the high for June in Atlanta is typically reached by 2:300-3:00 and then starts falling. I believe Mr. Jackson noted it was 87 degrees when he was there, so it lines up. Cooper very well could have been alive at lunch. To me, it makes no difference that LE told him the temp. (Which they were accurate about.) It's VERY easy info the verify by the defense, and LE was right. Since LE was correct, Dr. Frist's estimations are not inaccurate.

Here is the image of Ross in the holding cell with Wilson:


more images from the trial:
Google chats with Ross and his friends at work on the day Cooper died:

Court resumes. State calls David Michael Brani to the stand. He works for a lab in Marietta and is an expert in thermodynamics and heat transfer science.
I looked at several different weather sites last night. All list the high temp on June 18, as 92 degrees.( I could not remember what the temp was at the time and couldn't find in the thread.) Anyway, I could not find when the high was reached. Looking on and accuweather, the high for June in Atlanta is typically reached by 2:300-3:00 and then starts falling. I believe Mr. Jackson noted it was 87 degrees when he was there, so it lines up. Cooper very well could have been alive at lunch. To me, it makes no difference that LE told him the temp. (Which they were accurate about.) It's VERY easy info the verify by the defense, and LE was right. Since LE was correct, Dr. Frist's estimations are not inaccurate.


Looks like first Witness may be the one checking heat in car. Dr. David Brani Thermal testing ?
The only time he’s studied a case of a hot vehicle is in this one. But he has studied heat in air. Brani went to the Home Depot parking lot and did testing on Harris’ car on July 8, 2014.

Brani says he took temperature readings every hour throughout the day.
There are 3 temperature recording devices on the car seat to monitor the heat throughout the day.

They had video running, he also took pictures throughout the process.

They are going to display the diagram showing the monitored temps.
I am starting to think this could genuinely be a tragic accident. However, I don't know how much RH should be held accountable for what happened.

I understand what you are saying, however, why would Ross be distracted just that day? Why would he forgot Cooper that day when it’s hot, and at his work for that many hours? He’s been texting and having marital issues prior to that. So, was Ross prone to leaving Cooper in the car a lot? I know Leanna said “He must have left him in the car”? So, maybe Ross did that often and if so, why? Why would he forget his son and not his coffee or brief case? And why in just less than a minute he thought he took Cooper to day care when in fact he just strapped him in his car seat pulling out of CFA? Out of all the “theories” and the evidence presented this far, I can’t seem to get pass this part. I’m stuck there and if I were on the Jury, that is the BIG question for me.
The only time he’s studied a case of a hot vehicle is in this one. But he has studied heat in air. Brani went to the Home Depot parking lot and did testing on Harris’ car on July 8, 2014.

Brani says he took temperature readings every hour throughout the day.

Did I hear him say that the objects aren't of concern to him, but how heat transfers? I couldn't hear when the defense asked a few questions.
Temperatures were taken both inside and outside the vehicle.

The highest temp recorded on 6/18 was 92. The highest temp recorded in July (3 weeks later) when they tested was 91. These are temps outside

9:00 on 6/18 - 78.8
9:00 in June 80

12:00 on 6/18 86.0
12:00 in July 88.0

12:58 - 87.8
1:00 in July- 88

4:00 6/18 - 91.4
4:00 in July - 91
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