Trial - Ross Harris #2

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One of the women, Jaynie Meadows, testified she was an 18-year-old college student in 2013 when she first began engaging in online chats with Harris. Eventually, she said, she fell in love with him.

“He told me he loved me every day,” the 21-year-old testified.

But under cross-examination, Meadows agreed when defense attorney Maddox Kilgore told her Harris “loved that baby more than anything” and “wouldn’t end his marriage because he loved that little boy.”

Kilgore spent a great deal of time with Meadows going over weeks of texts that she and Harris sent to one another until the morning of June 18, 2014, Cooper’s last day alive.

But under cross-examination, Meadows agreed when defense attorney Maddox Kilgore told her Harris “loved that baby more than anything” and “wouldn’t end his marriage because he loved that little boy.”

Kilgore spent a great deal of time with Meadows going over weeks of texts that she and Harris sent to one another until the morning of June 18, 2014, Cooper’s last day alive.

Meadows grew increasingly impatient with the prolonged questioning, often glaring at the defense attorney. At one point, she looked toward the courtroom gallery, shook her head and mouthed, “Please stop.” But no one could help her, and Kilgore continued. **this was because Kilgore had her go over the conversations and impeached herself*

After Meadows finished her testimony, she broke down crying in the courtroom hallway.

Harris’ lawyers contend Cooper’s death was a horrible mistake. Prosecutors have now called more than 40 witnesses during 10 days of testimony. The trial is expected to end sometime next month. more at link
What I don't get about the sexting is that is is with soooo many people. I can understand the excitement of talking dirty to someone, I guess, but it sure seems shallow if the two people engaging in that conversation are also having other online conversations at the same time. What's so thrilling about that? It's like cheap sex that is made even cheaper. Why bother?

Geeeez, I'm listening to the trial on YouTube. Doesn't anyone have respect for marriage anymore? When I first heard about this case, I thought Ross had only sexted a few minors not the whole state of GA :scared:
Are witnesses allowed to watch testimony of others before they are on the stand? (honest question)

I think they are told not to. But if you are the mother of the deceased child, you will likely want to know what is going on in the trial. And it is not the same as a juror. JMO :cow:
I agree with you, completely.

Between this and his display with a witness yesterday, my respect for Kilgore (which was plentiful) is seriously dwindling.

Have to agree...I like him much better in the beginning...he hit the witnesses hard and sat down. With these girls it is different.
One of the women, Jaynie Meadows, testified she was an 18-year-old college student in 2013 when she first began engaging in online chats with Harris. Eventually, she said, she fell in love with him.

“He told me he loved me every day,” the 21-year-old testified.

But under cross-examination, Meadows agreed when defense attorney Maddox Kilgore told her Harris “loved that baby more than anything” and “wouldn’t end his marriage because he loved that little boy.”

Kilgore spent a great deal of time with Meadows going over weeks of texts that she and Harris sent to one another until the morning of June 18, 2014, Cooper’s last day alive.

But under cross-examination, Meadows agreed when defense attorney Maddox Kilgore told her Harris “loved that baby more than anything” and “wouldn’t end his marriage because he loved that little boy.”

Kilgore spent a great deal of time with Meadows going over weeks of texts that she and Harris sent to one another until the morning of June 18, 2014, Cooper’s last day alive.

Meadows grew increasingly impatient with the prolonged questioning, often glaring at the defense attorney. At one point, she looked toward the courtroom gallery, shook her head and mouthed, “Please stop.” But no one could help her, and Kilgore continued. **this was because Kilgore had her go over the conversations and impeached herself*

After Meadows finished her testimony, she broke down crying in the courtroom hallway.

Harris’ lawyers contend Cooper’s death was a horrible mistake. Prosecutors have now called more than 40 witnesses during 10 days of testimony. The trial is expected to end sometime next month. more at link

“He told me he loved me every day,” the 21-year-old testified.

But under cross-examination, Meadows agreed when defense attorney Maddox Kilgore told her Harris “loved that baby more than anything” and “wouldn’t end his marriage because he loved that little boy.”

Oh OH, I am not sure that the DT should keep emphasizing this ^^^notion. He loved this beautiful young redhead, and she loved him too. But he couldn't divorce because of Cooper.....
Do you have any context for this? What was going on, and what is the meaning behind this? I have not yet had the chance to watch her testimony.

Did they ever sext or hookup, aside from one kiss?

well that is a good point...i have not heard that they did...goes to show how sad these relationships are.
Have to agree...I like him much better in the beginning...he hit the witnesses hard and sat down. With these girls it is different.

Yeah, these girls are making Ross look pretty bad and the DT knows it.
“He told me he loved me every day,” the 21-year-old testified.

But under cross-examination, Meadows agreed when defense attorney Maddox Kilgore told her Harris “loved that baby more than anything” and “wouldn’t end his marriage because he loved that little boy.”

Oh OH, I am not sure that the DT should keep emphasizing this ^^^notion. He loved this beautiful young redhead, and she loved him too. But he couldn't divorce because of Cooper.....

From that same link:

At one point, lead prosecutor Chuck Boring had Meadows read a message she said Harris had sent to her before September 2013. “It just made me realize how unhappy I can be sometimes. If (Cooper) wasn’t in the picture, I probably would have left L by now,” she said, with the “L” referring to Harris’ then-wife, Leanna Taylor. The two have since divorced.

That’s not a reason to stay with someone, Meadows replied. Harris wrote back, “I know, but it’s hard, Jaynie,” she said.

I think it's going to be difficult for the jury to totally disregard that text.
Do you have any context for this? What was going on, and what is the meaning behind this? I have not yet had the chance to watch her testimony.
Did they ever sext or hookup, aside from one kiss?
Not meet up only that one kiss. And she was totally different on Cross, this was May 29, 2014 convo and she tells RH that her boyfriend owes her $1,000 for drugs and RH tells her thats bad she needs to get her money and leave. Then he tells her to just cut her losses and leave. She then does the gently shake her head. She texts on through the 30th, and then he does not hear from her again until June 13. This is what point Kilgore was trying to make. She did not text or call every day.

Then when the State goes on ReDirect, Boring says it should still be on his phone where you talk to him or tried every day "unless it been deleted" but she testified and the texts show her that not true on the texting part.

**May 31 is when he went to see Doerr
I tend to want to be objective about trials. At WS there is a great deal of both. Guess that is what makes this a great place.

An objective perspective is one that is not influenced by emotions, opinions, or personal feelings - it is a perspective based in fact, in things quantifiable and measurable.

A subjective perspective is one open to greater interpretation based on personal feeling, emotion, aesthetics, etc.

Are juries objective and without emotions, feelings and personal opinions? I don't think so.
“He told me he loved me every day,” the 21-year-old testified.

But under cross-examination, Meadows agreed when defense attorney Maddox Kilgore told her Harris “loved that baby more than anything” and “wouldn’t end his marriage because he loved that little boy.”

Oh OH, I am not sure that the DT should keep emphasizing this ^^^notion. He loved this beautiful young redhead, and she loved him too. But he couldn't divorce because of Cooper.....

This young lady had issues and she was on again off again. She had just got back in touch with him on Jun13, he sent her a message on KIK at 546am that said " oh your gone again that makes me sad" (paraphrasing) so if you go back and watch and take note of the texts and what they say and times. And if the jury was paying attention I sure they caught it too. Have to take things in context. And from the texts read in court, I did not hear an I love you every day. JMHO
Please tell me you aren't suggesting a witness isn't credible if they've had mental health issues.

ETA: In response to Katy, sorry messed up.

Interesting how differently we interpret things. Will the jury view her as a motive? Who knows. Was that seed planted? Yes.

I don't think the jury will discredit her evidence. It was pretty clear she wasn't just a sext chat or quick-'whatever' connection. I highly doubt the jury are going to spend much time, if any, breaking down whether she and RH text/spoke daily or not. The point was made, they used the love word to each other. He sent her pics of him and Cooper, and for some bizarre reason, also sent her a pic of Leanna.

Much of their correspondence we heard, was immature, not entirely unheard of from an 18/19 yr old....

A few seconds after Kilgore mentions drugs in relation to the thousand bucks her then boyfriend owed her, she seemed to blanche a little. Not long after that she mouthed 'Please Stop' I assume, to the Prosecutor. Fear, maybe? I can only assume it's in relation to Austin (the b/f), money and drugs being mentioned in the same conversation. She appeared to get agitated when his name was mentioned.

Something we learn the more we hear from his female 'interests'. He sure knew how to hone right in on the vulnerable. I take no pleasure in seeing these girls' lives being laid bare and put through the wringer because of this "man". I sincerely hope there are no repercussions for Ms Meadows from a. n. other because of her testimony.
Quote Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
I tend to want to be objective about trials. At WS there is a great deal of both. Guess that is what makes this a great place.

An objective perspective is one that is not influenced by emotions, opinions, or personal feelings - it is a perspective based in fact, in things quantifiable and measurable.

A subjective perspective is one open to greater interpretation based on personal feeling, emotion, aesthetics, etc.

Are juries objective and without emotions, feelings and personal opinions? I don't think so.

RBBM, Have to agree with you. But I said I tend to be.
Kilgore destroyed the State's narrative about Meadows as motive, imo, and impeached her for good measure. I don't think the jury is going to find her either sympathetic or credible.

[ I totally disagree. I found her credible and sympathetic. She was only 18 when he began texting with her. She was a baby. And the only thing he 'impeached' was whether or not they spoke about being together some day. I am sure she thought they might be if they spoke every day and he always said he loved her. he was possibly lying, but that does not mean she was.]

He was very delicate indeed about broaching her "medical condition," but he did get her to say that her condition ("is it fair to say?") involved her mental health. She looked pissed from there on out, enough for K to ask- "are you mad at me?"

{ who wouldn't be mad? Does any young woman want to talk about mental health issues on tv cameras? I found his 'are u mad at me' comment incredibly insulting ]

He did that on purpose, imo, as a subtle but effective way of raising a red flag about her credibility for the jury. He used the texts in the same way, having her read exchange after exchange during which she accuses RH of not caring about her and not responding to her, and of him replying with immediate reassurances along the lines of-- yes of course I care! Even with those frequent reassurances, she regularly cut him off with no warning. Maybe he tried hard to reach her during those times because he was concerned about her well being?

[ so if she has some unknown mental health issue that automatically means she is not credible? They were reading word for word from months of messages, so not much room to lie, imo. Who cares if she cut him off or acted like a diva? he is a cad.]

Along this line of allowing Meadows to impeach herself rather than him going after her (for obvious reasons), he put on his most empathetic face and asked- is it fair to say you texted frequently, not necessarily every day, but regularly?

The look on her face, the tight lipped response- "it WAS every day." Oops. No it wasn't, even during the periods when she hadn't shut him out.

[ we don't know if it was more than what was shown in the binders. There are other phone apps they could have used, like snapchat, which aren't recorded.]

Her statements about the BF she remained with throughout and their new puppy were just plain bizarre. That she had to stay with her BF because if she didn't he might kill the puppy. Ross tells her to leave imo because it seems likely her BF who she was scared to "make mad and who owed her $1,000 for drugs was one scary dude. She doesn't leave.

[ So? How does that help Ross in any way?]

And then the defense blows up the State's Romeo and Juliet as fairytale motive altogether. When they text on June 13, the first time since May 28 (when Leanne was out of town or would soon be), he doesn't even know whether or not she's still eith the BF, if she's working....anything about what's going on in her life.

Interesting for lots of reasons (no slow mo running towards each other in a sunlit meadow motive), in part for their lack of even minimal contact during the precise time RH is living it up with a prostitute and sexting like crazy because Leanna is out of town. Hmm.

Poor Meadows couldn't answer that one very well, but was truly at a loss about how to wriggle out of the fact she had told LE- yep, LE, that Ross had told her he and Leanne had been (making real progress) over the previous couple of months. Oops.

I totally disagree that this was a win for the defense.
Quote Originally Posted by blue22 View Post
I agree with you, completely.

Between this and his display with a witness yesterday, my respect for Kilgore (which was plentiful) is seriously dwindling.

Have to agree...I like him much better in the beginning...he hit the witnesses hard and sat down. With these girls it is different.

Respectfully, the witnesses other than these, pertain to being witnesses at the scene, LEO, EMT, Med Examiner, ME Investigator, 2 friends/coworkers. Having to do with the actual day Cooper died.

These are different type witnesses. And they had to be cross examined different. State presented one way and Defense had to get the context of things. Just like with JM, she testified one thing but the text messages and dates stated another. He is doing his job. I will agree to disagree.
Not meet up only that one kiss. And she was totally different on Cross, this was May 29, 2014 convo and she tells RH that her boyfriend owes her $1,000 for drugs and RH tells her thats bad she needs to get her money and leave. Then he tells her to just cut her losses and leave. She then does the gently shake her head. She texts on through the 30th, and then he does not hear from her again until June 13. This is what point Kilgore was trying to make. She did not text or call every day.

Then when the State goes on ReDirect, Boring says it should still be on his phone where you talk to him or tried every day "unless it been deleted" but she testified and the texts show her that not true on the texting part.

**May 31 is when he went to see Doerr


Ross seems into this girl and is extremely hurt by her. It's interesting that Ross visits the prostitute the day after communication is cut off again. I cannot put my finger on it, but there seems to be a very dark current running through this case.

I am listening to her testimony right now. They both seem to emotionally use each other; there are plenty of games being played by both parties. The damning part for the DT is that this entire conversation is captured via text message(s). I have not gotten to the end of her testimony, but even if she is impeached, the messages speak for themselves. There is a lot of information in there detrimental to Ross IMO.
This young lady had issues and she was on again off again. She had just got back in touch with him on Jun13, he sent her a message on KIK at 546am that said " oh your gone again that makes me sad" (paraphrasing) so if you go back and watch and take note of the texts and what they say and times. And if the jury was paying attention I sure they caught it too. Have to take things in context. And from the texts read in court, I did not hear an I love you every day. JMHO

Who cares if she has 'issues.' I cant imagine any girl without issues being interested in RH anyway. And who cares if they were on again/off again? The point is that he had a somewhat steady, deeply emotional connection with a beautiful young lady. That was his mirage, imo.

She told him that he should leave his wife if he was unhappy. He said he could not because of Cooper. Then this girl turns back up again, is back in his life, and Cooper ends up dead in the car. I am sure the jury is paying attention to that coincidence too.

That's disgusting behavior on Kilgore's part.

I agree. I wonder what the make up of this jury is. I think that women are going to dislike the way he has been treating these witnesses. His little' are you mad at me' comment was disgusting, imo.
Point taken. Here's one for you. Would you have found those words just as odd if LE had not made it clear she was under suspicion, through misrepresentations about her responses and their lie, frankly, that she as well as Ross had researched children and hot car deaths?

I recently reread some of the media coverage from his arrest through the funeral, and it was brutal, inflammatory, and unbearable, frankly. I actually stopped paying attention to this case for a very long time because it pained me to see the lynch mob setting to on that woman, based solely on raw suspicion and LE's untrue assertions she had been indifferent to the loss of her baby.

Yes, personally, I would. My finding it odd is in comparison to what I've heard parents I know personally say a their child's funerals. Christian parents. If any of them would have said they were "happy" their dead child wouldn't know the awkwardness of middle school lunch tables, it would have also taken me aback. Happy they're with Jesus? Heard it. Happy their child will know no middle school/high school awkwardness. Never.

I'm local and very jaded when it comes to the sensationalization (did I make up a word?) of these cases, find the AJC and a few of our local news outlets ridiculously biased, so I too stopped paying attention. Had no idea there was a LH lynch mob. Just read her words at Cooper's funeral and was...taken aback. :dunno:
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