Trial - Ross Harris #2

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Who cares if she has 'issues.' I cant imagine any girl without issues being interested in RH anyway. And who cares if they were on again/off again? The point is that he had a somewhat steady, deeply emotional connection with a beautiful young lady. That was his mirage, imo.

She told him that he should leave his wife if he was unhappy. He said he could not because of Cooper. Then this girl turns back up again, is back in his life, and Cooper ends up dead in the car. I am sure the jury is paying attention to that coincidence too.

Agree! Also this young lady was 18 when she met Ross, most 18 year olds are still growing up. They are, IMO, still vulnerable... I know I was emotionally crazy at 18. lol :crazy:
Respectfully, the witnesses other than these, pertain to being witnesses at the scene, LEO, EMT, Med Examiner, ME Investigator, 2 friends/coworkers. Having to do with the actual day Cooper died.

These are different type witnesses. And they had to be cross examined different. State presented one way and Defense had to get the context of things. Just like with JM, she testified one thing but the text messages and dates stated another. He is doing his job. I will agree to disagree.

I don't think he shouldn't do his job. And I'm not suggesting that he can't or shouldn't be more aggressive or firm when needed. I totally understand that he must get information out to counter the other side's narrative. I understand he should attempt to discredit testimony. However, Killgore purposefully tried to shame and humiliate witnesses, which was NOT needed to get information out. He didn't do that for information or even just to discredit them. He did it for humiliation and to try and suggest they were dirty tempestuous *advertiser censored* and/or mental cases. (Which is ironic, since his client is a serial philanderer who illegally texted minors and was basically just completely disgusting and abhorrent.) He wasn't tying to discredit their testimony. He was attempting to discredit them as human beings. Big difference. IMO, and definitely agree to disagree.
I don't think he shouldn't do his job. And I'm not suggesting that he can't or shouldn't be more aggressive or firm when needed. I totally understand that he must get information out to counter the other side's narrative. I understand he should attempt to discredit testimony. However, Killgore purposefully tried to shame and humiliate witnesses, which was NOT needed to get information out. He didn't do that for information or even just to discredit them. He did it for humiliation and to try and suggest they were dirty tempestuous *advertiser censored* and/or mental cases. (Which is ironic, since his client is a serial philanderer who illegally texted minors and was basically just completely disgusting and abhorrent.) IMO, and definitely agree to disagree.

I totally agree with you. And tainting them actually taints him too.
Ross told his friends he and Leanna would never divorce because of Cooper.

Ross told Jaynie he probably would've already left Leanna if not for Cooper.

Then leaves Cooper in the car to die an agonizing death.

Life in prison is too good for this child murderer.

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Agree! Also this young lady was 18 when she met Ross, most 18 year olds are still growing up. They are, IMO, still vulnerable... I know I was emotionally crazy at 18. lol :crazy:

Replying as you made me laugh. Little o/t but relevant to (some) 18 yr olds. My s-i-law called earlier today to ask if niece1 could come stay the night with me. She and her twin sister got into a crazy-mad argument about how to shade cheek-bones properly. :D She was following the trial all day with me, fast asleep for hours now. Both are at Uni studying Law, God help us.
The attorney that went through all those texts really messed up by not just picking a select set of them. He included so many that he lost the jury on their importance IMO.

He should have just picked the ones and a few leading up to them to hammer home the points he wanted to make.

He really messed up IMO.

By the time the important ones came up nobody had a clue they were important and the jury probably didnt even care by then.

On top of that he showed the jury he did not prepare. He made so many mistakes.
I totally disagree that this was a win for the defense.

Bold Hope4More, Purple Kadydid23, **Mimi

Kilgore destroyed the State's narrative about Meadows as motive, imo, and impeached her for good measure. I don't think the jury is going to find her either sympathetic or credible.

[ I totally disagree. I found her credible and sympathetic. She was only 18 when he began texting with her. She was a baby. And the only thing he 'impeached' was whether or not they spoke about being together some day. I am sure she thought they might be if they spoke every day and he always said he loved her. he was possibly lying, but that does not mean she was.]

**she was impeached on speaking everyday, and the text messages read in court, only in her mind and not by text messages (unsure what was on phone calls) but that did not sound like gonna kill his child and be with her. She was here and then gone. She had been gone from May 30 - June 13. A few text from 13 and next couple days and was already gone again by the from RH to JM 5:46 a.m. RH text "oh your gone again that makes me sad" no response for rest of day.
She was 18, and not a baby (only to her parents) She, as were the others, doing this before they met RH. That how he found them. Or they found him.

He was very delicate indeed about broaching her "medical condition," but he did get her to say that her condition ("is it fair to say?") involved her mental health. She looked pissed from there on out, enough for K to ask- "are you mad at me?"
{ who wouldn't be mad? Does any young woman want to talk about mental health issues on tv cameras? I found his 'are u mad at me' comment incredibly insulting ]

**He asked her the are you mad at me, was because of her change in demeanor. He spoke of "medical condition" & "emotional issues" (which could be 2 very diff things, jmho and that RH was supportive. (personally I thought something different than mental health)

Her statements about the BF she remained with throughout and their new puppy were just plain bizarre. That she had to stay with her BF because if she didn't he might kill the puppy. Ross tells her to leave imo because it seems likely her BF who she was scared to "make mad and who owed her $1,000 for drugs was one scary dude. She doesn't leave.

[ So? How does that help Ross in any way?]

**JMHO, it showed that he was being a friend that cared, which she called him that. Sounded more like that than sexual in a bunch of the texts. Remember they only met once, when he went to the store, and they kissed. Yet she kept coming back to him. JMHO
Well, I never suspected it, and didn't see it coming, that Ross developed a love interest during the sexy shenanigans. Today's testimony with Jaynie was riveting. I was stunned for discovering that Ross held a long time relationship and called J during hours when LeeAnna should have been around, such as, 7:30pm. J was not pleased to be a witness as a slight bitterness was palpable in the air.

RH had texted with J for a year when Cooper died. RH messaged J early on the morning of Cooper's death. Then,

[...] Another woman, 24-year-old Elizabeth Smith, testified she began exchanging sexually explicit messages with Harris in January 2014. They met up for sex a month later in a parking lot off I-75, she said. Two months later, Harris texted her a selfie he’d taken of himself and Cooper while they attended a Braves game.

They also exchanged messages in the early morning hours of Cooper’s last day. At 7:25 a.m., Harris messaged Smith and asked her if she would meet up with him to have sex. But Smith replied, “No, I’m in Hilton Head.”

Things learned to stay away from this week: Kik Skout SnapChat Whisper Backpage
Nothing she said made me think RH planned to kill his son to run away with this girl by their text conversations. "You didn't call", "You never called,so..." Etc. Did anyone show records of the length of their phone conversations each day?The fact that they were on/off is very relevant. It seems an unlikely motive. Yes, she is gorgeous, but RH was after sex, period. It's a leap for me to believe this sleaze bag was trying to settle down with another woman that wasn't giving him sex. He was getting BJs and sexting at LEAST 5 other women while they were ~in love~ and best friends. I got the feeling he liked the attention, but not that he was very serious about her. JMO
The attorney that went through all those texts really messed up by not just picking a select set of them. He included so many that he lost the jury on their importance IMO.

He should have just picked the ones and a few leading up to them to hammer home the points he wanted to make.

He really messed up IMO.

By the time the important ones came up nobody had a clue they were important and the jury probably didnt even care by then.

On top of that he showed the jury he did not prepare. He made so many mistakes.

That is what the State did.

The Defense, went thru them day by day for a reason. She said they texted or spoke on the phone every day. If you go back and listen to the context of the texts and dates, it shows no they did not.

I encourage you to go back and really listen to his cross. And I disagree, he was very prepared. Did you notice that he moved the mic closer to her before he started? Hearing her was fine prior. He knew she was not going to speak up and wanted her heard. He had met with her with his investigator in 2015.
Nothing she said made me think RH planned to kill his son to run away with this girl by their text conversations. "You didn't call", "You never called,so..." Etc. Did anyone show records of the length of their phone conversations each day?The fact that they were on/off is very relevant. It seems an unlikely motive. Yes, she is gorgeous, but RH was after sex, period. It's a leap for me to believe this sleaze bag was trying to settle down with another woman that wasn't giving him sex. He was getting BJs and sexting at LEAST 5 other women while they were ~in love~ and best friends. I got the feeling he liked the attention, but not that he was very serious about her. JMO

She fell in love with him. She was mad too. If you listen to her voice and tone. She didn't realize I don't think what Kilgore could ask. They were all admitted into evidence and there nothing the State could do about it.

JMHO it seemed like a friendship to me. He was getting other, other places. But I do think Kilgore was right, she was mad when she found out he was sexting other women. *but she did have a boyfriend she was living with* ** and she kept looking at him and you could tell she was very uncomfortable.

**she was impeached on speaking everyday, and the text messages read in court, only in her mind and not by text messages (unsure what was on phone calls) but that did not sound like gonna kill his child and be with her. She was here and then gone. She had been gone from May 30 - June 13. A few text from 13 and next couple days and was already gone again by the from RH to JM 5:46 a.m. RH text "oh your gone again that makes me sad" no response for rest of day.
She was 18, and not a baby (only to her parents) She, as were the others, doing this before they met RH. That how he found them. Or they found him.

**He asked her the are you mad at me, was because of her change in demeanor. He spoke of "medical condition" & "emotional issues" (which could be 2 very diff things, jmho and that RH was supportive. (personally I thought something different than mental health)

**JMHO, it showed that he was being a friend that cared, which she called him that. Sounded more like that than sexual in a bunch of the texts. Remember they only met once, when he went to the store, and they kissed. Yet she kept coming back to him. JMHO

Well, to me, 18 is still a baby. Especially when they are in romantic relationships with much older men. I don't think she was impeached, necessarily. She thought they spoke every day, but I assume she meant when they were not fighting. That is how 18 yr olds think, imo.

He asked 'are you mad at me' to throw her off and rattle her a bit. And he did. And there really was no need to discuss her medical or mental health issues. She is not on trial, she is a witness.

Yes, he was supportive. He had someone he could talk to. It was an emotional connection. They expressed love for each other. She was not his sexual connection. She was the beautiful young thing that he wished he was dating, imo. His wife was boring and cold compared to the emotional excitement of a hot young redhead. She kept coming back to him because he kept reaching out to her.
Well, I never suspected it, and didn't see it coming, that Ross developed a love interest during the sexy shenanigans. Today's testimony with Jaynie was riveting. I was stunned for discovering that Ross held a long time relationship and called J during hours when LeeAnna should have been around, such as, 7:30pm. J was not pleased to be a witness as a slight bitterness was palpable in the air.

RH had texted with J for a year when Cooper died. RH messaged J early on the morning of Cooper's death. Then,

[...] Another woman, 24-year-old Elizabeth Smith, testified she began exchanging sexually explicit messages with Harris in January 2014. They met up for sex a month later in a parking lot off I-75, she said. Two months later, Harris texted her a selfie he’d taken of himself and Cooper while they attended a Braves game.

They also exchanged messages in the early morning hours of Cooper’s last day. At 7:25 a.m., Harris messaged Smith and asked her if she would meet up with him to have sex. But Smith replied, “No, I’m in Hilton Head.”

Things learned to stay away from this week: Kik Skout SnapChat Whisper Backpage

He sent JM pic from the Braves game too lol
Nothing she said made me think RH planned to kill his son to run away with this girl by their text conversations. "You didn't call", "You never called,so..." Etc. Did anyone show records of the length of their phone conversations each day?The fact that they were on/off is very relevant. It seems an unlikely motive. Yes, she is gorgeous, but RH was after sex, period. It's a leap for me to believe this sleaze bag was trying to settle down with another woman that wasn't giving him sex. He was getting BJs and sexting at LEAST 5 other women while they were ~in love~ and best friends. I got the feeling he liked the attention, but not that he was very serious about her. JMO

That takes me back to thinking that each one of them most likely made him think that his child was an "anchor" to him that held him back from getting even more wild and crazy and eventually finding the person of his fantasy dreams.

That selfish SOB was out of control.

I am guessing that him and his wife most likely had both mentioned they would be apart if not for their child so I wonder if he thought he would kill 2 birds with the same stone that once he offed his child then she would gladly leave him of her own choosing. Then he would also be free to get even more wild with the people he had been calling and he would have no hold back if one of them ever wanted to become more steady in his wild fantasies.

In his crazy mind he probably felt they would all come running and begging him to be with them once he was free of both child and ex wife.
Well, to me, 18 is still a baby. Especially when they are in romantic relationships with much older men. I don't think she was impeached, necessarily. She thought they spoke every day, but I assume she meant when they were not fighting. That is how 18 yr olds think, imo.

He asked 'are you mad at me' to throw her off and rattle her a bit. And he did. And there really was no need to discuss her medical or mental health issues. She is not on trial, she is a witness.

Yes, he was supportive. He had someone he could talk to. It was an emotional connection. They expressed love for each other. She was not his sexual connection. She was the beautiful young thing that he wished he was dating, imo. His wife was boring and cold compared to the emotional excitement of a hot young redhead. She kept coming back to him because he kept reaching out to her.

I think it was a 2 way street with all these ladies.

*Disclaimer, I have 2 daughters and they will always be my babies but far from 18 now. I get that part. But this is a Murder trial. They all could have been charged too because they all sent *advertiser censored* of themselves. They were all doing this prior to RH contacting them. ** I am not taking up for him by any means, but they were all doing something morally wrong and over the internet/phone something illegal.
That takes me back to thinking that each one of them most likely made him think that his child was an "anchor" to him that held him back from getting even more wild and crazy and eventually finding the person of his fantasy dreams.

That selfish SOB was out of control.

I am guessing that him and his wife most likely had both mentioned they would be apart if not for their child so I wonder if he thought he would kill 2 birds with the same stone that once he offed his child then she would gladly leave him of her own choosing. Then he would also be free to get even more wild with the people he had been calling and he would have no hold back if one of them ever wanted to become more steady in his wild fantasies.

In his crazy mind he probably felt they would all come running and begging him to be with them once he was free of both child and ex wife.

Yet we have not heard any testimony from any of these ladies that he was going to leave his wife, or that he did not love his son. But just the opposite.
Yet we have not heard any testimony from any of these ladies that he was going to leave his wife, or that he did not love his son. But just the opposite.

Wait a minute. Didn't he tell Jaynie that he was unhappy in his marriage and would leave his wife if it wasn't for Cooper?
It's only illegal to send pics of dicks and hoo-ha's to children.

Like Ross did.

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Did any of these ladies contact the CCPD themselves? I know E. Smith said he told her he was 30 something. Her friend is the one who called CCPD on 7/10/14. She is the one that met RH off hwy 75 and RH sent pic from the Braves game. Did any of the others make contact? or did CCPD contact them?
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