Trial - Ross Harris #2

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I couldn't agree more about how thrilling it is to watch a great trial lawyer in action. :). I've thought about Juan Martinez (another great) as I've watched Kilgore. They have two diametrically different approaches to most everything, including trial theatrics.

Kilgore is the empathetic, even toned listener to witnesses, never overtly confrontational, and even apologizes when he "has to " ask difficult or embarrassing questions. He's absolutely masterful at making it appear that State witnesses are voluntarily cooperating with him, that they are on the same side, so to speak.

As very much opposed to Martinez , who owns witnesses, who pushes, prods, and confronts them, even his own, and who openly displays impatience with them when they aren't going in the direction in which he's yanking them ("Is that a YES or NO, m'am?").

To add...I think prosecutors expected to try RH while the white heat of the negative PR they stoked still lasted. There's no way they anticipated this judge would agree to a change of venue and the intendant delay.

And cooler weather. If it was still scorching hot outside, it would make a mental difference too. Going home daily, from the courtroom getting into your HOT car. Not sure the temps there but doubt they are hot like then. It chilly here this morning
It showed that RH was trying to be her friend and give her advise. It also showed that RH new about her BF and there were no sexual content in those texts at all. It also proved lol that when RH texted with her on June 13 after not hearing from her since May 30, that he ask about Austin, Kilgore says, now if you had been talking every day he would know if you and Austin were still together or not correct? Then they go on into the texts, and RH asks if they are still living together. *wasn't about the puppy lol

It was a two-fer, imo. Yes all the rest, but definitely about contrasting her response to Ross not leaving because of Cooper("that's not a good enough reason to stay, Ross") and her not leaving because of a brand new puppy she could have taken with her.

It reveals both her immaturity (more understandable than his), and that there was nothing real about her "relationship" with Ross, much less a motive..

Why would RH kill Cooper to be with a woman who said she couldn't leave her BF because of a brand new puppy?
And cooler weather. If it was still scorching hot outside, it would make a mental difference too. Going home daily, from the courtroom getting into your HOT car. Not sure the temps there but doubt they are hot like then. It chilly here this morning

The last two days have set record highs in Atlanta (for this day in history). It's still in the high 80s, and Brunswick is a few hundred miles south of here.
Before they cut the feed for the minor, I thought I heard the judge say the order. Minor, named witness, lunch break, Det.Stoddard.

I was listening on a CourtChatter stream and it was cutting in and out. I heard Kilgore say something about well depends on who the first witness (after discussion about minor) is or who the next? I thought he said first. But Boring had asked the mic and video for a minor be done as prior. Then heard Stoddard name. The jury had sent a note asking about how long still to go so they could make personal plans. 4 weeks from today is (Nov 18) the Friday before Thanksgiving. State said they have about a week, Kilgore said depends on how rest of trial goes who/which witnesses they need to call. 15 day least, 20 most (court testimony days) That all I could get lo..

Whoop whoop
Wonder if they are still going to bring car up? Will they run the heater for 30 minutes lol Mon looks like warmest day next week

rh atlanta forcast for oct 24 thru 28 2016.JPG
This minor has been on the stand for about an hour and half now!
I keep hearing a mans voice in an out but no stream. Lawd I hope the minor was not a male. :facepalm: not that a female minor is better. Just had not thought of that possibility
often many people are put on a list and never called...they may have done that in case defense did not include her.

Counsel also can use witness lists as strategic weapons. As in, if you don't call her, we will.

I feel sorry for Leanna either way- used by the State against her ex she believes innocent, or used by the defense to defend her serial cheating ex responsible for the death of her child.

Whatever happens to RH, I hope for her she can find some semblance of peace after this is over.
:pillowfight2: :popcorn:

Can't post links, sorry, but multiple media sources (including CNN and CBS) reported on October 4, 2016, that Leanna would testify for the defense.
Should be anytime.... going to see the CCPD videos I guess why they needed the equipment. Stragic to leave the Jury with Stoddard testimony for the weekend. But how will that play out? Or will they bring LH in after a little bit of Stoddard? Cant see Stoddard a 1 and done witness Jmho lol

Counsel also can use witness lists as strategic weapons. As in, if you don't call her, we will.

I feel sorry for Leanna either way- used by the State against her ex she believes innocent, or used by the defense to defend her serial cheating ex responsible for the death of her child.

Whatever happens to RH, I hope for her she can find some semblance of peace after this is over.

Putting aside the question of Ross's guilt for a second, I am struck by the casualties in this case. The number of witnesses that will have long lasting emotional scars is staggering. So many of these witnesses look broken. It's extremely sad.
Link to discussion of how much longer the trial might go and witnesses testifying.

State asks court to protect identify of 1st witness/victim as they were a minor at the time and are named in one of the indictments.

Kilgore reminds court he wanted charges separated but since court didn't do that he thinks they should be treated like any other witness.

Real classy Kilgore. :sarcasm:

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Thread is getting hard to load. Hoping we get a new thread soon. LOL since Lead Det going to be one ;) Thx mods
Yet we have not heard any testimony from any of these ladies that he was going to leave his wife, or that he did not love his son. But just the opposite.

However with Ross' infidelity he's causing a lot of problems in his family life, and problems for these young ladies. Yes, these young ladies are willing participants but Ross is the main issues here. Why would Ross leave his family when he's got the best of both worlds, but the world he should have been devoted to, was HIS WIFE AND CHILD, not these other ladies on the side. Look what happened because Ross decided to go outside his marriage and cause destruction.. Just MO!
They sexted each other on the reg IIRC.

I didn't really see Ross trying to anger her (but I did not pay super close attention to all the texts).

Agree that Ross has shown no indication of being capable of a healthy relationship.

But by definition this "relationship" was unhealthy, and not because they played manipulative games. It was unhealthy because it was fantasy, it was online only, it was a secret, it was between a married 30-something-year-old and an 18 year old with behavioral and possibly substance issues (making inference about drug money). IMO both of these individuals were unhealthy independently of each other, and given the circumstances there would be no possibility of a "healthy" relationship.

I don't blame this young lady, I blame Ross. He's the one who was MARRIED with a child, he's also older and by the time you hit your 30's, SOMETHING SHOULD KICK IN to GROW UP and stop playing these high school games. Ross brought all this on himself, no one else did this to him. He choose all of it and his child died in his care...
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