Trial - Ross Harris #3

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Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
JMHO from reading posts/comments as the trial started until now. We are starting the LAST week of the State's case in chief. Tons of evidence photos admitted into the record/authenticated. Almost 50 witnesses testimony (if not to 50 near haven't looked at my notes on number since Friday) ..

Yet there are so many comments, and opinions that are the very same as prior to beginning of trial. Some still using that PreTrial incorrect info as their belief facts to form their opinions, and post their comments towards comments about trial testimony. Sometimes I get the feeling some are not watching any of the trial testimony. I get that, very time consuming. But when links are given to where said, still same unfactual comments vs what proven not so in witness testimony. JMHO some have guilty prior to trial and bedamned nothing is going to change their minds. Their choice and right. I agree and respect that. Just don't understand following trial if don't want to look at all the testimony on Direct and on Cross. Isn't that the point of a trial? As a U.S. Citizen we all have the Constitutional Right as each other. Innocent until PROVEN Guilty. Hope none of us ever have to be in that position, need a Defense attorney to fight for us. LEO to get SW that are sworn to be the facts as they know them at the time of their Probable Cause Affidavit, State to present info that may or may not be factual. JMHO

Also, if going strictly by MSM reporting or some tweets (I know it very different when only have tweets, have to go with what you have) But when a trial is live streamed and the video is archived, you can go to that portion and listen for yourself. Just as an article misstated, that RH said he looked in his rear view mirror and that when he saw Cooper That is FALSE! Twice RH made comment, 1 to Det Stoddard & other Det, and 2. When he was speaking with LH in the 2nd video. BOTH times he said he turned his head to change lanes and when he did he caught a glimps from corner of his eye and thought he saw Cooper, then pulled over little bit later. NEVER did RH say rear view mirror.

Personally, I have no issues with RH being found guilty or not guilty as charged. All depends on what the State proves to the Jury, beyond a reasonable doubt. Trial still going, again this starts what the State indicated to Judge as probably their last week of calling Jurors. **and the State can and will bring back Rebuttal witnesses after the Defense presents their case. JMHO

I disagree. I think that the last 2 threads here, most people are discussing what has been introduced to evidence and the testimony. I haven't seen much reference to the MSM stuff from when this first happened (I wasn't exposed to much of that on the west coast - but I have read what many have written about it).

It seems like most of the discussion here recently has been around the short drive from CFA, the close proximity to Cooper in the vehicle, the sexting with many different women leading up to the death of Cooper and now the videos of his questioning and time in PD with LH. The internet searches were discussed early on but it doesn't seem like that is what most people who see RH as negligent or even having planned it are focused on.

It will be interesting to see how the defense portion goes.

But I think it is insulting to insinuate that those who believe RH should be held accountable are basing that on incorrect info or are not watching trial testimony. Why would you assume that if their opinions differ from yours that they must not be paying close enough attention or watching the testimony?


ETA - I have seen some incorrect comments here and there (ex - the rear view mirror vs. looking to the side, or the talking on Bluetooth stuff) but that is just a few comments here and there. The vast majority seem crystal clear with what has been presented and have their own opinions on it - and that's ok. :)
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Not disrespecting anyone. And agree to disagree. And your ETA makes one of my points. You post prior to the ETA appears that you either rethought your post or went back and looked. But there are many many post that do not reflect what is stated or shown in testimony. Or opinions that have changed since testimony. I have tried to give links, witness names time frames and so forth trying to keep the facts straight. Not because I know it all, as I do not. All one would have to do to see what was said is to listen to the testimony as it was said and questions asked by either State or Def.

I am not trying to insult anyone. But it is insulting to me that you assume to know what I think. But what I do think is that if the State can prove their charges beyond a reasonable doubt then he will be held accountable for those charges. That is what the job of the State is, prove their charges. It will be appealed if a guilty verdict and go from there. BUT this trial is not over and I do not know what all the evidence or testimony will be/show. Personally I am an innocent til proven guilty type gal. I can give you a link to anything I state I heard, and I will 98% of the time double check it before I state it. I am NOT above admitting I am wrong. I just prefer the truth and factual info especially if it is stated as such. JMHO And I stand by my post that you quoted.
Well, a husband 'could' be charged with a crime if he sent vulgar texts or sexts etc. But I highly doubt it would ever happen unless they were actually threats and/or they were separated etc.

It is very sad that these girls [ not the minors because they were redacted] will be outed to their friends and families. But I don't think they were forced to testify---were they? I doubt it because they didn't commit any crimes so LE had no leverage...[ other than the working girl...]

So why did they testify, in spite of the potential humiliation? They testified for the prosecution. So did they do it for Cooper?

And in this case, had Cooper not died and CCPD went through his cell phone, JRHI doubt would have been charged. They didn't even charge him with those until March of this year 2016. IIRC

One of the "minors" is now 19.

They testified because they were subpoena to do so.
Seems you and I are not the only ones. I am still re listening to the 9/15/15 Motions Hearing then there is Oct and Dec hearings. But CourtChatter Cathy, had tweeted and she also agrees that unless there is another video then wasn't on these.

Having said that. Remember National Enquirer guy? His testimony was that he was released after midnight which would be 6/19/14. He did not watch all the video, can't tell where RH was when he left or about speaking on the phone. Hope4More found that RH was booked at 10:00 p.m. 6/18/14. Video from LH & RH Stoddard testified video starts about 45 min after RH was taken back to the cell in the area at Crimes Against Persons. RH was still in the interview room for unknown time before they took him out. He was still in there a bit after he involked at 7:31 p.m. Unsure how long it was he and LH were in that room, til he left. We see him enter into that holding place at the Jail. Could not have been much time at all between taking out of room with LH to transporting to the Jail at another location.
Hope4More, when he was booked at 10 pm what was he booked in/charged with? That night.

Having listened to Sept '15 again - Stoddard said he said that this happened after the tape we have already seen. So maybe there is another tape to come.

In any event - it has been presented or represented that "there is no malicious intent" was the first thing out of Ross' mouth when he was informed of charges. As we have already seen, that was not what he said when he was told he would be charged.

Yet another circumstance of hot car death in Florida last month by Firefighter father. Not much info has been released, but I'm sure the Ga case is being followed closely for ruling that may apply in either case. This father by admission took one child to school, while toddler remained in family car. Father returned home and remained in car for part of day. Father returned to car and went shopping at Public. Upon returning home and unloading groceries only then notice lifeless child in car. This father is a Firefighter.

Tragic on so many fronts. Devastating death for the toddlers involved. Heartbreaking. Florida is a humid, warm climate much like Georgia.
For someone who was up till 3 texting other women, and wake up at 5 ish, I am surprise he had the energy to want to go see a movie after work. Again his idea the day before, and something they hadn't done after work before.
Hello everyone and I wish you all a great new week. I probably have not publicly posted anything in any of the threads concerning Ross Harris or his trial. I have been outspoken in chats with a few members from here who have become dear to me. As I have thanked all members who seem to agree with me about the defendant this post is a thankyou to all who do not. For several reasons. Keeping your minds open and hoping for a strong prosecution that is not lacking. I am from eastern northern europe and this way, i do not have to mutter "stupid muricans" if the jury doesn't agree with me. that doesn't mean they were wrong should this happen. This websleuths community is special, we can agree to disagree and mostly succeed. Myself i couldn't yet convict him of malice intent but I am leaning there. This is a thank you for all who agree with me and a special thank you for those who do not. I am convinced that CMH..Cooper Mills Harris is in our hearts as we follow this together. I want to thank everyone for that. I won't go into evidence on this post but i do recommend the life chat. I want to send a hug to each member moderator their families kids and pets included, irrelevant of their opinion. I love websleuthers.
One reason we did not hear RH ask about where Cooper was, per Det Stoddard, he told RH where Cooper would be taken when he spoke to RH while in patrol car. Stoddard also told RH he would be taken to the CCPD and will be told then why being detained. 10/21/2016, prior to the video was played of RH in interview room. I feel confident that LH was also told where Cooper was taken when she arrived at CCPD also. JMHO

Yet another circumstance of hot car death in Florida last month by Firefighter father. Not much info has been released, but I'm sure the Ga case is being followed closely for ruling that may apply in either case. This father by admission took one child to school, while toddler remained in family car. Father returned home and remained in car for part of day. Father returned to car and went shopping at Public. Upon returning home and unloading groceries only then notice lifeless child in car. This father is a Firefighter.

Tragic on so many fronts. Devastating death for the toddlers involved. Heartbreaking. Florida is a humid, warm climate much like Georgia.

There are close parallels between these 2 cases; interesting to see the deviations.

Happened on September 10. In FL, the firefighter's son was just over 2 years old, in a forward facing car seat. His dad dropped off his 5 year old daughter, and should have dropped his son off at daycare, but "didn't for some reason." The firefighter believes his son must have fallen asleep.

Dad drove back home, went inside to study for a firefighter's exam.

At some point he went back out to the Publix grocery store and bought groceries. He still hadn't realized his son was in the car. It was only when he returned home and began unloading the groceries that he saw his son.

Neighbors heard him screaming the equivalent of - "what have I done? ". He was arrested and charged with aggravated manslaughter, which is the mandatory charge in FL if a child under 18 dies from parental negligence. His son was left in the car for 8 hours.

He refused to take a breathalyzer, later admitting that was because he smokes marijuana, though he says he didn't get high that day.

The community supports him, everyone describes him as a loving father, folks have organized to protest him being charged for what they believe to be an accident.

The DA will conduct a separate investigation. The firefighter was out on bail within 2 days of being charged.

If this had happened in GA, like RH, he would be facing the possibility of life in prison for 2nd degree child cruelty and felony murder. If Cooper had died the death he did in FL, RH would be facing a maximum of 30 years in prison, unless a DA in FL also pursued charges of premeditation.
:bombshell: Stoddard met with FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit Bring in Hoch and the Criminal Minds Team and didn't turn over the reports :popcorn:
Cathy ‏@courtchatter 6m6 minutes ago
#RossHarris - Discussion about a binder w/info about this case from the FBI. #HotCarDeath
Boring doing some CYA questions to explain and prepare for coming inconsistencies in Stoddard's testimony
Stoddard identifies the crumpled up receipt retrieved from the trash can.

Good work on noticing that one, guys!
Cathy ‏@courtchatter 34s34 seconds ago
#RossHarris - Stoddard says a receipt was thrown away in the interview room. It was a Publix receipt. #hotcardeath
Cathy ‏@courtchatter 1m1 minute ago
#RossHarris - The Publix receipt was for lunch at 11:54am on 06/18/16. #Hotcardeath

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 38s38 seconds ago
#RossHarris - Harris threw the receipt away when he was in the interview room. #HotCarDeath.
Stoddard just mentioned the "malicious intent" quote. Based on felonious murder charge.
His emphasis on a piece of paper trash is absurd, and the no malicious intent thing-didnt Stoddard use the term first?
His emphasis on a piece of paper trash is absurd, and yep, the no malicious intent thing- surprise! was not videotaped?

Wait...the video showing right now, they are talking about malicious intent. ???
Stoddard just said the malicious intent quote back at RH. I noticed the video camera was pointed at the floor for a little bit before this part.
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