Trial - Ross Harris #3

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I'm curious. I have noticed RH never looks the person he's conversing with in the eyes. I have noticed that on the tapes and also just recently on the tape when he is conversing with his wife. I find that very odd!
i need the state to clarify if Harris was on scene as a dispatcher the day the police K9 suffered heat exhaustion and died. Was harris on scene that day?

Why for this case? Dispatcher is at a facility, unless the K9 was at the facility and RH happen to be near... in that case, if he had been on the scene and what the K9 looked like, could again go to the comment he made to LH about afraid of what he (Cooper) looked like. And that he thankfully looked like Cooper. (not all bloated, eyes possible open, various other graphic ways) JMHO
Its sometimes confusing to figure out what folks are actually disagreeing about here, or if they are.

There are so many aspects to this case-

1. did RH forget CH was in the car, or did he think he took him to daycare;

2. did he leave him in the car on purpose or not;

3. does it matter what caused him to be distracted - ie, because he was sexting (what if he had been obsessed with fly fishing, instead)

4. did the sexting, etc even cause him to be distracted at the moment he left CH in the car (or was his mind on something else)

5. could he possibly love CH when he was sexting all these women, hooking up etc.

There are probably more. I think many people who disagree on some of these points actually agree with each other on the other ones.

I wonder how the jury will keep it all straight

The State is giving us, IMO, a overview on Ross, after all he is claiming he forgot or thought he had taken Cooper to daycare. It's hard to prove someone forgot, and in a case like this since, there is no smoking gun, the State is going on why they think Ross did this. All the pieces that the State is presenting builds the case, IMO. I want to know why Ross left his child in a hot car that ended in death. So in order for me to find out why, the State needs to back track in Ross' life.

If I were on the jury, I would want to know how on earth he forgot Cooper within less than a minute after a big production at CFA and why he didn't forget him there if he was so distracted. How come he remembered to take Cooper to CFA that morning, but forgets to take him to daycare when he knew that is where he was ultimately going when he was getting Cooper ready when leaving the house. He gave details on that morning, he knew he was taking Cooper to CFA because Cooper was going to be late for breakfast at daycare. So, he couldn't even give LE a answer to why he didn't take him. He said maybe Cooper was asleep, I didn't hear him, like he has to hear Cooper in order to not forget???? Sorry, I'M REPEATING MYSELF AGAIN!!!! UGH!.. ;) can't help it, this is the BIG key to this whole trial.. Take everything else away and I'm still left with that! Add what the State has presented this far, and it makes it even clearer why I believe he left Cooper in the car on a hot day to die.
I wanted your take on Stoddard's testimony at that hearing and compared to his testimony at this trial and the video we've seen so far from the police station.

I'm unclear when in that sequence Stoddard supposedly told Ross (off camera) that he would be charged with child cruelty and felony murder, and Ross allegedly responded "There was no malicious intent." I can't work out when that possibly could have been.

Seems you and I are not the only ones. I am still re listening to the 9/15/15 Motions Hearing then there is Oct and Dec hearings. But CourtChatter Cathy, had tweeted and she also agrees that unless there is another video then wasn't on these.

Having said that. Remember National Enquirer guy? His testimony was that he was released after midnight which would be 6/19/14. He did not watch all the video, can't tell where RH was when he left or about speaking on the phone. Hope4More found that RH was booked at 10:00 p.m. 6/18/14. Video from LH & RH Stoddard testified video starts about 45 min after RH was taken back to the cell in the area at Crimes Against Persons. RH was still in the interview room for unknown time before they took him out. He was still in there a bit after he involked at 7:31 p.m. Unsure how long it was he and LH were in that room, til he left. We see him enter into that holding place at the Jail. Could not have been much time at all between taking out of room with LH to transporting to the Jail at another location.
Hope4More, when he was booked at 10 pm what was he booked in/charged with? That night.
So did Stoddard just flat out lie in his earlier testimony about this conversation that took place before recording started?

There's no way it could have happened the way he described at the Sept 2015 hearing (haven't gone back to listen to the 7/14 hearing yet.

Unless there is another video other than the 2 that were shown in court on Friday... Didn't happen in the video we saw where he did the Miranda to him after 6pm when video started and invoked at 7:31 shortly before the video ended- there was still video going after Stoddard and other Det left, and didn't happen in video with LH.

IF those are the videos when suppose to have happened. Well it didn't. Have to wait to see if another is entered into evidence ..tomorrow.
If you feel that RH premeditated the murder of Cooper then any kind of tips to prevent the accidental leaving of kids in a car don't apply to this case at all. JMO

Right - I was simply replying to your comment that you were surprised that some people felt it was impossible to accidentally leave their children in the car yet there are many PSA's directed towards this exact phenomenon.

I was just giving the example that I believe it IS possible (therefore the PSA's are merited IMO) but in THIS case I simply don't think it was an accident.

So just pointing out that some may believe that it can happen - just didn't in this case.

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After buckling Cooper in his car seat, has it been confirmed how long Ross sat in the car (if at all) potentially messaging before pulling out of the parking lot?
Not to my knowledge.

What I have heard, is Aug 19, 2016 testimony from Mr. David Dustin who did the 3D animated video, that he went to the CF parking lot and did scans. Info he got for his work all came from Det Stoddard.

In States OS, Boring mentions CF parking lot video, but he starts talking about the HD parking lot video will show. So I am unsure if that was misspeak saying CF parking lot video, or if they do have CF parking lot video. And if they do have CF video what it would show. They showed video of when RH left from inside CF. JMHO
Not to my knowledge.

What I have heard, is Aug 19, 2016 testimony from Mr. David Dustin who did the 3D animated video, that he went to the CF parking lot and did scans. Info he got for his work all came from Det Stoddard.

In States OS, Boring mentions CF parking lot video, but he starts talking about the HD parking lot video will show. So I am unsure if that was misspeak saying CF parking lot video, or if they do have CF parking lot video. And if they do have CF video what it would show. They showed video of when RH left from inside CF. JMHO

So there's no video showing RH outside of the Chick-fil-A putting Cooper in the car.
I have one more post to make for the evening, then it's off to bed so I can get up in the morning for trial. katydid23, I hope you had a great birthday! :)

It does not sit well with me that people are quick to separate sexual perversion and murder when they are intrinsically linked. There is a reason why perverts do not have a good reputation. Time and time again we see cases of missing kids and murdered teenagers where men who do not respect the boundary between childhood and adulthood murder their victims.

The defense has characterized JRH as a run of the mill man with high sex drive who "struggles" with his sexual desire. I find this richly hypocritical considering how they've treated the young women who were subpoena to testify for the state. The problem is, JRH isn't just struggling with added sex drive. His taste is very clear and specific - there's an abundance of evidence to suggest he prefers teenagers, including underage girls as young as 15. He chooses to use apps like kik and skout which are popular with teenagers. He goes out of his way to meet teens, and has even lied to increase his odds for sexual favors. None of this implies a lack of intelligence or lack of sexual experience on JRH's part. What it does speak to is his gross entitlement and lack of respect for laws and boundaries.

It is also telling that nobody really knew JRH, and it is not unusual for criminals with sexual deviancy (green river killer being a more extreme example). Not his friends, not Cooper's teachers, not his co-workers, and possibly even his own wife had no idea who he really was. I'm having a hard time understanding why anyone would ever assume that they can know JRH is or what he is capable of based off the perception he does not look the part of a murderer. People were going around saying he was stupid then SURPRISE police interrogation videos show JRH is actually a degree holder who is intelligent, articulate, and capable of making carefully worded and persuasive statements to LE. Now there's an attempt to portray JRH as a sexually inexperienced forty-year-old virgin type despite all evidence that JRH repeatedly and successfully struck up sexually explicit contact both underage and barely legal teenagers.

I'm just not sure why anyone would be so quick to defend him knowing that they would not allow him around their own nieces, daughters, or sisters (if they would... heavens help their female family members). Again, I'm not pointing out anyone specifically (although, my mind is going in the direction of Vinnie Politan), this is just my thoughts and observation. JRH is at best a toxic pervert who uses teenagers for sex and is a compulsive liar with no conscience and a habit of risk taking behavior (his words not mine). At worst, he is a murderer of the most terrible kind, leaving his kid in the car to die the most horrifying death imaginable. Either way, it is impossible for me to muster any sympathy and I am at a loss when anyone else does. I can only assume that he's gotten good at pulling the wool over people's eyes and will continue to do so for as long he lives.

1, RH was 33 iirc, not a 40 yr old virgin type.

2. There were 2 that were under age of 18. I can provide you with interesting Motion Hearing on the charges of 6,7 & 8, but doubt you will take time to watch as it bed time and Trial starts early but will provide anyways. Think is the 2 that were blocked out from live stream, by GA law, they could have had actual sex and would not been against GA law. That it was put in writing, made it against the law.

3. "I'm just not sure why anyone would be so quick to defend him knowing that they would not allow him around their own nieces, daughters, or sisters (if they would... heavens help their female family members)" What does this even mean, as ref to this case? The females ALL of them, were already on the social networks, and each one we were allowed to hear (and media that spoke of the other 2) all testified to same things. They sent photos to RH, They also talked vulgar, to my knowledge and could be wrong, but I do not think that RH met up with the 2 that were not live streamed due to being under 18 when happened. RH is not being charged with RAPE. All the ladies knew he was married and also knew he had a child. ALL have testified he loved Cooper very much. *even MSM said the 2 that were not live streamed testified to this.

**will not take up space for adding the video, but go to Sept 14, 2015 look for part 4 end of that day with Def Rodriguez arguing Def motions 9-12 on Charges 6,7,8.
Regarding testimony Friday Oct 21, 2016
As son was dying in hot car, Georgia man sent teen sex texts
Russ Bynum, Associated Press Updated 7:54 pm, Friday, October 21, 2016

Harris, 35, is charged with murder in the little boy's death. He's also charged with sending graphic, sexual text messages and photos of his penis to a girl for a period of several months when she was 16 and 17.
That young woman, now 19, testified Friday she met Harris online in the fall of 2013 when he responded to a comment she posted on the app Whisper stating she wanted a sexual relationship like the one in the erotic novel "Fifty Shades of Grey."
"When it started, it was strictly sexual," the witness said of her relationship with Harris. "Then at times it would be like a normal conversation."
They never met in person, but Harris knew her age and that she was in high school, the young woman testified. She sent him one of her prom photos, she said, and would tell him about her efforts to choose a college.
In a transcript of their text messages that the young woman read in court, Harris once asked for a photo of her breasts and she replied: "I'm at school."
They also discussed sex acts they wanted to perform together, and Harris would send her photos of his penis. A prosecutor showed four photos to the jury. She said he asked her to send him photos of her genitals "countless" times, but she never did.
"There wasn't any pressure applied to you to participate in this, is that fair to say?" defense attorney Maddox Kilgore asked the young woman.
"Yes," she replied
6/18/14<< That day, Harris was texting the teenage girl from his workplace, according to transcripts read in court Friday. At about 2 p.m., he asked for a photo of her breasts.
"I'm super sunburned," the witness read from the transcript, saying she sent a photo regardless.
Harris replied: "Yummy."
RBBM and color changed in OP comment by me.

Just because the top of the car seat was visible does not mean that Cooper was visible from those angles. As proven by the CSI Shumpert photos at the Achers Mills parking lot/crime scene. RH told Stoddard June 18,2014 on the first video when he was read his Miranda, the car seat stayed in the car all the time (didn't put in or take it out daily, no need to)
Still trying to catch up and had to reboot, WS kept freezing up. So forgive me if I have missed, RBBM, where does the 2 inches to the right come from? Testimony has been that from the top of RH seat (not the headrest) to the TOP of car seat was 3 inches. From CSI Shumpers photos, at the crime scene, bending down taking photos inside the car, you can not see into the car seat. Cooper head would be down from the top. (from testimony CSI Grimstead measurements/AR) CSI Grimstead photos from sitting inside car, Only able to be seen if RH turned his head around as he did to look out towards rear seat door window or rear of car. Not just out of the corner of his eye looking to see traffic out the passenger window or reach down to get his briefcase/bag. (VIDEO from executing the SW 6/18/14 shows view at one point Grimstead sitting in the drivers seat. Can see the rearview mirror in the
Grimstead testimony JUSTIN ROSS HARRIS TRIAL | DAY 4 - PART 4 LadyJustice2188

And here is what you posted previously:

"When he was speaking with LH in the 2nd video. BOTH times he said he turned his head to change lanes and when he did he caught a glimps from corner of his eye and thought he saw Cooper, then pulled over little bit later. NEVER did RH say rear view mirror. "

So right there he admits, that by just turning his head to change lanes, 'from the corner of his eye' he sees Cooper.

And that's all I was saying. If by just turning his head a few inches to the right, he could see the baby out of the corner of his eye, then why didn't he see him earlier?

He and his wife's biggest fear was to leave Cooper in the car by mistake,and he doesn't take a split second to take a quick glance?

If he sees him out of the corner of his eye, when he made a right turn, how did he miss him when he went and grabbed his satchel from the floor of the front passenger seat?
Quote Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
Not to my knowledge.

What I have heard, is Aug 19, 2016 testimony from Mr. David Dustin who did the 3D animated video, that he went to the CF parking lot and did scans. Info he got for his work all came from Det Stoddard.

In States OS, Boring mentions CF parking lot video, but he starts talking about the HD parking lot video will show. So I am unsure if that was misspeak saying CF parking lot video, or if they do have CF parking lot video. And if they do have CF video what it would show. They showed video of when RH left from inside CF. JMHO

So there's no video showing RH outside of the Chick-fil-A putting Cooper in the car.

Not to my knowledge as I stated prior. But, there could be and has not been admitted as yet. **Unless I missed it somewhere. being admitted already**
Cobb County Sheriff Office Arrest/Booking Document

Booking Information
Agency ID Arrest Date/Time Booking Started Booking Complete
GA0330200 6/18/2014 22:00 6/18/2014 23:56 6/19/2014 05:29
Personal Information
Name DOB Race/Sex Location SOID Days in Custody
HARRIS JUSTIN ROSS 1980 W /M In Jail 001020427 813
Height Weight Hair Eyes
602 255 BRO BRO
Address City State Zip

Warrant 14-W-5485 Warrant Date 6/18/2014 1
Case 14051843 OTN 88395342696
Offense Date Code Section Description Type Counts Bond
N/A OCGA16-5-70(A) Cruelty to Children - Deprivation of Necessary Sustenance - First Degree (Felony) Felony UnIndicted $0.00
Disposition Warrant Dismissed
N/A OCGA16-5-1 Murder/Felony Felony UnIndicted $0.00
Bond Amount $0.00
Bond Status Dismissed/Bailable $0.00

Warrant 14-W-5669 Warrant Date 6/18/2014 2
Case 14-3124 OTN
Offense Date Code Section Description Type Counts Bond
N/A OCGA16-5-70(C) Cruelty to Children-Criminal Negligence/Causes Excessive Physical/Mental Pain - 2nd Degree (Felony) Felony Indicted 1 $0.00
N/A OCGA16-5-1 Murder/Felony Felony Indicted 1 $0.00

Warrant 16-9-0761 Warrant Date 6/18/2014 3
Case 16-W-NA22 OTN
Offense Date Code Section Description Type Counts Bond
N/A OCGA16-12-103(a) Distribution of Obscene Materials to Minors (Misdemeanor) Misdemeanor Indicted 1 $0.00
N/A OCGA16-12-103(a) Distribution of Obscene Materials to Minors (Misdemeanor) Misdemeanor Indicted 1 $0.00
N/A OCGA16-12-103(a) Distribution of Obscene Materials to Minors (Misdemeanor) Misdemeanor Indicted 1 $0.00
N/A OCGA16-12-103(a) Distribution of Obscene Materials to Minors (Misdemeanor) Misdemeanor Indicted 1 $0.00
N/A OCGA16-12-103(a) Distribution of Obscene Materials to Minors (Misdemeanor) Misdemeanor Indicted $0.00
N/A OCGA16-12-100 SEX EXPLOIT CHILDREN Felony Indicted 1 $0.00
N/A OCGA16-12-100 SEX EXPLOIT CHILDREN Felony Indicted 1 $0.00
N/A OCGA16-12-103(a) Distribution of Obscene Materials to Minors (Misdemeanor) Misdemeanor Indicted 1 $0.00 &BOOKING_ID=309026503561217
From Stoddard testimony 10/21/16
6/18/14 6:00 pm placed in interview room
6/18/14 7:31 pm RH invoked rights
6/18/14 about 45 min after RH was placed in cell from interview room, was taken to interview room and recorded with LH

From the Cobb County Sheriff Office Arrest/Booking Record &BOOKING_ID=309026503561217

Booking Information
Arrest Date/Time 6/18/2014 22:00 (10:00 p.m.)

Booking Started 6/18/2014 23:56 (11:56 p.m.)

Booking Complete 6/19/2014 05:29 (5:29 a.m.)

ross harris booking document CCPD 2.JPG

The distribution of obscene materials to minors (misdemeanor) and the sex exploit children (felony) were charged in 2016
Right and as he was driving to work he obviously didn't think he had forgotten his son

I don't know if that will be obvious to the jury or not. How do we know that he obviously didn't think he had forgotten his son?

If it was indeed his BIGGEST FEAR, then wouldn't he do something preventative that only takes a split second? He even mentioned the 'Take A Second Look' program to the detective. He knew all about it.

My biggest fear when my kids were toddlers was drowning. I had a friend who lost a small child to a back yard pool and it really scared and saddened me. So I was almost obsessed with pool safety. My son was a cautious kid but my girl was very adventurous and fearless. So I made her wear one of those ugly swim suits with floatees sewn in them. LOL She hated them but until she was 3 and knew how to swim, I was relentless. I never let any one else besides myself or my hubby watch her around a pool or jacuzzi or a lake. Because it was TRULY my biggest fear.

So I have a hard time believing him when he says it was his 'biggest fear.' If it was, then he would have looked a few inches to the right and glanced at the car seat, before he got out and locked the door. Even if he 'thought' he had dropped him off already. Because if he knew anything about hot car deaths, which he claimed he did, then he'd know that you ALWAYS take that second look.

I just find it so unreal that this was his so called 'biggest fear' and it is exactly what ended up happening. To me, it makes it even more reasonable to find him GUILTY of criminal neglect because he admitted that he knew all about the possibility of 'forgetting' one's child in the car and in spite of that, he did nothing to take any precautions when he was tired and distracted.

1, RH was 33 iirc, not a 40 yr old virgin type.

2. There were 2 that were under age of 18. I can provide you with interesting Motion Hearing on the charges of 6,7 & 8, but doubt you will take time to watch as it bed time and Trial starts early but will provide anyways. Think is the 2 that were blocked out from live stream, by GA law, they could have had actual sex and would not been against GA law. That it was put in writing, made it against the law.

3. "I'm just not sure why anyone would be so quick to defend him knowing that they would not allow him around their own nieces, daughters, or sisters (if they would... heavens help their female family members)" What does this even mean, as ref to this case? The females ALL of them, were already on the social networks, and each one we were allowed to hear (and media that spoke of the other 2) all testified to same things. They sent photos to RH, They also talked vulgar, to my knowledge and could be wrong, but I do not think that RH met up with the 2 that were not live streamed due to being under 18 when happened. RH is not being charged with RAPE. All the ladies knew he was married and also knew he had a child. ALL have testified he loved Cooper very much. *even MSM said the 2 that were not live streamed testified to this.

**will not take up space for adding the video, but go to Sept 14, 2015 look for part 4 end of that day with Def Rodriguez arguing Def motions 9-12 on Charges 6,7,8.

HE sent pictures of his junk to minors
. I don't care what they did or said or sent. He sought out minor girls and wanted to be 'a dirty old man.' He was a perv and legally, a pedophile because of those actions. I would NEVER EVER let him come anywhere near my daughter or Daughter-in-law or Grand daughter. I trust him about as far as I can throw him.
And here is what you posted previously:

"When he was speaking with LH in the 2nd video. BOTH times he said he turned his head to change lanes and when he did he caught a glimps from corner of his eye and thought he saw Cooper, then pulled over little bit later. NEVER did RH say rear view mirror. "

So right there he admits, that by just turning his head to change lanes, 'from the corner of his eye' he sees Cooper.

And that's all I was saying. If by just turning his head a few inches to the right, he could see the baby out of the corner of his eye, then why didn't he see him earlier?

He and his wife's biggest fear was to leave Cooper in the car by mistake,and he doesn't take a split second to take a quick glance?

If he sees him out of the corner of his eye, when he made a right turn, how did he miss him when he went and grabbed his satchel from the floor of the front passenger seat?
I agree, and I understand what your saying. But my point was, that in that instance, he notes that he turned his head as he was changing lanes. The other times we don't know for sure when he was driving, or got his briefcase, how much he turned his head to get that kind of out of corner of eye view. Very possible he turned around more than he would prior. It has not been stated if he looked at his passenger mirror or turned around more (as looking out the rear passenger window with head turned more towards the back to change lanes.) We may never know that part as a fact, but jmho that is what I got from that

*(in that context, it was correcting the MSM report saying he looked at his rear view mirror, which not what he said)

HE sent pictures of his junk to minors
. I don't care what they did or said or sent. He sought out minor girls and wanted to be 'a dirty old man.' He was a perv and legally, a pedophile because of those actions. I would NEVER EVER let him come anywhere near my daughter or Daughter-in-law or Grand daughter. I trust him about as far as I can throw him.

Also, if you remember, [or not, lol] --- I said that I thought the minors should testify even if it was humiliating, because they were old enough to be held somewhat accountable. They should not have sent pictures back k to this 'dirty old man' and maybe this experience in court will be a sobering learning experience for them. I am not laying blame, just saying that they need some kind of chance to look at the consequences of their own actions here. This might have been a positive thing for them because things could have ended much worse for them.

HE sent pictures of his junk to minors
. I don't care what they did or said or sent. He sought out minor girls and wanted to be 'a dirty old man.' He was a perv and legally, a pedophile because of those actions. I would NEVER EVER let him come anywhere near my daughter or Daughter-in-law or Grand daughter. I trust him about as far as I can throw him.

I understand what your saying and why (from your previous posts) No disrespect intended. But what we would allow or not allow this defendant to do around our family members is irrelevant in this trial. Can you imagine what people that know these ladies feel now about their actions that they did at the time? On their own free will sent pictures of their junk to him and it is now also in evidence forever attached to this case. How many of those ladies friends or family were shocked? Possibly just as many as RH family and friends. JMHO

I am going by testimony, and evidence presented that we have seen. Thing is he could have had sex with those individuals and it would have been legal. But texting putting it in writing is what made it illegal on counts 6,7,8.

It was interesting how Rodriguez put it in the Motions hearing. If a 21 year old husband sent his 17 year old wife same photo, he could be charged with the same crime. Or if they conversed in email vulgar language or text same thing. (he use a ref of a Military guy sending to his wife or girlfriend).
Well, a husband 'could' be charged with a crime if he sent vulgar texts or sexts etc. But I highly doubt it would ever happen unless they were actually threats and/or they were separated etc.

It is very sad that these girls [ not the minors because they were redacted] will be outed to their friends and families. But I don't think they were forced to testify---were they? I doubt it because they didn't commit any crimes so LE had no leverage...[ other than the working girl...]

So why did they testify, in spite of the potential humiliation? They testified for the prosecution. So did they do it for Cooper?
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