Trial - Ross Harris #4

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I've always thought this wasn't spur of the moment, he researched, plotted and worked up the nerve to do it. Now, I truly hope he pays for it.

IMO - Another jerk that thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. Such an ego on him with the sexting, etc.
This witness did an excellent job of explaining this evidence. I can't imagine it went over anyone's head unless they choose to ignore it. jmo

Maybe it's just me then. I'm not talking about the actual searches. I'm talking about the first part of his testimony when he was explaining how he retrieved the history information.

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So on one hand RH didn't erase the sexting, didn't worry about parking lot cameras, didn't worry that police would think anything other than this being a tragic accident, but on the other hand he was worried about surviving in prison and jury selection? Hmm.

RH knew he was breaking the law by sexting with minors. All done. The end. ;)
I've always thought this wasn't spur of the moment, he researched, plotted and worked up the nerve to do it. Now, I truly hope he pays for it.

Yes. The State's position is this was intentional. The jury will naturally want to know a motive. Here is a guy who (excuse me) 'just wants to drink and bang a lot of girls'. Problem is, the guy is married and has a kid (a joker who drains his bank account). He'd like to divorce his wife but if he does so he's looking at 16 years of child support, which further drains the finances and complicates his goal of a carefree, uncomplicated life. He's miserable, cheating and texting random young girls to "hide his pain". He wants out. He doesn't want to give his ex wife 30% of his Home Depot salary (about $55,000/yr IIRC) in child support. He just wants to be "single". Free to feed his self described sex addiction.
So perhaps his way out is Cooper dies. He plays grieving dad for a few months then divoces blaming the breakup on Cooper's death. He's free.
So he takes his little boy out for a last breakfast one June day, drives directly to work, says "bye buddy", closes the door and walks away. JMO
GPS provides a range of forensic and patient-focused services. Forensic services offered by GPS range include forensic evaluations, fact testimony, jury selection, witness preparation, case conceptualization, and optimization of trial presentation systems. Forensic psychological work is an ever-changing endeavor depending on the type of trial, the trial dynamics, the circumstances of the case, and human factors (e.g. the impact of the judge, jurors, attorneys, witnesses, clients, and other courtroom personnel). Please explore the information provided on each of the highlighted services by clicking the associated links.
Patient-focused services offered by GPS include individual and couples therapy, as well as limited clinical evaluations. This type of work is taken on a case-by-case basis due to the notable impact personality dynamics between therapist and client have on therapeutic success.

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I can't see the car seat from the open door pictures.

The Lawnewz feed just re-ran some of the footage of the court folks out front with the car from this morning. And while you cannot see the car seat from the shot Jersey Girl posted earlier, had the camera been a foot or so more to the left, you would have been able to see it. It looks as if it almost protruded between the two front seats. I wish I would have been better prepared so I could have taken a screen shot.
IMO - Another jerk that thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. Such an ego on him with the sexting, etc.

He's looking a little sheepish today during the testimony for such a big stud.
RH knew he was breaking the law by sexting with minors. All done. The end. ;)

Will be interesting to hear the rebuttal. What day did he Google age of consent? I think I remember he googled that..hopefully I'm not making it up
Opening Statement:
Boring says Harris googled vacations the day before his son's death. Those vacations included Carnival cruises and Sandals vacations to places like Antigua.


(Sandals is an adults-only resort. The Carnival search was only under pressure from his brother and sister-in-law because they wanted to do a family trip).

Not true. The two family trip was RH's idea, not his brother's, and according to his brother, RH had hounded him for months before he finally engaged in beginning to make plans.
Nope. He was not texting anyone at the "exact same time that he erased Cooper from conscious memory" and that isn't a small detail.

He didn't text anyone at all from seconds after 9:15 until 9:24. Cooper was in his sight from 9:18 as they walked out of CFA until RH strapped him in, how ever long that took.

Whatever alleged "erasing from memory" or brain scrambling that took place came between the time Cooper was strapped in until the the time RH went around the Uturn and didn't immediately get in the left turn lane.

RH had already "forgotten" Cooper by the time he reached the intersection, around 9:24.

NO> The bolded above is incorrect----He read a text at 9;18, about needing 'a break from love' and then replied by texting AGREED. So we know he was still 'aware of Cooper at 9:18, as he was contemplating his needing a 'BREAK FROM LOVE' of family.

That was about a minute or two from the exit to daycare. So he 'forgets' Cooper, then he finishes the conversation with this woman, by sending her *hugs* at 9:24---

He remembers to finish this conversation about needing an escape from family issues---after he can't remember which way to turn for daycare dropoff? Strange that he could remember to keep up with the conversation they were having, but within that frame of time, he loses total memory of his son's presence.
Not true. The two family trip was RH's idea, not his brother's, and according to his brother, RH had hounded him for months before he finally engaged in beginning to make plans.

Maybe the brother will be a defense witness.
Why are they on break this close to lunch? Did something happen?
Every single search by RH the State has tried to make look hinky has been put in context by the DT. Every single one. Somehow I expect these will be no different

Right. Did he type in these searches, or insert "2" for the number of adults and fail to input anything for children. I did that when I had children under 2 years, because I assumed they would be considered a "lap child" or free or wouldn't need a bed because they would be between my husband and I in bed, and/or in a travel pack and play.

And the prison searches - well he is sexting minors.
Why are they on break this close to lunch? Did something happen?

I don't know. They took the jury to the car. Then it was a while before the returned. Now out for a 5 minute break that has lasted much longer and lunch right around the corner.
Not true. The two family trip was RH's idea, not his brother's, and according to his brother, RH had hounded him for months before he finally engaged in beginning to make plans.

Wonder if he was looking for more 'vacation sex with a man'.
This guy is so completely unlikeable, I can't stand even looking at pictures of him.

Lucky for him he was sexting minors and concerned about the consequences (prison searches) as it helps his case in this trial. The irony.
Not true. The two family trip was RH's idea, not his brother's, and according to his brother, RH had hounded him for months before he finally engaged in beginning to make plans.

On June 9, there were texts from Harris to sister-in-law Amy Baygents concerning a family cruise. They texted back and forth about it on June 17, the day before Cooper died. Harris acknowledges that he is "waiting to hear back" about the cruise.

Harris sent an email to a travel agent after telling his sister-in-law that he had already done so. "My family is looking to go on a cruise in mid-October," his email began. Boring underscores that Harris told Amy Baygents he had already checked on the cruise and was waiting to hear back. But he didn't contact the travel agent until after sending that text.
So on one hand RH didn't erase the sexting, didn't worry about parking lot cameras, didn't worry that police would think anything other than this being a tragic accident, but on the other hand he was worried about surviving in prison and jury selection? Hmm.

Logic doesn't seem to the State's strong suit. They can't keep their story straight about premeditation because they simply don't have the evidence to support that..

Example: Ms Meadows is the motive! He loved her! She got back in touch with him the morning of the 18th, and RH decided on the spot he would kill Cooper to be with his true love, a woman (possibly the only woman in Atlanta) he had never even hooked up with.

But wait.... no, that isn't it. RH actually planned to kill Cooper way before the 18th, and had researched jury and witness stuff to get away with it.

Their contradictory stories are insulting to the intelligence, actually
According to the Lawnewz feed, they are now on lunch break.
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