Trial - Ross Harris #5

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Quote Originally Posted by BrownRice View Post
I just read part of the ME report and was shocked that LH wouldn't supply ME with Cooper's health records or primary care physician info until she spoke to her attorney?????? That is bizarre. Just one more thing that complicates my opinion.

It almost seems that LH had legal counsel ready to go before the murder...she really bothers me...she did very little to help LE unravel this crime and while getting a lawyer early on is smart...most people "in shock"" and in that state would not be quite that quick. I think everyone watching this trial is so waiting for her on the stand...I think it may be coming this next least hope so.

If you go back and listen to ME Inv Jackson's testimony... on Cross he clears up that LH had already given the information to CCPD. LH also gave ME Inv the funeral home information.

On LH seemingly having a lawyer ready. Remember that she had been in contact with RH family and his brother is a Sgt with Tuscaloosa PD. Where do you get that "almost seems that LH had legal counsel ready to go before the murder? As in the actual death? Or the Murder charge later that night for RH? Kilgore has been RH attorney from beginning from everything I have read. So JMHO I feel sure that having family in LEO that a Lawyer was one of the things RH brother advised. I see nothing wrong with that. RH said in the video's he trusted the System and seemed so as to his speaking with Stoddard. Curious to his thoughts now. JMHO **I trust the System. I also see why it important to have an attorney.

Did #RossHarris hire his defense team or are they court appointed? @PhilHollowayEsq @VinniePolitan @RossHarrisTrial #HotCarDeath

Philip A. Holloway ‏@PhilHollowayEsq Oct 21 Marietta, GA
Philip A. Holloway Retweeted @XXXX
Originally hired but now appointed
I don't think it was Meadows. One of the earlier witnesses I believe.

Thanks. Seriously, the ladies' sexting testimony all ran together for me after awhile, especially since I just didn't see the relevance.
Ross was looking for hook ups and sext buddies. He was not looking for another relationship or even a change in his lifestyle.

He had what he wanted. A devoted wife, a son, a good job, and a supportive community - and multiple women he could sext with and occasionally hook up with for a quickie. Being married with a child did not stand in the way of the sexting and quickies - doesn't make sense as a so-called motive.
That's interesting. It seems like it would also make sense for the -crown to heel-measurement to equal the -crown to rump- plus -rump to heel-.

Crown to heel: 33"

Crown to rump: 14"
Rump to heel: 17.5"
14" + 17.5" = 31.5"

Crown to shoulder: 8"
Shoulder to heel: 23.5"
8" + 23.5" = 31.5"

I'm sure those who have followed this closely for 2 years have already discussed this, so, what am I missing here?

WE aren't missing anything. The State and the ME Assistant who completed the report is who missed the numbers matching. IF the numbers on his reports at the time are not the same as what he put in his report that included in the AR, that shows he messed up taking them on Autopsy . Either way doesn't appear as of Dr. Frist testimony it had been corrected, or maybe they are saving the Tech as a Rebuttal witness? No other witness can speak as to why that persons report reflects that. He will have to testify to it. Surprised that the State didn't object to it being read into the record Lumpkin and Dr Frist to be honest. But again Evans did make note of a typo
Thanks. Seriously, the ladies' sexting testimony all ran together for me after awhile, especially since I just didn't see the relevance.

The only relevance being he's currently on trial for three charges (6,7,8) related to sexting as well as it being the activity he was involved in while his son was suffering in a hot car. Other than that it's merely character assassination. :shame:
I'm reading up on hot car deaths and FBS. Anyone have recommendations for good (fact based) sources? TIA

Well.......there aren't board certified, credentialed folks lining up to support this. Actually, he's pretty much his own source. In my opinion the confluence of two variables, stress and deviation from routine, do not a syndrome make!!!! Perhaps a predisposition for forgetfulness at that time......but falls short of a syndrome. There are just too many independent variables when these tragedies happen......... and each death should be evaluated and investigated independent of any alleged syndrome - my opinion.

I think RH's team would be better served to focus on his obvious sexual preoccupation. I'm one who firmly believes he was negligent........can't get to intentional - and needs to be incarcerated. With RH's self- proclaimed addict status, I don't think anything related to Diamond's theory will serve him well. Just my opinion. And, it's not well supported among those who have the education, training and experience to do so. The sexual behaviors will most likely be seen as the cause of stress..........not good for the Diamond-ittes.

There is no question RH has some serious mental health issues - and he didn't just wake up this way two years ago, in my opinion. However, his mental health issues, which as far as I know haven't been diagnosed, (folks saying he was depressed doesn't cut it) should not mitigate his responsibility for Cooper's death. And while I'm doing this, I will say I think it's best to not diagnose him in this forum. He's certainly responsible for the horrible death of his son, but I'll wait to read about it - don't think I'll even watch. I know the defense has a psychologist scheduled.

I'm out of here for a while.......................that Forgotten Baby stuff will make me need to go to the gym way too much!!!!
It's not in the statute (which is pretty vague). It's in the case law. Being the nerd I am, I did some research lol

Yep, I wonder if there will be big fights over the jury charge?

Yep! I think we can count on that. As someone said earlier, so much depends on the wording of the charge.
Thanks. Seriously, the ladies' sexting testimony all ran together for me after awhile, especially since I just didn't see the relevance.

I will be curious if the defense does bring ALL the people we would expect to see in the courtroom supporting RH (friends, family, church members) if you will also feel it is irrelevant to hear from many? I don't mean that snarky - I just really wonder if you only felt it irrelevant because it painted RH in a bad light or if you just felt it was too many.

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In addition to what his usual clock out time was (or average time since he came and went as he pleased), I wonder if it was common for him to ask LeAnna what time she was picking Cooper up. I've always felt like he asked her that day so that he could stage his discovery before she got to the daycare facility.

I think it would have been more believable to let her go to daycare and find out Cooper wasn't there and then call him and let the chaos begin there. He would have had plenty of witnesses as he ran screaming out to the parking lot. Him driving Cooper around for a few minutes first just looked super sketchy.

LH had taken Cooper to LAA some days in June 2014. LH schedule depended upon her appointments with clients. She worked for DaVita Dialysis as a dietitian. Here is a link about what LH job was JMHO it would make sense to check back and forth as to who may pick up, LH may get a new patient/client.Both had fluctuating schedules. I personally see nothing criminal about them speaking about picking up Cooper texts. JMHO
Originally Posted by jdj125 View Post
That IS true, however the ME report does say in the next sentence that they were given to LE

Yeah but it is just so weird. If that was my kid and I wasn't the parent that left her, I wouldn't even have the thought of an attorney. That was so soon after he was discovered dead...why did she already have an attorney? Why was that a thought in her mind? I just don't get it.

JMHO, again RH brother is Sgt at Tuscaloosa PD. When she met with RH first time, just short period after finding out from LAA worker that he had seen on news about child found dead in car and recognized RH SUV, (LH got to LAA at 4:51 pm). When she met with RH, she had already spoken with Detectives, had her purse searched, been searched her self. RH told her they were charging him and Stoddard came in and told the same. (RH was not free to leave per Stoddard testimony, if she had asked to leave would not have been permitted to. I am curious how long she was at the CCPD that night) So again, I see nothing odd about her getting an attorney .. when you look at all that was going on and what we have learned in court. JMHO
Plus JRH was having a conversation with a woman about escaping his son during breakfast at Chik-Fil-A. I am interested in what Dr Diamond has to say about this, since talking (sorry, complaining) about your kid would make it impossible to forget them just before shutting the door on them for the last time. This is assuming that holding them in your arms, talking to them and struggling to strap them into a car seat that was too small only moments before wouldn't remind someone they had a trip to make to day care.

Having been a stay at home mom for my son, I know caring for a toddler all day long is no walk in the park, but 99.999% of my days with him were filled with joy and love and I believe being a SAHM is the most rewarding and exciting job ever available on the market. Of .001% of those SAHM days, I may have felt tired, irritated, frazzled, yearned to go shopping by myself....

But I can say with 100% certainty that I never ever felt I needed an escape from my son.

This is why RH's choice of word bothers me so much. So much to the point that I believe he really did want to escape from Cooper and that he was using the word escape as in 'escape from kidnapper', 'escape from prison', 'escape from something really bad'. I don't know if he meant to say something entirely different, yet he said escape, he put it in writing, and he is wedded (borrowed this one from my favorite prosecutor JM) to it.

And despite opposite views on this forum, I believe RH's texts and sexts content are extremely relevant if I was to decide whether he was an unfit dad who eventually decided to escape by getting rid of his son.
His brilliant attorneys should have objected to the white socks when they saw them on the doll but they didn't.

This is incorrect. The Def has objected to the dolls as not being factual on many parts. FYI, the doll that is seen in the photos where can see feet, is possibly not the same doll that was used LATEST version of the 3D animated video. 2 different dolls have been used. JMHO that alone is confusing.. The used by Grimstead in his 7/2/14 photos was actually shorter than Cooper. The car seat in the 7/2/14 scan by Mr. Dustin was used in the orig scan of car and 3D video, UNTIL the Def called out Grimstead on his measurements. The DA paid to have doll made that suppose to be same measurements as Cooper but its not exact. ME said well if it an inch or two off I still consider it consistent (paraphrasing forget the exact wording but that the jest of it). WTH? :thinking: SO, which brings up another point... since the Autopsy Report measurements are off.... are those the same measurements that the DA used to have the doll made?? :websleuther:

ETA I believe the doll in the 3D was the same doll used in all the 3D videos And the doll used by Grimstead was a different doll and yet those photos were also entered into evidence. Shorter doll, and wrong setting of the car seat.... Now how wrong is THAT by the State?
I will be curious if the defense does bring ALL the people we would expect to see in the courtroom supporting RH (friends, family, church members) if you will also feel it is irrelevant to hear from many? I don't mean that snarky - I just really wonder if you only felt it irrelevant because it painted RH in a bad light or if you just felt it was too many.

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I thought both- that testimony by individuals RH had sexted with was largely irrelevant, especially when the texts being recited dated back to 2013, and I thought the sheer number of such witnesses was unnecessary and redundant.

I also think, fwiw, that it was a strategic mistake by the defense overall to devote so much time on RH's sex life, the prostitutes and sexting partners, the stream of sexting ladies (leaving minors aside, because as I've said for months, I strongly believe those charges should have been severed).

I don't expect the State to make the same strategic mistake in reverse. The jury can't be convinced he's a "good man," imo, in part because there's no compelling evidence he is that, and plenty of reason to think that he is not. I expect Leanna to be their principal "character" witness (secondary role).

But yah, theoretically, if the DT starts dragging in person after person after person saying the same tripe about RH, I'm gonna find that redundancy annoying.
The only relevance being he's currently on trial for three charges (6,7,8) related to sexting as well as it being the activity he was involved in while his son was suffering in a hot car. Other than that it's merely character assassination. :shame:

I hope you are kidding! right?
Having been a stay at home mom for my son, I know caring for a toddler all day long is no walk in the park, but 99.999% of my days with him were filled with joy and love and I believe being a SAHM is the most rewarding and exciting job ever available on the market. Of .001% of those SAHM days, I may have felt tired, irritated, frazzled, yearned to go shopping by myself....

But I can say with 100% certainty that I never ever felt I needed an escape from my son.

This is why RH's choice of word bothers me so much. So much to the point that I believe he really did want to escape from Cooper and that he was using the word escape as in 'escape from kidnapper', 'escape from prison', 'escape from something really bad'. I don't know if he meant to say something entirely different, yet he said escape, he put it in writing, and he is wedded (borrowed this one from my favorite prosecutor JM) to it.

And despite opposite views on this forum, I believe RH's texts and sexts content are extremely relevant if I was to decide whether he was an unfit dad who eventually decided to escape by getting rid of his son.

A single word in a single text exchange on a single day?! Even that it was THE day?

After doing months of text sleuthing together and putting those texts in context with what was known, I'm flabbergasted, sister pocket.

ETA-- I think it is literally impossible to love my son more than I do- -he's my everything, and was that from the first magical moment when he emerged from my body and we met. I have also been happily married for 21 years.

But , in fact, I have on more than one occasion used the word "escape" to describe my need to take a break from both of my darlings, so I could have time for myself independent of being a mother and a wife. I never felt any need to apologize for that need, and I definitely don't connect the word with a desire to kill anyone so I could go take a road trip or go play for a weekend with girlfriend buddies.
So you think he just quietly cooked from the inside out without a thought of his daddy's whereabouts? No crying or screaming for "daddy"? Just chilling out and peacefully slipping into the night....

I guess all those scratches and abrasions from him frantically trying to free his little body was made up....

Ones on the back of his head and any skin exposed to the hot pavement that they person who 1st came to RH car and that person employee Hawkins who did CPR (witnesses AntonyP, Hawkins and Eastland) all stated RH tried to do CPR, yet they trying to say it was RH alone who wrong in trying to do CPR where he was. Then Gallimore testimony that he did 90-100 compression's to Cooper. So there very big possibility that come be some of the reasons for the abrasions. **Former ME Dr Frist was not aware of these CPR attempts in full or placement. Per questioning on Cross.
This is incorrect. The Def has objected to the dolls as not being factual on many parts. FYI, the doll that is seen in the photos where can see feet, is possibly not the same doll that was used LATEST version of the 3D animated video. 2 different dolls have been used. JMHO that alone is confusing.. The used by Grimstead in his 7/2/14 photos was actually shorter than Cooper. The car seat in the 7/2/14 scan by Mr. Dustin was used in the orig scan of car and 3D video, UNTIL the Def called out Grimstead on his measurements. The DA paid to have doll made that suppose to be same measurements as Cooper but its not exact. ME said well if it an inch or two off I still consider it consistent (paraphrasing forget the exact wording but that the jest of it). WTH? :thinking: SO, which brings up another point... since the Autopsy Report measurements are off.... are those the same measurements that the DA used to have the doll made?? :websleuther:

ETA I believe the doll in the 3D was the same doll used in all the 3D videos And the doll used by Grimstead was a different doll and yet those photos were also entered into evidence. Shorter doll, and wrong setting of the car seat.... Now how wrong is THAT by the State?

My post addressed the white socks and nothing else. Not the size of the dolls, not the different dolls, not anything else in your post. Do you have a link that shows 'the defense objected to white socks on the doll' or 'the defense objected to many things about the doll, including the fact that it had white socks which would have stood out more than what the victim was actually wearing'.
Having been a stay at home mom for my son, I know caring for a toddler all day long is no walk in the park, but 99.999% of my days with him were filled with joy and love and I believe being a SAHM is the most rewarding and exciting job ever available on the market. Of .001% of those SAHM days, I may have felt tired, irritated, frazzled, yearned to go shopping by myself....

But I can say with 100% certainty that I never ever felt I needed an escape from my son.

This is why RH's choice of word bothers me so much. So much to the point that I believe he really did want to escape from Cooper and that he was using the word escape as in 'escape from kidnapper', 'escape from prison', 'escape from something really bad'. I don't know if he meant to say something entirely different, yet he said escape, he put it in writing, and he is wedded (borrowed this one from my favorite prosecutor JM) to it.

And despite opposite views on this forum, I believe RH's texts and sexts content are extremely relevant if I was to decide whether he was an unfit dad who eventually decided to escape by getting rid of his son.

An unfit husband is not the same thing as being an unfit dad, and in any case, he's not on trial for being either.

The bad character evidence wasn't allowed in (well, supposedly) as evidence RH was an unfit dad or husband. It went to intent, and imo, couldn't have been much weaker for it to fail the smell test altogether.
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