Trial - Ross Harris #5

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No, we don't know if it was hostility or not. So we have to take it into context with his actions and behavior, imo.

I think his behavior shows me that he disrespected and dishonored his son, routinely. He is lying next to him in bed, while sexting a 15 yr old. :no:

I had forgotten he did that...interesting...Anthony Weiner did the same thing - sent a photo with his son lying on the bed next to him. I *cannot* imagine how that is not some type of mental health/screw loose/twisted (or whatever you want to call it) behavior. sick!
TexMex - OT - I love your dogs playing on the beach! It makes me smile every time you post. I took my tri-pod, Emma, to the beach this summer for the first time. She hated it :( Just wanted to lie in the air conditioned beach house. I had dreams of her frolicking like those two. She's her own girl and likes what she likes.

Sorry for the interruption....carry on.
I had forgotten he did that...interesting...Anthony Weiner did the same thing - sent a photo with his son lying on the bed next to him. I *cannot* imagine how that is not some type of mental health/screw loose/twisted (or whatever you want to call it) behavior. sick!

This is absolutely disgusting. I am not sure how someone can do this with their child next to them. My ex has some significant mental health issues and did something similar but probably worse (because it exposed my little girl to things she shouldn't be exposed to) after I left. He was a chronic cheater and addicted to *advertiser censored*. As soon as I found out this was going on his contact with my daughter was halted immediately and the state absolutely intervened to make sure she was safe. We didn't live with him but I was told she would have been placed in foster care if we did. It is that serious.

This was 4 years ago and for several years he was only allowed contact with her in the presence of a court appointed therapist. Even now he gets bare bones visitation, which he gets only because he lives with his fiancée so she is basically a supervisor. He never physically touched my kid and he thought she was asleep when he did this but she wasn't. But it is a very serious crime to expose children to *advertiser censored* whether you intended to or not. I pushed for every possible consequence for this not only so that he would know it was wrong but so that he could get help he desperately needed. He is still messed up on many levels but the consequence for his actions were so steep and so expensive that he isn't likely to do that again.
Did RH usually text his wife to ask when she would pick up Cooper from daycare? If not, this is suspicious and could be seen as him supporting his "false memory" of already having dropped off Cooper. Too bad he explained to police that "Cooper must have fallen asleep" in the car since that supports a forgotten baby situation. Is he trying to use both scenarios?
Did RH usually text his wife to ask when she would pick up Cooper from daycare? If not, this is suspicious and could be seen as him supporting his "false memory" of already having dropped off Cooper. Too bad he explained to police that "Cooper must have fallen asleep" in the car since that supports a forgotten baby situation. Is he trying to use both scenarios?

Cooper has fallen asleep in the car before school before.

But Ross would carry him to class.

So why is Ross using the Cooper must have fallen asleep as if Cooper forgot he had to be in class in 5 minutes.
Cooper has fallen asleep in the car before school before.

But Ross would carry him to class.

So why is Ross using the Cooper must have fallen asleep as if Cooper forgot he had to be in class in 5 minutes.

Great point. Ross never forgot Cooper on the longer drives to school from home which I'm assuming are the mornings he fell asleep. Yet that one minute period of time caused him to forget? Ross is an idiot.
Did RH usually text his wife to ask when she would pick up Cooper from daycare? If not, this is suspicious and could be seen as him supporting his "false memory" of already having dropped off Cooper. Too bad he explained to police that "Cooper must have fallen asleep" in the car since that supports a forgotten baby situation. Is he trying to use both scenarios?

If I forget something, a reminder of it later usually reminds me I forgot. I don't have false memories of doing something I didn't do. Is FBS supposed to be different?

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This is absolutely disgusting. I am not sure how someone can do this with their child next to them. My ex has some significant mental health issues and did something similar but probably worse (because it exposed my little girl to things she shouldn't be exposed to) after I left. He was a chronic cheater and addicted to *advertiser censored*. As soon as I found out this was going on his contact with my daughter was halted immediately and the state absolutely intervened to make sure she was safe. We didn't live with him but I was told she would have been placed in foster care if we did. It is that serious.

This was 4 years ago and for several years he was only allowed contact with her in the presence of a court appointed therapist. Even now he gets bare bones visitation, which he gets only because he lives with his fiancée so she is basically a supervisor. He never physically touched my kid and he thought she was asleep when he did this but she wasn't. But it is a very serious crime to expose children to *advertiser censored* whether you intended to or not. I pushed for every possible consequence for this not only so that he would know it was wrong but so that he could get help he desperately needed. He is still messed up on many levels but the consequence for his actions were so steep and so expensive that he isn't likely to do that again.

I am soooo sorry that happened to you and your little girl. It is serious and it stays with you forever. Nothing can take the memory of being exposed to something like that away from you. You were a good mom and did the right thing. You got yourself and your daughter away from him. Hugs to both of you.
RH texted/sexted with, iirc, 35 or 36 women that day, "just" one of those being a minor, right? The other sexting was perfectly legal, but not, I imagine, anything RH would offer up to LE, any more than he offered it up to anyone in his life, much less to LE about what he was doing as his son died.

Yes, Ross said he had a 10 o'clock meeting. Maybe he couldn't provide more details about his workday because his entire work day was spent sexting. Or, maybe neither he or LE felt it was relevant to go in the weeds about what exactly he was doing at work, hour by hour. What difference did it make to the investigation at that point?

Where is this information coming from? I can't find the reference - Google comes back with "6 women" not 35 or 36. Do you remember which day of testimony it was? Wow - if that's true then IMO Ross is one sicko.
Many of us may forget a name or what we walked down the hallway to do. But none of us forget a child sitting next to us. Plus Ross was a young man used to detail in his job. Not an older person with some failing memory.

What are we expecting this week. The Defense has the floor and as I understand it they are planning on going until Thanksgiving according to rumors I am reading on the net.

Since they have to prove nothing since it's the States charge what do you think will be their focus?

To me Leanne is a sticky wicket. Probably why State didn't call her. Will the Defense take a chance on her. She can do great harm. She is now no longer the wife that knew of maybe one or two affairs. I'm not sure they will call her at all.

His church group has kind of abandoned him so who will be his character witnesses if they want some of those. Family members aren't in court and nothing from the brother or his wife after testimony.

Who do you think will testify for the Defense?
Did RH usually text his wife to ask when she would pick up Cooper from daycare? If not, this is suspicious and could be seen as him supporting his "false memory" of already having dropped off Cooper. Too bad he explained to police that "Cooper must have fallen asleep" in the car since that supports a forgotten baby situation. Is he trying to use both scenarios?

Parroting myself here sorry, but I went through the texts (those left scrolling on screen couple of weeks ago) freezing/reading by the page. They only date back to, iirc, the previous 26 days or so. He doesn't ask her anything like that within that time frame. There are texts from LH asking if he has Coop, replies from him saying what the baby's doing, and one where she asks if he's still ok time-wise to pick him up.

That's when I first saw "Don't forget Cooper" and his reply of "NEVER! Only that one time" text. He told LE he'd never even left Cooper to run into a shop. When he and Leanna finally get together, he goes on about never having done that, never forgot him before. "I know you didn't baby" she confirms. They're both lying - only one of those scenarios is the truth.

The timing bugs me. The wording of the 'don't forget Coop' text at pick-up-time just the day before. The 'little buddy' text before pick-up time that day.

Maybe the DT will present evidence to the contrary. But they had the opportunity to make an impact and cancel that right out when the State took texting history back to January 2013.
Where is this information coming from? I can't find the reference - Google comes back with "6 women" not 35 or 36. Do you remember which day of testimony it was? Wow - if that's true then IMO Ross is one sicko.

It came from testimony on 10/24. If you go to Twitter and search hotcardeath 37 you'll see the tweets about it. I'll see if I can find news or video reference.
Where is this information coming from? I can't find the reference - Google comes back with "6 women" not 35 or 36. Do you remember which day of testimony it was? Wow - if that's true then IMO Ross is one sicko.


I misunderstood. The testimony was by Stoddard, on direct, day 13, towards the end of the day and of the State's direct.

What Stoddard said was that RH engaged in 36 other conversations (in addition to the CFA Whisper exchange) on the 18th, most of them sexual.

So, 6 women, 36 conversations, whatever that means. The CFA "conversation," in terms of amount of content, was skimpy. Would have only taken a few minutes to actually type/read the entire thing. It sounds like RH could have fit in some or even a lot of work around those 36 conversations, though it's difficult to believe he could have been very focused on it. He really did seem to have the attention span of a gnat, at least in May and June.

Sorry again for any confusion.
It came from testimony on 10/24. If you go to Twitter and search hotcardeath 37 you'll see the tweets about it. I'll see if I can find news or video reference.

Got it, thanks! Oh my! I can't believe msm didn't make a big deal out of it - all I see is the tweet from that Jen woman. The prosecution claimed 6 but the reality was 37? Dang, how did they miss that?
There is in fact, evidence to suggest he had no interest in a real life (as opposed to virtual) relationship with her, in that in the entire time he allegedly was so in love with her, he only met her in person, once, and exchanged a kiss.

It's even more telling, imo, that he didn't try to hook up with her in that week or so in May when Leanna and Cooper were out of town and he was going hogwild on a prostitute and sexting spree. But, no Ms. Meadows.

JRH clearly categorizes women into "women you marry" and "women you f*ck". That's why he was having his sex carnival while Leanna was gone and not trying to see Ms Meadows. She was one you marry.

I misunderstood. The testimony was by Stoddard, on direct, day 13, towards the end of the day and of the State's direct.

What Stoddard said was that RH engaged in 36 other conversations (in addition to the CFA Whisper exchange) on the 18th, most of them sexual.

So, 6 women, 36 conversations, whatever that means. The CFA "conversation," in terms of amount of content, was skimpy. Would have only taken a few minutes to actually type/read the entire thing. It sounds like RH could have fit in some or even a lot of work around those 36 conversations, though it's difficult to believe he could have been very focused on it. He really did seem to have the attention span of a gnat, at least in May and June.

Sorry again for any confusion.

Ah, okay - not your fault, Hope, I think the Jen woman on Twitter might have been mistaken and it got picked up by people. It's confusing.
JRH clearly categorizes women into "women you marry" and "women you f*ck". That's why he was having his sex carnival while Leanna was gone and not trying to see Ms Meadows. She was one you marry.

I think he WAS interested in Jaynie Meadows. She interested him unlike the others. She was quite strange on the witness stand. Bubbly and glancing over at Ross. Then the Defense brought up Psychological problems and asked if "she was ok". That kind of set her off.

Just another player in this court drama.
Where is this information coming from? I can't find the reference - Google comes back with "6 women" not 35 or 36. Do you remember which day of testimony it was? Wow - if that's true then IMO Ross is one sicko.

I don't know where Hope4's info is coming from, but she's in no way off.

I counted 39 (sexy :facepalm:) names. Two I couldn't decide whether female, though they alluded to shenanigans. I was unsure if he was bragging to unusually named male friends, so discounted them from my tally. This is mental even writing this.
I don't know where Hope4's info is coming from, but she's in no way off.

I counted 39 (sexy :facepalm:) names. Two I couldn't decide whether female, though they alluded to shenanigans. I was unsure if he was bragging to unusually named male friends, so discounted them from my tally. This is mental even writing this.

Thanks! So maybe it was more than 6 after all. I don't know how those apps work - if a name is up on the screen does it mean a realtime message? I mean, as opposed to a chat room where a bunch of names are on the screen but not necessarily in active conversation.
Confused me as well. Definitely had the impression it was 37 which was mind boggling. Glad that was cleared up.
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