Trial - Ross Harris #6

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Selective memory. LT remembered many dates, times, locations, etc. of a wide assortment of photos/videos presented by the defense. :gaah:

In all fairness, the DT prepped LH for their questions. She should be able to answer their questions with ease and comfort.

Does anyone wanna play a game where I ask you questions about inconsequential conversations from over 2 years ago? If you aren't 100% sure with what you are saying, I will make sure to berate you for not being correct and everyone will think you are a liar.

Fun game!

While it may not be a fun game, it's certainly a fair game when your child ends up dead at the hands of your spouse.

So real fast Per Boring Cooper was 31 inches in March 2014
On AR 33 inch

On testimony from ME INV Jackson said that Dr Frist read the measurements and a tech wrote them down and no photos were taken of the measurements.
reminder they don't add up

Remember all the testimony about Cooper's recent growth that was introduced by the DT on cross? They knew the car seat was too small for Cooper and were attempting to introduce a plausible explanation. With today's testimony, we now know that Cooper was too big for his car seat for at least 3 months. Yikes!

Brown says he assigned Harris a project in June 2014 but it wasn't getting done.

He said Harris was spending a lot of time on his phone at work.

Brown emailed him about it the day of Cooper's death.

JRH was emailed about his poor job performance on the day of Cooper's death. I am just shaking my head.
Mr Brown denies JRH is playing dumb or "forgetful" when work isn't getting done.

But he just now testified that JRH's motivation faded as the project went on. His work "fell off."

I don't think it's out of line to conclude that JRH has a pattern of "forgetting" of his responsibilities when he no longer wants them.

I want to be clear when I say "forget" I mean "forgetting" on purpose. As in, "this doesn't interest me anymore so I'm going to purposefully sabotage the tasks I am supposed to do." Followed by the attitude of "I'm going to do what I want regardless of how it affects the people around me."

Testimony has shown that JRH is capable of adult responsibilities, but he starts to "forget" to fulfill those responsiblities when it no longer interests him or he feels he has something better to do. He started to "forget" his work at Home Depot when he expressed interest in a job at Chik-Fil-A in the same way he "forgot" Cooper when he had a serious love interest and desire for single life on the side.

There was someone on CNN a couple years ago (I wish I could remember their name) that suggested JRH killed Cooper in a passive manner. I'm still dubious that "passive" is necessarily a good way to describe JRH since he was very active in certain areas of his life. But let's suppose for a moment that is true and that his baseline personality is more laid back and allowing things to happen versus making them happen.

It would not be inconsistent with text evidence where he is complaining about his life behind everyone's back as opposed to doing something about it (like filing for divorce). JRH took initiative only when he would gain from it, but become conveniently (and likely purposefully) negligent when he didn't. I know I've mentioned this before, but I think this is because he wants to maintain a particular image of himself. LH testified yesterday that the interview room was the only time she had seen JRH truly broken. It was also in the interview room where he was sobbing about losing his job, about everyone hating him, and basically complaining about how his life is over as opposed to Cooper's life being over.

This trial is difficult, and what's even more difficult is to suss out why JRH and LH seem to differ so greatly from pretty much everyone else. After LH's testimony on the stand today, I'm going to conclude (for now) that we're dealing with two very selfish people who think primarily of themselves. This isn't to say that I don't sympathize with LH as I certainly do on some things. It was hard to watch her today when she appeared to come to the realization that it was impossible to forget Cooper in such a small car. However it doesn't change the fact that at the end of the day, she didn't say she refused to talk to JRH anymore because Cooper was dead, but because "he ruined my life."
Witness Brown was helpful to the defense on these points;

1) Ross bragged about his kid all the time, to the point of boring the men without kids

2) He wasn't just staying up late texting on the 17th

3) Recent decline in performance - could signal distraction/exhaustion, etc. Minor point, not sure how defense will use it.

Point #3 could also be viewed as another data point in Ross's downward spiral. Why does the DT want to make it appear as though Ross was losing control of all aspects of his life in the weeks and days leading up to Cooper's death?
State clarification.

Stoddard DID tell her where Cooper was.

Quick ETA: Someone - Stockingard (?) also told her.

Stockenger(sp?) and Raissee(sp?) were the 2 detectives who were at crime scene, then went to Treehouse. They interviewed LH there, then took Raissee to Harris home, then Stockenger(sp?) took LH to CCPD.

Stoddard made out like neither RH or Leanna either one ever asked where Cooper was or to see him. As if as everyone here including myself wondered WTH? BUT Stoddard finally in trial had to testify that he had told RH while was in the back of Piper patrol car where Cooper body was being taken. We also know that Leanna was told. So this was just bs to inflame and again put things out of context. Why be deceitful? OR was it "they didn't ask to see Cooper". Umm Cooper is at the morgue, RH is arrested, Leanna has been taken to the CCPD her vehicle at Treehouse. Just finds out husband being arrested. And the State says the Def was trying to use semantics?

JRH was emailed about his poor job performance on the day of Cooper's death. I am just shaking my head.

and he ducked the 9:00 a.m. group conference call that day with his boss.
Point #3 could also be viewed as another data point in Ross's downward spiral. Why does the DT want to make it appear as though Ross was losing control of all aspects of his life in the weeks and days leading up to Cooper's death?

Because Dr Diamonds list of circumstances surrounding Forgotten Baby Syndrome includes stress from work. I think they need to hit that because the distance and time spans are so short.
I know we're not quite at the end of the trial yet, but I'm curious if anyone has changed their mind about the case during the trial? Did you originally think one thing and now think another?

As for me, I never really thought he intended to murder Cooper. But, during the State's case, I did start to wonder if maybe he did. However, there is enough reasonable doubt for me that I couldn't convict on that charge.

I think his negligence caused the death of Cooper - it wasn't just "oops, I forgot." And, for that negligence, I think he should be found guilty. So, my opinion is back where it was at the beginning.

How about you? Anything change for you? Or reinforced?

(My pet theory that he left Cooper on purpose "just for a minute" while he checked into work still is on my mind. I realize they will not bring that up because it would admit guilt of knowingly leaving him....but I still suspect that is what happened.)


I came here just to watch this guy get the book thrown at him. I only watched the initial media reports in 2014 and nothing after that. I completely changed my mind after seeing the state's case. Like many people keep saying about Leanna and the case in general, no one can really KNOW what happened, but I can't determine that he did this on purpose based on the evidence. I will have to wait to see about the child cruelty. Depends on exactly what qualifies as child cruelty/negligence.
If you've ever ventured into an internet forum dedicated to women who are trying to cope with their husband's sexually addictive behaviors, you'll see that there are many, many couples out there dealing with this type of thing, sadly. And lots who don't immediately divorce due to it. RH sounds very much like lots of men out there when it comes to his sexual escapades. Nothing special at all - if you are comparing him against other men with this type of behavior pattern.

This is what I was going to say! It's a big, big, big problem now in the Christian community. Used to be if you wanted to look at *advertiser censored* you had to go out and hunt for it, now it's right there on the internet. I don't know exactly how the addiction works, I'm assuming something like gambling addiction. And churches are now fighting it through the steps LeAnne has mentioned. It doesn't surprise me she didn't leave him at once as she didn't know how bad it had gotten. She'ed been with him a long time, loved him, saw him struggling with this problem and to her credit was willing to on this through counseling and their church.
It sounds to me like they put the program on his computer to monitor where he went and probably at that point he went to sexting, which led him further down into the muck. She obviously had no idea the extent of this until he was arrested.
I really feel for this woman. She has lost so much, starting with her child. The part where she came home and laid in Cooper's bed and cried just undid me. I Know in my case I depend on my husband for comfort through bad things, she didn't even have that. I know exactly how it feels to have your reality come undone. In my case I described it as time as a piece of glass that cracked into a million pieces. It was bad enough she lost her child, bad enough she lost him in suck a terrible way, but just criminal the way she was treated due to Stoddard thinking she and RH didn't cry enough! Terrible the way he insisted she be left alone at the police station.
I don't cry immediately either and try not to cry in front of people since I turn into a snotty mess. I try to be strong because I'm the wife and Mom and think I have to hold it together for the rest of the family.
I also have a husband who can run off with his mouth in stressful situations. I can see me asking"what happened? what on earth did you tell them to think you did it on purpose?" I also have lost someone dear to me and spent days saying "this just isn't real is it?"
I don't understand the hating on this poor woman.
Point #3 could also be viewed as another data point in Ross's downward spiral. Why does the DT want to make it appear as though Ross was losing control of all aspects of his life in the weeks and days leading up to Cooper's death?

Not sure, and I could see that point going either way as well.
and he ducked the 9:00 a.m. group conference call that day with his boss.

I am a little skeptical of this testimony. The witness from this morning seemed unsure of the time of the group meeting. Ross had mentioned to detectives that he had a 10:00 group meeting that he attended shortly after arriving to work on the day of Cooper's death. I am wondering if these details have gotten hazy in the 2+ years since Cooper's death.
Boring recalls the "did you say too much comment." He says, "Objectively, that looked odd?"
Taylor acknowledges that it did.
This is a reference to a comment Taylor made to her then-husband when she met with him in the interrogation room at police headquarters. She asked, "Did you say too much?"

Boring asks how many times she has met with defense attorneys for Harris.
She says she doesn't have a count.

Have you met with them since you've been down here.

Did you meet with them last night?

He asks whether she reviewed anything last night in preparation for her testimony today. She says she wanted to review the transcript of her interview but then says she couldn't read it, indicating that it was too painful.

Boring implies that she received some coaching from the defense, saying the defense team told her about the questions it would ask and what the prosecution was likely to ask.

Leanna has a lawyer, technically :) her lawyer could go over things and it wouldn't be the Def attorney going over right? And she is a Def witness. The State could have called her. But I think when Kilgore said they would if State didn't. State had not spoken with her. Always heard your should never ask questions of a witness that you don't know the answer to. (from prior statements or testimony)
I am a little skeptical of this testimony. The witness from this morning seemed unsure of the time of the group meeting. Ross had mentioned to detectives that he had a 10:00 group meeting that he attended shortly after arriving to work on the day of Cooper's death. I am wondering if these details have gotten hazy in the 2+ years since Cooper's death.

That morning meeting is part of why I think Ross left Cooper in the car "just for a minute" while he checked in. And, then he forgot about him.

Sorry to keep repeating, but I do think it fits Ross' personality to take that risk and also to then forget about it.

He didn't intend to kill Cooper, but he did intend to take the risk that lead to his death.

jmopinion that I can't let go of. :)
Dang. Good job. I am a Roman times enthusiast.

I would love to be able to see the historic sites and historical artifacts in their museums.

Have fun.
A little O/T - Oh! I am a historical nut, and since I am a pilots wife we travel quite often. My husband would rather eat his socks than to be here, but I drug him along with his mother to the Coliseum, the Forum, and many of the surrounding hot spots. Tomorrow, we have a private Vatican tour and Thursday we are going to take a cab to the monuments as they are lit up at night.

My DH is hanging in there, but barely! My MIL is doing great and being a real trooper. Lots of walking but everything is so close. You MUST see it. I can definitely give you some supremely cheap traveling tips!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
I am a little skeptical of this testimony. The witness from this morning seemed unsure of the time of the group meeting. Ross had mentioned to detectives that he had a 10:00 group meeting that he attended shortly after arriving to work on the day of Cooper's death. I am wondering if these details have gotten hazy in the 2+ years since Cooper's death.

He says Harris became less motivated as time went on.

Rodriguez asks about a specific project Brown had assigned to Harris and how Harris performed on it.

"So, we were splitting up the tasks, right, so we'd get a bunch of tasks and assign the work," he said. "I thought at the time this would be something that Ross could handle and should be done fairly quickly. We spoke about it, and then it just wasn't getting done. He would be on his phone a lot, or on websites, and the work just wasn't getting done."

"There was a time when I used to just ask constantly about certain tasks: is it done, where are we with it?" But he decided that wasn't working and that it would be more effective to ask Harris for progress reports during the daily 9 a.m. team call.

Rodriguez asks whether Harris would duck the 9 a.m. calls. Brown says yes.

Brown says he finally told Harris, on June 17, 2014, to finish his project by the end of the day. But he says Harris left work that day without having finished.
he says harris became less motivated as time went on.

Rodriguez asks about a specific project brown had assigned to harris and how harris performed on it.

"so, we were splitting up the tasks, right, so we'd get a bunch of tasks and assign the work," he said. "i thought at the time this would be something that ross could handle and should be done fairly quickly. We spoke about it, and then it just wasn't getting done. He would be on his phone a lot, or on websites, and the work just wasn't getting done."

"there was a time when i used to just ask constantly about certain tasks: Is it done, where are we with it?" but he decided that wasn't working and that it would be more effective to ask harris for progress reports during the daily 9 a.m. Team call.

Rodriguez asks whether harris would duck the 9 a.m. Calls. Brown says yes.

brown says he finally told harris, on june 17, 2014, to finish his project by the end of the day. But he says harris left work that day without having finished.


Because Dr Diamonds list of circumstances surrounding Forgotten Baby Syndrome includes stress from work. I think they need to hit that because the distance and time spans are so short.

Good point.

I am just going to be blunt. There is nothing to indicate that Ross was stressed by his job. On the day of Cooper's death, Ross came in late, texted a large portion of the day, and left early to catch a movie with friends. I have not heard a single piece of testimony to indicate Ross was stressed by his job. There is plenty of testimony to indicate that Ross was bored with his current position and was looking for something more exciting.
In a post during Leanna's testimony, I specifically stated that I had gained respect for Leanna while she was questioned by the Defense. I am perfectly capable of setting aside previous perceived notions about witnesses, and I listened to and watched Leanna's testimony with an open mind. Having served on juries, I took my oath seriously and know what is expected of me. Leanna did a good job while testifying for the defense but became cocky and defensive during prosecution's cross examination.

I don't understand why you think she shouldn't be? In her mind it was a tragic accident and the state is trying to say he's a murderer! I mean, for crying out loud! I think she's being remarkably civil to him. There is no way I'd be doing that well. They would have to medicate me.


and we know he didn't arrive to work until about 9:30 a.m., left for lunch a little before noon for over an hour, and left for work that day at 4:00 p.m. He barely clocked in a full days work. We all know he was sexting and texting all day between the girlfriends, the wife, and the co-workers.

I bet he didn't even touch that project on June 18th, the day Cooper died at the hands of his father.
Leanna has a lawyer, technically :) her lawyer could go over things and it wouldn't be the Def attorney going over right? And she is a Def witness. The State could have called her. But I think when Kilgore said they would if State didn't. State had not spoken with her. Always heard your should never ask questions of a witness that you don't know the answer to. (from prior statements or testimony)

Also, the question asked was whether she met with defense attorneys last night. He didn't ask whether she spoke to them.

Although I could believe she didn't speak to them. They had already done their prep and she was doing fine on the stand - can't really think what the defense would want to talk to her about.
Good point.

I am just going to be blunt. There is nothing to indicate that Ross was stressed by his job. On the day of Cooper's death, Ross came in late, texted a large portion of the day, and left early to catch a movie with friends. I have not heard a single piece of testimony to indicate Ross was stressed by his job. There is plenty of testimony to indicate that Ross was bored with his current position and was looking for something more exciting.

Not stressed enough to not forget light bulbs with no reminder from LT...and so concerned about forgetting to bring them home he stops to put them into the car after lunch..

Priorities ya know....
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