Trial - Ross Harris #6

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IMO Ross did not look up to his Brother. He just tried to impress as he did everyone else. Typical of a Socio. Cooper was nothing more than a prop to him.
I have watched every second of this trial w an open mind. I watched the videos to see if RH used a heavy hand w CH. To look for selfish indicators of any hint of a non-loving parents actions. He never rushed CH in allowing CH to grow his little curious brain. RH wasn't trying to push his little buddy off to his convenient neighbor to babysit more than approx 4 times. CH seemed to have plenty of toys. I have heard not one word of testimony that RH didn't love his little buddy. I have seen nor heard anything that indicated CH was just a prop.
Quote Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
JMHO disrespectful comment.

Right? To me it felt akin to spitting on his humble grave site. Which I thought was lovely in its simplicity myself. Perhaps a huge fancy stone wold be more pleasing to the Gladys Kravitz's of the world, but I like to think Cooper would've rather liked it. It was simple, well tended and lovely. imo.

Considering the high profile case as it is, and that the photo was uploaded on 10/20/16 personally It could be they are awaiting til some of the media storm is over. Right now its a little private spot and looks like he is remembered. It being on find a grave I don't have a problem with, as I love genealogy, and go to the site from time to time. Just thought the comment that was posted and the one quoted were disrespectful to Cooper and his family. jmho
True. None of the defense witnesses said anything but beautiful things about scott Peterson either. Sext partner to Ross: "do you have a conscience?" Answer from Ross: "No."

Maybe that's code for cheating spouses, ( since iirc, that's who he was sexting with), meaning, hey babe.. you're good to get down, right?

Seriously, the logic escapes me of disbelieving everything Ross says except for what he texts perfect strangers, online, in a search for sexual gratification.
When my kids' father died, it took over a year for the headstone to be crafted and installed.
I'm trying to catch up.

I just want to say that I wish Leanna every happiness for her future. I hope she meets someone who will cherish her and put her first. She deserves to be happy.

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Anybody here old enough to remember what life was like prior to seat belts were the law? I am, as a child remember my parents talking about a really, really bad accident and after that my Mom made sure we all wore our seat belts. That's the way it always is, you never (or almost never) believe it can happen to you. IMO that's why a lot of parents don't take any of the hot car safety precautions. They think "oh I would never forget."
Ex-Wife of 'Hot Car Dad' Justin Harris Tears Him Apart in Court: 'He Destroyed My Life'

by Inside Edition3:44 PM EDT, November 1, 2016

The wife of the man accused of intentionally leaving his baby son to die*in a hot car*has vented her anger at her ex-husband during the trial.

Leanna Taylor got emotional as she told the Atlanta jury: “He ruined my life. He destroyed my life. I'm humiliated. I may never trust anybody again the way I did. If I never see him again after this day that's fine."

As she spoke, her ex, Justin Ross Harris, sat with his eyes closed and his head lowered.

At one point, she appeared to be hyperventilating and the prosecutor asked for a recess...
Could be anything from Def. having no further witnesses available to bad weather heading their way?? Why not give the jury some extra time off to unwind??

Oh didn't know they had bad weather approaching, thanks. *haven't been keeping up on that. There was a side bar earlier so that is what I was curious as if had anything to do with. As far as giving jury some extra time off to unwind? I doubt that it only Tuesday and they are trying to get the trial over. I thinking it is witness availability.
I have watched every second of this trial w an open mind. I watched the videos to see if RH used a heavy hand w CH. To look for selfish indicators of any hint of a non-loving parents actions. He never rushed CH in allowing CH to grow his little curious brain. RH wasn't trying to push his little buddy off to his convenient neighbor to babysit more than approx 4 times. CH seemed to have plenty of toys. I have heard not one word of testimony that RH didn't love his little buddy. I have seen nor heard anything that indicated CH was just a prop.

You're correct. There's been no evidence presented of Ross being anything other than an attentive, proud and loving father.
Considering the high profile case as it is, and that the photo was uploaded on 10/20/16 personally It could be they are awaiting til some of the media storm is over. Right now its a little private spot and looks like he is remembered. It being on find a grave I don't have a problem with, as I love genealogy, and go to the site from time to time. Just thought the comment that was posted and the one quoted were disrespectful to Cooper and his family. jmho

A thought had crossed my mind, and I could be WAY off here...they might be waiting until after the trial to put one up. If Ross is convicted, they might not want mention of him on there.

And it doesn't really matter one way or the other. They know where he rests. He's remembered. That's what matters.
But the prosecution couldn't find even one person to testify that Ross was a bad father, or resented his son, or had a temper or a cruel or sadistic side, or missed being childfree. Not one person. He wasn't very good at covering up his other life as a sex addict and the prosecution have put forward plenty of evidence to show that he was sexting minors, but he covered up his murderous side so well that the prosecution couldn't find even one person to say they thought he was capable of murder? Not one person. Not even an ex-hookup to say that he once joked about commiting murder, or anything like that. Nothing.
I wasn't meaning to insinuate they are lying. However, just because that's what he presented publicly and it's the truth they believe, does not mean that's the truth of who he was.

None of these witnesses really knew Ross, IMO.

We'l I think it's taking an awful lot of license to say none of these witnesses really knew Ross

They didn't know he was cheating on his wife, but that doesn't mean they didn't know what kind of father he was to Cooper. There's no evidence to suggest that Ross was a negligent, indifferent or deficient father. All of the testimony about that is consistent among every witness.
I do find it striking that they have all these witnesses defending RH... Even after the info about the minors and prostitutes and everything came out, no one who knew him has come forward to say anything bad about his relationship with Cooper, or anything that shows him to be a cruel or violent man. I find that very unusual in a murder trial. There are so many people who have such good reason to hate RH and want him to suffer, but they are all defending him against the malice murder charge.

I think they can only testify to what their belief was back then about Ross back then. Ross was like a split personality..lived 2 separate lives..depending on which "MODE" he was in..He was quite capable to completely divorcing both lives. IS it possible that Justin Ross Harris has multiple personalities? Actually it's unusual for the 2 separate personalities to know what the alter-ego personality does, thinks tho???

DID RH ever get psychological TESTING done?? or is Defence only going to throw suggestive possibilities with Diamond's theories to see if the spaghetti will stick to the wall. IF they didn't do indepth psychological testing..then any expert testifying could conceivably be considered a "BOUGHT and PAID FOR Testimony"!!

I'm mulling over the possibility of dual personality and unfortunately his "Darker Side" seemed to have taken over active lifestyle for last 2 weeks prior to Baking his son in his car!! How the H3ll's B3ll's could he expect to function at work with just a few hours sleep at night?

His boss said today, that as an Intern he was great..But once a full fledged employee..he digressed exponentially to the point he was NOT doing his working tasks, not sleeping, preoccupied with Sexting etcetera>>> But Ross is still responsible for baking his child, putting his buddy at risk unless Defence can prove he was actually unable to control his "Alter Ego"!!
Right? To me it felt akin to spitting on his humble grave site. Which I thought was lovely in its simplicity myself. Perhaps a huge fancy stone wold be more pleasing to the Gladys Kravitz's of the world, but I like to think Cooper would've rather liked it. It was simple, well tended and lovely. imo.

Cooper would have rather liked not being left by his father to slowly boil to death in that car. I'm sorry but I just can't with the notion of a child that young hypothetically liking any sort of grave.
Thank you. I'm going to edit my list later and remove anything that's questionable. Or edit it. Based on what you've said so far, perhaps going into the restaurant wasn't something that proves anythifng. And the manager's statments aren't that relevant. Ok. I can eliminate that. I will edit the part about buying workers CFA but not erase it because even if it wasn't often, he did it, but coincidentally not on that day.
IIRC, testimony was that RH only purchased breakfast one time. RH had called daycare to say he was stopping by CFA and the daycare worker (s) asked RH to pick them something up. I don't recall any testimony of any delivered CFA breakfast other than this one time.

As to the NEVER text, I know what it referred to. That's 100% unimportant to me. The day before Cooper was left in the car, only hours before really, his father was reminded to not forget him
in another situation. And he replied NEVER. And then coincidentally forgot his son the next day. Not at school but in the car. Still a huge, glaring big deal to me.
IIRC, testimony was that RH only purchased breakfast one time. RH had called daycare to say he was stopping by CFA and the daycare worker (s) asked RH to pick them something up. I don't recall any testimony of any delivered CFA breakfast other than this one time.
Maybe that's code for cheating spouses, ( since iirc, that's who he was sexting with), meaning, hey babe.. you're good to get down, right?

Seriously, the logic escapes me of disbelieving everything Ross says except for what he texts perfect stangers, online, in a search for sexual gratification.

I don't think Ross told ANYONE the truth about who he was. However, I think the strangers who were part of his separate life, did get parts of his true self. He didn't have to hide certain parts, so he was open about it. That doesn't mean they knew him, it just means he was transparent at times. I think he lied completely about who he was to his family. JMO.
Mimi, did you happen to catch a time for when Ross was supposed to meet in the AM to account for his past due work?
We'l I think it's taking an awful lot of license to say none of these witnesses really knew Ross

They didn't know he was cheating on his wife, but that doesn't mean they didn't know what kind of father he was to Cooper. There's no evidence to suggest that Ross was a negligent, indifferent or deficient father. All of the testimony about that is consistent among every witness.

I would have to say there is one huge piece of evidence and his name was Cooper. We deal with plenty of cases when everything seems totally normal and loving until it isn't.
IIRC, testimony was that RH only purchased breakfast one time. RH had called daycare to say he was stopping by CFA and the daycare worker (s) asked RH to pick them something up. I don't recall any testimony of any delivered CFA breakfast other than this one time.

I think another teacher said he had, upon occasion, but it was an entirely infrequent thing, and Kilgore on cross cleared up not just the infrequent, but the fact Ross was the one to make the offer.

Ross had only a few hours sleep, couldn't catch up on the project he was late on, though he spent most of the evening on it, and knew he faced unhappy colleagues when he arrived to work.

His whole morning sounds like delaying to avoid the inevitable at work. Why in the heck would he be thinking about CFA for daycare workers?
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