Trial Thread 4/13/2012

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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well all today showed was what a disgusting and desperate individual MR was... with the overlapping of these girls I wonder how he managed to keep it all in order and how did he even manage to fit TLM into this...

Rafferty didn't just simply "manage" ---->he manipulated
Well it did show that.... but I think it also showed that MR was not likely to be manipulated by TLM. It tends to show that MR was probably in the controlling position. Very interesting, in my opinion. MR was pretty skilled in picking up women and telling them stories.


It also showed how obsessed he was with Tori. JMO
The average age of a killer who abducts a child is 27.8 years old. Two-thirds of these types of killers are younger than 30. In 70 percent of child abduction murders, the killer is a white male. (Men account for 98.5 percent of child abduction murders.) Four out of five killers in this study were either divorced or had never married; yet, three-quarters of them were living with someone (usually their parents) at the time they committed the crime. Half were unemployed at the time they committed the crime; and the other half held primarily unskilled and semi-skilled positions, with the most common occupation of convicted child abduction murderers being construction workers (26.4 percent), followed respectively by food industry workers, service industry employees, students, truck drivers, and automobile mechanics.

Thirty percent of these individuals were considered to be “strange” by those who knew them, and a significant number were alcohol or drug abusers, reclusive, overly friendly toward children, and sexually promiscuous. Among all murders, 3 percent of killers have a sexual problem, but in child abduction murders, 30.4 percent do. Prior crimes against children, such as sexual assault, rape, attempted (or actual) murder, kidnapping, and assault, were identified in 46.6 percent of the cases evaluated here. The modus operandi of their previous crimes against children were, more often than not, similar to the MO they used during the abduction, assault, and murder of the victim in the study. For example, if a child abductor lured victims to his vehicle by asking them to hold a white cat and that method worked well for him, he was likely to use the same technique the next time. More than two-thirds of child abduction slayings involve sex as the impetus to kill, as is also the case with classic serial killers. In contrast, only 7 percent of murder victims nationwide are sexually assaulted by their killer.

Of girls in the 10-12 age bracket—preadolescent like Carmen, Wanda, and Michelle—41.6 percent were abducted and killed by a complete stranger; 32.7 percent were killed by a family friend or acquaintance; and 11.9 percent were killed by a male family member. Other than age and sex, the appearance of the victim (hair color, weight, etc.) was important to only 9.7 percent. The killer’s primary reason for choosing whom he chose to abduct and kill was overwhelmingly “opportunity.” More than 40 percent of the children snatched from their families each year were simply easy targets—nothing more to the killer than “victims of opportunity.” Half of the killers initiated contact using deceptive measures (i.e. “Can you help me find my lost puppy?”) or through routine activity (they happened to live or work in the immediate area at the time the child appeared unsupervised). The distance between the last place the victim was seen and where she encountered her abductor was less than 200 feet in 64.2 percent of the cases, but the distance between the “last seen” location and where her body was found was more than a quarter mile in 67.3 percent of the abduction-slayings and from 1.5 to 12 plus miles in 53.9 percent of the cases—such as the Double Initial murders.

Nearly half of the victims (the vast majority) are immediately controlled by “Direct Physical Assault.” One-quarter of the victims are found bound. Whether it’s to control an uncooperative, hysterical child or to “fulfill [the killer’s] sexual fantasies.” That’s six to twelve times more often than other types of killers use binding. The leading cause of death in the 800 cases reviewed was either manual or ligature strangulation (in one-third of the cases), followed by blunt force trauma, stabbing, asphyxia by unknown means, shooting, and drowning, in that order. Whereas killers generally dispose of homicide victims in suburban areas more than half the time, child abduction killers prefer to dispose of bodies in rural areas 52.6 percent of the time. Child abduction killers attempted to carefully conceal the victim’s body in 55.4 percent of the cases studied; while 36.4 percent of the killers were not concerned with whether the body was hidden from view or not. A good 36 percent of killers deliberately left the body in another jurisdiction (or county) from where the child was abducted, perhaps to hinder the investigation by creating a scenario in which coordination of services between counties would be required.

Nearly one-fourth of the killers returned to, or drove past, the spot where they left the body—and 83.3 percent of those continued to do so until the body was discovered. Sixteen percent confessed to someone about their involvement in the crime, and another sixteen percent left town right after the murder. Of particular interest is the fact that one in ten killers played the role of a Good Samaritan by “interjecting” themselves into the murder investigation under the guise of wanting to offer assistance. The people most often attributed with finding the children’s bodies are passersby (55.3 percent of the time), as in Carmen’s and Michelle’s case; police, like in Wanda’s case (25.4 percent of the time); a member of the search party (5.9 percent of all cases), relative or acquaintance of victim (4.4 percent of victims), the killer (2.8 percent of cases), a member of the fire department or aid crew, also as in Michelle’s case (2.2 percent of the time) or a witness to the death (1.7 percent of all cases studied).

Three out of every 100 child abductors pretend to discover the body of the child they killed. Ten percent had the gall to contact the victim’s family, and ten percent contacted the police or the media. Another interesting point the study found is that the name of the killer is “likely to be in the investigative file within the first week” of the murder investigation—often during the neighborhood canvassing stage—and that half the time, police had contact with the killer well before they first suspected him of being involved. One of the more sobering statistics was the fact that in 34.7 percent of these child abduction murders, the police still had no primary suspect a month later. In a quarter of the cases, police found evidence “deliberately discarded” by the killer. It was found along a road within a mile of the body recovery site in 56.5 percent of the cases (like Carmen’s and Michelle’s coats).

This study was written by Americans few years ago. Bang on.
I truly don't equate any one manipulation over one or the other. They were the perfect storm. They had their agenda's and fulfilled them. Nothing less. Sick. Both sick.
I want to know what was on his computer or computers. He was no doubt doing online searches like crazy about Tori. Did he save images of her? Did he have access to his gazillion girlfriends' computers too? Did he have child *advertiser censored* anywhere? Did he post comments on youtube and facebook and anywhere under aliases? I, like Kamille, am wondering why there is no chapter about his computer searches and files. He's gotta have tons on stuff on there too. JMO
In a quarter of the cases, police found evidence “deliberately discarded” by the killer. It was found along a road within a mile of the body recovery site in 56.5 percent of the cases (like Carmen’s and Michelle’s coats).

I wonder if LE are still looking for that car seat? JMO
I want to know what was on his computer or computers. He was no doubt doing online searches like crazy about Tori. Did he save images of her? Did he have access to his gazillion girlfriends' computers too? Did he have child *advertiser censored* anywhere? Did he post comments on youtube and facebook and anywhere under aliases? I, like Kamille, am wondering why there is no chapter about his computer searches and files. He's gotta have tons on stuff on there too. JMO

parallel investigations?:moo:

Why do you think the jury was left with this thought? It sure isn't how I see it. Defense is supposed to attempt to discredit the DNA - but to my mind there is no way they discredited the fact that Tori's blood was found mixed with sperm cells.

Why do you say there is no evidence? Just interested.


I didn't say there was no evidence. I was responding to a post about the Crown choosing not to redirect the witness.

I was referring to how Derstine's final questions led to the expert saying she had no proof that MR had sex with VS, or that MR and VS were in the car at the same time together.

Those were the final words heard on the topic by the jury.

As per......... ‏ @AM980_Court
"You can't tell us if Michael Rafferty had sex with Tori Stafford," Derstine says. McLean says she only tested for detection of fluids

RaffertyLFP: Derstine wraps up cross examination of McLean ‏ @AM980_Court
McLean also agrees that DNA evidence doesn't prove Tori and Rafferty were in the car together at the same time. No more questions.

IIRC.......The pathologist said basically the same thing, that he could not prove a sexual assault had occurred, due to contamination.

My point was that Derstine has been very effective at getting the last word in to the jury and forcing Crown experts state they have no scientific proof (for whatever legitimate reason) to support the charges.

It certainly doesn't help the Crown case.....or Derstine wouldn't be doing it.

That is not to say there was never any evidence, and it was either destroyed or contaminated................but it isn't evidence for jury consideration to say that something isn't there but "might" have been before.

What happens to VS is a horrible horrific nightmare for both her and those who loved her ...

Do I believe that he is Innocent of kidnapping, raping and killing VS… I don’t know I haven’t heard his side of the story yet.

I can tell you that I am not going to convict him because of what TLM has said … or because he dated a lot of women or that he lied about what he did for a living.

Do I believe he should be in prison? Yes … somehow and in some way a little girl was killed and buried under rocks and he knew about it …

My issue is that TLM, like so many other young people who lived the life she has are being lost to us because our system has failed us. For at least 5 years they knew she needed help yet they still let her out before she got it. WASNT she picked up on a probation violation for missing her therepist appointment ... Did she miss it before or after VS died?
IMO, I think crown is showing jury how adept he is at changing storylines to fit every different person he is with. As good a liar as TLM'S :moo:

I think we need to make a list of MR's and TLM's lies. I am sure we will all find MR is the habitual liar. Darn, still looking for MSM reports to see where TLM has lied.:waitasec: Of course we all know now she lied about who stomped and kick and bludgeoned Tori. That's a start for her list of lies. I will probably be up all night now working on MR's list. That's if I start now. :moo:

TLM's known lies

-blamed MR for stomping and kicking Tori
-blamed MR for bludgeoning Tori

MR's known lies

-OMGosh where do I start? Help anyone?:what:
I think we need to make a list of MR's and TLM's lies. I am sure we will all find MR is the habitual liar. Darn, still looking for MSM reports to see where TLM has lied.:waitasec: Of course we all know now she lied about who stomped and kick and bludgeoned Tori. That's a start for her list of lies. I will probably be up all night now working on MR's list. That's if I start now. :moo:

TLM's known lies

-blamed MR for stomping and kicking Tori
-blamed MR for bludgeoning Tori

MR's known lies

-OMGosh where do I start? Help anyone?:what:
:back: waaaaaaaaay back
I want to know what was on his computer or computers. He was no doubt doing online searches like crazy about Tori. Did he save images of her? Did he have access to his gazillion girlfriends' computers too? Did he have child *advertiser censored* anywhere? Did he post comments on youtube and facebook and anywhere under aliases? I, like Kamille, am wondering why there is no chapter about his computer searches and files. He's gotta have tons on stuff on there too. JMO

Some people use their blackberries like a laptop or computer, I do from time to time. I am therefore wondering if this will be addressed in Chapter 11 The Blackberry. Moo
I wonder if he did search the train tracks?

Pfft if he did search it was only to take any suspicion off himself. I highly doubt he did any searches being as he already knew Tori's little beaten and mutilated body lied under boulders in a secluded laneway, put there by him. The juror must feel a huge amount of relief today with the past two days testimonies. More evidence to show what a horrible, evil and sick person MR really is. I have huge faith these jurors will do the right thing and there will be justice for Tori in the court of law. :moo:
I think we need to make a list of MR's and TLM's lies. I am sure we will all find MR is the habitual liar. Darn, still looking for MSM reports to see where TLM has lied.:waitasec: Of course we all know now she lied about who stomped and kick and bludgeoned Tori. That's a start for her list of lies. I will probably be up all night now working on MR's list. That's if I start now. :moo:

TLM's known lies

-blamed MR for stomping and kicking Tori
-blamed MR for bludgeoning Tori

MR's known lies

-OMGosh where do I start? Help anyone?:what:

:coffeews: Chapter 1....
Pfft if he did search it was only to take any suspicion off himself. I highly doubt he did any searches being as he already knew Tori's little beaten and mutilated body lied under boulders in a secluded laneway, put there by him. The juror must feel a huge amount of relief today with the past two days testimonies. More evidence to show what a horrible, evil and sick person MR really is. I have huge faith these jurors will do the right thing and there will be justice for Tori in the court of law. :moo:

should we add that to his list of jobs? :hero:
I am surprised we didn't hear much about the "infamous" pea coat, that TLM testified covered VS on the back seat for several hours.

Despite there being 40 places of interest to forensic scientists, the presence of saliva, 2 blond hairs, and DNA from other unknown people..............they didn't find a single sample of DNA from VS?

If MR cleaned the coat............all that other evidence wouldn't be there.

If MR didn't clean the coat.........VS DNA should be there (if TLM told the truth)

If TLM lied about it..........would it question the random abduction story?

Maybe I just missed something...................???

I'm thinking one of those homes may have been Amanda. Even though he told LE she lived on some street starting with a "B" on the way out of town, I believe she testified that she lived close to where Victoria used to live near the school. And didn't one of those pictures from earlier show a townhouse unit that was near the school?

And Amanda has a daughter who was 13yrs old at the time. :(


I thought Amanda's daughter is 13 now; would have been 10 when Tori was abducted? Kinda makes sense she was younger and her and Tori were friends. Is Amanda's house not one of those houses TLM claims MR pulled up in front of and told her he knew the layout of the interior? :eek: Makes sense now knowing Amanda live right near TM. MR also knew Amanda had a children; a little girl. Oh how I would love to get my meat hooks into .... :maddening: :moo:
..siestaloa I CERTAINLY hope so...IMO I do believe there is tons on MR. Blackberry as it stands a chapter hold on everyone STAY TUNED ...Crown is doing a great Job ...IMO of presenting ...I also agree did not like how the jury was left with that comment from defense concerning evidence on OPEN ( IMO & STATED) back door of honda civic....appreciate how that was picked up on here ...thanks to all ..robynhood ...again agree real hard day to READ ....we all KNew it would be nasty but extremely hard to face ...imagine how Rodney / TARA and the rest of Tori's family feel ....Horror to IMAGINE that beautiful child endured all of this HEART Breaking ....robynhood ....very sad this whole case ...OMG ...!
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