Trial Thread 4/5/2012

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Lets face it ... music does inflluence your frame of mind, your emotions. Listening to a love song may make you cry if you are already sad ... so why wouldn't evil murderous music contribute to a angry vindictive violant persons frame of mind.

~ It can, but remember for 'normal' people to listen to violent music, they are not going to freak out and murder anyone just becuz they listened to a few tunes of this type of music. I believe someone has to be pretty crazy to begin with and to take music literally like that. I hated the entire gangsta era and am so thankful, it's finally going out of style. Like really? TLM has severe mental problems.
Derstine says there is no dispute that this Civic belonged to Rafferty

Showing Rafferty's VIN number. Carnegie says Derstine has agreed there's no issue in the case pertaining to who owns the car

RaffertyLFP: Now seeing the interior of the car; there is a computer and a Blackberry on the seat; interior painted white

RaffertyLFP: They were winter tires on the car, black rims, Altimax Artic brand
JMO but I don't think anyone in Canada buys the no criminal record, no history of violence thing anymore thanks to R Williams.

~ Good point MF, I'd like to know more about that! Perhaps if murder is involved it changes everything.
Showing the car's interior. Messy. It has a white paint coating.

RaffertyLFP: Now seeing the back seat of the Civic, also painted white; a GoodLife gym bag sits on the seat
Date of receipt was mentioned: April 11, 2009. The poster? MR told the LE he kinda (my words) heard about "the missing girl", but there was a poster found in the house. Just goes to show he probably lied...AGAIN. I would like to know if the caps were sent away for forensic analysis to see if they are the same material content and from the same manufacturer as the water bottle from his bedroom? Again this will show he was at the scene and used the water bottles to clean up with. HTH and :moo:

He may not have lied IF the poster was brought into the home by his mom or someone else other than him, and wasn't it found in a drawer somewhere as opposed to on display somewhere in the home? :moo: At the same time even if he brought the poster in the home, he may not have lied - he could have just taken it in to be polite if someone canvassed the home, or while in the community somewhere. How many times do I get handed flyers and crap while I'm out in the community and I just take them home and forget about them on the table til I recycle them? Half the time I don't even bother to look at it! Just out of spite if the mailman brings me flyers and crap, I refuse to look at them! I just toss them directly to the recycling bin! :moo:

Also just because his water bottles might have been the same as those lids found at the scene doesn't prove anything in my view! Thousands of people drink bottled beverages. Even with his prints on the ones at the scene, its circumstantial at best as TLM could have grabbed those out of his car and left them at the scene. Alternatively, even if he was there at the scene as his lawyer suggests, they wouldn't prove that he raped or murdered poor little Tori at least not without some sort of forensic proof. I'm keeping an open mind and thinking maybe there is more and better evidence to link him to everything he is accused of coming and we just haven't gotten to it yet. At the very least, I'm not impressed that his own lawyer says he was there and helped clean up the remains! MOO.
~ It can, but remember for 'normal' people to listen to violent music, they are not going to freak out and murder anyone just becuz they listened to a few tunes of this type of music. I believe someone has to be pretty crazy to begin with and to take music literally like that. I hated the entire gangsta era and am so thankful, it's finally going out of style. Like really? TLM has severe mental problems.

omgosh me too...hated those contorted hand things they do and ugly faces they make and baggy *advertiser censored* pants...just all so rediculous to me.:twocents: And the dang hoodies! On to the next fad please:please: IMO
Showing the back seat. White paint on the doors. Items all over the seat, including a good life gym bag.

what does 'Mychol (sic)' mean
Mike Knoll: @Rupert - that's how it's spelt on the receipt. sic means 'spelling is correct' - editor's notation to observer that this is not a typo.

Now seeing photos of #Rafferty's car. It was badly painted outside and inside. Lots of garbage in backseat of car, incl GoodLife gym bag
It's quite possible that all the jurors have never heard of R Williams. JMO

not just Williams...lots of the worst of the worst such as Bundy you would hear how they were charmers, off the police radar, the guy next door type....slick masterminds as opposed to the street wise bumbling gangster.:twocents:
Police were searching for hair, bodily fluids.

RaffertyLFP: Now seeing photo shot through the driver's door; dash and inside of doors painted white, steering wheel, seats and console are not
Scoyne telling the jury how the trunk is popped in the Civic. Rafferty popped the trunk for McClintic at the Home Depot in Guelph, she said.

RaffertyLFP: Seeing photos of the trunck mechanism, the ignition key (no key FOB), the rear exterior of the car. Same key for engine and trunk.

On the passenger seat, police found a laptop and a BlackBerry
Personally I believe that MR should be locked up for live for just allowing Tori lay under a pile of rocks for months all alone while her family suffered. Too me that is torture ... worse then water boarding ... BUT if he did not conspire with TLM to kidnap, rape and murder a little girl then her family needs to know, Canadians need to know. The boogy man is not an ugly evil mystical looking creature but a young girl who lives around the corner ...
Derstine says there is no dispute that this Civic belonged to Rafferty

Showing Rafferty's VIN number. Carnegie says Derstine has agreed there's no issue in the case pertaining to who owns the car

RaffertyLFP: Now seeing the interior of the car; there is a computer and a Blackberry on the seat; interior painted white

RaffertyLFP: They were winter tires on the car, black rims, Altimax Artic brand

that is not what i am saying. If someone brought something to CM ie and old sofa or desk of theirs and CM determined she could get X dollars for it at the pawn shop...did she give them that amount or less in drugs.:twocents:

I see what you are saying, and CM could certainly have taken items in exchange for drugs and pawned them for cash.

I am just saying that pawn shops wont accept things they can's sell in the future (if the loan isn't repaid) and that would include old furniture.

Of what value is old furniture of the type CM had?
RaffertyLFP: Things Scoyne was searching for include hair fibres, bodily fluid, every single item in car considered of interest.

The clothes #Rafferty wears to court each day are supplied to him. I'm not sure from whom/where. I've only seen him w 3-4 suits
Yup Tahorn, such a reminder, evil lives anywhere? Yikes. Sooooo scary, just be aware of your surroundings at all times.
I agree with all my being MR should rot in prison for life, this just isn't right!!!!
am thinkin...did Williams, Bernardo or Wills listen to that music too? Now if defense could proove THAT and TLM listened to it...then they might be onto something. IMO

FYI... quite well documented that Bernardo listened to Rap music...and also wrote Rap. Thought that he would be the next Vanilla Ice
I think the 'music made him/her do it' defense is weak. I'm pretty sure Judas Priest was sued in the 1980s, accused of having lyrics that contributed to someone's suicide. I'm sure there have been others. I haven't come across anything that proves these theories to be correct. It's a weak defense, and if I was MR, I'd be worried if that was all my lawyer had.
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