Troubled country singer Mindy McCready, RIP

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Now Zander is officially a missing child. I hope he will be brought back without incident. No matter what is going on, Mindy went about this the wrong way. I cannot give her any kind of support based on her past and I do not believe Zander should be in her custody.
Mindy McCready’s ex Billy McKnight speaks out on singer taking couple’s son: ‘I don’t like what she’s done’

Ex says he relinquished some of his visitation days because the singer begged for extra time

The dad of Mindy McCready’s missing 5-year-old son claims the pregnant country singer pulled a switcheroo before fleeing Florida with their child – but he still doesn’t want to see her in jail.

Billy McKnight, the ex-boyfriend charged with her attempted murder after a 2005 assault, told the Daily News Thursday that he relinquished some of his Thanksgiving-week visitation days to McCready because she begged for extra time with the boy ahead of a long separation.

“She called me and said ‘Listen I’m going back to Nashville because I’m pregnant with these twins, and I won’t see (our son) Zander for a while, so can I please have another weekend?’” McKnight said in an exclusive interview with The News.

“I gave up my weekend to be cool, and it backfired on me,” he said.

He disputed McCready’s claim to the Associated Press that she believed a Florida judge was transferring Zander’s custody case to Tennessee and that it wouldn't be a problem if she brought him there.

McKnight, who now lives in Apollo, Fla., said the court allows him four unsupervised, overnight visits with Zander each week, and that he expects to regain his full custody rights in January.

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Well, this is going to be one confused, frightened little boy for no good reason!! This family is a mess-now the abusive ex and father of Zander (at least in the past) seems more level headed than Mindy and (according to him)will have his custody rights soon!! I wonder if that had something to do with Mindy's thoughts of running to Tenn.:banghead:
Mindy McCready’s ex Billy McKnight speaks out on singer taking couple’s son: ‘I don’t like what she’s done’

Ex says he relinquished some of his visitation days because the singer begged for extra time

The dad of Mindy McCready’s missing 5-year-old son claims the pregnant country singer pulled a switcheroo before fleeing Florida with their child – but he still doesn’t want to see her in jail.

Billy McKnight, the ex-boyfriend charged with her attempted murder after a 2005 assault, told the Daily News Thursday that he relinquished some of his Thanksgiving-week visitation days to McCready because she begged for extra time with the boy ahead of a long separation.

“She called me and said ‘Listen I’m going back to Nashville because I’m pregnant with these twins, and I won’t see (our son) Zander for a while, so can I please have another weekend?’” McKnight said in an exclusive interview with The News.

“I gave up my weekend to be cool, and it backfired on me,” he said.

He disputed McCready’s claim to the Associated Press that she believed a Florida judge was transferring Zander’s custody case to Tennessee and that it wouldn't be a problem if she brought him there.

McKnight, who now lives in Apollo, Fla., said the court allows him four unsupervised, overnight visits with Zander each week, and that he expects to regain his full custody rights in January.

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Well, this is going to be one confused, frightened little boy for no good reason!! This family is a mess-now the abusive ex and father of Zander (at least in the past) seems more level headed than Mindy and (according to him)will have his custody rights soon!! I wonder if that had something to do with Mindy's thoughts of running to Tenn.:banghead:

Not only do you have Mindy taking off with Zander, but now to know that Zander's father outright defied a court order and allowed Zander to be with Mindy unsupervised? What is wrong with him? There is a reason why she is not allowed to be with Zander unsupervised. It's his fault just as much as it is hers. He will be lucky if he is able to continue having Zander overnight now. :banghead: Poor little guy!
Not only do you have Mindy taking off with Zander, but now to know that Zander's father outright defied a court order and allowed Zander to be with Mindy unsupervised? What is wrong with him? There is a reason why she is not allowed to be with Zander unsupervised. It's his fault just as much as it is hers. He will be lucky if he is able to continue having Zander overnight now. :banghead: Poor little guy!
Respectfully disagreeing on the "just as much his fault as hers." Plenty to be disgusted with him over, no doubt, but Mindy McCready drove to Florida, took the child, drove back to Nashville, announced that she was pregnant and thus couldn't return the child, and is now in violation of the court's order and subject to arrest for, in effect, kidnapping the child. No good will left for her in my book - in effect taunting authorities with the "no, sorry, can't bring the child back, out of the question" interlude, plus displaying an addict's sense of blaming everyone else for her problems except herself. She's had multiple chances to clean up her act, and this is where it's led - to a game of keep-away involving a small child. Disgusting.
Not only do you have Mindy taking off with Zander, but now to know that Zander's father outright defied a court order and allowed Zander to be with Mindy unsupervised? What is wrong with him? There is a reason why she is not allowed to be with Zander unsupervised. It's his fault just as much as it is hers. He will be lucky if he is able to continue having Zander overnight now. :banghead: Poor little guy!

Good point!! I think father, mother and grandfather have all screwed themselves as far as custody and perhaps unsupervised visitation. I wonder how the grandmother who has custody feels about all this?:waitasec: I'm sure she trusted her ex-husband to comply with the court order regarding Mindy!
When was someone going to fess up Zander was gone? It was the school that alerted DCF!! Who can be trusted??:banghead:
The five-year-old was in the care of his grandfather when the country singer took him from his North Fort Myers home on November 22.

Tropic Isles Elementary School officials tipped off the Department of Children and Families after they became concerned Zander wasn't showing up for school.
Respectfully disagreeing on the "just as much his fault as hers." Plenty to be disgusted with him over, no doubt, but Mindy McCready drove to Florida, took the child, drove back to Nashville, announced that she was pregnant and thus couldn't return the child, and is now in violation of the court's order and subject to arrest for, in effect, kidnapping the child. No good will left for her in my book - in effect taunting authorities with the "no, sorry, can't bring the child back, out of the question" interlude, plus displaying an addict's sense of blaming everyone else for her problems except herself. She's had multiple chances to clean up her act, and this is where it's led - to a game of keep-away involving a small child. Disgusting.

But if Zander's father and grandfather had not defied the court order, would Zander be missing right now? Would Mindy have had an opportunity to kidnap Zander without help from them? Had they respected the courts order that Mindy have no unsupervised contact with Zander, I do not think we would be here reading about this missing child. From Zander's fathers own words, he allowed Mindy to take him unsupervised. A direct violation of the courts order. Yes, he shares blame. There is/was a reason why she was not allowed to have unsupervised visits with him. She's obviously not stable and hasn't been for a very long time. Now she has taken this poor child across State lines and is hiding him. Keeping him out of school (another illegal act) and any kind of routine he has had.

Yes, Mindy is mostly to blame. Maybe saying he is just as much at fault wasn't the right choice of words, but Zander's father does share some of that blame. He has probably ruined any chance he had of getting his parental rights back by allowing Zander to be with Mindy unsupervised.
Maybe if he hadn't smashed her head against the wall and choked her til her eyes almost popped out of her head her brain would not be this damaged. I can't believe someone who tried to kill his child's mother gets to see his child AT ALL!

What she did is wrong, no doubt about it. But how he has the gall to speak to the media at all about what Mindy has done I'll never know.

I think EVERYBODY in this child's life needs to be evaluated.



trying to find a picture of her after McKnight almost killed her in 2005
Maybe if he hadn't smashed her head against the wall and choked her til her eyes almost popped out of her head her brain would not be this damaged. I can't believe someone who tried to kill his child's mother gets to see his child AT ALL!

What she did is wrong, no doubt about it. But how he has the gall to speak to the media at all about what Mindy has done I'll never know.

I think EVERYBODY in this child's life needs to be evaluated.


What a mess.

Yes indeed. She got pregnant *after* he tried to kill her.

She's now pregnant with his child, has tried twice to commit suicide, was last on this program in May when she then talked about her boyfriend's attempted homicide charge and her own run-ins with the law.

First on the boyfriend, you're back with him or not? Where is -- what's the situation?

MINDY MCCREADY, TRIED SUICIDE TWICE: Well, we are still not allowed to see each other legally. Obviously, we have as I am pregnant, but we're not allowed.

KING: Because?

MCCREADY: Because there's a restraining order that was ordered by the State of Tennessee for him to stay away from me, so he's not allowed in Tennessee and I'm not actually allowed out of Tennessee right now.

KING: You can't -- couldn't you release the restraining order since you had it issued?

MCCREADY: I didn't have it issued, actually. The State of Tennessee did. So, I cannot have it -- I can't do anything about it.
I had not seen this yet. Is it new info? 30 DAYS?

Okay, I saw a couple things that struck me:

1) A caseworker reported no problems during a visit last week, but that was not the case Tuesday, McLaughlin said.

2) McCready's publicist issued a statement saying McCready "has not been charged with illegal wrongdoing . . . Ms. McCready's number one priority has always been, and continues to be, the safety of her son," publicist Kat Atwood said in the statement. "The 5-year-old boy has been with his mother for more than 30 days; law enforcement officials spoke with the child and saw Zander via Skype yesterday."

McCready has asked a court to have her son returned to her out of concern over his safety, Atwood said.

3) How whack-a-doo is FL Children & Family Services? We know that answer!!!

Wonder if she has cause . . . I understand she is breaking the law, but what if ?
His Dad was getting custody back in January apparently.
Would you want him to have custody of YOUR little boy?

Mindy has been very vocal and desperate about her concern over him getting this little boy.
Knowing that he is about to get custody of him, this makes even more sense to me now. :twocents:

Okay, I saw a couple things that struck me:

1) A caseworker reported no problems during a visit last week, but that was not the case Tuesday, McLaughlin said.

2) McCready's publicist issued a statement saying McCready "has not been charged with illegal wrongdoing . . . Ms. McCready's number one priority has always been, and continues to be, the safety of her son," publicist Kat Atwood said in the statement. "The 5-year-old boy has been with his mother for more than 30 days; law enforcement officials spoke with the child and saw Zander via Skype yesterday."

McCready has asked a court to have her son returned to her out of concern over his safety, Atwood said.

3) How whack-a-doo is FL Children & Family Services? We know that answer!!!

Wonder if she has cause . . . I understand she is breaking the law, but what if ?
"I'm doing all this to protect Zander, not stay out of trouble," McCready wrote in an email to The Associated Press on Thursday.

"I don't think I should be in trouble for protecting my son in the first place."

McCready provided a series of emails to the AP with Lee County Judge James Seals' ruling to return the boy and correspondence with her attorney.

Seals wrote to McCready's lawyer that once the boy is back in Florida "we'll pick up the pieces."

"Mom has violated the court's custody order and we are simply restoring the child back into our custody," the judge wrote.
"Nothing more. Nothing less. The court makes no judgment about whether Mom will or will not competently care for the child while in her custody.
It only wants the child back where the court placed him."
Well, right or wrong, I definitely sympathize with Mindy. If it were my baby, and I had reason to believe he was not being cared for properly (whether it be abuse, neglect or anything in between), AND the man that nearly killed me was about to get custody of my child, I'm pretty sure I'd be ready to do what she's done.

I think people are able to overcome their poor reputations, for the record. McKnight may be a great father, and have dealt with his demons to be able to provide a good life for his son. But people who have been convicted of violent crimes should be monitored with children. That's my opinion, at least.
Granted this is a puff piece but . . .

When people think celebrity justice/injustice you usually hear “Lindsay Lohan.” If you want to see a case of real celebrity injustice, I implore you to look at Mindy McCready’s case. Unlike Lindsay Lohan where the claim is that she had a little DUI with a little theft and lots of little violations, Mindy McCready’s case is literally a single DUI case that has cost her custody of her son Zander.

It should be noted that Ms. Inge’s own child –Mindy’s brother—was removed from Ms. Inge when he was a minor due to abuse

Ms Stancel is the maternal grandmother (yes, Ms. Inge’s own mother) verifying and corroborating the years of abuse that not only Mindy suffered but what Zander has suffered as well.

And I am trying to find something other than from WINK (since Mindy indicated that her mother talks with them) about what's up . . .
Dysfunction breeds dysfunction.

Such a sad case.

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